
The new large passenger jets have made the traffic problems at airports_______.A.more bad than it was B.the worse than before C.worse than ever before D.more bad than they were

The new large passenger jets have made the traffic problems at airports_______.

A.more bad than it was
B.the worse than before
C.worse than ever before
D.more bad than they were
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如果没有搜索结果,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


A provisional agreement is one________

A.that could benefit both of us.

B.that you have finalized the delivery dates.

C.that is made with certain conditions.

D.then he could get a large discount.



They have discovered a new medical herb, which they have ________ a large number of patients and found to have great healing power.

A. operated

B. tried on

C. took on

D. tried with



车队抵达时, 在保证道路畅通方面有没有预案?

A.Have you got any tip to keep the traffic smooth when vehicles come?

B.Have you prepared emergency plan to guarantee the traffic?

C.Have you made any precautionary measures for clearing the road?

D.Have you got any plan to keep the road cleared when the motorcade comes?



ADHD Linked to Air Pollutants
Children have an increased of attention problems,seen as early as grade school,if their no-ses inhaled(吸入)a certain type of air pollution when they were pregnant. That's the finding of a new study.Released when things aren't burned completely,this pollution is known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,or PAHs.The biggest sources of these PAHs:the burning of fossil fuels, wood and trash.
Frederica Perera works at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health in New York City.She researches how exposure to things in the environment affects children's health.In a new study,she and her team studied the exposure to air pollution of 233 nonsmoking pregnant women in New York City. Because burning tobacco can spew(排放)PAHs into the air and lungs, Perera's team focused on nonsmokers. The researchers wanted to probe(探查)other sources of PAHs,ones that's would have been hard for an individual to avoid.
The team started by testing the blood of each woman during pregnancy.The reason:Any PAHs in a woman's blood would also be available to the baby in her womb.Nine years later,the researchers investigated signs of attention problems in those children,now age 9 .They asked each child's mother a series of questions.These included whatever her child had problems doing things that needed sustained(长期的)mental effort, such as homework or games with friends. The sci-entists also asked if the kids had trouble following instructions or made frequent,careless mis-takes .All of these can be symptoms of a disorder called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD.About one in U.S.children has ADHD.
Among the women studied,traffic and home heating were the primary sources of air pollution exposure,Perera and her team suspect. Some of these women had low levels of PAHs in their blood .Others had high levels.Those with high levels were five times as likely to have children who showed attention problems by age 9 .The new findings were published November 5 in the journal PLOS ONE.

The women with high levels of PAHs in their blood were more likely to have kids with ADHD.
A: Right
B: Wrong
C: Not mentioned

根据第二段中“In a new study, she and her team studied the exposure to air pollution of 233 nonsmoking pregnant women in New York City.”可知,她们只是在纽约市挑选不吸烟的孕妇,因此题干叙述错误,选B。

根据第二段“The researchers wanted to probe(探查)other sources of PAHs, ones that's would have been hard for an individual to avoid.”可知,研究的目的是找出除香烟外其他能排放多环芳烃的原料。题干陈述的是所有可以排放多环芳烃的原料,与原文不符。故选B。




根据最后一段“Those with high levels were five times as likely to have children who showed attention problems by age 9.”可知,血液中多环芳烃含量高的妇女,她们的孩子更有可能患有注意缺陷多动障碍。句子中的attention problems指的就是ADHD。

文章第一段最后一句“The biggest sources of these PAHs:the burning of fossil fuels, wood and trash.”提出,多环芳烃的最大来源是化石、木材和废物的燃烧。而交通和家庭产热只是研究范围内的最大多环芳烃产生来源。因此题干叙述错误,选B。


L.A.Unified has made the rule about homework mainly because poor students_____.

[A]tend to have moderate expectations for their education

[B]have asked for a different educational standard

[C]may have problems finishing their homework

[D]have voiced their complaints about homework



The seller was trying to sign a substantial order________

A.that is made with certain conditions.

B.that you have finalized the delivery dates.

C.then he could get a large discount.

D.to be more flexible over terms of payment.



Most of the environmental problems are man-made.()



The new executive has done well to make the wholesaler agree________

A.that could benefit both of us.

B.then he could get a large discount.

C.that is made with certain conditions.

D.to be more flexible over terms of payment.



ADHD Linked to Air Pollutants
Children have an increased of attention problems,seen as early as grade school,if their no-ses inhaled(吸入)a certain type of air pollution when they were pregnant. That's the finding of a new study.Released when things aren't burned completely,this pollution is known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,or PAHs.The biggest sources of these PAHs:the burning of fossil fuels, wood and trash.
Frederica Perera works at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health in New York City.She researches how exposure to things in the environment affects children's health.In a new study,she and her team studied the exposure to air pollution of 233 nonsmoking pregnant women in New York City. Because burning tobacco can spew(排放)PAHs into the air and lungs, Perera's team focused on nonsmokers. The researchers wanted to probe(探查)other sources of PAHs,ones that's would have been hard for an individual to avoid.
The team started by testing the blood of each woman during pregnancy.The reason:Any PAHs in a woman's blood would also be available to the baby in her womb.Nine years later,the researchers investigated signs of attention problems in those children,now age 9 .They asked each child's mother a series of questions.These included whatever her child had problems doing things that needed sustained(长期的)mental effort, such as homework or games with friends. The sci-entists also asked if the kids had trouble following instructions or made frequent,careless mis-takes .All of these can be symptoms of a disorder called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD.About one in U.S.children has ADHD.
Among the women studied,traffic and home heating were the primary sources of air pollution exposure,Perera and her team suspect. Some of these women had low levels of PAHs in their blood .Others had high levels.Those with high levels were five times as likely to have children who showed attention problems by age 9 .The new findings were published November 5 in the journal PLOS ONE.

Traffic and home heating were considered to be the biggest sources of PAHs for the subjects in the research.
A: Right
B: Wrong
C: Not mentioned

根据第二段中“In a new study, she and her team studied the exposure to air pollution of 233 nonsmoking pregnant women in New York City.”可知,她们只是在纽约市挑选不吸烟的孕妇,因此题干叙述错误,选B。

根据第二段“The researchers wanted to probe(探查)other sources of PAHs, ones that's would have been hard for an individual to avoid.”可知,研究的目的是找出除香烟外其他能排放多环芳烃的原料。题干陈述的是所有可以排放多环芳烃的原料,与原文不符。故选B。




根据最后一段“Those with high levels were five times as likely to have children who showed attention problems by age 9.”可知,血液中多环芳烃含量高的妇女,她们的孩子更有可能患有注意缺陷多动障碍。句子中的attention problems指的就是ADHD。

文章第一段最后一句“The biggest sources of these PAHs:the burning of fossil fuels, wood and trash.”提出,多环芳烃的最大来源是化石、木材和废物的燃烧。而交通和家庭产热只是研究范围内的最大多环芳烃产生来源。因此题干叙述错误,选B。


Recently,electric vehicles (EVs) have been claimed to provide a pathway for the transition towards sustainable transportation______EVs’ potential to solve energy and environmental problems,although new problems such as battery waste might appear.

A.in behalf of

B.in honor of

C.in charge of

D.in view of

本题考查名词短语辨析。题目意为“尽管可能会出现如电池浪费这样新的问题,但鉴于EV解决能源和环境问题的潜力,最近电动汽车(EV)被公认为向可持续交通的过渡提供了一条途径。”A选项“为……的利益,代表”,B选项“为了纪念……”,C选项“主管,负责”, D选项“鉴于,考虑到”。根据题意,D选项符合题意。
