
共用题干 第二篇FearFear is something that always remains in our heart. We can never eliminate fear from our life. Fear of failing in exams which can make a negative impact in someone's career,and fear of speaking in public where majority of human think that peop



Fear is something that always remains in our heart. We can never eliminate fear from our life. Fear of failing in exams which can make a negative impact in someone's career,and fear of speaking in public where majority of human think that people will make fun of them.Fear of not being liked, fear of storms and floods,fear of being alone and many others are all very common examples of fear.
Fear can also affect our physical beings like pounding of the heart,rapid pulse rate,tense muscles,dryness of the throat,churning in the stomach,confusion,fainting,and the inability to concentrate.These things are also very common.Fear is only hidden somewhere inside our bodies, pushing us to work hard and moving us forward to overcome our weaknesses.
Fear is the way to our success.I had a very bad experience of fear in my childhood days.My father told me that if I got bad grades another time in my school exams,then he would kick me out of his home and would never allow me to come back again.This sentence of my father stuck in my mind because one of my friends in school at that time recently became homeless.He belonged to a poor family,and his father had lost a big amount of money in a small business near his home.So, the problems he was facing from homelessness made me work hard in my exams;otherwise,I might have been kicked out of home by my father.
Fear sometimes can be motivating,and help us to do those things which we think and believe that we can never do.One of the most common fear inducing activities,for example,is swimming. This is primarily caused by most of us not having a background in swimming and only taking it up because it is part of the sport. Additionally,most humans are uncomfortable in the water as a general rule because of the fear of drowning. This fear of drowning is innately strong,and similar common or strong fears tend not to exist when it comes to cycling or running because they are land based activities.

Which of the following parts is not covered in the passage?
A:Examples of fear.
B:Positive impact of fear on people.
C:How to overcome fear of swimming.
D:Why the author's friend became homeless.
本题是细节考查题。原文是“Fear can also affect our physical beings like pounding of the heart,rapid pulse rate,tense muscles,dryness of the throat,churning in the stomach,confusion,fainting,and the inability to concentrate”。
本题是细节考查题。原文是“This fear of drowning is innately strong , and similar common or strong fears tend not to exist when it comes to cycling or running because they are land based activities”。
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The next big breakthrough in artificial intelligence could come from giving machines not just more logical capacity,but emotional capacity as well.
Feeling aren't usually associated with inanimate(无生命的)machines, but Posalind Picard, a professor of computer technology at MIT,believes emotion may be just the thing computes need to work effectively.Computers need artificial emotion both to understand their human users better and to achieve self-analysis and self-improvement,says Picard.
"If we want computers to be genuinely intelligent,to adapt to us,and to interact naturally with us,then they will need the ability to recognize and express emotions,to have emotions,and to have what has come to be called emotional intelligence,"Picard says.
One way that emotions can help computers,she suggests,is by helping keep them from crashing. Today's computers produce error messages,but they do not have a "gut feeling" of knowing when something is wrong or doesn't make sense.A healthy fear of death could motivate a computer to stop trouble as soon as it starts.On the other hand, self-preservation would need to be subordinate to service to humans.It was fear of its own death that promoted RAL,the fictional computer in the film 2002 :A Space Odyssey, to extermine(消灭)most of its human associates.
Similarly,computers that could"read"their users would accumulate a store of highly personal information about us一not just what we said and did,but what we likely thought and felt.
"Emotion not only contribute to a richer quality of interaction,but they directly impact a person's ability to interact in an intelligent way,"Picard says."Emotional skills,especially the ability to recognize and express emotions,are essential for natural communication with humans."

According to Picard,emotion intelligence is necessary to computers because_________.
A:it can make computers analyze the information more efficiently
B:it can help to eliminate the computrs' innate problems
C:it can improve the mechanic capacity of computers
D:it can make computers achieve a better understanding of human users

推理判断题。在第三段开头的条件状语从句中," to adapt to us , and to interact naturally with us”既是与“to be genuinely intelligent”并列的结构,也是对其的补充解释,由此可以推断出答案。选项B无合理的依据。根据第四段第二句,情感只是让计算机知道什么时候出了毛病或指令不明,并可对此作出修正,但这并不能说明选项C或D正确。
词义推断题。在原句中,有了gut feeling,计算机就能知道何时出了毛病,由此可以推断gut feeling应该是一个好的特性,不带有任何贬义,从而排除选项B、C、D。




Fear is something that always remains in our heart. We can never eliminate fear from our life. Fear of failing in exams which can make a negative impact in someone's career,and fear of speaking in public where majority of human think that people will make fun of them.Fear of not being liked, fear of storms and floods,fear of being alone and many others are all very common examples of fear.
Fear can also affect our physical beings like pounding of the heart,rapid pulse rate,tense muscles,dryness of the throat,churning in the stomach,confusion,fainting,and the inability to concentrate.These things are also very common.Fear is only hidden somewhere inside our bodies, pushing us to work hard and moving us forward to overcome our weaknesses.
Fear is the way to our success.I had a very bad experience of fear in my childhood days.My father told me that if I got bad grades another time in my school exams,then he would kick me out of his home and would never allow me to come back again.This sentence of my father stuck in my mind because one of my friends in school at that time recently became homeless.He belonged to a poor family,and his father had lost a big amount of money in a small business near his home.So, the problems he was facing from homelessness made me work hard in my exams;otherwise,I might have been kicked out of home by my father.
Fear sometimes can be motivating,and help us to do those things which we think and believe that we can never do.One of the most common fear inducing activities,for example,is swimming. This is primarily caused by most of us not having a background in swimming and only taking it up because it is part of the sport. Additionally,most humans are uncomfortable in the water as a general rule because of the fear of drowning. This fear of drowning is innately strong,and similar common or strong fears tend not to exist when it comes to cycling or running because they are land based activities.

What does the word"innately"refer to?

本题是细节考查题。原文是“Fear can also affect our physical beings like pounding of the heart,rapid pulse rate,tense muscles,dryness of the throat,churning in the stomach,confusion,fainting,and the inability to concentrate”。
本题是细节考查题。原文是“This fear of drowning is innately strong , and similar common or strong fears tend not to exist when it comes to cycling or running because they are land based activities”。


- They want to make sure you're paying taxes on the money you make. - ________ .

A We're paying alright ;

B At least, our records for money in are very complete ;

C That's something you can improve by talking to human resources



In Your Face

Why is this man so angry?We don't know the reason,but we can see the emotion in his face.What-
ever culture you come from,you can understand the feeling that he is expressing.
Forty years ago,psychologist Paul Ekman of the University of California,San Francisco,became
interested in how people's faces show their feelings.He took photographs of Americans expressing various
emotions.Then he showed them to the Fore people,who live in the jungle in New Guinea. Most of the Fore
had never seen foreign faces,but they easily understood Americans' expressions of anger,happiness,sad-
ness,disgust,fear,and surprise.
Then Ekman did the same experiment in reverse.He showed pictures of Fore faces to Americans,and
the results were similar. Americans had no problems reading the emotions on the Fore people's faces.
Ekman's research gave powerful support to the theory that facial expressions for basic emotions are the same
everywhere.He did more research in Japan,Brazil,and Argentina,and got the same results.
According to Ekman,these six emotions are universal because they are built into our brains.They
developed to help us deal with things quickly that might hurt us.Some emotional triggers are universal as
well.When something suddenly comes into sight,people feel fear,because it might be dangerous.But most
emotional triggers are learned.For example,two people might smell newly cut grass.One person spent won-
derful summers in the country as a child,so the smell makes him happy.The other person remembers work-
ing very hard on a farm and being hungry,so he feels sad.
Once we make an emotional association in our brain,it is difficult,and sometimes impossible,to
change it."Emotion is the least changeable part of the brain,"says Ekman.But we can learn to manage our
emotions better. For instance,we can be more aware of things that make us angry,and we can think before
we react.
There are many differences between cultures,in their languages and customs.But a smile is exactly the
same everywhere.

Fear is the most difficult emotion to change.
C:Not mentioned

文章中Paul Ekman为了研究人类对不同面部表情的辨认能力,针对不同国家、不同文 化群体的人们做实验。故选A。
由文章第三段第四句话可知,Ekman的研究验证了不论在哪一个地方,人类对一些基 本情感的面部表达方式都是一样的这一理论。虽然Ekman在不同国家做实验但得出的结论 是相同的。正是这样的研究结果才验证了上面的理论。
题干说:“美国人要比新几内亚的Fore people更易动怒。”这一点在文章中未提及。
题干说:“不同的两个人可能会对同一事物产生不同的情感。”在文章第四段后半部分, 作者举了一个例子。当两个人闻到刚割过的青草的味道时,一个人感到高兴因为青草的味道 让他想起童年时在乡村度过的愉快的夏天。另一个人感到难过因为青草的味道让他想起在农 场工作时又累又饿的情景。所以题干说法正确。
题干说:“来自不同文化背景的人们在互相理解时会微笑。”文章最后一段说不同文化 背景的人们在他们的语言和风俗方面会有不同,但微笑无论在哪里都是相同的。题干的说法 没有提及。




Fear is something that always remains in our heart. We can never eliminate fear from our life. Fear of failing in exams which can make a negative impact in someone's career,and fear of speaking in public where majority of human think that people will make fun of them.Fear of not being liked, fear of storms and floods,fear of being alone and many others are all very common examples of fear.
Fear can also affect our physical beings like pounding of the heart,rapid pulse rate,tense muscles,dryness of the throat,churning in the stomach,confusion,fainting,and the inability to concentrate.These things are also very common.Fear is only hidden somewhere inside our bodies, pushing us to work hard and moving us forward to overcome our weaknesses.
Fear is the way to our success.I had a very bad experience of fear in my childhood days.My father told me that if I got bad grades another time in my school exams,then he would kick me out of his home and would never allow me to come back again.This sentence of my father stuck in my mind because one of my friends in school at that time recently became homeless.He belonged to a poor family,and his father had lost a big amount of money in a small business near his home.So, the problems he was facing from homelessness made me work hard in my exams;otherwise,I might have been kicked out of home by my father.
Fear sometimes can be motivating,and help us to do those things which we think and believe that we can never do.One of the most common fear inducing activities,for example,is swimming. This is primarily caused by most of us not having a background in swimming and only taking it up because it is part of the sport. Additionally,most humans are uncomfortable in the water as a general rule because of the fear of drowning. This fear of drowning is innately strong,and similar common or strong fears tend not to exist when it comes to cycling or running because they are land based activities.

What does the author try to prove by using his childhood experience?
A:His father was very strict with him.
B:Fear can make us improve ourselves.
C:He was afraid of being homeless.
D:He was sympathetic with his homeless friend.

本题是细节考查题。原文是“Fear can also affect our physical beings like pounding of the heart,rapid pulse rate,tense muscles,dryness of the throat,churning in the stomach,confusion,fainting,and the inability to concentrate”。
本题是细节考查题。原文是“This fear of drowning is innately strong , and similar common or strong fears tend not to exist when it comes to cycling or running because they are land based activities”。




Fear is something that always remains in our heart. We can never eliminate fear from our life. Fear of failing in exams which can make a negative impact in someone's career,and fear of speaking in public where majority of human think that people will make fun of them.Fear of not being liked, fear of storms and floods,fear of being alone and many others are all very common examples of fear.
Fear can also affect our physical beings like pounding of the heart,rapid pulse rate,tense muscles,dryness of the throat,churning in the stomach,confusion,fainting,and the inability to concentrate.These things are also very common.Fear is only hidden somewhere inside our bodies, pushing us to work hard and moving us forward to overcome our weaknesses.
Fear is the way to our success.I had a very bad experience of fear in my childhood days.My father told me that if I got bad grades another time in my school exams,then he would kick me out of his home and would never allow me to come back again.This sentence of my father stuck in my mind because one of my friends in school at that time recently became homeless.He belonged to a poor family,and his father had lost a big amount of money in a small business near his home.So, the problems he was facing from homelessness made me work hard in my exams;otherwise,I might have been kicked out of home by my father.
Fear sometimes can be motivating,and help us to do those things which we think and believe that we can never do.One of the most common fear inducing activities,for example,is swimming. This is primarily caused by most of us not having a background in swimming and only taking it up because it is part of the sport. Additionally,most humans are uncomfortable in the water as a general rule because of the fear of drowning. This fear of drowning is innately strong,and similar common or strong fears tend not to exist when it comes to cycling or running because they are land based activities.

Which of the following is not a person's physical reaction to fear?
A:Fast pulse rate.
B:Being focused.
C:Feeling confused.
D:Tense muscles.

本题是细节考查题。原文是“Fear can also affect our physical beings like pounding of the heart,rapid pulse rate,tense muscles,dryness of the throat,churning in the stomach,confusion,fainting,and the inability to concentrate”。
本题是细节考查题。原文是“This fear of drowning is innately strong , and similar common or strong fears tend not to exist when it comes to cycling or running because they are land based activities”。




Fear is something that always remains in our heart. We can never eliminate fear from our life. Fear of failing in exams which can make a negative impact in someone's career,and fear of speaking in public where majority of human think that people will make fun of them.Fear of not being liked, fear of storms and floods,fear of being alone and many others are all very common examples of fear.
Fear can also affect our physical beings like pounding of the heart,rapid pulse rate,tense muscles,dryness of the throat,churning in the stomach,confusion,fainting,and the inability to concentrate.These things are also very common.Fear is only hidden somewhere inside our bodies, pushing us to work hard and moving us forward to overcome our weaknesses.
Fear is the way to our success.I had a very bad experience of fear in my childhood days.My father told me that if I got bad grades another time in my school exams,then he would kick me out of his home and would never allow me to come back again.This sentence of my father stuck in my mind because one of my friends in school at that time recently became homeless.He belonged to a poor family,and his father had lost a big amount of money in a small business near his home.So, the problems he was facing from homelessness made me work hard in my exams;otherwise,I might have been kicked out of home by my father.
Fear sometimes can be motivating,and help us to do those things which we think and believe that we can never do.One of the most common fear inducing activities,for example,is swimming. This is primarily caused by most of us not having a background in swimming and only taking it up because it is part of the sport. Additionally,most humans are uncomfortable in the water as a general rule because of the fear of drowning. This fear of drowning is innately strong,and similar common or strong fears tend not to exist when it comes to cycling or running because they are land based activities.

According to the passage,when people are doing land based activities,their fear______.
A:is likely to disappear
B:is likely to grow stronger
C:is likely to change
D:is likely to fluctuate

本题是细节考查题。原文是“Fear can also affect our physical beings like pounding of the heart,rapid pulse rate,tense muscles,dryness of the throat,churning in the stomach,confusion,fainting,and the inability to concentrate”。
本题是细节考查题。原文是“This fear of drowning is innately strong , and similar common or strong fears tend not to exist when it comes to cycling or running because they are land based activities”。


This is not the world we know. This world is controlled by computers. Men and women can be seen, but they are following the orders given to them by machines. The machines were designed by mad scientists, but at some point even the mad scientists were taken over by their super-inventions.

Does this sound familiar? You have probably read something like it in magazines or books, or seen it in a film. Why is it so popular? One of the reasons is that it reflects the fears of many people; fear of the unknown fear of what is not understood or, at least, fear of something that is not completely understood.

The fact is that every day it seems that computers take control of another area of our lives. Some

factory jobs are now done by robots and the robots are controlled by computers. Our bank accounts are managed by computers. At the airport, our tickets are sold by a computer. Certainly, many of these operations are made more

efficient by computers, but our admiration is sometimes mixed with unsafe feelings. And this lack of safety is caused by the fact that we do not know how computers do these things, and we really don't know what they might do next. But we can find out how computers work, and once we understand them, we can use computers instead of worrying about being used by them. Today, there is a new generation of computer wizards who know exactly how computers get things done. These young men and women, usually university students, are happy to sit for hours, sometimes for days, designing programs, not eating, not sleeping, but discovering what can be done by these wonderful slaves which they have learned to control. These computer wizards have learned to use the computer and search for new tasks for their machines.

(1)、According to the passage, our present world is under the control of ______ .

A:mad scientists

B:men and women

C:the unknown fear

D:some super-inventions

(2)、The reason why many people are afraid of computers is that ______ .

A:they don't know anything about computers

B:they haven't really understood computers

C:there are so many computer games

D:computers are often down

(3)、The author mentions computer wizards in order to point out that ______ .

A:computers can be controlled by man

B:there should be more people devoted to computers

C:only young people are interested in computers

D:more time and energy is required to control computers

(4)、This passage is probably written to suggest that ______ .

A:some day computers can deal with all human problems

B:computers can be used in place of traveling to our jobs

C:people should not fear computers

D:computer technology will not meet people's needs in various situations

(5)、The author's attitude towards widely used computers is __.







In Your Face

Why is this man so angry?We don't know the reason,but we can see the emotion in his face.What-
ever culture you come from,you can understand the feeling that he is expressing.
Forty years ago,psychologist Paul Ekman of the University of California,San Francisco,became
interested in how people's faces show their feelings.He took photographs of Americans expressing various
emotions.Then he showed them to the Fore people,who live in the jungle in New Guinea. Most of the Fore
had never seen foreign faces,but they easily understood Americans' expressions of anger,happiness,sad-
ness,disgust,fear,and surprise.
Then Ekman did the same experiment in reverse.He showed pictures of Fore faces to Americans,and
the results were similar. Americans had no problems reading the emotions on the Fore people's faces.
Ekman's research gave powerful support to the theory that facial expressions for basic emotions are the same
everywhere.He did more research in Japan,Brazil,and Argentina,and got the same results.
According to Ekman,these six emotions are universal because they are built into our brains.They
developed to help us deal with things quickly that might hurt us.Some emotional triggers are universal as
well.When something suddenly comes into sight,people feel fear,because it might be dangerous.But most
emotional triggers are learned.For example,two people might smell newly cut grass.One person spent won-
derful summers in the country as a child,so the smell makes him happy.The other person remembers work-
ing very hard on a farm and being hungry,so he feels sad.
Once we make an emotional association in our brain,it is difficult,and sometimes impossible,to
change it."Emotion is the least changeable part of the brain,"says Ekman.But we can learn to manage our
emotions better. For instance,we can be more aware of things that make us angry,and we can think before
we react.
There are many differences between cultures,in their languages and customs.But a smile is exactly the
same everywhere.

Two people might feel different emotions about the same thing.
C:Not mentioned

文章中Paul Ekman为了研究人类对不同面部表情的辨认能力,针对不同国家、不同文 化群体的人们做实验。故选A。
由文章第三段第四句话可知,Ekman的研究验证了不论在哪一个地方,人类对一些基 本情感的面部表达方式都是一样的这一理论。虽然Ekman在不同国家做实验但得出的结论 是相同的。正是这样的研究结果才验证了上面的理论。
题干说:“美国人要比新几内亚的Fore people更易动怒。”这一点在文章中未提及。
题干说:“不同的两个人可能会对同一事物产生不同的情感。”在文章第四段后半部分, 作者举了一个例子。当两个人闻到刚割过的青草的味道时,一个人感到高兴因为青草的味道 让他想起童年时在乡村度过的愉快的夏天。另一个人感到难过因为青草的味道让他想起在农 场工作时又累又饿的情景。所以题干说法正确。
题干说:“来自不同文化背景的人们在互相理解时会微笑。”文章最后一段说不同文化 背景的人们在他们的语言和风俗方面会有不同,但微笑无论在哪里都是相同的。题干的说法 没有提及。


In Your Face

Why is this man so angry?We don't know the reason,but we can see the emotion in his face.What-
ever culture you come from,you can understand the feeling that he is expressing.
Forty years ago,psychologist Paul Ekman of the University of California,San Francisco,became
interested in how people's faces show their feelings.He took photographs of Americans expressing various
emotions.Then he showed them to the Fore people,who live in the jungle in New Guinea. Most of the Fore
had never seen foreign faces,but they easily understood Americans' expressions of anger,happiness,sad-
ness,disgust,fear,and surprise.
Then Ekman did the same experiment in reverse.He showed pictures of Fore faces to Americans,and
the results were similar. Americans had no problems reading the emotions on the Fore people's faces.
Ekman's research gave powerful support to the theory that facial expressions for basic emotions are the same
everywhere.He did more research in Japan,Brazil,and Argentina,and got the same results.
According to Ekman,these six emotions are universal because they are built into our brains.They
developed to help us deal with things quickly that might hurt us.Some emotional triggers are universal as
well.When something suddenly comes into sight,people feel fear,because it might be dangerous.But most
emotional triggers are learned.For example,two people might smell newly cut grass.One person spent won-
derful summers in the country as a child,so the smell makes him happy.The other person remembers work-
ing very hard on a farm and being hungry,so he feels sad.
Once we make an emotional association in our brain,it is difficult,and sometimes impossible,to
change it."Emotion is the least changeable part of the brain,"says Ekman.But we can learn to manage our
emotions better. For instance,we can be more aware of things that make us angry,and we can think before
we react.
There are many differences between cultures,in their languages and customs.But a smile is exactly the
same everywhere.

Paul Ekman studies people's faces in different cultures.
C:Not mentioned

文章中Paul Ekman为了研究人类对不同面部表情的辨认能力,针对不同国家、不同文 化群体的人们做实验。故选A。
由文章第三段第四句话可知,Ekman的研究验证了不论在哪一个地方,人类对一些基 本情感的面部表达方式都是一样的这一理论。虽然Ekman在不同国家做实验但得出的结论 是相同的。正是这样的研究结果才验证了上面的理论。
题干说:“美国人要比新几内亚的Fore people更易动怒。”这一点在文章中未提及。
题干说:“不同的两个人可能会对同一事物产生不同的情感。”在文章第四段后半部分, 作者举了一个例子。当两个人闻到刚割过的青草的味道时,一个人感到高兴因为青草的味道 让他想起童年时在乡村度过的愉快的夏天。另一个人感到难过因为青草的味道让他想起在农 场工作时又累又饿的情景。所以题干说法正确。
题干说:“来自不同文化背景的人们在互相理解时会微笑。”文章最后一段说不同文化 背景的人们在他们的语言和风俗方面会有不同,但微笑无论在哪里都是相同的。题干的说法 没有提及。
