
Neither of the young men who had applied for a position in the university( ). A.has been acceptedB.have been acceptedC.was acceptedD.were accepted

Neither of the young men who had applied for a position in the university( ).

A.has been accepted
B.have been accepted
C.was accepted
D.were accepted
如果没有搜索结果,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。
如果没有搜索结果,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


Men Too May Suffer From Domestic Violence Nearly three in 10 men have experienced violence at the hands of an intimate partner during their lifetimes,according to one of the few studies to look_______(51)domestic violence and health among men. “Many men actually do experience domestic violence,although we don't hear about it _______(52),”Dr. Robert J.Reid of the University of Washington in Seattle,one of the study's authors,told Reuters Health.“They often don't tell_______(53)we don't ask.We want to get the message out to men who_______(54)experience domestic violence that they are not alone and there are resources available to ______(55).” The researchers asked study participants about physical abuse and non-physical_______ (56)such as threats that made them_______(57)for their safety,controlling behavior(for ex-ample,being told who they could associate with and where they could go),and constant name-calling. Among men 18 to 54 years old,14.2 percent said they had experienced intimate partner _______(58)in the past five years,while 6 .1 percent reported domestic violence in the previ-ous year. Rates were lower for men 55 and_______(59),with 5 .3 percent reporting violence in the past five years and 2 .4 percent having experienced it in the past 12 months. Overall,30 .5 percent of men younger than 55 and 26 .5 percent of older men said they had been victims of_______(60)violence at some point in their lives.About half of the violence the men_______(61)was physical. However,the physical violence men reported wasn't as harsh as_______(62)suffered by, women in a previous study; 20 percent to 40 percent of the men rated it as severe,compared to 61 percent of______(63). Men who reported experiencing domestic violence had more emotional and mental health problems_______(64)those who had not,especially older men,the_______(65)found.

A:. hope
B: fear

look at表示“观察,研究”。



本段中的第一句已经出现过do experience的用法,表示“的确经历过”。


前面出现了physical abuse,与其并列自然应是non-physical abuse。

既然是威胁,肯定会令他们为自身安全担忧,而fear for their safety正表示这样的意思。

从第一句中的violence at the hands of an intimate partner就可以推断,此处应选vio-lence一词。


前面已经多次出现过domestic violence的搭配。

前面已经多次出现过experience violence这一搭配,而上下文也表明此处表示的意思是男人“遭受的”家庭暴力。

用that指代妇女遭受的physical violence。





Text l Recently,the Washington Post published a survey conducted with the Kaiser Family Foundation and Harvard University on the U.S.economy.Although black and Hispanic families were hurt by the Great Recession,it was the"non-college whites"who held the darkest view of the country.These men used to be the backbone ofan economy built by brawn and rooted in manufacturing jobs.But now,nostalgic and despondcnt in equal measure,more than half said that America's best days were past,and 43 percent said"hard work and determination are no_guarantees of success."lf good,steady,well-paying work is the key to any person's economic satisfaction,there are scveral reasons to be nervous about the upcoming generation.Since 2000,the labor-force participation rate of young men undcr the age of 35 without a college degree has declined more than any other age-and-gender group.Since the turn of the century,the participation rate of 16-to-24-year olds with just a high-school degrce has fallen IO points to about 70 percent.Some of this drop is attributable to rising college attendance.But not all ofit.Nine percent ofAmericans between 20 and 24 are neither in school,work,or training.For the first time since at least the 1940s,young men are more likely to be living with their parents than with romantic partners.It's not the cost ofcollege or the weight of student loans alone that is forcing young people to stay home.Young adults without a high-school or college degree are far more likely to live with their parents.For young black men,this trend is hardly new;even in 1980s,they were more likely to live with their parents than with a spouse or girlfriend.As for what they're doing all day,Erik Hurst,an economist at the University of Chicago,is now conducting research that suggests that non-college men who aren't in the labor market are spending a considerable amount of their time in front of screens.Detached from the labor force,with neither a college degree nor a steady job,these men have little income.But the technological revolution in media and entertainment of the last few decades has made it cheaper than ever to divert oneself on a phone,computer,television,or video-game console.Cheap and abundant entertainment anesthetizes less-skilled and Iess-educated young men in the present.But in the long run,it cuts them off from the same things that provide meaning in middle age,according to psychological and longitudinal studies-a career,a family,and a sense of accomplishment.22.Which ofthe following is true ofAmerican young men?

A.More than half of young men under the age of 24 drop out of school.
B.College attendance has rose by 10 percent since the tum of the century.
C.Young men under the age of 35 cannot find jobs without a college degree
D.Most Americans between 20 and 24 are in school or work:ing.



University applicants who had worked at a job would receive ____ over those who had not.







Text l Recently,the Washington Post published a survey conducted with the Kaiser Family Foundation and Harvard University on the U.S.economy.Although black and Hispanic families were hurt by the Great Recession,it was the"non-college whites"who held the darkest view of the country.These men used to be the backbone ofan economy built by brawn and rooted in manufacturing jobs.But now,nostalgic and despondcnt in equal measure,more than half said that America's best days were past,and 43 percent said"hard work and determination are no_guarantees of success."lf good,steady,well-paying work is the key to any person's economic satisfaction,there are scveral reasons to be nervous about the upcoming generation.Since 2000,the labor-force participation rate of young men undcr the age of 35 without a college degree has declined more than any other age-and-gender group.Since the turn of the century,the participation rate of 16-to-24-year olds with just a high-school degrce has fallen IO points to about 70 percent.Some of this drop is attributable to rising college attendance.But not all ofit.Nine percent ofAmericans between 20 and 24 are neither in school,work,or training.For the first time since at least the 1940s,young men are more likely to be living with their parents than with romantic partners.It's not the cost ofcollege or the weight of student loans alone that is forcing young people to stay home.Young adults without a high-school or college degree are far more likely to live with their parents.For young black men,this trend is hardly new;even in 1980s,they were more likely to live with their parents than with a spouse or girlfriend.As for what they're doing all day,Erik Hurst,an economist at the University of Chicago,is now conducting research that suggests that non-college men who aren't in the labor market are spending a considerable amount of their time in front of screens.Detached from the labor force,with neither a college degree nor a steady job,these men have little income.But the technological revolution in media and entertainment of the last few decades has made it cheaper than ever to divert oneself on a phone,computer,television,or video-game console.Cheap and abundant entertainment anesthetizes less-skilled and Iess-educated young men in the present.But in the long run,it cuts them off from the same things that provide meaning in middle age,according to psychological and longitudinal studies-a career,a family,and a sense of accomplishment.25.The word"anesthetize"(Para.5)is closest in meaning to




Text l Recently,the Washington Post published a survey conducted with the Kaiser Family Foundation and Harvard University on the U.S.economy.Although black and Hispanic families were hurt by the Great Recession,it was the"non-college whites"who held the darkest view of the country.These men used to be the backbone ofan economy built by brawn and rooted in manufacturing jobs.But now,nostalgic and despondcnt in equal measure,more than half said that America's best days were past,and 43 percent said"hard work and determination are no_guarantees of success."lf good,steady,well-paying work is the key to any person's economic satisfaction,there are scveral reasons to be nervous about the upcoming generation.Since 2000,the labor-force participation rate of young men undcr the age of 35 without a college degree has declined more than any other age-and-gender group.Since the turn of the century,the participation rate of 16-to-24-year olds with just a high-school degrce has fallen IO points to about 70 percent.Some of this drop is attributable to rising college attendance.But not all ofit.Nine percent ofAmericans between 20 and 24 are neither in school,work,or training.For the first time since at least the 1940s,young men are more likely to be living with their parents than with romantic partners.It's not the cost ofcollege or the weight of student loans alone that is forcing young people to stay home.Young adults without a high-school or college degree are far more likely to live with their parents.For young black men,this trend is hardly new;even in 1980s,they were more likely to live with their parents than with a spouse or girlfriend.As for what they're doing all day,Erik Hurst,an economist at the University of Chicago,is now conducting research that suggests that non-college men who aren't in the labor market are spending a considerable amount of their time in front of screens.Detached from the labor force,with neither a college degree nor a steady job,these men have little income.But the technological revolution in media and entertainment of the last few decades has made it cheaper than ever to divert oneself on a phone,computer,television,or video-game console.Cheap and abundant entertainment anesthetizes less-skilled and Iess-educated young men in the present.But in the long run,it cuts them off from the same things that provide meaning in middle age,according to psychological and longitudinal studies-a career,a family,and a sense of accomplishment.21.It can be inferred from Paragraph l that

A.American young blacks hold the darkest view ofAmerica
B."non-college"whites were distributed to manufacturing industry.
C.American economy depends on brawn and black workers.
D.hard-working Americans can never get success.



Men too may Suffer from Domestic Violence
Nearlythree in 10 men have experienced violence at the hands of an intimate partner their lifetimes,according to one of the few studies to look___1___ domestic violence and health among men.
“Many men actually do experience domestic violence,although we don't hear about it ___2___,”Dr. Robert J. Reid of the University of Washington in Seattle,one of the authors, told Reuters Health. “They often don't tell___3___we don't ask. We want to message out to men who___4___experience domestic violence that they are not alone and there are resources available to___5___”
The researchers asked study participants about physical abuse and non-physical ___6___ such as threats that made them___7___for their safety,controlling behavior(for example,be- ing told who they could associate with and where they could go),and constant name-calling.
Among men 18 to 54 years old,14.2 percent said they had experienced intimate partner ___8___in the past five years,while 6.1 percent reported domestic violence in the previous year.
Rates were lower for men 55 and___9___,with 5.3 percent reporting violence in the past five years and 2.4 percent having experienced it in the past 12 months.
Overall,30.5 percent of men younger than 55 and 26.5 percent of older men said they had been victims of___10___violence at some point in their lives. About half of the violence men___1 1___was physical.
However,the physical violence men reported wasn't as harsh as___12___stuff,women in a previous study;20 percent to 40 percent of the men rated it as severe,compare to 61 percent of___13___
Men who reported experiencing domestic violence had more emotional and mental problemswe___14___hose who had not,especially older men,the___15___found.

A: to
B: no
C: do
D: go

look at为固定搭配,表示“观察,研究”。
本段中的第一句已经出现过do experience的用法,表示“的确经历过”。所以答案为C。
前面出现了physical abuse,与其并列自然应是non-physical abuse。所以答案为C。
既然是威胁,肯定会令他们为自身安全担忧,而fear for their safety正表示 这样的意思。所以答案为B。
从第一句中的violence at the hands of an intimate partner就可以推断,此 处应选A项violence一词。
前面已经多次出现过domestic violence的搭配。所以答案为C。
前面已经多次出现过experience violence这一搭配,而上下文也表明此处意思是男人“遭受的”家庭暴力。所以答案为B。
用that指代妇女遭受的physical violence。所以答案为C。


Text l Recently,the Washington Post published a survey conducted with the Kaiser Family Foundation and Harvard University on the U.S.economy.Although black and Hispanic families were hurt by the Great Recession,it was the"non-college whites"who held the darkest view of the country.These men used to be the backbone ofan economy built by brawn and rooted in manufacturing jobs.But now,nostalgic and despondcnt in equal measure,more than half said that America's best days were past,and 43 percent said"hard work and determination are no_guarantees of success."lf good,steady,well-paying work is the key to any person's economic satisfaction,there are scveral reasons to be nervous about the upcoming generation.Since 2000,the labor-force participation rate of young men undcr the age of 35 without a college degree has declined more than any other age-and-gender group.Since the turn of the century,the participation rate of 16-to-24-year olds with just a high-school degrce has fallen IO points to about 70 percent.Some of this drop is attributable to rising college attendance.But not all ofit.Nine percent ofAmericans between 20 and 24 are neither in school,work,or training.For the first time since at least the 1940s,young men are more likely to be living with their parents than with romantic partners.It's not the cost ofcollege or the weight of student loans alone that is forcing young people to stay home.Young adults without a high-school or college degree are far more likely to live with their parents.For young black men,this trend is hardly new;even in 1980s,they were more likely to live with their parents than with a spouse or girlfriend.As for what they're doing all day,Erik Hurst,an economist at the University of Chicago,is now conducting research that suggests that non-college men who aren't in the labor market are spending a considerable amount of their time in front of screens.Detached from the labor force,with neither a college degree nor a steady job,these men have little income.But the technological revolution in media and entertainment of the last few decades has made it cheaper than ever to divert oneself on a phone,computer,television,or video-game console.Cheap and abundant entertainment anesthetizes less-skilled and Iess-educated young men in the present.But in the long run,it cuts them off from the same things that provide meaning in middle age,according to psychological and longitudinal studies-a career,a family,and a sense of accomplishment.24.Young men's detachment from labour market will lead to

A.waste oftime on meaningless entertainment.
B.indulgence to high technology industry.
C.technical revolution with cheaper entertainment.
D.a sense of accomplishment in video games.



When the old doctor who had____ her died suddenly, a young man took over the practice.







Text l Recently,the Washington Post published a survey conducted with the Kaiser Family Foundation and Harvard University on the U.S.economy.Although black and Hispanic families were hurt by the Great Recession,it was the"non-college whites"who held the darkest view of the country.These men used to be the backbone ofan economy built by brawn and rooted in manufacturing jobs.But now,nostalgic and despondcnt in equal measure,more than half said that America's best days were past,and 43 percent said"hard work and determination are no_guarantees of success."lf good,steady,well-paying work is the key to any person's economic satisfaction,there are scveral reasons to be nervous about the upcoming generation.Since 2000,the labor-force participation rate of young men undcr the age of 35 without a college degree has declined more than any other age-and-gender group.Since the turn of the century,the participation rate of 16-to-24-year olds with just a high-school degrce has fallen IO points to about 70 percent.Some of this drop is attributable to rising college attendance.But not all ofit.Nine percent ofAmericans between 20 and 24 are neither in school,work,or training.For the first time since at least the 1940s,young men are more likely to be living with their parents than with romantic partners.It's not the cost ofcollege or the weight of student loans alone that is forcing young people to stay home.Young adults without a high-school or college degree are far more likely to live with their parents.For young black men,this trend is hardly new;even in 1980s,they were more likely to live with their parents than with a spouse or girlfriend.As for what they're doing all day,Erik Hurst,an economist at the University of Chicago,is now conducting research that suggests that non-college men who aren't in the labor market are spending a considerable amount of their time in front of screens.Detached from the labor force,with neither a college degree nor a steady job,these men have little income.But the technological revolution in media and entertainment of the last few decades has made it cheaper than ever to divert oneself on a phone,computer,television,or video-game console.Cheap and abundant entertainment anesthetizes less-skilled and Iess-educated young men in the present.But in the long run,it cuts them off from the same things that provide meaning in middle age,according to psychological and longitudinal studies-a career,a family,and a sense of accomplishment.23.The main reason for young men to live with their parents lies in

A.the increase of college cost and students loans.
B.lack of romantic partners to share the rent of apartments.
C.hardly new trend to live with parents rather than partners.
D.young adults'difficulty in findingjobs without a college degree.



The young actor who had been thought highly of()to be a great disappointment.

Aturned up

Bturned out

Cturned down

Dturned in

