
Do friends of the opposite gender distract teenagers,hampering their academic performance?It may seem obvious,and yet it is hard to prove.A survey of American schoolchildren conducted in 1995,for example,suggests no link between the proportion of a girl's

Do friends of the opposite gender distract teenagers,hampering their academic performance?It may seem obvious,and yet it is hard to prove.A survey of American schoolchildren conducted in 1995,for example,suggests no link between the proportion of a girl's friends who were boys and her grades.A new paper by Andrew Hill of the University of South Carolina,however,comes to a different result.He finds that for every 10%more children of the opposite sex among a student's friends,his or her grade-point average(GPA)declines by O.l(GPAs range from O t0 4).Not only may having more friends of the opposite sex be bad for grades,but it has other effects,too.Among the children from the original survey who were successfully re-interviewed 14 years later,those whose grades had been dragged down by friends of the opposite gender were more likely to be married.

交异性朋友会使青少年分心,影响他们的学业吗?这个问题看似显而易见,但其实很难证实。比如.1995年,对美国在校儿童的一项调查显示:女生的学业成绩与其异性朋友的所占比例无关。然而,南卡罗采纳大学的教授Andrew H.1l发表的最新论文却得出了不同的结论。他发现,一个学生的朋友中,每多IO%的异性朋友,他或她的各科平均绩点(GPA)会下降O.l(各科平均绩点在0-4之间)。交更多的异性朋友不仅不利于学业,还有其他一些影响。14年后,对初次参加调查的孩子又进行了一次采访,结果显示,因交异性朋友而导致成绩下降的孩子更可能结婚。
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The researchers have conducted an experiment to prove that people will act in emergencies when ______

A) they are in pairs

B) they are in groups

C) they are alone

D) they are with their friends



There are some American friends in our school.(变为一般疑问句)

_______ there_______ American friends in your school?



In writing assignments in English classes my students frequently raise the topic of friendship. Reading what they write, I start to understand Chinese friendship obligations. Chinese can usually expect more from their friends than Americans can. For instance, once a student wrote that she understood that her friend wanted to go shopping. My student was busy and really had no time to do that, but she kept silent, put her work aside and went shopping with her friend. This is quite different from what American young people would say about friendship. In the U.S. you feel free to ask your friend for help, but you recognize that the friend may say no, if they give you a reason. A friend in China is someone who, sensing that you are in need in some way, offers to assist you without waiting to be asked. In China there are few limits on what you can ask or expect of a friend.

Another difference is that Chinese expect friendships to be more lasting. They think a true friendship is a relationship that endures through changes in the lives of the friends. In the U.S. a person is likely to change even “best friends” several times over the years. Even the relationship in which people feel close emotionally and tell each other their secrets and personal problems may not survive life changes such as a move to another city, graduation from university, a significant change in economic circumstances, or the marriage of one of the friends. I think the reason is that friendship, like so many other relationships in the U.S. including marriage, depends on frequent interaction with the other person. If the people involved do not see each other and inter act regularly, the relationship is likely to fade and die.

(1)What may an American girl do if she is busy when her friend asks her to go shopping?

A、She may keep silent.

B、She may put her work aside and go shopping with her friend.

C、She may say no, giving reasons.

D、she may help you without waiting to be asked.

(2)Which of the following statements is true?

A、Chinese people don't feel free to ask their friends for help.

B、Chinese people always try to help their friends without being asked.

C、Americans wouldn't offer help when you ask.

D、Americans always say no to their friends.

(3)Which of the following sayings can properly describe Chinese friendship?

A、A friend in need is a friend indeed.

B、Love me, love my dog.

C、Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

D、None of the above.

(4)According to the passage, why are Americans likely to change their friends several times over the years?

A、Because this is their nature.

B、Because they don't have best friends all through their lives.

C、Because American friendship depends on frequent interaction with the other person.

D、Because American friendship is to fade and die.

(5)What is the most proper title for this passage?

A、Chinese Friendship

B、American Friendship


D、Friendship in China and America



Summer Camps for Teenagers
There are many types of summer camps for teenagers to attend. They′re a great way for teens to make friends and learn valuable lessons about life. If you′re seeking a good summer camp to attend, the first thing you should do is decide what type of camp would be most suitable to your interests and goals.
Traditional Camps
When you just want the sort of camp in classic films, a traditional overnight camp might be just what you need to grow, learn, and relax this coming summer. These sorts of camps offer more vigorous outdoors activities, yet often allow campers to customize their camping experiences.
Chewonki Camp
As one of the best summer camps in the country by Boston Magazine, this camp aims to help teens learn about natural history and ecology, and the campers get treats like sailing trips and hiking excursions, besides formal instruction in such things as kayaking, swimming, field sports, and photography.
Camp Wicosuta
As a top-rated, traditional four-week sleep away camp especially for young ladies, Camp Wicosuta has more than 30 different activities to help teens learn to cook and wash themselves, which aim to help young girls focus on building their self-confidence.
Academic Camps
Many teens like to advance their education during the summer months while also having fun.There are hundreds of academic camps for them to choose from that specialize in various academic subjects like journalism, languages, law, computers, and sciences.

Which can be the most suitable for a person who likes sailing and hiking 查看材料

A.Traditional Camps.
B.Chewonki Camp.
C.Camp Wicosuta.
D.Academic Camps.

细节题。根据Chewonki Camp小标题下的内容“the campers get treats like sailing trips and hiking excursions”可知B项正确。


American university students are usually under pressure because____.

A.their academic performance will affect their future Careers

B.they are heavily involved in student affairs

C.they have to observe university discipline

D.they want to run for positions of authority



Improvement of people's ability to focus may______.

A.affect their moods

B.distract their minds

C.reduce their boredom

D.increase their depression

解析:细节理解题。由文章第四段“such that improving…decrease boredom.”可知答案选C。


Passage Two

Concerning money or anything else, conflicts between husband and wife usually reflect a power struggle. Conflicts between parent and child often center around the same issue. As children enter adolescence, they begin to demand greater freedom to go where they please, do what they please, and make decisions without parental interference. Many American par- ents do not know how to deal with their teenagers and seek advice from books, lectures, and parent-training courses. Parents want to maintain a friendly relationship with their teenagers and also want to guide them so that their behavior. will be whatever the parents consider proper and constructive. But in a society of rapidly changing social and moral values, parents and children often disagree about what is important and what is right. Arguments may con- cern such unimportant matters as styles of dress or hairdos. But quarrels may also concern school work, after school jobs, decisions, use of the family car, dating, and sexual behav- ior. Some families have serious problems with teenagers who drop out of school, run away from home, or use illegal drugs. Because so much publicity is given to the problem teenager, one gets the impression that all teenagers are troublemakers. Actually, relatively few adoles- cents do anything wrong, and nearly all grow up into "solid citizens" who fulfill most of their parents' expectations. In fact, recent studies show that the "generation gap" is narrowing. The vast majority of teenagers share most of their parents' values and ideas. Many parents feel that they get along with their adolescents quite well.

40. According to the writer, conflicts between husband and wife usually reflect ______.

A. feelings of hatred

B. power struggle

C. that they don't care for each other

D. that they may appeal to divorce



You____ about your friends never coming to see you, but when they do come, you give them such a hard time that its hardly surprising they usually stay away.







A complaint of unseaworthiness by a majority of crew members to the American Consul is found to be justified after a survey is completed.Who must pay the cost of the survey?

A.Crew members requesting the survey

B.American Consul


D.Vessel's owners



Summer Camps for Teenagers
There are many types of summer camps for teenagers to attend. They′re a great way for teens to make friends and learn valuable lessons about life. If you′re seeking a good summer camp to attend, the first thing you should do is decide what type of camp would be most suitable to your interests and goals.
Traditional Camps
When you just want the sort of camp in classic films, a traditional overnight camp might be just what you need to grow, learn, and relax this coming summer. These sorts of camps offer more vigorous outdoors activities, yet often allow campers to customize their camping experiences.
Chewonki Camp
As one of the best summer camps in the country by Boston Magazine, this camp aims to help teens learn about natural history and ecology, and the campers get treats like sailing trips and hiking excursions, besides formal instruction in such things as kayaking, swimming, field sports, and photography.
Camp Wicosuta
As a top-rated, traditional four-week sleep away camp especially for young ladies, Camp Wicosuta has more than 30 different activities to help teens learn to cook and wash themselves, which aim to help young girls focus on building their self-confidence.
Academic Camps
Many teens like to advance their education during the summer months while also having fun.There are hundreds of academic camps for them to choose from that specialize in various academic subjects like journalism, languages, law, computers, and sciences.

You should decide what camp to attend according to ___________.查看材料

A.camping time and place
B.your values and customs
C.items and activities
D.personal interests and goals

细节题。根据第一段中的“the first thing you should do is decide what type of camp would be most suitable to your interests and goals”可知D项正确。
