
Text 2 As lawmakers fight over what conditions insurance companies should be required to cover,other areas of health-care reform remain painfully neglected.One major example:How much should insurance companies pay for what they cover?Consumers rarely care

Text 2 As lawmakers fight over what conditions insurance companies should be required to cover,other areas of health-care reform remain painfully neglected.One major example:How much should insurance companies pay for what they cover?Consumers rarely care about health-care prices beyond what they personally pay for deductibles,co-payments and prescription drugs.But insurance payments are crucial to understanding why health-care prices have gotten so out of control in the United States.A new study published in JAMA Internal Medicine makes this abundantly clear:Hospital emergency departments across the country are prone to excessively overcharge patients with private insurance,the study found,demanding that patients pay-on average-more than four times what Medicare pays for typical emergency procedures.This is not the heritage of sound medicine.This is the outcome of an extremely complicated and disjointed health-care system-and it's not necessarily the result of greedy hospitals trying to milk large profits out of vulnerable populations.Instead,it's the result of messy provider networks-rife with discounts and confusing contracts,designed by insurance companies and providers to attract customers.There are policy solutions to correct this system.Maryland,for example,has long operated under an"all-payer system"in which everyone pays the same rate for the same treatment-set by an independent state agency.Under this system,Medicare pays higher rates for care than in other states,but in the long run,it saves money-to the tune of$319 million-because the payment system incentivizes hospitals to reduce the number of people they admit.In other words,it encourages payment for quality of care,not quantity.Health-care providers have an incentive to work more closely with nursing facilities to deliver preventive care.Physicians also work more closely with patients to reduce preventable complications and hospital readmissions,which have dropped in Maryland faster than the national average in recent years.This innovative approach to solving price disparities in health-care costs is refreshing,although what works in Maryland might not work everywhere else.But other states have also passed laws to reduce price variation in health care,particularly for uninsured and low-income patients who would be most harmed by surprise medical bills.Unfortunately,reform efforts led by Republicans in Congress will likely worry the health-care industry enough to threaten state-led initiatives.Uncertainty-especially in terms of what our insurance markets will look like a year from now-makes it difficult,if not impossible,for states to experiment with different policies.That's a shame,because that's where the exciting and innovative reforms are happening.
The study in JAMA Internal Medicine is mentioned to illustrate that_____

A.insurance payments push up health-care prices
B.prices in health care are soaring out of control
C.Medicare is more efficieni than private insurance
D.lawmakers fight in the wrong direction
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It includes merchandise, packaging and shipping, duty if required, any taxes and insurance.

A、 Could I get an estimate before placing an order

B、 What does the estimate include

C、 How many would you like to order



Unless otherwise stated in the letter of credit, banks will not accept ______ presented by the beneficiary.

A.open cover

B.cover note

C.insurance certificate

D.insurance policy

解析:the letter of credit信用证。beneficiary受益人。cover note承保单。open cover预约保险合同。insurance certificate保险证明书。insurance policy保险单。


We sell insurance cover your payment () will depend on the cover you require.






Health care in the US is well known but very expensive.Paying the doctor's bill after a major illness or accident can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.
In the US,a person's company,not the government,pays for health insurance.Employers have contracts with insurance companies,which pay for all or part of employees' doctors' bills.
The amount that the insurance company will pay out to a patient differs wildly.It all depends on what insurance the employer pays.The less the boss pays to the insurance company,the more the employee has to pay the hospital each time he or she gets sick.In 2004,the average worker paid an extra $558 a year,according to a San Francisco report.
The system also means many Americans fall through the cracks(遭遗漏).In 2004,only 61 percent of the population received health insurance through their employers,according to the report. The unemployed,self-employed,part-time workers and graduated students with no jobs were not included.
Most US university students have a gap between their last day of school and their first day on the job.Often,they are no longer protected by their parents' insurance because they are now considered independent adults.They also cannot buy university health insurance because they are no longer students.
Another group that falls through the gap of the US system is international students.All are required to have health insurance and cannot begin their classes without it. But exact policies(保险单)differ from school to school.
Most universities work with health insurance companies and sell their own standard plan for students.Often,buying the school plan is required,but luckily it's also cheaper than buying directly from the insurance company.

In the US,a person's company buys him or her health insurance.
C:Not mentioned

答案相关句在第二段:“Employers have contracts with insurance companies, which pay for all or part of employees' doctors' bills.”所以选A。
答案相关句在文章第五段最后一句:"They also cannot buy university health insurance because they are no longer students.”所以选B。
答案相关句在倒数第二段第二句:"All are required to have health insurance and cannot begin their classes without it.”所以选A。
本文讲的是美国的健康保险。"The international students in the US work harder than the American students.”并未提到。因此选C。
文章的四、五、六段都在讲美国health care system遗漏的群体。因此选B。


cover insurance(英译中)



听力原文:A bank or insurance company issues a document to guarantee that exporter will supply the goods or services as the required standard.


A.A bank or insurance company issues an advance payment bond.

B.A bank or insurance company issues a tender bond.

C.A bank or insurance company issues a maintenance bond.

D.A bank or insurance company issues a performance bond.

解析:单句的意思为“银行和保险公司发行单据以保证出口商按照规定的标准提供货物和服务。”performance bond履约保函。advance payment bond预付款保函。tender bond投标保证金。maintenance bond保修协议。


Neither ______ entirely on the agent when we buy insurance.

A: we should depend

B: should we depend

C: we depend

D: depend we



What insurance document will be issued as evidence of cover when an exporter sells goods insured under an open cover agreement?

A.A third party inspection certificate

B.An insurance policy

C.A black list certificate

D.An insurance certificate

解析:insurance document保险单据。evidence of cover投保凭证。goods insured被保险货物。open cover预约保险单,这是保险人与被保险人双方就一定业务范围签订的长期性的保险合同。third party inspection certificate第三方检验证。black list certificate黑名单证明(指商业信誉低劣的个人或组织名单)。insurance policy保险单(俗称“大保单”,是保险人与被保险人之间建立保险契约关系的正式凭证。insurance certificate保险凭证(俗称“小保单”,是简化了的保险单,只列明保险单正面的主要内容,但在背面没有印上保险合同的条款)。


When individuals or firms apply for insurance, it is the ___who study the applications, check documents and decide whether the company should take the risk and insure.


B.field agents

C.insurance brokers

D.claim representative



Health Care in the US

Health care in the US is well-known but very expensive.Paying the doctor's bill after a
major illness or accident can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.
In the US,a person's company,not the government,pays for health insurance.
Employers have contracts with insurance companies,which pay for all or part of employees'
doctors' bills.
The amount that the insurance company will pay out to a patient differs wildly. It all depends
on what insurance the employer pays.The less the boss pays to the insurance company,the
more the employee has to pay the hospital each time he or she gets sick. In 2004,the average
worker paid an extra US$558 a year,according to a San Francisco report.
The system also means many Americans fall through the cracks(遭遗漏).In 2004,
only 61 percent of the population received health insurance through their employers,
according to the report. The unemployed,self-employed,part-time workers and graduated
students with no jobs were not included,
Most US university students have a gap between their last day of school and their first
day on the job.Often,they are no longer protected by their parents' insurance because they
are now considered independent adults.They also cannot buy university health insurance because they
are no longer students.
Another group that falls through the gap of the US system is international students.All
are required to have health insurance and cannot begin their classes without it,But exact
policies(保险单)differ from school to school.
Most universities work with health insurance companies and sell their own standard plan
for students.Often,buying the school plan is required,but luckily it's also cheaper than
buying direct from the insurance company.

The international students in the US work harder than the American students.
C:Not mentioned

