
共用题干 Cloning(克隆):Future Pertect?1 A clone is an exact copy of a plant or animal produced from any one cell.Since Scottish scientists reported that they had managed to clone a sheep named Dolly in 1997,research into cloning has grown rapidly.In May 1998,s

Cloning(克隆):Future Pertect?

1 A clone is an exact copy of a plant or animal produced from any one cell.Since Scottish
scientists reported that they had managed to clone a sheep named Dolly in 1997,research
into cloning has grown rapidly.In May 1998,scientists in Massachusetts managed to
create two identical calves(牛犊)using cloning technology. A mouse has also been
cloned successfully.But the debate over cloning humans really started when Chicago
physicist Richard Seed made a surprising announcement:"We will have managed to clonen
a human being within the next two years."he told the world.
2 Seed's announcement provoked a lot of media attention,most of it negative.In Europe,
nineteen nations have already signed an agreement banning human cloning and in the U.S.
the President announced:"We will be introducing a law to ban all human cloning and many
states in the U.S. will have passed anti-cloning laws by the end of the year."
3 Many researchers are not so negative about cloning.They are worried that laws banning
human cloning will threaten important research.In March,The New England
Joumal of
Medicine called any plan to ban research on cloning humans seriously mistaken.Many
researchers also believe that in spite of attempts to ban it,human cloning will have become
routine by 2010 because it is impossible to stop the progress of science.
4 Is there reason to fear that cloning will lead to a nightmare world?The public has been
bombarded(轰炸)with newspaper articles , television shows and films , as well as
cartoons.Such information is often misleading,and makes people wonder what on earth
the scientists will be doing next.
5 Within the next five to ten years scientists will probably have found a way of cioning
humans.It could be that pretty soon we will be able to choose the person that we want our
child to look like.But how would it feel to be a clone among hundreds,the anti-cloners
ask. Pretty cool , answer the pro-cloners(赞成克隆的人).

Within ten years scientists will probably have______.
A:the nucleus of a cell
B:cloned human beings
C:a human being in two years
D:a law to ban human cloning
E:a report on human cloning
F:heavy media coverage
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如果没有搜索结果,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


The Missyplicity project does not seem very successful probably because _____.

[A] there isn’t enough fund to support the research

[B] cloning dogs is more complicated than cloning cats and bulls

[C] Mr. Westhusin is too busy taking care of the business

[D] the owner is asking for an exact copy of his pet




Cloning(克隆):Future Perlect?

1 A clone is an exact copy of a plant or animal produced from any one cell.Since Scottish
scientists reported that they had managed to clone a sheep named Dolly in 1997,research
into cloning has grown rapidly.In May 1998,scientists in Massachusetts managed to
create two identical calves(牛犊)using cloning technology. A mouse has also been
cloned successfully.But the debate over cloning humans really started when Chicago
physicist Richard Seed made a surprising announcement:"We will have managed to clone
a human being within the next two years."he told the world.
2 Seed's announcement provoked a lot of media attention,most of it negative,In Europe,
nineteen nations have already signed an agreement banning human cloning and in the
U.S. the President announced:"We will be introducing a law to ban all human cloning and
many states in the U. S. will have passed anti-cloning laws by the end of the year."
3 Many researchers are not so negative about cloning.They are worried that laws banning
human cloning will threaten important research.In March,The New England Journal of
Medicine called any plan to ban research on cloning humans seriously mistaken.Many
researchers also believe that in spite of attempts to ban it,human cloning will have become
routine by 2010 because it is impossible to stop the progress of science.
4 Is there reason to fear that cloning will lead to a nightmare world?The public has been
bombarded(轰炸)with newspaper articles, television shows and films, as well as
cartoons.Such information is often misleading,and makes people wonder what on earth
the scientists will be doing next.
5 Within the next five to ten years scientists will probably have found a way of cloning
humans.It could be that pretty soon we will be able to choose the person that we want our
child to look like,But how would it feel to be a clone among hundreds,the anti-cloners
ask. Pretty cool, answer the pro-cloners(赞成克隆的人).

Within ten years scientists wil!probably have_______.
A:the nucleus of a cell
B:cloned human beings
C:a human being in two years
D:a law to ban human cloning
E:a report on human cloning
F:heavy media coverage



Why would a clone not be identical to the "master copy"?

A、They are totally different persons.

B、The clone's cells, for example, would have energy-processing machinery that came from the egg, not from the person who was cloned.

C、They have different genetic source.

D、The clone’s cells can be productive.



Cloning(克隆):Future Perlect?

1 A clone is an exact copy of a plant or animal produced from any one cell.Since Scottish
scientists reported that they had managed to clone a sheep named Dolly in 1997,research
into cloning has grown rapidly.In May 1998,scientists in Massachusetts managed to
create two identical calves(牛犊)using cloning technology. A mouse has also been
cloned successfully.But the debate over cloning humans really started when Chicago
physicist Richard Seed made a surprising announcement:"We will have managed to clone
a human being within the next two years."he told the world.
2 Seed's announcement provoked a lot of media attention,most of it negative,In Europe,
nineteen nations have already signed an agreement banning human cloning and in the
U.S. the President announced:"We will be introducing a law to ban all human cloning and
many states in the U. S. will have passed anti-cloning laws by the end of the year."
3 Many researchers are not so negative about cloning.They are worried that laws banning
human cloning will threaten important research.In March,The New England Journal of
Medicine called any plan to ban research on cloning humans seriously mistaken.Many
researchers also believe that in spite of attempts to ban it,human cloning will have become
routine by 2010 because it is impossible to stop the progress of science.
4 Is there reason to fear that cloning will lead to a nightmare world?The public has been
bombarded(轰炸)with newspaper articles, television shows and films, as well as
cartoons.Such information is often misleading,and makes people wonder what on earth
the scientists will be doing next.
5 Within the next five to ten years scientists will probably have found a way of cloning
humans.It could be that pretty soon we will be able to choose the person that we want our
child to look like,But how would it feel to be a clone among hundreds,the anti-cloners
ask. Pretty cool, answer the pro-cloners(赞成克隆的人).

Richard Seed claimed to be able to clone_______.
A:the nucleus of a cell
B:cloned human beings
C:a human being in two years
D:a law to ban human cloning
E:a report on human cloning
F:heavy media coverage



Cloning(克隆):Future Perlect?

1 A clone is an exact copy of a plant or animal produced from any one cell.Since Scottish
scientists reported that they had managed to clone a sheep named Dolly in 1997,research
into cloning has grown rapidly.In May 1998,scientists in Massachusetts managed to
create two identical calves(牛犊)using cloning technology. A mouse has also been
cloned successfully.But the debate over cloning humans really started when Chicago
physicist Richard Seed made a surprising announcement:"We will have managed to clone
a human being within the next two years."he told the world.
2 Seed's announcement provoked a lot of media attention,most of it negative,In Europe,
nineteen nations have already signed an agreement banning human cloning and in the
U.S. the President announced:"We will be introducing a law to ban all human cloning and
many states in the U. S. will have passed anti-cloning laws by the end of the year."
3 Many researchers are not so negative about cloning.They are worried that laws banning
human cloning will threaten important research.In March,The New England Journal of
Medicine called any plan to ban research on cloning humans seriously mistaken.Many
researchers also believe that in spite of attempts to ban it,human cloning will have become
routine by 2010 because it is impossible to stop the progress of science.
4 Is there reason to fear that cloning will lead to a nightmare world?The public has been
bombarded(轰炸)with newspaper articles, television shows and films, as well as
cartoons.Such information is often misleading,and makes people wonder what on earth
the scientists will be doing next.
5 Within the next five to ten years scientists will probably have found a way of cloning
humans.It could be that pretty soon we will be able to choose the person that we want our
child to look like,But how would it feel to be a clone among hundreds,the anti-cloners
ask. Pretty cool, answer the pro-cloners(赞成克隆的人).

Paragraph 2________
A:Strong reactions
B:Anxiety about the future if cloning
C:The right to choose
D:What id cloning?
E:Arguments in favor of cloning
F:A common sight



We may conclude from the text that _____.

[A] human cloning will not succeed unless the technique is more efficient

[B] scientists are optimistic about cloning technique

[C] many people are against the idea of human cloning

[D] cloned animals are more favored by owners even if they are weaker




Cloning(克隆):Future Perlect?

1 A clone is an exact copy of a plant or animal produced from any one cell.Since Scottish
scientists reported that they had managed to clone a sheep named Dolly in 1997,research
into cloning has grown rapidly.In May 1998,scientists in Massachusetts managed to
create two identical calves(牛犊)using cloning technology. A mouse has also been
cloned successfully.But the debate over cloning humans really started when Chicago
physicist Richard Seed made a surprising announcement:"We will have managed to clone
a human being within the next two years."he told the world.
2 Seed's announcement provoked a lot of media attention,most of it negative,In Europe,
nineteen nations have already signed an agreement banning human cloning and in the
U.S. the President announced:"We will be introducing a law to ban all human cloning and
many states in the U. S. will have passed anti-cloning laws by the end of the year."
3 Many researchers are not so negative about cloning.They are worried that laws banning
human cloning will threaten important research.In March,The New England Journal of
Medicine called any plan to ban research on cloning humans seriously mistaken.Many
researchers also believe that in spite of attempts to ban it,human cloning will have become
routine by 2010 because it is impossible to stop the progress of science.
4 Is there reason to fear that cloning will lead to a nightmare world?The public has been
bombarded(轰炸)with newspaper articles, television shows and films, as well as
cartoons.Such information is often misleading,and makes people wonder what on earth
the scientists will be doing next.
5 Within the next five to ten years scientists will probably have found a way of cloning
humans.It could be that pretty soon we will be able to choose the person that we want our
child to look like,But how would it feel to be a clone among hundreds,the anti-cloners
ask. Pretty cool, answer the pro-cloners(赞成克隆的人).

Richard Seed's announcement received_______.
A:the nucleus of a cell
B:cloned human beings
C:a human being in two years
D:a law to ban human cloning
E:a report on human cloning
F:heavy media coverage



What is true about clone?()

A. It would be a completely new way of making a human being

B.It, biologically, refers to any organism whose genetic information is identical to that of its parent organism from which it is created

C.Cloning will create a baby from a single cell, from a single person

D.It is favored widely



Clone Farm
Factory farming could soon enter a new era of mass production .Companies in the US are developing the technology needed to"clone"chickens on a massive scale.Once a chicken with desirable traits has been bred or genetically engineered,tens of thousands of eggs,which will hatch into identical copies,could roll off the production lines every hour. Billions of clones could be produced each year to supply chicken farms with birds that all grow at the same rate,have the same amount of meat and taste the same.
This,at least,is the vision of the US's National Institute of Science and Technology,which has given Origen Therapeutics of Burlingame,California,and Embrex of North Carolina $4 .7 million to help fund research.The prospect has alarmed animal welfare groups,who fear it could increase the suffering of farm birds.
That's unlikely to put off the poultry industry,however,which wants disease-resistant birds that grow faster on less food."Producers would like the same meat quantity but to use reduced inputs to get there,"says Mike Fitzgerald of Origen.To meet this demand,Origen aims to"create an animal that is effectively a clone",he says.Normal cloning doesn't work in birds because eggs can't be removed and implanted.Instead,the company is trying to bulk-grow embryonic stem cells taken from fertilized eggs as soon as they're laid."The trick is to culture the cells without them starting to distinguish,so they remain pluripotent,"says Fitzgerald.
Using a long-established technique,these donor cells will then be injected into the embryo of a freshly laid,fertilized recipient egg,forming a chick that is a"chimera".Strictly speaking a chimera isn't a clone,because it contains cells from both donor and recipient. But Fitzgerald says it will be enough if,say,95 percent of a chicken's body develops from donor cells."In the poultry world,it doesn't matter if it's not 100 percent."he says.
Another challenge for Origen is to scale up production .To do this,it has teamed up with Embrex,which produces machines that can inject vaccines into up to 50,000 eggs an hour. Embrex is now trying to modify the machines to locate the embryo and inject the cells into precisely the right spot without killing it.
In future,Origen imagines freezing stem cells from different strains of chicken.If orders come in for a particular strain,millions of eggs could be produced in months or even weeks.At present, maintaining all the varieties the market might call for is too expensive for breeders and it takes years to bread enough chickens to produce the billions of eggs that farmers need.

Which institution has offered $4 .7 million to fund the research?
A: The US's National Institute of Science and Technology.
B: Origen Therapeutics of Burlingame,California.
C: Embrex of North Carolina.
D: Animal welfare groups.


第二段共提到三个研究机构和一个民间组织。the US's National Institute of Science and Technology为研究提供了经费,被资助的研究机构是Origen Therapeutics of Burlingame, California和Embrex of North Carolina。因此,A是答案。





Cloning(克隆):Future Perlect?

1 A clone is an exact copy of a plant or animal produced from any one cell.Since Scottish
scientists reported that they had managed to clone a sheep named Dolly in 1997,research
into cloning has grown rapidly.In May 1998,scientists in Massachusetts managed to
create two identical calves(牛犊)using cloning technology. A mouse has also been
cloned successfully.But the debate over cloning humans really started when Chicago
physicist Richard Seed made a surprising announcement:"We will have managed to clone
a human being within the next two years."he told the world.
2 Seed's announcement provoked a lot of media attention,most of it negative,In Europe,
nineteen nations have already signed an agreement banning human cloning and in the
U.S. the President announced:"We will be introducing a law to ban all human cloning and
many states in the U. S. will have passed anti-cloning laws by the end of the year."
3 Many researchers are not so negative about cloning.They are worried that laws banning
human cloning will threaten important research.In March,The New England Journal of
Medicine called any plan to ban research on cloning humans seriously mistaken.Many
researchers also believe that in spite of attempts to ban it,human cloning will have become
routine by 2010 because it is impossible to stop the progress of science.
4 Is there reason to fear that cloning will lead to a nightmare world?The public has been
bombarded(轰炸)with newspaper articles, television shows and films, as well as
cartoons.Such information is often misleading,and makes people wonder what on earth
the scientists will be doing next.
5 Within the next five to ten years scientists will probably have found a way of cloning
humans.It could be that pretty soon we will be able to choose the person that we want our
child to look like,But how would it feel to be a clone among hundreds,the anti-cloners
ask. Pretty cool, answer the pro-cloners(赞成克隆的人).

The United States will introduce_______.
A:the nucleus of a cell
B:cloned human beings
C:a human being in two years
D:a law to ban human cloning
E:a report on human cloning
F:heavy media coverage

