
__way is more efficient is still a question.A.What B.Which C.That D.Whether

__way is more efficient is still a question.

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What Mr. Smith did was important , but ______.

A. more important the way of he did things was

B. the way of he did things was more important

C. more important was the way he did things

D. more important the way were he did things



Describe the most efficient way(in term of execution time

and code size) to divide a number by 4 in assembly language



We may conclude from the text that .

[A] human cloning will not succeed unless the technique is more efficient

[B] scientists are optimistic about cloning technique

[C] many people are against the idea of human cloning

[D] cloned animals are more favored by owners even if they are weaker

细节题。文章一开始就引用专家威斯苏森的话,指出克隆人是愚蠢的尝试。第二段最后两句提到,克隆实验的低效性和危险性在克隆人中不可接受。文章末尾再次引用该专家的话,指出现在动物的克隆研究还没完全成功,没有必要想到克隆人。由此可见,技术是克隆实验存在的主要问题,也是阻碍克隆人实验的重要原因,因此可推知[A] 正确。[B] 明显错误,科学家并不乐观。全文只涉及专家和拥护克隆实验的人的观点,因此无法推知[C] 中的“许多人”。[D] 在文中没有提及。


Traffic Jams一No End in Sight

1 Traffic congestion(拥堵)affects people throughout the world. Traffic jams cause smog in dozens of
cities across both the developed and developing world. In the U. S.,commuters(通勤人员)spend an
average of a full working week each year sitting in traffic jams,according to the Texas Transportation Institu-
te.While alternative ways of getting around are available,most people still choose their cars because they are
looking for convenience,comfort and privacy.
2 The most promising technique for reducing city traffic is called congestion pricing,whereby cities
charge a toll to enter certain parts of town at certain times of day.In theory,if the toll is high enough,some
drivers will cancel their trips or go by bus or train.And in practice it seems to work:Singapore,London and
Stockholm have reduced traffic and pollution in city centres thanks to congestion pricing.
3 Another way to reduce rush-hour traffic is for employers to implement flexitime,which lets employees
travel to and from work at off-peak traffic times to avoid the rush hour. Those who have to travel during busy
times can do their part by sharing cars.Employers can also allow more staff to telecommute(work from
home)so as to keep more cars off the road altogether.
4 Some urban planners still believe that the best way to ease traffic congestion is to build more roads,
especially roads that can take drivers around or over crowded city streets.But such techniques do not really
keep cars off the road;they only accommodate more of them.
5 Other,more forward-thinking,planners know that more and more drivers and cars are taking to the
roads every day,and they are unwilling to encourage more private automobiles when public transport is so
much better both for people and the environment.For this reason,the American government has decided to
spend some$7 billion on helping to increase capacity on public-transport systems and upgrade them with
more efficient technologies.But environmentalists complain that such funding is tiny compared with the$50
billion being spent on roads and bridges.

Paragraph 4_________
A:Not Doing Enough
B:A Global Problem
C:Changing Work Practice
D:A Solution Which Is no Solution
E:Paying to Get In
F:Closing City Centres to Traffic

由文章第一段主题句“Traffic congestion affects people throughout the world.",可知交通 拥堵是全球性问题。故选B。
文章第四段提到,城市规划者提出多修路可以解决交通拥堵的问题,但作者认为这一 方案不能减少汽车数量,其效果是相反的。故选D。
由文章第一段最后一句话,"most people still choose their cars because they are looking forconvenience , comfort and privacy.”可知,选C。
由文章第二段第二句话,"if the toll is high enough, some drivers will cancel their trips or go by bus or train.”可知,选A。
文章第五段倒数第二句话,"the American government has decided to spend some $7billion on helping to increase capacity on public transport systems and upgrade them with more effi-cient technologies.”可知,选D。


II.完形填空. (20分)

What is the best way to study? This is a very .important question. Some Chinese students often (11) very hard for long hours. It is a (12) habit, but it is not a better way to study.

An efficient(讲率的) student must (13) enough sleep, enough food and enough rest. Ev-ery week you (14) to go out for a walk or visit some friends or some nice places. It's good (15) your study. When you return to your studies, you'll find yourself (16) than before and you'll learn more.

Maybe we can ( 17) that learning English is (18) taking Chinese medicine. We don't mean that it ,s bitter(苦的). We mean that like Chinese medicine, the efficiency of your study (19) slowly but surely. ( 20) slowly but surely every day and effects will come just like Chinese medicine.

( )11.







Genuine equality between the white and the black in the U.S is still a long way ().







Which of the following is the MOST efficient way to troubleshoot network problems?()

A. Create an action plan

B. Implement and test a solution

C. Determine if anything has changed

D. Identity a probable cause



Using an external consultant is a more cost effective or efficient approach to meeting a specialized skill need.



C.Doesn't say

解析:文中第四句后半句...a Reserve Bank may decide...to meeting a specialized skill need,意指在某种特定情况下,雇请顾问以满足专业需求是一种更花钱和有效的方法,并没有明确指出雇请顾问是一种满足专业需求成本更大但更有效的方法。


______way is more efficient is still a question.

A. What

B. Which

C. That

D. Whether



Traffic Jams一No End in Sight

1 Traffic congestion(拥堵)affects people throughout the world. Traffic jams cause smog in dozens of
cities across both the developed and developing world. In the U. S.,commuters(通勤人员)spend an
average of a full working week each year sitting in traffic jams,according to the Texas Transportation Institu-
te.While alternative ways of getting around are available,most people still choose their cars because they are
looking for convenience,comfort and privacy.
2 The most promising technique for reducing city traffic is called congestion pricing,whereby cities
charge a toll to enter certain parts of town at certain times of day.In theory,if the toll is high enough,some
drivers will cancel their trips or go by bus or train.And in practice it seems to work:Singapore,London and
Stockholm have reduced traffic and pollution in city centres thanks to congestion pricing.
3 Another way to reduce rush-hour traffic is for employers to implement flexitime,which lets employees
travel to and from work at off-peak traffic times to avoid the rush hour. Those who have to travel during busy
times can do their part by sharing cars.Employers can also allow more staff to telecommute(work from
home)so as to keep more cars off the road altogether.
4 Some urban planners still believe that the best way to ease traffic congestion is to build more roads,
especially roads that can take drivers around or over crowded city streets.But such techniques do not really
keep cars off the road;they only accommodate more of them.
5 Other,more forward-thinking,planners know that more and more drivers and cars are taking to the
roads every day,and they are unwilling to encourage more private automobiles when public transport is so
much better both for people and the environment.For this reason,the American government has decided to
spend some$7 billion on helping to increase capacity on public-transport systems and upgrade them with
more efficient technologies.But environmentalists complain that such funding is tiny compared with the$50
billion being spent on roads and bridges.

If charged high enough,some drivers may_________to enter certain parts of town.
A:go by bus
B:encourage more private cars
C:drive around
D:spend more money
E:reduce traffic jams
F:travel regularly

由文章第一段主题句“Traffic congestion affects people throughout the world.",可知交通 拥堵是全球性问题。故选B。
文章第四段提到,城市规划者提出多修路可以解决交通拥堵的问题,但作者认为这一 方案不能减少汽车数量,其效果是相反的。故选D。
由文章第一段最后一句话,"most people still choose their cars because they are looking forconvenience , comfort and privacy.”可知,选C。
由文章第二段第二句话,"if the toll is high enough, some drivers will cancel their trips or go by bus or train.”可知,选A。
文章第五段倒数第二句话,"the American government has decided to spend some $7billion on helping to increase capacity on public transport systems and upgrade them with more effi-cient technologies.”可知,选D。
