
Text 3 The hotel guestroom telephone is being ignored more and more these days.The average hotel guest checks in with three mobile devices.That has pushed the guestroom phone down the list of preferred communication devices,"We have noticed a signiflcant

Text 3 The hotel guestroom telephone is being ignored more and more these days.The average hotel guest checks in with three mobile devices.That has pushed the guestroom phone down the list of preferred communication devices,"We have noticed a signiflcant decline in guestroom phone usage and that guests,by and large,bring and use their own mobile phones:'says Kevin Carl,executive vice president of Radisson Hotel Group.And why not?Hotels traditionally have charged exorbitant(过高的)prices for the privilege of using a landline.Travelers are now hanging up on the traditional phone and using the hotel room phone only for minor logistical purposes,thanks to the advent of new technologies.Kate Ashton,senior vice president of operations for Wyndham Grand,says the most common uses for in-room phones are for calls to the front desk.The most frequently asked questions are"What's the Wi-Fi password?"and"When is checkout time?"That said,hotels say they would never give up on Iandlines for the simple reason that they need them for security."Having a landline accessible means guests can always have a way to call in case of emergency or if they have any issues with their own devices,"Ashton says.That doesn't mean the guestroom telephone is not changing or that hotels aren't finding technologies to supplement the landline."Telephones continue to evolve and become more stylish in the hotel space,"says Andrea Torrance,vice president of operations for AccorHotels North and Central America.Hotel room phones used to be quite simple with one line and basic services.Now companies such as Cetis provide extensive services out of one device such as one-touch voice mail retrieval,Bluetooth paring for music streaming and digital clocks.They also have built-in USB charging ports for smarfphones."Now,the trend seems to be going backward in time to a single line corded telephone,"says Chad Collins,vice president of sales for the Americas at VTech,a company that produces hotel landlines."I believe this is driven by the fact that hotels simply want a telephone with a dial tone,not all of the bells and whistles.Guests'demands are changing,and the telephone is not excluded from those changes."But many hotels are finding other ways to communicate with guests.Roxy,a Seattle start-up,has created speech-enabled devices that will allow hotels to replace landlines with voice-activated calling.The devices also act as a guests'personal concierge.Guests can place requests to the front desk and get recommendations for restaurants and activities.Collins says there is no way a landline will compete with a mobile phone.But he believes both can serve different purposes."The idea that we are trying to compete with mobile devices is a bit misguided,"he says.31.Why is hotel guestroom telephone being ignored?

A.Because each hotel guest has three mobile devices.
B.Because hotel guests prefer to use mobile devices.
C.Because hotel guestroom telephone is not safe enough.
D.Because guests have easy access to mobile devices.
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The hotel is being _____ to accommodate more guests.







Staying in a hotel costs( ) renting a room in a dormitory for a week.

A. as much twice as

B. twice as much as

C. as much as twice

D. twice more than



Beijing's top hotels are fielding scores of calls from foreigners and Chinese people eager to book rooms during the 2008 Olympic Games in the Chinese capital. The luxurious and recently-renovated Beijing Hotel said it had received nearly 100 telephone inquiries from people wanting to book rooms during the Games since Beijing won its bid to host the event. "Out of these people, foreigners make up 30 to 40 per cent, including people calling from the United States and Europe," a hotel sales manager surnamed Song said.

Minutes before the decision by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) was announced in Moscow, the hotel had already received 50 to 60 such phone calls from would be game-goers gambling on the result. Domestic callers have mainly come from the southern provinces of Guangdong and Fujian. Song said the hotel was not taking reservations, but only noting down names of callers, because seven years was too far in advance. The hotel also may be used by the IOC and would then need to set aside rooms for IOC members, he said.

Beijing will have more than 800 hotels with star ratings before the Olympic Games in 2008. The city currently has 20 five-star hotels, 34 four-star hotels and 338 other hotels with lower ratings. About 70 hotels will be designated to accommodate athletes and Olympic officials during the Games.

In the first paragraph, which of the following is the most possible reason for many people to book rooms in top hotels in Beijing?

A.The 2008 Olympic Games will be hold there.

B.More foreigners want to come to China.

C.People from the United States and Europe are eager to visit China.

D.Those hotels can offer good service.

解析:本题的依据句是文章的第一个句子“Beijing's top hotels are fielding scores of calls from foreigners and Chinese people eager to book rooms during the 2008 Olympic Games in the Chinese capital.”其他个别选项尽管涉及了第一段的内容,但都是类似于举例说明的细节信息,与本题的问题没有必然的因果关系。


Text 3 The hotel guestroom telephone is being ignored more and more these days.The average hotel guest checks in with three mobile devices.That has pushed the guestroom phone down the list of preferred communication devices,"We have noticed a signiflcant decline in guestroom phone usage and that guests,by and large,bring and use their own mobile phones:'says Kevin Carl,executive vice president of Radisson Hotel Group.And why not?Hotels traditionally have charged exorbitant(过高的)prices for the privilege of using a landline.Travelers are now hanging up on the traditional phone and using the hotel room phone only for minor logistical purposes,thanks to the advent of new technologies.Kate Ashton,senior vice president of operations for Wyndham Grand,says the most common uses for in-room phones are for calls to the front desk.The most frequently asked questions are"What's the Wi-Fi password?"and"When is checkout time?"That said,hotels say they would never give up on Iandlines for the simple reason that they need them for security."Having a landline accessible means guests can always have a way to call in case of emergency or if they have any issues with their own devices,"Ashton says.That doesn't mean the guestroom telephone is not changing or that hotels aren't finding technologies to supplement the landline."Telephones continue to evolve and become more stylish in the hotel space,"says Andrea Torrance,vice president of operations for AccorHotels North and Central America.Hotel room phones used to be quite simple with one line and basic services.Now companies such as Cetis provide extensive services out of one device such as one-touch voice mail retrieval,Bluetooth paring for music streaming and digital clocks.They also have built-in USB charging ports for smarfphones."Now,the trend seems to be going backward in time to a single line corded telephone,"says Chad Collins,vice president of sales for the Americas at VTech,a company that produces hotel landlines."I believe this is driven by the fact that hotels simply want a telephone with a dial tone,not all of the bells and whistles.Guests'demands are changing,and the telephone is not excluded from those changes."But many hotels are finding other ways to communicate with guests.Roxy,a Seattle start-up,has created speech-enabled devices that will allow hotels to replace landlines with voice-activated calling.The devices also act as a guests'personal concierge.Guests can place requests to the front desk and get recommendations for restaurants and activities.Collins says there is no way a landline will compete with a mobile phone.But he believes both can serve different purposes."The idea that we are trying to compete with mobile devices is a bit misguided,"he says.35.What's Collins's attitude toward landlines and mobile phones?




Text 3 The hotel guestroom telephone is being ignored more and more these days.The average hotel guest checks in with three mobile devices.That has pushed the guestroom phone down the list of preferred communication devices,"We have noticed a signiflcant decline in guestroom phone usage and that guests,by and large,bring and use their own mobile phones:'says Kevin Carl,executive vice president of Radisson Hotel Group.And why not?Hotels traditionally have charged exorbitant(过高的)prices for the privilege of using a landline.Travelers are now hanging up on the traditional phone and using the hotel room phone only for minor logistical purposes,thanks to the advent of new technologies.Kate Ashton,senior vice president of operations for Wyndham Grand,says the most common uses for in-room phones are for calls to the front desk.The most frequently asked questions are"What's the Wi-Fi password?"and"When is checkout time?"That said,hotels say they would never give up on Iandlines for the simple reason that they need them for security."Having a landline accessible means guests can always have a way to call in case of emergency or if they have any issues with their own devices,"Ashton says.That doesn't mean the guestroom telephone is not changing or that hotels aren't finding technologies to supplement the landline."Telephones continue to evolve and become more stylish in the hotel space,"says Andrea Torrance,vice president of operations for AccorHotels North and Central America.Hotel room phones used to be quite simple with one line and basic services.Now companies such as Cetis provide extensive services out of one device such as one-touch voice mail retrieval,Bluetooth paring for music streaming and digital clocks.They also have built-in USB charging ports for smarfphones."Now,the trend seems to be going backward in time to a single line corded telephone,"says Chad Collins,vice president of sales for the Americas at VTech,a company that produces hotel landlines."I believe this is driven by the fact that hotels simply want a telephone with a dial tone,not all of the bells and whistles.Guests'demands are changing,and the telephone is not excluded from those changes."But many hotels are finding other ways to communicate with guests.Roxy,a Seattle start-up,has created speech-enabled devices that will allow hotels to replace landlines with voice-activated calling.The devices also act as a guests'personal concierge.Guests can place requests to the front desk and get recommendations for restaurants and activities.Collins says there is no way a landline will compete with a mobile phone.But he believes both can serve different purposes."The idea that we are trying to compete with mobile devices is a bit misguided,"he says.33.What were hotel room phones characterized by in the past?

A.Simple with basic services.
B.Complex with high-quality services.
C.Expensive with more styles.
D.Complex with extensive services.



A new hotel () in the center of town at the moment.

A、has been built

B、is built

C、was built

D、is being built



More and more listeners are expected to ____ the phone-in programme on the radio as various activities are being invented.

A. take over

B. be involved in

C. come up with

D. catch sight of



Staying in a four-star hotel for a night costs____ renting a house in the suburb for a month.

A twice as much as B twice more C as much as twice D as much twice as



Text 3 The hotel guestroom telephone is being ignored more and more these days.The average hotel guest checks in with three mobile devices.That has pushed the guestroom phone down the list of preferred communication devices,"We have noticed a signiflcant decline in guestroom phone usage and that guests,by and large,bring and use their own mobile phones:'says Kevin Carl,executive vice president of Radisson Hotel Group.And why not?Hotels traditionally have charged exorbitant(过高的)prices for the privilege of using a landline.Travelers are now hanging up on the traditional phone and using the hotel room phone only for minor logistical purposes,thanks to the advent of new technologies.Kate Ashton,senior vice president of operations for Wyndham Grand,says the most common uses for in-room phones are for calls to the front desk.The most frequently asked questions are"What's the Wi-Fi password?"and"When is checkout time?"That said,hotels say they would never give up on Iandlines for the simple reason that they need them for security."Having a landline accessible means guests can always have a way to call in case of emergency or if they have any issues with their own devices,"Ashton says.That doesn't mean the guestroom telephone is not changing or that hotels aren't finding technologies to supplement the landline."Telephones continue to evolve and become more stylish in the hotel space,"says Andrea Torrance,vice president of operations for AccorHotels North and Central America.Hotel room phones used to be quite simple with one line and basic services.Now companies such as Cetis provide extensive services out of one device such as one-touch voice mail retrieval,Bluetooth paring for music streaming and digital clocks.They also have built-in USB charging ports for smarfphones."Now,the trend seems to be going backward in time to a single line corded telephone,"says Chad Collins,vice president of sales for the Americas at VTech,a company that produces hotel landlines."I believe this is driven by the fact that hotels simply want a telephone with a dial tone,not all of the bells and whistles.Guests'demands are changing,and the telephone is not excluded from those changes."But many hotels are finding other ways to communicate with guests.Roxy,a Seattle start-up,has created speech-enabled devices that will allow hotels to replace landlines with voice-activated calling.The devices also act as a guests'personal concierge.Guests can place requests to the front desk and get recommendations for restaurants and activities.Collins says there is no way a landline will compete with a mobile phone.But he believes both can serve different purposes."The idea that we are trying to compete with mobile devices is a bit misguided,"he says.34.Roxy is cited to illustrate that

A.hotel guest phone may be replaced.
B.phone technology is fast developed.
C.its new type of telephone is welcomed.
D.there are other ways to communicate with guests.



Text 3 The hotel guestroom telephone is being ignored more and more these days.The average hotel guest checks in with three mobile devices.That has pushed the guestroom phone down the list of preferred communication devices,"We have noticed a signiflcant decline in guestroom phone usage and that guests,by and large,bring and use their own mobile phones:'says Kevin Carl,executive vice president of Radisson Hotel Group.And why not?Hotels traditionally have charged exorbitant(过高的)prices for the privilege of using a landline.Travelers are now hanging up on the traditional phone and using the hotel room phone only for minor logistical purposes,thanks to the advent of new technologies.Kate Ashton,senior vice president of operations for Wyndham Grand,says the most common uses for in-room phones are for calls to the front desk.The most frequently asked questions are"What's the Wi-Fi password?"and"When is checkout time?"That said,hotels say they would never give up on Iandlines for the simple reason that they need them for security."Having a landline accessible means guests can always have a way to call in case of emergency or if they have any issues with their own devices,"Ashton says.That doesn't mean the guestroom telephone is not changing or that hotels aren't finding technologies to supplement the landline."Telephones continue to evolve and become more stylish in the hotel space,"says Andrea Torrance,vice president of operations for AccorHotels North and Central America.Hotel room phones used to be quite simple with one line and basic services.Now companies such as Cetis provide extensive services out of one device such as one-touch voice mail retrieval,Bluetooth paring for music streaming and digital clocks.They also have built-in USB charging ports for smarfphones."Now,the trend seems to be going backward in time to a single line corded telephone,"says Chad Collins,vice president of sales for the Americas at VTech,a company that produces hotel landlines."I believe this is driven by the fact that hotels simply want a telephone with a dial tone,not all of the bells and whistles.Guests'demands are changing,and the telephone is not excluded from those changes."But many hotels are finding other ways to communicate with guests.Roxy,a Seattle start-up,has created speech-enabled devices that will allow hotels to replace landlines with voice-activated calling.The devices also act as a guests'personal concierge.Guests can place requests to the front desk and get recommendations for restaurants and activities.Collins says there is no way a landline will compete with a mobile phone.But he believes both can serve different purposes."The idea that we are trying to compete with mobile devices is a bit misguided,"he says.32.Hotels insist on the use oflandlines for

A.customer consultation.
B.emergency use.
C.logistical purposes.
D.better reputation.

事实细节题。根据定位词定位到第三段末句,“尽管如此,酒店表示,出于简单的顾客安全需要,他们永远不会放弃固定电话”。接着第四段首句进一步阐述这一点,“拥有固定电话意味着客人随时都可以打电话,以防出现紧急情况或者他们自己的通讯设备有任何问题”。B项emergency use是文中in case of emergency的同义复现,故B项为正确选项。【干扰排除】原文提到顾客咨询是说房内电话最常见的用途是打电话给前台,并非酒店坚持使用固定电话的原因,故排除A项;logistical purposes是顾客使用酒店客房电话的原因,与本题无关,故排除C项:D项原文未提及,故排除。
