
Studies have shown that the stature of an average Japanese has surpassed that of an average Chinese.A:weight B:height C:life span D:size

Studies have shown that the stature of an average Japanese has surpassed that of an average Chinese.

C:life span
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Recent studies have shown that air inside many homes, office buildings, and schools is full of pollutants such as ().







The notion of NP-completeness has provided a(66)mathematical definition for(67)intractability of NP problems. But this measure applies only to worst-case complexity. Being NP-complete does not(68)that a problem is intractable on the average case. Indeed, some NP-complete problems are "(69)on average", though some may not be. Levin initiated the study of average-case intractability, He showed that a bounded tiling problem under a simple distribution is average-case NP-complete. Since then, several additional average-case NP-complete problems have been shown within Levin's(70). This paper is intended to provide a comprehensive survey of average-case NP-complete problems that have been published so far, and the techniques of obtaining these results.







They have come here( )to see you.

A. on the whole

B. on fire

C. on purpose

D. on the average



Text 1 In an essay entitled“Making It in America”,the author Adam Davidson relates a joke from cotton country about just how much a modern textile mill has been automated:The average mill has only two employees today,“a man and a dog.The man is there to feed the dog,and the dog is there to keep the man away from the machines.”Davidson's article is one of a number of pieces that have recently appeared making the point that the reason we have such stubbornly high unemployment and declining middleclass incomes today is also because of the advances in both globalization and the information technology revolution,which are more rapidly than ever replacing labor with machines or foreign worker.In the past,workers with average skills,doing an average job,could earn an average lifestyle.But,today,average is officially over.Being average just won't earn you what it used to.It can't when so many more employers have so much more access to so much more above average cheap foreign labor,cheap robotics,cheap software,cheap automation and cheap genius.Therefore,everyone needs to find their extra—their unique value contribution that makes them stand out in whatever is their field of employment.Yes,new technology has been eating jobs forever,and always will.But there's been acceleration.As Davidson notes,“In the 10 years ending in 2009,U.S.factories shed workers so fast that they erased almost all the gains of the previous 70 years;roughly one out of every three manufacturing jobs—about 6 million in total—disappeared.”There will always be change—new jobs,new products,new services.But the one thing we know for sure is that with each advance in globalization and the I.T.revolution,the best jobs will require workers to have more and better education to make themselves above average.In a world where average is officially over,there are many things we need to do to support employment,but nothing would be more important than passing some kind of G.I.Bill for the 21st century that ensures that every American has access to posthigh school education.
According to the author,to reduce unemployment,the most important is______

A.to accelerate the I.T.revolution
B.to ensure more education for people
C.to advance economic globalization
D.to pass more bills in the 21st century

细节题【命题思路】根据题干关键词“reduce unemployment”回文定位到文章最后一段,根据具体信息同义替换,则得出正确答案。【直击答案】文章中最后一段出现了与题干“reduce unemployment”近义的表达“support employment”,而题干“the most important”与文章“nothing would be more important than”相对应,指出促进就业最重要的是颁布类似于“G.I.Bill”(G.I.Bill:二战后签署的“军人安置法案”,给退伍美军提供免费大学或技校教育等福利措施。)的法案来保障人们接受高等教育的权利,B项与之吻合,故正确。【干扰排除】A项“加速信息技术产业变革”,C项“推动经济全球化”,均未提及,属于无中生有,故排除。D项虽提及要颁布更多法案,但文中讲的法案是指与“教育”相关的,而非泛指一般的法案,D项表述不准确,故排除。


Any extra expense incurred in place of another expense which would have been allowable as general average shall ______ general average and so allowed without regard to the saving if any,to other interests,but only up to the amount of the general average expense avoided.

A.deem to be

B.deem being

C.be deemed to be

D.be deemed being



The STUDENT_GRADES table has these columns:The registrar has asked for a report on the average grade point average (GPA) for students enrolled during semesters that end in the year 2000. Which statement accomplish this?()









The offspring of the supertrees have proved to be genetically superior to those of the average trees.



In developing a hospital database, it is determined that on the average, each patient will have 6 treatments during a hospital stay.The average length of a stay is three days.The hospital has 1000 beds.There are on the average 800 patients occupying beds each day.The relationship between PATIENT and TREATMENT is 1: M.The relationship between PATIENT and BED is 1:1, conditional.If treatment record occurrences are archived as soon as a patient is discarded from the hospital, how many occurrences of the TREATMENT records will be stored in the TREATMENT database file on the average?








Following a general average incident,ship agents and surveyors play a significant role.A ship agent,in addition to the normal duties of port and husbandry agency,will assist the master in the aftermath of a general average incident to make a declaration which complies with the local law and custom of the port.

Once the average adjuster has confirmed that security has been obtained from all the interested parties,the agent is instructed by the ship owner to permit delivery of the cargo.If cargo has been discharged to lighten the vessel,or cargo has been transshipped to a final destination,the agent will be responsible for keeping full and complete records of all movements and expenditure attributable to the general average.

After any incident,a large number of surveyors representing various interests will descend on the vessel.Some of these surveyors will not be involved directly in the general average process.However,if it has become necessary to sacrifice or discharge a part of the cargo before arrival at the final destination stated on the bill of lading,the ship owner will appoint surveyors to report on the condition and quantity of cargo.

Such surveyors,usually called general average surveyors,will act in the interests of all the parties involved(and may also represent hull and machinery interests).If possible,the account representing expenditure incurred should be examined and approved by the general average surveyor before settlement.


Which of the following is NOT correct as to the general average surveyors ___________.

A.They may sometimes be involved into the examination and approval of general average expenditures

B.They may sometimes be involved into the examination and approval of general average sacrifices

C.They will act in the interests of all the parties involved

D.They will look at particularly the general average matters

What does this passage imply for the shipmasters when a general average incident occurred onboard ___________.A.He can rely on greatly the general average surveyors

B.He can rely on greatly the ship agent

C.He can rely on greatly the interested parties

D.He can rely on greatly other surveyors

The ship agent mentioned in the passage behaves ______.A.for the benefit of the cargo owner

B.for the benefit of the shipowner

C.for the benefit of the salvors

D.for the benefit of the interested parties other than the above

The security required by the owner of ship and provided by relevant interested parties in general average cases is for the purpose of _______.

① contributing to the losses and damages of general average nature;

② securing all the general average contributions;

③ Securing all the payment of Sue and Labour;

④ contributing to the losses and damages of particular average nature.






问题 1 答案解析:D

问题 2 答案解析:A

问题 3 答案解析:B

问题 4 答案解析:C


Text 1 In an essay entitled“Making It in America”,the author Adam Davidson relates a joke from cotton country about just how much a modern textile mill has been automated:The average mill has only two employees today,“a man and a dog.The man is there to feed the dog,and the dog is there to keep the man away from the machines.”Davidson's article is one of a number of pieces that have recently appeared making the point that the reason we have such stubbornly high unemployment and declining middleclass incomes today is also because of the advances in both globalization and the information technology revolution,which are more rapidly than ever replacing labor with machines or foreign worker.In the past,workers with average skills,doing an average job,could earn an average lifestyle.But,today,average is officially over.Being average just won't earn you what it used to.It can't when so many more employers have so much more access to so much more above average cheap foreign labor,cheap robotics,cheap software,cheap automation and cheap genius.Therefore,everyone needs to find their extra—their unique value contribution that makes them stand out in whatever is their field of employment.Yes,new technology has been eating jobs forever,and always will.But there's been acceleration.As Davidson notes,“In the 10 years ending in 2009,U.S.factories shed workers so fast that they erased almost all the gains of the previous 70 years;roughly one out of every three manufacturing jobs—about 6 million in total—disappeared.”There will always be change—new jobs,new products,new services.But the one thing we know for sure is that with each advance in globalization and the I.T.revolution,the best jobs will require workers to have more and better education to make themselves above average.In a world where average is officially over,there are many things we need to do to support employment,but nothing would be more important than passing some kind of G.I.Bill for the 21st century that ensures that every American has access to posthigh school education.
Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for the text?

A.New Law Takes Effect
B.Technology Goes Cheap
C.Average Is Over
D.Recession Is Bad

主旨题【命题思路】主旨题需要结合文章的结构以及核心话题进行选择。【直击答案】从整个文章的脉络来看,第一段揭示了科技进步给人们带来的影响。第二、三段指出科技的进步引起工厂自动化水平提高,普通员工如果没有竞争力和突出优势,就很容易失去工作,因此也对员工提出了更高的要求。第四段指出员工只有不断地提高自己的教育水平,才能脱颖而出。最后一段点明主题,average is officially over。所以正确答案为C。【干扰排除】A项所提到的新法案实施仅仅是局部细节,非全篇的主要话题;B项则是文章第三段中提出的目前就业市场的一个现状,属于论据;D项文中并未提到,属于无中生有。
