
The rising sun is especially beautiful to look at from this angle.A:particularly B:obviously C:apparently D:expressively

The rising sun is especially beautiful to look at from this angle.

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We can use energy from the sun because ______.

B 解析:第二段的第二句指出,“我们能使用太阳能因为电磁能在太空中穿梭”。B项中的“electromagnetic energy travels through space(电磁能在太空中穿梭)”与原句意思相符,故选B。


24. The passage tells us __________.

A. the sun is not the biggest star

B. the sun is bigger than any other star

C. only the sun can shine

D. the sun is one of the farthest stars from us

24.A【解析】由第四段中“There are many big stars we can-t see... because it is the nearest of all sta rs.”可知。


The Greenfield site has made the campus___________.

A.to look more beautiful

B.looks more beautiful

C.look more beautiful

D.looking more beautiful



听力原文:Although the said company is a sun-rising firm, its accounting management should be improved before the loan is extended to it.


A.The company is a sun-rising firm so it is worthwhile to extend the loan.

B.The company has some accounting problems, some improvement is needed.

C.The company is short of funds because it is sun-rising.

D.The company has some accounting problems because it is sun-rising.




Today is Alice's birthday. All her friends are in her home. They're Ann, Tom and Lin Tao. Look! These presents on the table are for her. This new computer is from her father.The beautiful dress is from her mother. The toy car and the toy boat (船) are from Tom and Lin Tao. These flowers are from Ann They're red, green and yellow. Alice is very happy.

( )26. Whose birthday is it today?

A. Alice's

B. Ann's

C. Tom’s

D. Lin Tao’s

26.A【解析】今天是艾丽斯的生日,从文章的第一句“Today is Alice's birthday.”可知。



When you look at the sky at night,the moon looks bigger than the stars. In fact,the moon is much smaller than the stars.It is much smaller than the earth. But the moon is much closer to us than any star. That is why it looks so big. If you hold a coin close.to your eye,it looks big.If you look at it across the room,it looks small.The moon moves around the earth. It makes one trip in about four weeks. The moon looks flat(扁的)to us. But it is a round ball,like the earth.People once thought the moon had fire(火) on it. They thought the fire made it bright.Now we know the moon is like a mirror( 镜子 ). It gets its light from the sun Our sunlight comes from the sun,too: What is the sun? The sun is star. The stars we can see have their own light. There are many big stars we can-t see. Their light has burned out. Others are still bright,but they are so far away that we can-t see them. The sun looks bigger and much brighter than other stars because it is the nearest of all stars. The sun and the other stars we see are very hot,but the air around us saves us from(使------免于) the heat(热量) of the sun.The sun gives us light and warmth.It makes plants grow and leaves turn green. It makes life possible on our earth.It is a life-giving star.

( )21. The moon looks bigger because__________ .

A. some stars are smaller than it

B.it is between the sun and the earth

C.it is the closest to the earth

D.it is very bright

.21.C 【解析】由第一段中。But the moon is much closer to us than any star.打可知。


It is stated in astrology that ________.

[A] the sun is so distant from us that it was hard to follow its motion

[B] the sun was moving westward around the sky

[C] the motion of the sun is at the rate of about thirty degrees every week

[D] the motion of the sun is similar to the revolution of the earth around the sun



When people speak of solar energy, they only think of sun’s rays heating a home or ________ electricity from the sun.


B.to derive


D.of deriving.



Jenny,you’ve got beautiful eyes. Do you _____your mother or father?

A. look after

B. take after

C. look at



The sun ________ in the east.

A. rise

B. rises

C. rose

D. is rising

