
Discharging can be completed in no time.A.without timeB.very soonC.in any timeD.during day time


Discharging can be completed in no time.

A.without time

B.very soon

C.in any time

D.during day time

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176 The performance review interview is a vital component of any personnel evaluation system. Which of the following is not a characteristic of an effective personnel evaluation interview?

A. Performed by a supervisor who has adequately prepared for the interview

B. Discusses the employee's future performance goals

C. Discusses the employee's undesirable personality traits

D. Completed during a single, uninterrupted block of time

E. Focuses on a limited number of topics so that each topic can be discussed in detail



听力原文:The holder of credit card can buy goods against the card at any shop that has joined the scheme without cash.


A.The credit card can be used at any shop without paying cash.

B.The credit card can he used at any appointed shop together with cash.

C.The credit card can be used at any appointed shop without paying cash.

D.The credit card can be used to withdraw any amount of cash.



31. --- Can you come on Monday or Tuesday?

---I’m afraid _______ day is possible.

A. neitherB. either C. some D. any



You are berthed at a cargo facility where you have just completed discharging a dangerous cargo from your barge.You must complete topside repairs on the barge involving hot work before sailing.Which statement is TRUE ________.

A.You can make repairs with permission of the facility owner since you are empty and the cargo is on the facility

B.The repair area must be inspected by a marine surveyor to ensure that it can be done safely

C.Hot work repairs at such a facility are prohibited

D.The Captain of the Port may give specific approval to make hot work repairs



If during discharging the Captain for fear of vessel being frozen in deems it advisable to leave, he has liberty to do so. This sentence says that ________ .

A.fearing the vessel being frozen in the Captain has liberty to discharge the cargo

B.the vessel can stop discharging and leave the unloading port if the risk of being frozen in exists.

C.the Captain has liberty to leave the discharging port if there is no risk of being frozen in

D.the Captain deems it advisable to leave the discharging port



An activity has an early start date-of the lOth and a late start date of the 19th. The activity also has a duration of 4 days. There are no nonworkdays. From the information given, ()what can be concluded about the activity?

A.Total float for the activity is 9 days.

B.The early finish date ofthe activity is the end ofthe day on the 14th.

C.The late finish date is the 25th.

D.The activity can be completed in 2 days ifthe resources devoted to it are doubled.




听力原文: Spot transaction means the actual and variable amount of the currency of one country which at any given time, can be bought for a fixed sum in the currency of another country. It is a term meaning that these transactions are settled on the second working day from the date of the deal. For example, you buy $ 5,000.00 US dollars on October 10th( say Wednesday) , the purchased US dollars will value on October 12th.

21. What does spot transaction mean?

22.When are the spot transaction settled?

23.What's the value date for purchase of $ 5,000.00 US dollars in the passage?


A.It means that at any time you can buy currency of one country for another currency.

B.It means that the actual and variable amount of one currency can be bought for a fixed sum in another currency at any given time.

C.It means that any kind of currency can be bought at any time for another currency.

D.It means that the actual and fixed amount of the currency of one country at any time can be bought for a variable sum in the currency of another currency.

解析:录音原文提到Spot transaction means…can be bought for a fixed sum in the currency of another country.现汇交易意味着一国货币可按照现行汇率确定的数额随时兑换固定数额的他国货币。


The performance review interview is a vital component of any personnel evaluation system. Which of the following is not a characteristic of an effective personnel evaluation interview?

A . Performed by a supervisor who has adequately prepared for the interview

B . Discusses the employee's future performance goals

C . Discusses the employee's undesirable personality traits

D . Completed during a single, uninterrupted block of time

E . Focuses on a limited number of topics so that each topic can be discussed in detail



At any rate ______ is liable for delay in obtaining the necessary Customs House papers for discharging,when the delay arises from the fact that special papers are required for the particular cargo carried.

A.the Charterer

B.the Shipowner

C.the Shipper

D.the Receiver



While discharging a tanker,list can be controlled by ______.

A.Shoreside personnel

B.Using a center tank near the bow,discharging as necessary

C.Using wing tanks near the longitudinal center,discharging as necessary

D.Using the after peak tank,loading as necessary

