
Californian Michael Schwabe said goodbye to the gas pump two years ago.He leased an electric car.Schwabe says he gets more out of driving an electric car than just a charge. "With the price of gasoline and with the problems with clean air,it's important w

Californian Michael Schwabe said goodbye to the gas pump two years ago.He leased an electric car.Schwabe says he gets more out of driving an electric car than just a charge.
"With the price of gasoline and with the problems with clean air,it's important we get electric vehicles out on the road."
On California roads there are about two thousand electric cars.By 2003,ten percent of all new cars may be required to have zero emissions.This is a mandate automakers say it is way ahead of its time.
Gloria Bergquist of the Alliance of Auto Manufacturers says,"The technology(for zero emissions)isn't here yet;it still needs advancement in driving range to make it more appealing to a wider consumer audience."
Auto makers blame it on the batteries.Power runs out on most cars after about 70 miles.However,some cars can now go more than 100 miles on a charge.Batteries are expensive.Carmakers say there is nothing they can do about it.
Tim Carmichael of the Clean Air Coalition says,"The automakers have not built a vehicle unless required to do so,so it's very important for the state to stay committed to this program requiting automakers to build small amounts in beginning years and then the market will take off."

Right now the California Air Resources Board requires that a percentage of new cars sold should be free of emissions.What is that percentage?

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For many years, people electric cars. However, making them has been more difficult than predicted.

A.had dreamed of

B.have dreamed of

C.dreamed of

D.dream of



In order to cut down on the carbon emission,more people choose to travel______.

A.by electric car,bicycle or plane

B.by private car,bicycle or bus

C.by bus,electric car or plane

D.by bicycle. bus or electric car



Passage Four

One evening Mr. Green was driving home along a lonely country road. He had £ 100.00 in his pock et. At the loneliest part of the road, a man asked for a lift (搭车). Mr. Green told him to get into the car and continued his driving. When he talked to the man and learned that the man had been in prison for robbery and had broken out of prison two days before, Mr. Green was very worried.

Suddenly he saw a police-car and had a bright idea. He just reached a small town where the speed limit (限制速度) was 30 miles an hour. But he drove the car as fast as it could go. He looked back and saw that the police-car had begun to chase (追) him. After a mile or so the police-car overtook (赶上) him and ordered him to stop. A policeman got out and came to Mr. Green's car. Mr. Green hoped that he could tell the policeman about the escaped robber, but he felt the man had put a gun against his back. The policeman took out his notebook and pencil, saying he wanted Mr. Green's name and address. Mr. Green asked to be taken to the police station, but the policeman said, "No, you will have to appear at the police station later." Mr. Green had to do as the policeman told him. The policeman wrote his name and address down, put his notebook and pencil back in his pocket and gave Mr. Green a talk about dangerous driving. Then Mr. Green started up his car again and drove on.

Just as he reached the outskirts (郊区) of London, the passenger said, "! want to get off here." Mr. Green stopped the car, the man got out and said, "Thanks for the lift. You've been good to me. This is the least I can do in return (报答)." And he handed Mr. Green the policeman's notebook, which he stole while the policeman was talking to Mr. Green.

46. The man asking for a lift was ______.

A. a robber who robs drivers

B. a policeman who had worked in prison

C. a prisoner who had escaped from prison

D. a stranger with £ 100.00 in his pocket

本题是对有关人物细节信息的考查。其中关键词是man...lift...was。首先,考生从选项中得知需判断搭车人的身份。通过第1段倒数第2句中的...the man...in prison for robbery...broken out of prison two days before了解到此人曾因抢劫而入狱,但又于两天前越狱逃走。 ABD项都与文中内容不符,应被排除。唯有C(越狱的犯人)合乎文中情节,是正确答案。


Some Sleep Drugs Do More Than Make You Sleep
The United States Food and Drug Administration(FDA)has ordered companies to place strong new warnings on thirteen drugs that treat sleep disorders.It also ordered the makers of the sleeping pills to provide information for patients explaining how to safely use the drugs.
Last Wednesday,the FDA announced that some of these drugs can have unexpected and dangerouseffects.These include the risk of life-threatening allergic(过敏性的)reactions.They also include rareincidents of strange behavior.These include people cooking food,eating and even driving while asleep.The patients later had no memory of doing these activities while asleep.
Last year,a member of the United States Congress said he had a sleep-driving incident.PatrickKennedy , a representative from Rhode Island,crashed his car into a security barrier near the building wherelawmakers meet.The accident happened in the middle of the night and no one was hurt.Mr.Kennedy saidhe had earlier taken a sleep medicine.He said he was also being treated with a stomach sickness drug thatcan cause sleepiness.
The FDA did not say in its announcement how many cases of sleep-driving it has documented.However,the New York Times reported last year about people who said they had strange sleep events after taking the drug Ambien.Some reported sleep-driving and sleep-walking.Others said they found evidence after waking in the morning that they had cooked food or eaten in their sleep.But they had no memory of carrying out the activities.
An FDA official says that these serious side effects of sleep disorder drugs appear to be rare.But,he also said there are probably more cases than are reported.He said the agency believes the risk of such behaviors could be reduced if people take the drugs as directed and do not drink alcohol while taking the drugs.The FDA has advised drug companies to carry out studies to investigate the problem.

The FDA warned that some sleeping pills______.
A:can help people to learn to cook
B:prevent people from driving while asleep
C:present life-threatening risk to patients
D:have severe effect on a patient's long-term memory



Some Sleep Drugs Do More Than Make You Sleep
The United States Food and Drug Administration(FDA)has ordered companies to place strong new warnings on thirteen drugs that treat sleep disorders.It also ordered the makers of the sleeping pills to provide information for patients explaining how to safely use the drugs.
Last Wednesday,the FDA announced that some of these drugs can have unexpected and dangerouseffects.These include the risk of life-threatening allergic(过敏性的)reactions.They also include rareincidents of strange behavior.These include people cooking food,eating and even driving while asleep.The patients later had no memory of doing these activities while asleep.
Last year,a member of the United States Congress said he had a sleep-driving incident.PatrickKennedy , a representative from Rhode Island,crashed his car into a security barrier near the building wherelawmakers meet.The accident happened in the middle of the night and no one was hurt.Mr.Kennedy saidhe had earlier taken a sleep medicine.He said he was also being treated with a stomach sickness drug thatcan cause sleepiness.
The FDA did not say in its announcement how many cases of sleep-driving it has documented.However,the New York Times reported last year about people who said they had strange sleep events after taking the drug Ambien.Some reported sleep-driving and sleep-walking.Others said they found evidence after waking in the morning that they had cooked food or eaten in their sleep.But they had no memory of carrying out the activities.
An FDA official says that these serious side effects of sleep disorder drugs appear to be rare.But,he also said there are probably more cases than are reported.He said the agency believes the risk of such behaviors could be reduced if people take the drugs as directed and do not drink alcohol while taking the drugs.The FDA has advised drug companies to carry out studies to investigate the problem.

After taking the drug Ambien,some people______.
A:are unable to drive
B:don't know how to cook
C:suffer from eating problems
D:fall asleep while walking



Having been working in logistics for 3 years, he is more()than he used to be.

A、 proud

B、 brave

C、 confident



If a centrifugal pump is driven by a constant speed electric motor and produces a discharge pressure less than designed, the cause is probably ______.

A.excessive pump speed

B.excessive suction head

C.worn wearing rings

D.gross pump misalignment



In order to cut down on the carbon emission, more people choose to travel_.

A.by electric car, bicycle or plane

B.by private car, bicycle or bus

C.by bus, electric car or plane

D.by bicycle, bus or electric car



Some Sleep Drugs Do More Than Make You Sleep
The United States Food and Drug Administration(FDA)has ordered companies to place strong new warnings on thirteen drugs that treat sleep disorders.It also ordered the makers of the sleeping pills to provide information for patients explaining how to safely use the drugs.
Last Wednesday,the FDA announced that some of these drugs can have unexpected and dangerouseffects.These include the risk of life-threatening allergic(过敏性的)reactions.They also include rareincidents of strange behavior.These include people cooking food,eating and even driving while asleep.The patients later had no memory of doing these activities while asleep.
Last year,a member of the United States Congress said he had a sleep-driving incident.PatrickKennedy , a representative from Rhode Island,crashed his car into a security barrier near the building wherelawmakers meet.The accident happened in the middle of the night and no one was hurt.Mr.Kennedy saidhe had earlier taken a sleep medicine.He said he was also being treated with a stomach sickness drug thatcan cause sleepiness.
The FDA did not say in its announcement how many cases of sleep-driving it has documented.However,the New York Times reported last year about people who said they had strange sleep events after taking the drug Ambien.Some reported sleep-driving and sleep-walking.Others said they found evidence after waking in the morning that they had cooked food or eaten in their sleep.But they had no memory of carrying out the activities.
An FDA official says that these serious side effects of sleep disorder drugs appear to be rare.But,he also said there are probably more cases than are reported.He said the agency believes the risk of such behaviors could be reduced if people take the drugs as directed and do not drink alcohol while taking the drugs.The FDA has advised drug companies to carry out studies to investigate the problem.

What happened to Patrick Kennedy last year?
A:He crashed his car into a security barrier.
B:He was killed during a car accident.
C:His car broke down on the way home.
D:He was treated for stomachache.



Some Sleep Drugs Do More Than Make You Sleep
The United States Food and Drug Administration(FDA)has ordered companies to place strong new warnings on thirteen drugs that treat sleep disorders.It also ordered the makers of the sleeping pills to provide information for patients explaining how to safely use the drugs.
Last Wednesday,the FDA announced that some of these drugs can have unexpected and dangerouseffects.These include the risk of life-threatening allergic(过敏性的)reactions.They also include rareincidents of strange behavior.These include people cooking food,eating and even driving while asleep.The patients later had no memory of doing these activities while asleep.
Last year,a member of the United States Congress said he had a sleep-driving incident.PatrickKennedy , a representative from Rhode Island,crashed his car into a security barrier near the building wherelawmakers meet.The accident happened in the middle of the night and no one was hurt.Mr.Kennedy saidhe had earlier taken a sleep medicine.He said he was also being treated with a stomach sickness drug thatcan cause sleepiness.
The FDA did not say in its announcement how many cases of sleep-driving it has documented.However,the New York Times reported last year about people who said they had strange sleep events after taking the drug Ambien.Some reported sleep-driving and sleep-walking.Others said they found evidence after waking in the morning that they had cooked food or eaten in their sleep.But they had no memory of carrying out the activities.
An FDA official says that these serious side effects of sleep disorder drugs appear to be rare.But,he also said there are probably more cases than are reported.He said the agency believes the risk of such behaviors could be reduced if people take the drugs as directed and do not drink alcohol while taking the drugs.The FDA has advised drug companies to carry out studies to investigate the problem.

The risk of strange behaviors resulting from taking sleeping pills could be reduced if______.
A:the FDA takes more strict regulations
B:drug companies listen to patients’advice
C:the New York Times releases more reports
D:people don't drink alcohol whlie taking these pills

