
__________ was a protest movement by American youth that arose in the late 1960s.A.Free Speech Movement B.The Women's Movement C.Anti-War Movement D.Counter Culture Movement

__________ was a protest movement by American youth that arose in the late 1960s.

A.Free Speech Movement
B.The Women's Movement
C.Anti-War Movement
D.Counter Culture Movement
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When a sentence changes from a statement to a general/ special question, which movement is struc-turally required

A NP–movement/WH-movement

B NP–movement/Aux-movement

C AUX-movement/WH–movement

D WH–movement/AUX-movement



Passage Five

In the United States, it is important to be on time, or punctual, for an appointment, a class, etc. However, this may not be true in all countries. An American professor discovered this difference while teaching a class in a Brazilian (巴西的) university. The two-hour class was scheduled' to begin at 10 A. M. and end at 12. On the first day, when the professor arrived on time, no one was in the classroom. Many students came after the scheduled time. Several arrived half an hour later. Few apologized for their lateness. Were these students being rude? He decided to study the students, behavior.

The professor talked to American and Brazilian students about lateness in both an informal and a formal situation: at a lunch with a friend and in a university class. He found that if they had a lunch appointment with a friend, the average American student defined lateness as 19 minutes after the agreed time. However, the average Brazilian student felt the friend was late after 33 minutes.

In an American university, classes not only begin at the scheduled time in the United States, but also end at the scheduled time. In the Brazilian class, only a few students left the class at 12: 00; many remained past 12: 30 to discuss the class and ask more questions. While arriving late may not be very important in Brazil, neither is staying late.

51. The word "punctual' most probably means______.

A. leaving soon after class

B. coming early

C. arriving a few minutes late

D. being on time


51.答案为D  根据文章第一句it is important to be on timeor punctual可知punctual的意思是“守时”。


John Steven, an American entrepreneur in the late 19th century, was the first to use assembly line for manufacturing cars.()




"Happy Birthday to You"

The main problem in discussing American popular culture is also one of its main characteristics:it
won't stay American.No matter what it is,whether it is films,food and fashion,music,casual sports or slang, it's soon at home elsewhere in the world.There are several theories why American popular culture has had
this appeal.
One theory is that it has been"advertised"and marketed through American films,popular music,and more
recently,television.________(46)They are,after all,in competition with those produced by other countries. Another theory,probably a more common one,is that American popular culture is internationally associ-
ted with something called"the spirit of America"._______(47)
The final theory is less complex:American popular culture is popular because a lot of people in the
world like it.
Regardless of why it spreads,American popular culture is usually quite rapidly adopted and then adapted in
many other countries.________(48)"Happy Birthday to You",for instance,is such an everyday song tha
its source,its American copyright,so to speak,is not remembered.Black leather jackets worn by many heroe
in American movies could be found,a generation later,on all those young men who wanted to make this manly-
look their own.
Two areas where this continuing process is most clearly seen are clothing and music.Some people can
still remember a time when T-shirts,jogging clothes,tennis shoes,denim jackets,and blue jeans were not
common daily wear everywhere.Only twenty years ago,it was possible to spot an American in Paris by his or
her clothes.No longer so:Those bright colors,checkered jackets and trousers,hats and socks which were
once made fun of in cartoons are back again in Paris as the latest fashion._____(49)
The situation with American popular music is more complex because in the beginning,when it was still
clearly American,it was often strongly resisted.Jazz was once thought to be a great danger to youth and their
morals,and was actually outlawed in several countries.Today,while still showing its rather American roots,
has become so well established.Rock 'n' roll and all its variations,country & western music,all have moi
or less similar histories.They were first resisted,often in America as well,as being"low-class",and then:
"a danger to our nation's youth".______(50)And then the music became accepted and was extende
and developed,and exported back to the US.
A.As a result,its American origins and roots are often quickly forgotten.
B.But this theory fails to explain why American films,music,and television programs are so popular in then selves.
C.American in origin,informal clothing has become the world's first truly universal style.
D.The BBC,for example,banned rock and roll until 1962.
E.American food has become popular around the world,too.
F.This spirit is variously described as being young and free,optimistic and confident,informal and disrespectfu.

A:As a result,its American origins and roots are often quickly forgotten.
B:But this theory fails to explain why American films,music,and television programs are so popular in then selves.
C:American in origin,informal clothing has become the world's first truly universal style.
D:The BBC,for example,banned rock and roll until 1962.
E:American food has become popular around the world,too.
F:This spirit is variously described as being young and free,optimistic and confident,informal and disrespectfu.

选项B中提到了“this theory",且B项中的“American films , music , television programs”与后句中的They呼应,并且“美国电影、音乐、电视节目在和其他国家的同类产品竞争”意义衔接,因此B项为正确答案。
这句话解释了某一种“精神”-This spirit,那么在上文中应该提到过一种精神。第三段的第一句话就讲到了国际上都将美国流行文化和所谓“美国精神”联系在一起。这句话对这种精神作了描述。
在空前的句子“美国流行文化往往很快就被其他国家接受和移植”是说原因,后面就应该接结果。选项A以As a result开头,说明它说的是后果,故选A。


______ is not a proper office at which a note of sea protest should be filed.


B.Notary Public

C.Marine Protest Office

D.Diplomatic Representative



According to American historians and specialists in demography, there are _____ great population movement in the history of the United States.







It can be inferred from the professor's study of lateness in the informal situation that______.

A. American students will become impatient if their friend is five minutes late

B. neither Brazilian nor American students like being late in appointment

C. being late in one culture may not be considered so in another culture

D. Brazilian students will not come thirty-three minutes after the agreed time


53.答案为C  从第二段教授对约会的调查中可知,美国学生和巴西学生对约会迟到的定义是不同的。所以选C


Which may NOT be one of the causes for the rise of American Romantic Movement?

A.The westward territorial expansion

B.The great increase in population

C.The victory of the settlers in the Indian war

D.The rapid economic transformation



Today ,as in every other day of the year ,more than 3000 U.S. adlescents will smoke their first cigarette on their way to becoming regular smokers as adults. During their lifetime,it can be expected that of these 3000 about 23 will be murdered,30 will die in traffic accidents, and nearly 750 will be killed by a smoking-related disease. The number of deaths attributed to cigarette smoking outweithts all other factors, whether voluntary or involuntary, as a cause of death.
Since the late 1970s, when daily smoking among high school seniors reached 30 precent , smoking rates among youth have declined . While the decline is impressive ,several important issues must be raised.
First, in the past several years,smoking rates among youth have declined very little. Second,in the late 1970s ,smoking among male high school seniors exceeded that among female by nearly 10 percent . The statistic is reversing.Third ,several recent studies have indicate high school dropouts have excessively high smoking rates, as much as 75 percent .
Finally, thouth significant declines in adolescent smoking have occurred in the past decade,no definite reasons for the decline exist. Within this context,the Naional Cancer Instiute (NCI) began its current effort to determine the most effecive measures to reduce smoking levesl among youth.
What is implied but not stated by the author is that ________.

a.smoking rates among youth have declined very little
b.there are now more female than male smokers among high school seniors
c.high smoking rates are due to the incease in wealth
d.smoking at high school are from low socio-economic backgrounds



We arose early on Christmas morning.

B:brought up

圣诞节早晨我们早早起床。get up“起床”,例如:I got up at five o'clock this morning!我今早5点钟就起床了。raise“举起,抚养”,例如:raise one's hand举手。bring up“提起,养育”,例如:Her parents died when she was a baby and she was brought up by her aunt.她出生后不久父母双亡,是由姑母抚养大的。occur“发生”,例如:When did the accident occur?事故是什么时候发生的?只有get up意思上和arise最接近。
