
Mother often()more responsibilities to educate the children in this society.A、takes offB、takes afterC、takes inD、takes on

Mother often()more responsibilities to educate the children in this society.

A、takes off

B、takes after

C、takes in

D、takes on

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如果没有搜索结果,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


166 Risk mitigation includes all but which of the following:

A. Developing system (policies, procedures, responsibilities)

B. Obtaining insurance against loss

C. performing contingent planning

D. developing planning alternatives

E. identification of project risks



The thief snatched both John's ( ) handbags.

A、mother-in-law’s and his sister-in-law's

B、mother’s-in-law’s and his sister's-in-law’s

C、mother’s-in-law and his sister’s-in-law

D、mother-in-laws’ and his sister-in-laws’



Previous studies show that parents tend to be aware of sleep problems in older children and adolescents and that pediatric practitioners are ( ) likely to identify sleep problems in these age group.







Hunter is a brilliant professor but has his limitations as a government leader.


本句意思是:汉特是一位非常优秀的教授,但他作为一位政府领导人有他的缺点。句中limitation意为“缺点”,例如:He knows his limitations.他知道自己的能力有限。四个选项中:capacity意为“能力”,例如:China's grain production capacity has improved.中国的粮食生产能力提高了。weakness意为“缺点”,例如:There is an inherent weakness in the design.这设计本身存在缺点。advantage意为“优点”,例如:It is an advantage if you know how to type.如果你会打字,这就是一种优势。responsibility意为“责任”,例如:You can't retreat from the responsibility in this affair.你不能回避在这一事件中的责任。只有选项B同句中画线单词含义接近。


More and more gadgets seek to replicate the sorts of things your mother used to needle youabout: getting exercise, eating more slowly or brushing your teeth. Now one company has decided toembrace that image--it has named its product "Mother".
The device, from a firm called Sense, caught my eye at a press preview for the 2014 ConsumerElectronics Show in Las Vegas, in part because of its unique design. It looks like a cross betweenWALL-E's girlfriend EVE and Russian nesting dolls. Mother has slightly creepy glowing eyes--butsurely has your best interest at heart? Mother's potential use is intriguing: Each Mother unit talkswirelessly to a set of smaller tracking devices, dubbed cookies, which can sense motion andtemperature. You can put cookies on things and people--on your body to gather data about how muchyou walk, on your coffee machine to track many espressos you drink, on your front door to trackwhenever it is opened, on your toothbrush to see how often and how long you brush ... and so forth.
Whenever the cookies get close to the Mother unit, they wirelessly send back their data to theInternet.
The company says users of Mother, which is supposed to start shipping in the spring, will beable look at all their information at once, or drill down on certain topics. And if something is reallyimportant, you can have an alert sent to your phone when a sensor detects a change.
So what does all that data do for you? That's a question that bedevils many Internet of Thingsgadgets on display here at CES. Mother's makers say the data she tracks can help you gain peaceof mind by answering specific questions in your life, such as,"Am I drinking enough water?" or,"Did somebody open my secret drawer?"
Lots of companies want to connect parts of your body, home and life to the Internet--a trendcalled the "Internet of Things". Mother's maker, Rafi Haladjian, told me he thinks having separatedevices for all these things is too expensive and too cumbersome because they can't talk to eachother."There are not so many needs that are worth $200" for a distinct Internet-connected device,he said.
Mother, which costs $222 for a base unit and four cookies, is designed to be repurposed asnew challenges or needs spring to mind, he said. It's kind of like a mobile device that can run anever-changing array of apps.
Where did the name come from? "We need a device that does all sort of things," Haladjiansaid. "The metaphor that matched this noble caring figure is the mother. She is not a nurse, agardener or a cop--she is everything at the same time."

What can we infer from the first paragraph?

A.The company that produces "Mother" is better than others.
B.The electronic devices today are more and more humanized.
C."Mother" can do everything what your mothers can.
D."Mother" must be more caring than other similar devices.



48 Risk mitigation includes all but which of the following:

A. Developing system (policies, procedures, responsibilities)

B. Obtaining insurance against loss

C. performing contingent planning

D. developing planning alternatives

E. identification of project risks



Philip: Mother, I feel like another five minutes' sleep.

Mother: ________Get dressed.



C、Come on!




Risk mitigation includes all but which of the following:

A Developing system (policies, procedures, responsibilities)

B Obtaining insurance against loss

C performing contingent planning

D developing planning alternatives

E identification of project risks.



More and more gadgets seek to replicate the sorts of things your mother used to needle youabout: getting exercise, eating more slowly or brushing your teeth. Now one company has decided toembrace that image--it has named iom a firm called Sense, caught my eye at a press preview for the 2014 ConsumerElectronics Show in Las Vegas, in part because of its unique design. It looks like a cross betweenWALL-E's girlfriend EVE and Russian nesting dolls. Mother has slightly creepy glowing eyes--butsurely has your best interest at heart? Mother's potential use is intriguing: Each Mother unit talkswirelessly to a set of smaller tracking devices, dubbed cookies, which can sense motion andtemperature. You can put cookies on things and people--on your body to gather data about how muchyou walk, on your coffee machine to track many espressos you drink, on your front door to trackwhenever it is opened, on your toothbrush to see how often and how long you brush ... and so forth.
Whenever the cookies get close to the Mother unit, they wirelessly send back their data to theInternet.
The company says users of Mother, which is supposed to start shipping in the spring, will beable look at all their information at once, or drill down on certain topics. And if something is reallyimportant, you can have an alert sent to your phone when a sensor detects a change.
So what does all that data do for you? That's a question that bedevils many Internet of Thingsgadgets on display here at CES. Mother's makers say the data she tracks can help you gain peaceof mind by answering specific questions in your life, such as,"Am I drinking enough water?" or,"Did somebody open my secret drawer?"
Lots of companies want to connect parts of your body, home and life to the Internet--a trendcalled the "Internet of Things". Mother's maker, Rafi Haladjian, told me he thinks having separatedevices for all these things is too expensive and too cumbersome because they can't talk to eachother."There are not so many needs that are worth $200" for a distinct Internet-connected device,he said.
Mother, which costs $222 for a base unit and four cookies, is designed to be repurposed asnew challenges or needs spring to mind, he said. It's kind of like a mobile device that can run anever-changing array of apps.
Where did the name come from? "We need a device that does all sort of things," Haladjiansaid. "The metaphor that matched this noble caring figure is the mother. She is not a nurse, agardener or a cop--she is everything at the same time."

The best title of the passage may be

A.A New "Mother" to Digitally Nag You
B.A New Electronic Device Come into Being
C."Mother" is Better than Other Devices
D."Mother" is to Care for You



educate 的名词形式为education, 教育者为 educator.
