
共用题干 Looking to help the environment?Consider the following simple ideas.Turn off electrical devices when they're not being used.Turning off,rather than leaving on stand-by,things like your TV and computer will save huge amounts of energy. With this,we ca

Looking to help the environment?Consider the following simple ideas.
Turn off electrical devices when they're not being used.
Turning off,rather than leaving on stand-by,things like your TV and computer will save huge amounts of energy. With this,we can all help reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emitted into the earth's atmosphere,thereby reducing pollution and global warming.
Share your car.
Rather than traveling to work alone,why not arrange car-sharing with one or more of your friends or colleagues?To give you an example,if you drive a fashionable car,you will use more energy in a year than you would leaving your fridge open for seven years,or your TV on for thirty-two years!Imagine the savings if you shared your car with 2,3 or even 4 other people!
Refuse junk mail.
While we all complain about how much junk mail we get,we very rarely do anything about it. The mail continues to go straight from our letter-boxes into the garbage bin-with 99% of it not even opened.What can you do about this?There are various websites where you can register to receive no junk mail.As well as saving time,you'll also be doing a lot for the environment. Each year,100 million trees are used to produce junk mail. 250,000 homes could be heated with one day's supply of junk mail.
There are many other everyday changes you can make to help the environment. They will cost you nothing,and many will actually save you money!Why not give it a try?We can all help, if we really want to.

Even if we want to make some changes to help the environment,we can do nothing.
A: Right
C: Not mentioned

和冰箱、电视相比,开车浪费很多能源。根据Share your car那一段中:当你驾驶着你的时髦小桥车时,你消耗的能源比打开冰箱门7年,或让电视一直开犯年所耗的能源还要多。可以推断出作者是在暗示和冰箱、电视相比,开车浪费很多能源。


99%的垃圾信件没有被打开就被扔进了垃圾箱。根据Refuse junk mail那一段的第二句话:垃圾信件还是被我们从信箱中取出然后直接扔到垃圾箱,其中99%的信件甚至从未打开过。可以推断出本句话是正确的。



如果没有搜索结果,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


We're looking forward to()service to you.

A、 being of

B、be of





● Since RAM is only active when the computer is on, your computer uses disto store information even when the computer is off. Which of the following itrue? (74)


A.When your computer is on, only RAM is used to store information

B.When your computer is on, only disk drives are used to storinformation.

C.When your computer is off, only RAM is used to store information

D.When your computer is off, only disk drives are used to storinformation.



55. What do we know about the character(个性) of my neighbor’s mother?

A. She would like to buy expensive things.

B. She would like to buy cheap things.

C. She would like to help others when they’re in trouble.

D. She would like to have her son pay for her shopping.



资料:Because of the biochemical reactions in your body that occur with every type of food you eat on a daily bases, some foods age you faster than your real age, while other foods help to fight aging.
Three of the processes that go on inside your body that have a major impact on your rate of aging are called “glycation”, “inflammation” and “oxidation”.
When we talk about aging, we’re not just talking about wrinkles on your skin or how thick your hair is, we’re also talking about factors that you can’t see, such as how well your organs function, and whether your joints are degrading.

According to the passage, aging is about all the following except--.

A.the degrading joints
B.the thinning of your hair
C.the good condition of your organs
D.the wrinkles around your eyes

【关键词】aging; except
【主题句】第3自然段When we talk about aging, we’re not just talking about wrinkles on your skin or how thick your hair is, we’re also talking about factors that you can’t see, such as how well your organs function, and whether your joints are degrading. 当我们谈论衰老的时候,我们不仅仅是在谈论你皮肤上的皱纹或者你的头发有多厚,我们还在谈论你看不见的因素,比如你的器官功能如何,以及你的关节是否有退化。



A Phone That Knows You're Busy

It's a modern problem : you're too busy to be disturbed by incessant(连续不断的)
phone calls so you turn your cellphone off.But if you don't remember to turn it back on
when you're less busy,you could miss some important calls.If only the phone knew when
it was wise to interrupt you,you wouldn't have to turn it off at all.Instead,it could let calls
through when you are not too busy.
A bunch of behavior sensors(传感器)and a clever piece of software could do just
that,by analyzing your behavior to determine if it's a good time to interrupt you.If built into
a phone,the system may decide you're too busy and ask the caller to leave a message or
ring back later.
James Fogarty and Scott Hudson at Camegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania based
their system on tiny microphones,cameras and touch sensors that reveal body language
and activity.First they had to study different behaviors to find out which ones strongly
predict whether your mind is interrupted.
The potential"busyness"signals they focused on included whether the office doors
were left open or closed,the time of day,if other people were with the person in question,
how close they were to each other,and whether or not the computer was in use.
The sensors monitored these and many other factors while four subjects were at work.
At random intervals,the subjects rated how interruptible they were on a scale ranging from
"highly interruptible"to"highly not-interruptible".Their ratings were then correlated with
the various behaviors. " It is a shotgun(随意的)approach: we used all the indicators we
could think of and then let statistics find out which were important,"says Hudson.
The model showed that using the keyboard,and talking on a landline or to someone
else in the office correlated most strongly with how interruptible the subjects judged
themselves to be.
Interestingly,the computer was actually better than people at predicting when someone
was too busy to be interrupted.The computer got it right 82 percent of the time,humans 77
percent.Fogarty speculates that this might be because people doing the interrupting are
inevitably biased towards delivering their message,whereas computers don't care.
The first application for Hudson and Fogarty's system is likely to be in an instant
messaging system,followed by office phones and cellphones. "There is no technological
roadblock(障碍)to it being deployed in a couple of years,"says Hudson.

The computer performed better than people in the study because
A:the computer worked harder.
B:the computer was not busy.
C:people tended to be biased.
D:people were not good at statistics.



Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET I. ( 10 points)

Digital photography is still new enough that most of us have yet to form. an opinion about it, (1) develop a point of view. But this bash' t stopped many film and computer fans from agreeing (2) the early conventional wisdom about digital cameras—they' re neat (3) for you? But they're not suitable for everyday picture taking.

The fans are wrong: Moro than anything else, digital cameras are radically (4) what photography means and what it can be. The venerable medium of photography (5) we know it is beginning to seem out of (6) with the way we live. In our computer and camcorder (7) saving pictures as digital (8) and watching them on TV is no less practical—and in many ways more (9) than fumbling with rolls of film that must be sent off to be (10)

Paper is also terribly (11) . Pictures that are incorrectly framed, (12) ,or lighted are nonetheless committed to film and ultimately processed into prints.

The digital medium changes the (13) . Still images that are (14) digitally can immediately be shown on a computer (15) , a TV screen, or a small liquid - crystal display (LCD) built fight into the camera. And since the points of light that (16) an image are saved as a series of digital bits in electronic memory, (17) being permanently etched onto film, they can be erased, retouched, and transmitted (18) .

What's it like to (19) with one of these digital cameras? It's a little like a first date--exciting, confusing and fraught with (20) .

1. A) rather than

B) let alone

C) much less

D) so as to

[详细解答]develop a point of view显然比form. an opinion a bout it要更进一步,因此,既然后者还不行,前者当然是 much less(更少,不及)。所以答案为C。rather than胜于; let alone更不用说(后常接名词);so as to使得,以致。


I like going to the cinema __________ TV.

A.rather than to watch
B.than watching
C.more than to watch
D.more than watching

考查比较句型。than用作比较时需要与比较级连用,排除B。more than和rather than均可表示对比,但前后的比较项应为平行结构。本题中作比较的是going to the cinema,所以需要用动名词watching,故选D。


Since RAM is only active when the computer is on, your computer uses disk to store information even when the computer is off. Which of the following is true?(74).

A.When your computer is on, only RAM is used to store information.

B.When your computer is on, only disk drives are used to store information.

C.When your computer is off, only RAM is used to store information.

D.When your computer is off, only disk drives are used to store information.



A thief broke__________′when I was leaving for my office.


【考情点拨】考查词组词义辨析。【应试指导】句意:我正要动身去办公室的时候,一个窃贼突然闯了进来。break in打断,突然闯入;break up打碎,拆散;break out(战争、灾难、瘟疫)突然爆发;break off折断,中断。


资料:Procrastination comes in many disguises. We might resolve to tackle a task, but find endless reasons to defer it. We might prioritize things we can readily tick off our to-do list- answering emails, say- while leaving the big, complex stuff untouched for another day. We can look and feel busy. while artfully avoiding the tanks that really matter. And when we look at those rolling, long untouched items at the bottom of our to-do list, we can't help but feel a little disappointed in ourselves.
The problem is our brains are programmed to procrastinate. In general, we all tend to struggle with task that promise future upside in return for efforts we take now. That's because it's easier for our brains to process concrete rather than abstract things, and the immediate hassle is very tangible compared with those unknowable, uncertain future benefits. So the short-term effort easily dominates the long-term upside in our minds--an example of something that behavioral scientists call present bias.
How can you become less myopic about your elusive tasks? It's all about rebalancing the cost benefit analysis: make the benefits of action feel bigger, and the costs of action feel smaller. The reward for doing a pestering task needs to feel larger than the immediate pain of tacking it.
To make the benefits of action feel bigger and more real:
Visualize how great it will be to get it done. Researchers have discovered that people are more likely to save for their future retirement if they're shown digitally aged photographs of themselves. Why? Because it makes their future self feel more real-making the future benefits of saving also feel more weighty.

How can you become less myopic about your elusive tasks?

A.Make the costs of action feel smaller.
B.Make the reward larger than the immediate pain of doing it.
C.Make the benefits of action feel bigger.
D.All the above.

【关键词】how; less myopic; elusive tasks
【主题句】第3自然段How can you become less myopic about your elusive tasks? It’s all about rebalancing the cost-benefit analysis: make the benefits of action feel bigger, and the costs of action feel smaller. The reward for doing a pestering task needs to feel larger than the immediate pain of tackling it. 对于困难的任务,你怎么能少一些目光短浅? 重新平衡成本效益分析很关键:让行动的好处变得更大,行动成本更小。 做困难任务的奖励需要比解决它的直接痛苦更大。
