
For the first time on record,the number of advertising-specific jobs in the U.S.is declining in the middle of an economic expansion,according to government data.What's going on?It's certainly not a case of fewer advertisements.The typical American has gon

For the first time on record,the number of advertising-specific jobs in the U.S.is declining in the middle of an economic expansion,according to government data.What's going on?It's certainly not a case of fewer advertisements.The typical American has gone from seeing about 500 ads each day in the 1970s to about 5,000 today,according to a common industry statistic.That is one corporate message for roughly every 10 seconds of waking life.Instead,the mysterious decline can be explained by two developments.First,there are Facebook and Google.They are the largest advertising companies in the world-and,quite likely,the largest in the history of the world.Last year,90 percent of the growth of the digital-advertising business went to just these two firms.Facebook and Google are so profitable because they use their enormous scale and data to deliver targeted advertising at a low cost.This has forced the world's large advertising firms to preserve their profitability through a series of mergers,accompanied by jobs cut.s in the name of efficiency.The emergence of an advertising duopoly has coincided with the rise of"programmatic advertising,"a term that essentially means"companies using algorithms to buy and place ads in those little boxes all over the internet."As any Macl Men fan might intuit,advertising has long been a relationship-driven business,in which multimillion-dollar contracts are hammered out over one-on-one meetings,countless lunches,and even more-countless drinks.With programmatic technology,however,companies can buy access to specific audiences across several publishing platforms at once,bypassing the work of building relationships with each one.That process produces more ads and requires fewer people-or,at least,fewer traditional advertising jobs and more technical jobs.Second,there is the merging of the advertising and entertainment businesses.As smartphone screens have edged out TV as the most important real estate for media,companies have invested more in"branded content"-corporate-sponsored media,such as an article or video,that resembles traditional entertainment more than it does traditional advertising.Some of the most prominent names in journalism,such as The New York Times,BuzzFeed,Vice,and The Atlantic,are owned by companies that have launched their own branded-content shops,which operate as stand-alone divisions.As many media companies have tried to become more like advertising companies,the value of the average"creative-account win,"an ad-industry term for a new contract,has declined,falling by about 40 percent between 2016 and 2017.So there are two major themes of the decline of advertising jobs,one that has to do with the companies that now create them and one that has to do with the way brands prefer to market themselves nowadays.In short,the future of the advertising business is being moved to technology companies managing ad networks and media companies making branded content-that is,away from the ad agencies.
Paragraphs l and 2 indicate that

A.the number of ads is experiencing an unprecedented decrease.
B.the decline of advertising jobs results from a drop in ads.
C.advertising jobs usually increase during an economic expansion.
D.Americans are more willing to read ads today than in the past.
首段指出,美国广告业工作数量首次(For the first time on record)在经济扩张中减少(即:该现象前所未有)。第二段末句再次以“不可恩议的减少(mysterious decline)”强调现象不同寻常。可见,通常情形是“广告工作数量在经济扩张过程中会增加”,C.正确。[解题技巧]A.将首段“正经历前所未有下滑”的主体由“广告工作数量(advertising-spccific jobs)”偷换为“广告数量(ads)”。B.反向干扰:第二段①②句以问答形式指出“广告工作数量的减少并非广告数量减少造成(not a case of…)”。D.源自第二段②句,但该内容只说明“如今美国人所看广告数量显著增加”这一客观事实,并未体现“如今美国人更爱看广告”这一主观意愿。
如果没有搜索结果,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


According to the passage, downshifting emerged in the U.S. as a result of _______ .

A the quick pace of modern life

B man's adventurous spirit

C man's search for mythical experiences

D the economic situation

选[D]。文章第五段第一句话为本题提供了线索。"While in American the trend (downshifting) started as a vacation to the economic decline",表明在美国这种趋势是经济衰退的反应。 


The line of computing jobs waiting to be run on a computer system might be a(71). The jobs are serviced in the order of their arrival,that is,the first in is the first out.







The way a project manager sends and receives information depends upon:

A How others relate to the project manager

B The project manager's level in the organizational hierarchy

C the size and nature of the project

D the project manager's salary and age

E the number of projects going on at one time in the company



For the first time on record,the number of advertising-specific jobs in the U.S.is declining in the middle of an economic expansion,according to government data.What's going on?It's certainly not a case of fewer advertisements.The typical American has gone from seeing about 500 ads each day in the 1970s to about 5,000 today,according to a common industry statistic.That is one corporate message for roughly every 10 seconds of waking life.Instead,the mysterious decline can be explained by two developments.First,there are Facebook and Google.They are the largest advertising companies in the world-and,quite likely,the largest in the history of the world.Last year,90 percent of the growth of the digital-advertising business went to just these two firms.Facebook and Google are so profitable because they use their enormous scale and data to deliver targeted advertising at a low cost.This has forced the world's large advertising firms to preserve their profitability through a series of mergers,accompanied by jobs cut.s in the name of efficiency.The emergence of an advertising duopoly has coincided with the rise of"programmatic advertising,"a term that essentially means"companies using algorithms to buy and place ads in those little boxes all over the internet."As any Macl Men fan might intuit,advertising has long been a relationship-driven business,in which multimillion-dollar contracts are hammered out over one-on-one meetings,countless lunches,and even more-countless drinks.With programmatic technology,however,companies can buy access to specific audiences across several publishing platforms at once,bypassing the work of building relationships with each one.That process produces more ads and requires fewer people-or,at least,fewer traditional advertising jobs and more technical jobs.Second,there is the merging of the advertising and entertainment businesses.As smartphone screens have edged out TV as the most important real estate for media,companies have invested more in"branded content"-corporate-sponsored media,such as an article or video,that resembles traditional entertainment more than it does traditional advertising.Some of the most prominent names in journalism,such as The New York Times,BuzzFeed,Vice,and The Atlantic,are owned by companies that have launched their own branded-content shops,which operate as stand-alone divisions.As many media companies have tried to become more like advertising companies,the value of the average"creative-account win,"an ad-industry term for a new contract,has declined,falling by about 40 percent between 2016 and 2017.So there are two major themes of the decline of advertising jobs,one that has to do with the companies that now create them and one that has to do with the way brands prefer to market themselves nowadays.In short,the future of the advertising business is being moved to technology companies managing ad networks and media companies making branded content-that is,away from the ad agencies.
With programmatic technology,Facebook and Google could

A.produce more ads and create more advertising jobs.
B.merge a series of large advertising companies.
C.deliver advertising to specific audiences at a low cost.
D.build relationships with publishing platforms one by one.

第三段指出Facebook和Google广告盈利巨大并说明原因:以低成本投放定向广告(deliver targeted advertising at a low cost)。第四段进而说明Facebook和Google的广告模式:利用编程技术向特定用户投放广告(buy access to specific audiences)。结合二者可知,C.正确.Targeted advertising与(advertise to)specific audiences同义。[解题技巧]A.半对(produce more ads)半错(create more advertising jobs):第四段末句指出,程序性广告模式生产的广告更多,需要的人力却更少。B.将第三段末句“(Facebook和Google的垄断地位迫使)大型广告公司之间(large advertising firms)进行合并”曲解为“Facebook和Google兼并了一系列大型广告公司”。D.与第四段③句“公司可以利用编程技术一次性购买多个发布平台的访问权限,绕开逐一建立关系的步骤(bypassing.…each one)”相悖。


For the first time on record,the number of advertising-specific jobs in the U.S.is declining in the middle of an economic expansion,according to government data.What's going on?It's certainly not a case of fewer advertisements.The typical American has gone from seeing about 500 ads each day in the 1970s to about 5,000 today,according to a common industry statistic.That is one corporate message for roughly every 10 seconds of waking life.Instead,the mysterious decline can be explained by two developments.First,there are Facebook and Google.They are the largest advertising companies in the world-and,quite likely,the largest in the history of the world.Last year,90 percent of the growth of the digital-advertising business went to just these two firms.Facebook and Google are so profitable because they use their enormous scale and data to deliver targeted advertising at a low cost.This has forced the world's large advertising firms to preserve their profitability through a series of mergers,accompanied by jobs cut.s in the name of efficiency.The emergence of an advertising duopoly has coincided with the rise of"programmatic advertising,"a term that essentially means"companies using algorithms to buy and place ads in those little boxes all over the internet."As any Macl Men fan might intuit,advertising has long been a relationship-driven business,in which multimillion-dollar contracts are hammered out over one-on-one meetings,countless lunches,and even more-countless drinks.With programmatic technology,however,companies can buy access to specific audiences across several publishing platforms at once,bypassing the work of building relationships with each one.That process produces more ads and requires fewer people-or,at least,fewer traditional advertising jobs and more technical jobs.Second,there is the merging of the advertising and entertainment businesses.As smartphone screens have edged out TV as the most important real estate for media,companies have invested more in"branded content"-corporate-sponsored media,such as an article or video,that resembles traditional entertainment more than it does traditional advertising.Some of the most prominent names in journalism,such as The New York Times,BuzzFeed,Vice,and The Atlantic,are owned by companies that have launched their own branded-content shops,which operate as stand-alone divisions.As many media companies have tried to become more like advertising companies,the value of the average"creative-account win,"an ad-industry term for a new contract,has declined,falling by about 40 percent between 2016 and 2017.So there are two major themes of the decline of advertising jobs,one that has to do with the companies that now create them and one that has to do with the way brands prefer to market themselves nowadays.In short,the future of the advertising business is being moved to technology companies managing ad networks and media companies making branded content-that is,away from the ad agencies.
Which of the following is true of"branded content"?

A.It is produced by media companies.
B.It is similar to traditional advertising.
C.It advertises famous journals.
D.lts value has declined in recent years.

由题干关键词“branded content”锁定第五段。该段②句给出品牌化内容的定义:公司赞助的媒体(corporate-sponsored media);③句援引实例指出:公司收购知名报刊(即媒体公司),生产品牌化内容。即品牌化内容由品牌/公司赞助,由媒体公司生产.A.正确。[解题技巧]B.反向干扰:第五段②句以more than说明品牌化内容更像传统娱乐,而非传统广告。C.将③句“报刊生产品牌化内容,为企业做宣传”篡改为“品牌化内容意在宣传报刊”。D.将末句“品牌化内容使传统广告业的平均创造性账户收益价值(the value of the average“creative-account win”)下降”篡改为“品牌化内容的价值下降”。


According to Carol Goman, why seven seconds are all you need to leave a lasting first impression?

A.That’s the time your nerves can get controlled.

B.That’s the time you need to introduce yourself.

C.That’s the time your traits can grab attention.

D.That’s the time you need to think about what you say.



The concept of a"smart city"_________in the Government Work Report for the first time this year, which shows the future direction of China's urban construction.

B.was appearing
C.had appeared
D.would appear



108 The way a project manager sends and receives information depends upon:

A. How others relate to the project manager

B. The project manager's level in the organizational hierarchy

C. the size and nature of the project

D. the project manager's salary and age

E. the number of projects going on at one time in the company



For the first time on record,the number of advertising-specific jobs in the U.S.is declining in the middle of an economic expansion,according to government data.What's going on?It's certainly not a case of fewer advertisements.The typical American has gone from seeing about 500 ads each day in the 1970s to about 5,000 today,according to a common industry statistic.That is one corporate message for roughly every 10 seconds of waking life.Instead,the mysterious decline can be explained by two developments.First,there are Facebook and Google.They are the largest advertising companies in the world-and,quite likely,the largest in the history of the world.Last year,90 percent of the growth of the digital-advertising business went to just these two firms.Facebook and Google are so profitable because they use their enormous scale and data to deliver targeted advertising at a low cost.This has forced the world's large advertising firms to preserve their profitability through a series of mergers,accompanied by jobs cut.s in the name of efficiency.The emergence of an advertising duopoly has coincided with the rise of"programmatic advertising,"a term that essentially means"companies using algorithms to buy and place ads in those little boxes all over the internet."As any Macl Men fan might intuit,advertising has long been a relationship-driven business,in which multimillion-dollar contracts are hammered out over one-on-one meetings,countless lunches,and even more-countless drinks.With programmatic technology,however,companies can buy access to specific audiences across several publishing platforms at once,bypassing the work of building relationships with each one.That process produces more ads and requires fewer people-or,at least,fewer traditional advertising jobs and more technical jobs.Second,there is the merging of the advertising and entertainment businesses.As smartphone screens have edged out TV as the most important real estate for media,companies have invested more in"branded content"-corporate-sponsored media,such as an article or video,that resembles traditional entertainment more than it does traditional advertising.Some of the most prominent names in journalism,such as The New York Times,BuzzFeed,Vice,and The Atlantic,are owned by companies that have launched their own branded-content shops,which operate as stand-alone divisions.As many media companies have tried to become more like advertising companies,the value of the average"creative-account win,"an ad-industry term for a new contract,has declined,falling by about 40 percent between 2016 and 2017.So there are two major themes of the decline of advertising jobs,one that has to do with the companies that now create them and one that has to do with the way brands prefer to market themselves nowadays.In short,the future of the advertising business is being moved to technology companies managing ad networks and media companies making branded content-that is,away from the ad agencies.
Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A.Where Did All the Advertising Jobs Go?
B.How Do Facebook and Google Produce Ads?
C.Why is the Number of Ads Declining?
D.What is the Future of the Advertising Business?

本文首段提出现象“广告业工作数量在减少”。随后阐释两个原因:Facebook和Google使技术工作取代广告工作;广告和媒体业务融合使媒体公司取代广告公司。末段总结指出:广告业务正在从广告公司向Facebook、Google以及媒体公司转移。可见A.为全文关注现象,为恰当题目。[解题技巧]B.错误有二:首先以偏概全,全文论述广告工作减少的两大原因,“Facebook和Google”只是其中一个原因;其次偏离文章重点:文章关注点在于“Facebook和Google对广告业工作的影响”,并非“二者如何制作广告”。C.将全文论述主体“广告工作的减少(the decline of advertising jobs)”篡改为“广告数量的减少(the number of ads is declining)”。D.源于第六段末句,但作者重在分析“广告工作的走向”,并非“广告业的未来前景”。


Which of the following is not mentioned in this article?__________

A.The number of the Chinese students studying in the US
B.The Chinese government's reaction to this affair
C.The time when the US delegation will leave Beijing
D.The increase of the US students that study in China

文章第六段“Morethan63,000Chinese students are currently studyingintheUnitedStates”可以排除A项;文章第二段可以得知政府对这次事件的反应是号召的,故排除B;文章倒数第三段“…shows that6.389 us students eame to China in the 2005—2006 academic year,up 35 percent year-on—year.”可以知道在中国
