
The interest rate specified in the bond indenture is called the ().A.market rateB.effective rateC.discount rateD.contract rate

The interest rate specified in the bond indenture is called the ().

A.market rate

B.effective rate

C.discount rate

D.contract rate

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如果没有搜索结果,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


阅读下面代码 class InterestTest ______ ActionListener { … public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { double interest=balance * rate/100: balance+=interest: NumberFormat format=NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(); System.out.printlb("balance="+Formatter.format(balance)); } Private double rate; } 在下画线处,应填入的正确选项是







阅读下列代码片段 class InterestTest______ActionListener{ public voidactionPerformed(ActionEventevent){ double interest=balance*rate/100; balance+=interest; NumberFormat format=Number Format.getCurrencylnstance(): System.out.print]b("balance="+formatter.format(balance)}; } Privatedoublerate; } 在下划线处,应填的正确选项是( )。







If the students can not support themselves during their study in university, they may ask for a student _______ from the government.

    A.menu B.spoon C.loan D.bond





This city is famous for its magnificent ancient buildings.


本句话的意思是:“这座城市以其宏伟的古建筑著称。”distinguished:著名的、卓越的,例如:He was a distinguished scientist as well as a novelist.他是一位非常有声望的科学家和小说家。contemporary:当代的、现代的,例如:This play is the image of contemporary urban life.这个剧本是当代城市生活的生动写照。specialized:专业的、专门的,例如:He specializes in archaeology.他专修考古学。specified:规定的、指定的,例如:He didn't specify the matters.他并没有详细说明是什么事。


Price Planning
A price represents the value of goods or service for both the seller and the buyer.Price planning is the systematic decision made by an organization after regarding all aspects of pricing.
The value of goods or service can involve both tangible and intangible marketing factors.An example of a tangible marketing factor is the cost savings______(46).An example of an intangible marketing factor is a consumer's pride in the ownership of a Lamborghini rather than another brand of automobile.To make a deal,both the buyer and seller must feel that the price of goods or service provides an equitable value.To the buyer,the payment of a price reduces purchasing power______(47).To the seller, receipt of a price is a source of revenue and an important determinant of sales and profit levels.
Many words are substitutes for the term price:admission fee,membership fee,rate,tuition,service charge, donation,rent,salary,interest,retainer,and assessment.No matter what it is called,______(48) monetary and non-monetary charges,discounts,handling and shipping fees,credit charges and other forms of interest,and late-payment penalties.Anon-price exchange would be selling a new iron for 10 books of trading stamps or an airline offering tickets as payment for advertising space and time.Monetary and non-monetary exchange may be combined.This is common with automobiles,______(49).This combination allows a reduction in the monetary price.
From a broader perspective,price is the mechanism for allocating goods and services among potential purchasers and for ensuring competition among sellers in an open market economy.If there is an excess of demand over supply,prices are usually bid up by consumers.If there is an excess of supply over demand,______(50).

A:a price contains all the connotation of other terms of purchase
B:obtained by the purchase of a new bottling machine by a soda manufacturer
C:where the consumer gives the seller money plus a trade-in
D:available for other items
E:prices are usually reduced by sellers
F:price means what one pays for what he wants

B项这个由obtained起始的过去分词短语是定语,可以用来说明空格前的“cost savings”是如何获得的。由此可知,B项与上下文联系最为紧密。
根据常理可知,为一种物品付款会降低买家购买其他物品的能力,D项中的“availablefor other items”这个形容词短语修饰空格前面的名词“purchasing power"。由此可知,D项与上下文联系最为紧密。
空后列举的内容是对选项A中“other terms of purchase”的说明,两者照应得很好。由此可知,A项与上下文联系最为紧密。
空格前的句子表明,货币交易和非货币交易可育胜结合在一起,空格处的句子举“汽车买卖”的例子说明这种情况。C项在这里用作定语从句,它的先行词是automobilesa trade-in意为“折价旧物”。


阅读下列代码片段 class InterestTest——ActionListener{ public"void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){ double interest=balance*rate/1 00 ; balance+=interest; NumberFormat format=NumberFormat.getCur- rencyInstance; System.OUt.print]b("balance="+formatter. format(balance)); } Private double rate; } 在下画线处,应填的正确选项是( )。







Price Planning
A price represents the value of goods or service for both the seller and the buyer.Price planning is the systematic decision made by an organization after regarding all aspects of pricing.
The value of goods or service can involve both tangible and intangible marketing factors.An example of a tangible marketing factor is the cost savings______(46).An example of an intangible marketing factor is a consumer's pride in the ownership of a Lamborghini rather than another brand of automobile.To make a deal,both the buyer and seller must feel that the price of goods or service provides an equitable value.To the buyer,the payment of a price reduces purchasing power______(47).To the seller, receipt of a price is a source of revenue and an important determinant of sales and profit levels.
Many words are substitutes for the term price:admission fee,membership fee,rate,tuition,service charge, donation,rent,salary,interest,retainer,and assessment.No matter what it is called,______(48) monetary and non-monetary charges,discounts,handling and shipping fees,credit charges and other forms of interest,and late-payment penalties.Anon-price exchange would be selling a new iron for 10 books of trading stamps or an airline offering tickets as payment for advertising space and time.Monetary and non-monetary exchange may be combined.This is common with automobiles,______(49).This combination allows a reduction in the monetary price.
From a broader perspective,price is the mechanism for allocating goods and services among potential purchasers and for ensuring competition among sellers in an open market economy.If there is an excess of demand over supply,prices are usually bid up by consumers.If there is an excess of supply over demand,______(50).

A:a price contains all the connotation of other terms of purchase
B:obtained by the purchase of a new bottling machine by a soda manufacturer
C:where the consumer gives the seller money plus a trade-in
D:available for other items
E:prices are usually reduced by sellers
F:price means what one pays for what he wants

B项这个由obtained起始的过去分词短语是定语,可以用来说明空格前的“cost savings”是如何获得的。由此可知,B项与上下文联系最为紧密。
根据常理可知,为一种物品付款会降低买家购买其他物品的能力,D项中的“availablefor other items”这个形容词短语修饰空格前面的名词“purchasing power"。由此可知,D项与上下文联系最为紧密。
空后列举的内容是对选项A中“other terms of purchase”的说明,两者照应得很好。由此可知,A项与上下文联系最为紧密。
空格前的句子表明,货币交易和非货币交易可育胜结合在一起,空格处的句子举“汽车买卖”的例子说明这种情况。C项在这里用作定语从句,它的先行词是automobilesa trade-in意为“折价旧物”。



Class InterestTest________ActionListener{

Public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) {

Double interest = balance * rate/100;

Balance += interest;

Number Format format =

Number Format.getCurrencyInstance ();

System.out.printlb{ “ balance = ” +

Formatter.format (balance)};


Private double rate;



A ) Implementation

B ) Inneritance

C ) implements

D ) extends



Price Planning
A price represents the value of goods or service for both the seller and the buyer.Price planning is the systematic decision made by an organization after regarding all aspects of pricing.
The value of goods or service can involve both tangible and intangible marketing factors.An example of a tangible marketing factor is the cost savings______(46).An example of an intangible marketing factor is a consumer's pride in the ownership of a Lamborghini rather than another brand of automobile.To make a deal,both the buyer and seller must feel that the price of goods or service provides an equitable value.To the buyer,the payment of a price reduces purchasing power______(47).To the seller, receipt of a price is a source of revenue and an important determinant of sales and profit levels.
Many words are substitutes for the term price:admission fee,membership fee,rate,tuition,service charge, donation,rent,salary,interest,retainer,and assessment.No matter what it is called,______(48) monetary and non-monetary charges,discounts,handling and shipping fees,credit charges and other forms of interest,and late-payment penalties.Anon-price exchange would be selling a new iron for 10 books of trading stamps or an airline offering tickets as payment for advertising space and time.Monetary and non-monetary exchange may be combined.This is common with automobiles,______(49).This combination allows a reduction in the monetary price.
From a broader perspective,price is the mechanism for allocating goods and services among potential purchasers and for ensuring competition among sellers in an open market economy.If there is an excess of demand over supply,prices are usually bid up by consumers.If there is an excess of supply over demand,______(50).

A:a price contains all the connotation of other terms of purchase
B:obtained by the purchase of a new bottling machine by a soda manufacturer
C:where the consumer gives the seller money plus a trade-in
D:available for other items
E:prices are usually reduced by sellers
F:price means what one pays for what he wants

B项这个由obtained起始的过去分词短语是定语,可以用来说明空格前的“cost savings”是如何获得的。由此可知,B项与上下文联系最为紧密。
根据常理可知,为一种物品付款会降低买家购买其他物品的能力,D项中的“availablefor other items”这个形容词短语修饰空格前面的名词“purchasing power"。由此可知,D项与上下文联系最为紧密。
空后列举的内容是对选项A中“other terms of purchase”的说明,两者照应得很好。由此可知,A项与上下文联系最为紧密。
空格前的句子表明,货币交易和非货币交易可育胜结合在一起,空格处的句子举“汽车买卖”的例子说明这种情况。C项在这里用作定语从句,它的先行词是automobilesa trade-in意为“折价旧物”。


写出下面代码的运行结果。def addInterest(balance,rate): newBalance=balance*(1+rate) balance=newBalance def main(): amount=1000 rate=0.05 addInterest(amount,rate) print (amount) main()