
共用题干 The majority of people,about nine out of ten,are right-handed.Not until recently,people who were left-handed were considered__________(51),and once children showed this tendency they were forced to use their right hands. Today left-handedness is gene

The majority of people,about nine out of ten,are right-handed.Not until recently,people who were left-handed were considered__________(51),and once children showed this tendency they were forced to use their right hands. Today left-handedness is generally_________(52),but it is still a disadvantage in a world________(53)most people are right-handed.For example,most tools and implements are still designed for right-handed people.
In sports,__________(54)contrast,doing things with the left hand or foot,is often an advantage.Throwing,kicking,punching or batting from the"wrong"side may result_________(55)throwing off many opponents who are more accustomed to dealing with the_________(56)of players who are right-handed.This is why,in many ________(57)at a professional level,a higher proportion of players are left-handed than in the population as a whole.
The word"right"in many languages means"correct"or is_________(58)with lawfulness, whereas the words associated__________(59)"left",such as"sinister",generally have_________ (60)associations.Moreover,among a number of primitive peoples,there is_________(61)close association between death and the left hand.
In the past,in most Western societies,children were often forced to use their right hands,especially to write with.In some cases the left hand was_________(62)behind the child's back so that it could not be used.If,in the future,they are allowed to choose,_________(63)will certainly be more left handers,and probably_________(64)people with minor psychological disturbances as a result of being forced to use their_________(65)hand.

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Nine in ten parents said there were significant differences in their approach to educating their children compared with __ of their parents.

A. those B. one C. both D. that



How honest are Asians today?Do people in the region's smaller communities have more integrity than residents of the megacities?What motivates people to do the right thing?
Over a four-month period late last year,we tried to find out with a simple test.We visited 14 cities,towns and communities in nine countries.In each,we"lost"ten ordinary wallets filled with the local equivalent of ¥10 to¥50 in cash,a local address and phone number,classified ads from local newspapers,handwritten shopping lists,everything needed to make the wallets look real.Then we waited to see what would happen.
The results were more revealing than we expected.Overall,out of 140 wallets we dropped across Asia,80 were returned一 57 percent. A similar experiment in Europe resulted in almost identical totals.Out of 200 wallets dropped in Europe,116 were returnedes 一58 percent.In the United States,the return rate was slightly higher:80 out of 120一67 percent.
In the US,only one person declined to take the money in the wallet when it was offered as a reward for being honest.In Europe,more than a quarter refused to take the money.In Asia,a staggering 72 percent of those who returned the wallets一 58 of 80一said no to any reward.
"I cannot accept a reward for having done the right thing,"said a university student in Seoul. Among those who did accept the money,several said they intended to donate it to a charity or religious organization.
Within Asia we found other interesting results.Two-thirds of all our wallets were retrieved by men.But once the wallet was picked up,it made little difference whether the finder was male or fe-male.In our study,58 percent of the women who picked up wallets returned them and so did 56 percent of the men.
Are the people in Asia's giant population centers less honest than in its smaller cities?It seemed so. The lowest combined rate of return一still a respectable 50 percent一was in the three largest cities visited:Seoul,Bombay and Manila. The best rates of return were in the less populous cities一 Singapore;Inchon,Korea;Trivandrum,India;and Kamakura,Japan一with populations ranging from 180,000 to 2.8 million.

Compared with the US and the Europe,more people in Asia refused the money as a reward for being honest.
C:Not mentioned.

第四段讲到在美国仅有一人拒绝接受钱包里的钱作为酬谢,欧洲有1/4 的人拒绝,而亚洲有76%的人拒绝。相比而言,亚洲拒绝的人最多,因此本句的表述是正确的。


根据下列材料请回答 26~30 题:


Today there are policemen everywhere, but in 1700, London had no policemen at all. A few old men used to protect the city streets at night and they were not paid.

About 300 years ago, London was starting to get bigger and more and more people began to live there. The city was very dirty and many people were poor. There were so many thieves who stole money in the streets that people stayed in their homes as much as possible.

In 1750, Henry Fielding started to pay a group of people to stop thieves. They were like policemen and were called "Bow Street Runners" because they worked near Bow Street.

Fifty years later, there were 120 "Bow Street Runners", but London had become very big and needed more policemen. So in 1829, the first Metropolitan (or London)Police Force was started with 3,000 officers. Most of the men worked on foot, but a few rode horses. Until 1920 all the police in London were men.

Today. the London police are quite well paid and for the few police officers who still ride horses, the pay is even better than for the others.

第 26 题 In 1700, the men who protected the streets were paid __________.

A. a few

B. nothing

C. a little

D. a lot

根据第一段最后中的they were not paid可以知道他们没有任何报酬,所以答案选B。


The majority of people,about nine out of ten,are right-handed.Not until recently,people who were left-handed were considered__________(51),and once children showed this tendency they were forced to use their right hands. Today left-handedness is generally_________(52),but it is still a disadvantage in a world________(53)most people are right-handed.For example,most tools and implements are still designed for right-handed people.
In sports,__________(54)contrast,doing things with the left hand or foot,is often an advantage.Throwing,kicking,punching or batting from the"wrong"side may result_________(55)throwing off many opponents who are more accustomed to dealing with the_________(56)of players who are right-handed.This is why,in many ________(57)at a professional level,a higher proportion of players are left-handed than in the population as a whole.
The word"right"in many languages means"correct"or is_________(58)with lawfulness, whereas the words associated__________(59)"left",such as"sinister",generally have_________ (60)associations.Moreover,among a number of primitive peoples,there is_________(61)close association between death and the left hand.
In the past,in most Western societies,children were often forced to use their right hands,especially to write with.In some cases the left hand was_________(62)behind the child's back so that it could not be used.If,in the future,they are allowed to choose,_________(63)will certainly be more left handers,and probably_________(64)people with minor psychological disturbances as a result of being forced to use their_________(65)hand.


根据后面这句:孩子们一旦显示出左撇子的倾向就会被强迫使用右手,可以推断出人们在最近之前一直都认为使用左手是很不好的,因此这里选D "abnormal",意思是:不正常的。unique“独特的”;eccentric“古怪的”;normal“正常的”。
generally accepted“普遍接受的”。admit“承认”;approve“同意,许可”;acknowledge“认可”。
by contrast“相比之下”。
result in“导致,造成”;result from“由于······而造成”。
majority“大多数”;minority“少数”;plenty“很多”,通常修饰不可数名词; lack“缺乏”。这句话的意思是:从反面投掷、踢腿、拳击或者是用球拍击打可能会把大多数习惯了对付使用右手的对手们彻底击败。
be connected with“跟······联系在一起”;related要和介词to搭配使用;mix “混合”,意思在这里不合适;combine“结合”,常和with搭配,意思不合适。本句话的意思是: “右”这个词在很多语言中都意味着“正确”或者和“合法”联系在一起。
be associated with sth.“和······相关联”,这句话中associated with "left", 是定语,修饰words。
根据句中转折连词whereas可以判断两种情况形成对照,既然和“右”相关的词汇意味着“正确”“合法”,因此whereas后的句子中说的就是相反的情况,因此这里选择 negative , negative association的意思是“负面的含义”。
There is a close association between...and…意思是:······和······之间关系密切。这句话的意思是:而且在很多原始的部落里,左手和死亡也密切相关。
tie“绑,捆”; attach“连接,附属”; bring“带来”; remove“拿走,脱掉”。这句话的意思是:有时候孩子的左手被绑在背后避免他使用。
这里是there be结构。


How honest are Asians today?Do people in the region's smaller communities have more integrity than residents of the megacities?What motivates people to do the right thing?
Over a four-month period late last year,we tried to find out with a simple test.We visited 14 cities,towns and communities in nine countries.In each,we"lost"ten ordinary wallets filled with the local equivalent of ¥10 to¥50 in cash,a local address and phone number,classified ads from local newspapers,handwritten shopping lists,everything needed to make the wallets look real.Then we waited to see what would happen.
The results were more revealing than we expected.Overall,out of 140 wallets we dropped across Asia,80 were returned一 57 percent. A similar experiment in Europe resulted in almost identical totals.Out of 200 wallets dropped in Europe,116 were returnedes 一58 percent.In the United States,the return rate was slightly higher:80 out of 120一67 percent.
In the US,only one person declined to take the money in the wallet when it was offered as a reward for being honest.In Europe,more than a quarter refused to take the money.In Asia,a staggering 72 percent of those who returned the wallets一 58 of 80一said no to any reward.
"I cannot accept a reward for having done the right thing,"said a university student in Seoul. Among those who did accept the money,several said they intended to donate it to a charity or religious organization.
Within Asia we found other interesting results.Two-thirds of all our wallets were retrieved by men.But once the wallet was picked up,it made little difference whether the finder was male or fe-male.In our study,58 percent of the women who picked up wallets returned them and so did 56 percent of the men.
Are the people in Asia's giant population centers less honest than in its smaller cities?It seemed so. The lowest combined rate of return一still a respectable 50 percent一was in the three largest cities visited:Seoul,Bombay and Manila. The best rates of return were in the less populous cities一 Singapore;Inchon,Korea;Trivandrum,India;and Kamakura,Japan一with populations ranging from 180,000 to 2.8 million.

As a result,no more than 50 percent of the wallets were returned in Asia.
C:Not mentioned

第四段讲到在美国仅有一人拒绝接受钱包里的钱作为酬谢,欧洲有1/4 的人拒绝,而亚洲有76%的人拒绝。相比而言,亚洲拒绝的人最多,因此本句的表述是正确的。


Janet as well as the other young people who ____ sent abroad by government ___ brought up in the small town.

A. was;was
B. was;were
C. were ;were
D. were ;was

引出定语从句的关系代词作从句的主语,而它又前指复数名词“people”,所以考虑到主谓一致谓语动词用“were”。一个名词后有“as well as”引出的短语时,单复数仍然以那个名词本身的单复数确定。此处主句主语是“Janet",单数第三人称,所以谓语用“was”。故选D。


Life Expectancy in the Last Hundred Years
A hundred years ago,life expectancy in developed countries was about 47;in the early 21 st century,men in the United States and the United Kingdom can expect to live to about 74,women to about 80, and these______(51)are rising all the time .What has brought______(52) these changes?When we look at the life______(53)of people 100 years ago,we need to look at the greatest______(54)of the time .In the early 20th century,these were the acute and of-ten______(55)infectious diseases such as smallpox.Many children died very young from these diseases and others,and the weak and elderly were always at risk.
In the______(56)world these diseases are far______(57)today,and in some cases have almost disappcarcd.A number of______(58)have led to this:improvements in sanita- tion and hygiene,the discovery and use of antibiotics,which______(59)bacterial diseases much less dangerous,and vaccinations______(60)common diseases.______(61), people's general health has improved with improvements in our general environment:cleaner air,better means of preserving food,better and warmer housing,and better understanding of nutrition.
Genetically,we should all be able to live to about 85 but______(62)people do live longer today,there are still some big killers around that are preventing us from consistently reaching that age .The problems that affect people today are the more chronic illnesses,such as heart disease and strokes,and those______(63)by viruses,such as influenza and AIDS.Of course,cancer is a huge killer as well.In most cases these diseases affect______(64)people,but there are worrying trends in the developed world with problems such as obesity______(65)more heart disease and illnesses such as diabetes at younger ages.
The killers today can be classed as"lifestyle diseases",which means that it may be possiblem to halt their progress.

A: countries
B: lives
C: years
D: ages


bring ahout意为“带来”,bring in意为“赚取,实现”(一定利润),没有bring to这个短语,如果用with,此句话必须变成what has it hrought with these changes才符合语法,但意思就不符合文章了。

life span是一个固定搭配,意为“寿命”。






注意这里的which不是非限制定语从句中指代前面一句话的作用,而是指代前面两项内容:卫生的改善和杭生素的发明使用,所以which后的动词不用单三形式。cause 没有这样的语法搭配。


前面说的是对疾病的防范和控制加强,后面说的是整体环境的改善,两者为并列关系,但是And在书面语中不能这样使用,所以只能选in addition。




obesitv是心脏病和糖尿病年轻化的重要原因,它和心脏病、糖尿病不是并列关系,而是因果关系,所以选择leading to,现在分词作结果状语。


They were very _____ about the people who lived upstairs since they have never talked to each other.

A. curious

B. funny

C. hard

D. worried



The earliest immigrants to North America found Indians already living there.The Indians numbered about 500,000 at that time.Their society was a primitive society,but they lived peacefully and welcomed the white strangers to the land.However,these early immigrants from Europe didn't want to share the land with the natives.They killed off many of the Indians,seized their land or pushed them off to lands farther away.Today the Indians,not more than half a million,live in poverty and misery on the land on which they were once masters.
The earliest immigrants were the Spanish,who settled in the southern part of what is now the US.The next large group were the English,after the English came the French,Dutch,Irish,Germans,and other nationality groups,mostly European.
Another early group to arrive were the Negroes.But they were brought in as slaves from Africa.They didn't win freedom till generations later.

Which is the best title of this passage?

A.The Earliest People in North Americ
B.The Earliest Immigrants to North Americ
C.The People of the United State
D.Europeans were the Earliest People Coming to the North Americ



The majority of people,about nine out of ten,are right-handed.Not until recently,people who were left-handed were considered__________(51),and once children showed this tendency they were forced to use their right hands. Today left-handedness is generally_________(52),but it is still a disadvantage in a world________(53)most people are right-handed.For example,most tools and implements are still designed for right-handed people.
In sports,__________(54)contrast,doing things with the left hand or foot,is often an advantage.Throwing,kicking,punching or batting from the"wrong"side may result_________(55)throwing off many opponents who are more accustomed to dealing with the_________(56)of players who are right-handed.This is why,in many ________(57)at a professional level,a higher proportion of players are left-handed than in the population as a whole.
The word"right"in many languages means"correct"or is_________(58)with lawfulness, whereas the words associated__________(59)"left",such as"sinister",generally have_________ (60)associations.Moreover,among a number of primitive peoples,there is_________(61)close association between death and the left hand.
In the past,in most Western societies,children were often forced to use their right hands,especially to write with.In some cases the left hand was_________(62)behind the child's back so that it could not be used.If,in the future,they are allowed to choose,_________(63)will certainly be more left handers,and probably_________(64)people with minor psychological disturbances as a result of being forced to use their_________(65)hand.


根据后面这句:孩子们一旦显示出左撇子的倾向就会被强迫使用右手,可以推断出人们在最近之前一直都认为使用左手是很不好的,因此这里选D "abnormal",意思是:不正常的。unique“独特的”;eccentric“古怪的”;normal“正常的”。
generally accepted“普遍接受的”。admit“承认”;approve“同意,许可”;acknowledge“认可”。
by contrast“相比之下”。
result in“导致,造成”;result from“由于······而造成”。
majority“大多数”;minority“少数”;plenty“很多”,通常修饰不可数名词; lack“缺乏”。这句话的意思是:从反面投掷、踢腿、拳击或者是用球拍击打可能会把大多数习惯了对付使用右手的对手们彻底击败。
be connected with“跟······联系在一起”;related要和介词to搭配使用;mix “混合”,意思在这里不合适;combine“结合”,常和with搭配,意思不合适。本句话的意思是: “右”这个词在很多语言中都意味着“正确”或者和“合法”联系在一起。
be associated with sth.“和······相关联”,这句话中associated with "left", 是定语,修饰words。
根据句中转折连词whereas可以判断两种情况形成对照,既然和“右”相关的词汇意味着“正确”“合法”,因此whereas后的句子中说的就是相反的情况,因此这里选择 negative , negative association的意思是“负面的含义”。
There is a close association between...and…意思是:······和······之间关系密切。这句话的意思是:而且在很多原始的部落里,左手和死亡也密切相关。
tie“绑,捆”; attach“连接,附属”; bring“带来”; remove“拿走,脱掉”。这句话的意思是:有时候孩子的左手被绑在背后避免他使用。
这里是there be结构。
