
In international trade, a banker’s letter of credit is not used for the payment of purchase price.()


In international trade, a banker’s letter of credit is not used for the payment of purchase price.()

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The documentary collection provides the seller with a greater degree of protection than shipping on ______.

A.documentary credit

B.banker's letter of guarantee

C.banker's draft

D.open account

解析:跟单托收(documentary collection)对买方的保护程度仅比四个选项中的往来账户(open account)好,比其他三个都差。documentary credit跟单信用证。banker's letter of guarantee银行保函。banker's draft银行汇票。


Tomorrow will be Mary’s ______ day, as she will be in her wedding dress.





解析: 本句参考译文:明天是玛丽的大喜日子,因为她要穿上嫁衣结婚了。【知识点来源:Unit 4】本题考查英语颜色词的联想意义。习语“a red-letter day”寓意:值得纪念的日子。


Reserves,international 国际储备




资料:Actually, any sale is a gift until you get paid. But exporters are especially concerned, since their buyers might be 10,000 miles away!
So, understanding the four basic ways to get paid for an international order is important. The method you select will affect the risk you bear, the size of orders you might be able to get, and the financing you might require to fill the order.
The following are the methods of payment for the exporter, from the most to the least secure:
Cash-in-advance. New exporters frequently request this method. Their attitude typically is, "I don't know you very well but, if you send me the money, I'll send you the goods."
●Advantage: The exporter gets paid before the shipment leaves the U.S. If cash is received prior to production, the exporter will not need additional working capital.
●Drawback: It limits the exporter's sales potential since it ties up the importer's cash; can be a very non-competitive payment method if other suppliers are offering similar products or services.
Letter-of-credit. Letters of credit (L/C) substitute the creditworthiness of the importer and exporter with that of their respective banks.
●Advantage: The exporter will be paid if the terms and conditions of the L/C are met.
●Drawback: There are fees associated with opening and amending L/Cs; the importer's cash is tied-up since cash or other assets need to collateralize the L/C, which in turn might reduce the order size. The exporter still might need additional working capital to produce the product or service, since L/Cs will not pay prior to shipment/performance.
Documentary collections. This method uses the banking system for the exporter to send the necessary documents associated with the order to the importer.
●Advantage: The documents and goods are not released until importer pays or agrees to pay at some future date. If the buyer refuses to accept the documents and goods, the exporter retains title to the goods and can sell them to a third party or bring them back to the U.S.
●Drawback: No guaranty of payment, since the banks only act as intermediaries. The exporter will need to finance the production cycle, the shipment time, plus a longer period if the importer agrees to pay at a later date, until final payment is received
Open account: Open account terms for international sales are similar to domestic open account sales. The buyer agrees to pay in a set number of days-typically 30, 60, or 90-from the invoice, shipment or delivery date.
●Advantage: More competitive terms which can help secure larger orders
●Drawback: The goods are gone and the buyer might not pay. This risk can be greatly reduced by obtaining credit insurance from the Export-Import Bank of the U.S. on the foreign accounts receivable.
Knowing the advantages and drawbacks to each method of payment can help to better prepare you for negotiating payment terms with your potential overseas customers. More detail and support on these and other trade financing issues can be obtained by contacting one of SBA's trade finance specialists in 20 U.S. Export Assistance Centers around the country.

What's the style of the article?

A.Descriptive Composition
B.Expositive Composition
C.Narrative Composition
D.Argumentative Composition

本题的问题是“文章是什么风格”。 A选项“描述性文章”;B选项“说明解释性文章”;C选项“叙述性文章”;D选项“争论性文章”。纵观全文,主要围绕着四种出口付款方式(Cash-in-advance预付现金;Letter-of-credit信用证;Documentary collections跟单托收;Open account赊销)优缺点进行解释说明,故B选项更符合题意。


信贷额度关系credit-in(C_name, limit, Credit_balance)中的三个属性分别表示用户姓名、信贷额度和到目前为止的花费。正确的SQL语言是()

A.C_name, Credit_balance-limit

B.C_name, limit-Credit_balance

C.C_name, limit, Credit_balance









参考答案:B, C


tomorrow will be mary's _______ day,as she will be in her wedding dress.


B、black letter





听力原文:A bill may be accepted after it has been dishonored by a previous refusal to accept, or by nonpayment.


A.A bill can not be accepted after it has been dishonored by a previous refusal to accept.

B.If a bill has been dishonored by non-payment, it may not be accepted by another person.

C.If a bill has been dishonored by a previous refusal to accept, it may be accepted by another person.

D.A bill can not be accepted after it has been dishonored by non-payment.



资料:Actually, any sale is a gift until you get paid. But exporters are especially concerned, since their buyers might be 10,000 miles away!
So, understanding the four basic ways to get paid for an international order is important. The method you select will affect the risk you bear, the size of orders you might be able to get, and the financing you might require to fill the order.
The following are the methods of payment for the exporter, from the most to the least secure:
Cash-in-advance. New exporters frequently request this method. Their attitude typically is, "I don't know you very well but, if you send me the money, I'll send you the goods."
●Advantage: The exporter gets paid before the shipment leaves the U.S. If cash is received prior to production, the exporter will not need additional working capital.
●Drawback: It limits the exporter's sales potential since it ties up the importer's cash; can be a very non-competitive payment method if other suppliers are offering similar products or services.
Letter-of-credit. Letters of credit (L/C) substitute the creditworthiness of the importer and exporter with that of their respective banks.
●Advantage: The exporter will be paid if the terms and conditions of the L/C are met.
●Drawback: There are fees associated with opening and amending L/Cs; the importer's cash is tied-up since cash or other assets need to collateralize the L/C, which in turn might reduce the order size. The exporter still might need additional working capital to produce the product or service, since L/Cs will not pay prior to shipment/performance.
Documentary collections. This method uses the banking system for the exporter to send the necessary documents associated with the order to the importer.
●Advantage: The documents and goods are not released until importer pays or agrees to pay at some future date. If the buyer refuses to accept the documents and goods, the exporter retains title to the goods and can sell them to a third party or bring them back to the U.S.
●Drawback: No guaranty of payment, since the banks only act as intermediaries. The exporter will need to finance the production cycle, the shipment time, plus a longer period if the importer agrees to pay at a later date, until final payment is received
Open account: Open account terms for international sales are similar to domestic open account sales. The buyer agrees to pay in a set number of days-typically 30, 60, or 90-from the invoice, shipment or delivery date.
●Advantage: More competitive terms which can help secure larger orders
●Drawback: The goods are gone and the buyer might not pay. This risk can be greatly reduced by obtaining credit insurance from the Export-Import Bank of the U.S. on the foreign accounts receivable.
Knowing the advantages and drawbacks to each method of payment can help to better prepare you for negotiating payment terms with your potential overseas customers. More detail and support on these and other trade financing issues can be obtained by contacting one of SBA's trade finance specialists in 20 U.S. Export Assistance Centers around the country.

What magazine column might the article be in?


本题的问题是“该文章可能是什么杂志专栏?”。 A选项“商业”;B选项“经济”;C选项“社会”;D选项“文化”。根据主题句,推断文章主要围绕出口业务展开,故A选项更符合题意。


资料:Actually, any sale is a gift until you get paid. But exporters are especially concerned, since their buyers might be 10,000 miles away!
So, understanding the four basic ways to get paid for an international order is important. The method you select will affect the risk you bear, the size of orders you might be able to get, and the financing you might require to fill the order.
The following are the methods of payment for the exporter, from the most to the least secure:
Cash-in-advance. New exporters frequently request this method. Their attitude typically is, "I don't know you very well but, if you send me the money, I'll send you the goods."
●Advantage: The exporter gets paid before the shipment leaves the U.S. If cash is received prior to production, the exporter will not need additional working capital.
●Drawback: It limits the exporter's sales potential since it ties up the importer's cash; can be a very non-competitive payment method if other suppliers are offering similar products or services.
Letter-of-credit. Letters of credit (L/C) substitute the creditworthiness of the importer and exporter with that of their respective banks.
●Advantage: The exporter will be paid if the terms and conditions of the L/C are met.
●Drawback: There are fees associated with opening and amending L/Cs; the importer's cash is tied-up since cash or other assets need to collateralize the L/C, which in turn might reduce the order size. The exporter still might need additional working capital to produce the product or service, since L/Cs will not pay prior to shipment/performance.
Documentary collections. This method uses the banking system for the exporter to send the necessary documents associated with the order to the importer.
●Advantage: The documents and goods are not released until importer pays or agrees to pay at some future date. If the buyer refuses to accept the documents and goods, the exporter retains title to the goods and can sell them to a third party or bring them back to the U.S.
●Drawback: No guaranty of payment, since the banks only act as intermediaries. The exporter will need to finance the production cycle, the shipment time, plus a longer period if the importer agrees to pay at a later date, until final payment is received
Open account: Open account terms for international sales are similar to domestic open account sales. The buyer agrees to pay in a set number of days-typically 30, 60, or 90-from the invoice, shipment or delivery date.
●Advantage: More competitive terms which can help secure larger orders
●Drawback: The goods are gone and the buyer might not pay. This risk can be greatly reduced by obtaining credit insurance from the Export-Import Bank of the U.S. on the foreign accounts receivable.
Knowing the advantages and drawbacks to each method of payment can help to better prepare you for negotiating payment terms with your potential overseas customers. More detail and support on these and other trade financing issues can be obtained by contacting one of SBA's trade finance specialists in 20 U.S. Export Assistance Centers around the country.

What's the attitude of the author?


本题的问题是“作者的态度是什么?” A选项“愤世嫉俗的”;B选项“主观的”;C选项“批判的”;D选项“客观的”。根据主题句,可以推测作者对于出口商了解国际订单付款方式是认可和支持的,故选B。