
A growing number of countries want to phase out coal entirely, a transition eased by cheap natural gas and cost of wind and solar power. That is good news. Coal has been the largest engine of change to date, accounting for nearly a third of the rise in av

A growing number of countries want to phase out coal entirely, a transition eased by cheap natural gas and cost of wind and solar power. That is good news. Coal has been the largest engine of change to date, accounting for nearly a third of the rise in average temperatures since the Industrial Revolution. Any pressure on it therefore counts as progress.
Asia accounts for 75% of the world's coal demand. The Chinese goverment has taken steps to limit pollution and support renewables. Yet coal consumption there rose in 2018, as it did the year before. In India coal demand grew by 9% last year. In Vietnam it swelld by altmost a quarter.
To keep the rise in global temperatures to no more than 1.59C relative to pre-industrial times, climatologists insist that almost all coal plants must shut by 2050, which mcans starting to act now.
Today's trends would keep the last coal plant open until 2079, cstimates UBS, a bank. Asia's coal-fired power regiment has a sprightly avcrage age of 15, compared with a creaky 40 years in America, close to retirement.
There are several reasons for this, but one stand out govemment I support. In India state-owned companies invest more than $6bn in coal mining and coal-fired power each year,statebacked banks provide some $10.6bn in financing. Indoncsia doles out more than S2bn annually for consumption of coalfired power. Japan and South Korca finance coal projccts outside their borders.
Govermment support is hardly surprising. State-backed coal firms make money and create jobs. W ind turbines and solar panels provide power only intermittently; for now, dirtier power plants are needed as back up. Gas is pumelling coal in America, but remains a bit-player in India and much of South-East Asia, since it has to be imported and is relatively expensive.
Neverheless, govermments betting on coal face three big risks. One is environmental.
Emissions from coal plants that are already built- -let alone new ones- will ensure that the world exceeds the level of carbon-dioside emissions likely to push global temperatures up by more tham 1.5%C.
There is an cconomio risk, too. Public-sector zeal for coal is matched only by private-sector distaste. Banks, including Asian ones, have increasingly said they will stop funding new coal plants. Wind and solar farms make coal look increasingly expensive. A study has found that private banks provided thre-quarters of loans to Indian renewables projects last year, state-backed banks doled out two-thirds of those for coal.
And then there is politics. Voters do not like breathing soot. More of them are concemed about elimnate change, too, as they face unpredictable growing seasons, foods and droughts.
According to this passage, which energy is the key factor to climate change?( )

A. oil
B. coal
C. gas .
D. solar panels
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What is NOT a problem when carrying coal ________.

A.The requirement for through-ventilation

B.The corrosion some types of coal will cause to the ship

C.Spontaneous heating

D.Generation of methane gas



__________coal, the most important natural fuels are the gas and oil.

A.Except for
D.Apart from

“Exceptfor”一般放在句首,表示“除了…之外,若不是”;“Except”“除了”,一般放在句中;“Beside”表示“在旁边;与……相比”;“Apart from”有两种意思:(1)“除了…外(都),若不是”,相当于“exceptfor”;(2)“除了……之外(还),此外”,相当于“besides”。本句句意为:除了煤以外,最重要的天然燃料是天然气和石油。因此答案为D。


Besides climate change, developing countries like China need to deal with energy【21】and environmental issues: the development of sources of clean energy needs to be【22】line with their interests. Clean energy has been given greater prominence than ever before; it is seen as a new industrial【23】and【24】of economic growth for the new century. The time for clean energy has come.

In China, clean energy is moving ahead at full speed. Take wind power as an example: by the end of last year, China had【25】wind power generating capacity of 12. 21GW, making China the largest wind power generator in Asia and fourth in the world. But according to the research, one-third of wind power capacity is running【26】due to an inability to get the power to the national【27】.

India-like China—relies【28】on coal for its energy needs. This will only change if the funds and technology to develop clean energy, such as wind and nuclear power, are【29】. India will not choose clean energy【30】. Nuclear power is currently the most【31】of clean energy sources.【32】, if it is to be【33】on a large scale by developing nations, technological advances will be needed to make it competitive with coal.

Compared【34】developed countries, developing countries have more【35】choices when it comes to energy structure. Promoting economic growth requires【36】energy—and coal, the cheapest and most【37】source of energy for many countries—is the【38】choice. Cheap coal means cheap electricity and a competitive economy. Rising electricity prices would cause public【39】and impact on standards of【40】.








__________coal, the most important natural fuels are the gas and oil.

A.Except for
D.Apart from

“Exceptfor”一般放在句首,表示“除了…之外,若不是”;“Except”“除了”,一般放在句中;“Beside”表示“在旁边;与……相比”;“Apart from”有两种意思:(1)“除了…外(都),若不是”,相当于“exceptfor”;(2)“除了……之外(还),此外”,相当于“besides”。本句句意为:除了煤以外,最重要的天然燃料是天然气和石油。因此答案为D。


A growing number of countries want to phase out coal entirely, a transition eased by cheap natural gas and cost of wind and solar power. That is good news. Coal has been the largest engine of change to date, accounting for nearly a third of the rise in average temperatures since the Industrial Revolution. Any pressure on it therefore counts as progress.
Asia accounts for 75% of the world's coal demand. The Chinese goverment has taken steps to limit pollution and support renewables. Yet coal consumption there rose in 2018, as it did the year before. In India coal demand grew by 9% last year. In Vietnam it swelld by altmost a quarter.
To keep the rise in global temperatures to no more than 1.59C relative to pre-industrial times, climatologists insist that almost all coal plants must shut by 2050, which mcans starting to act now.
Today's trends would keep the last coal plant open until 2079, cstimates UBS, a bank. Asia's coal-fired power regiment has a sprightly avcrage age of 15, compared with a creaky 40 years in America, close to retirement.
There are several reasons for this, but one stand out govemment I support. In India state-owned companies invest more than $6bn in coal mining and coal-fired power each year,statebacked banks provide some $10.6bn in financing. Indoncsia doles out more than S2bn annually for consumption of coalfired power. Japan and South Korca finance coal projccts outside their borders.
Govermment support is hardly surprising. State-backed coal firms make money and create jobs. W ind turbines and solar panels provide power only intermittently; for now, dirtier power plants are needed as back up. Gas is pumelling coal in America, but remains a bit-player in India and much of South-East Asia, since it has to be imported and is relatively expensive.
Neverheless, govermments betting on coal face three big risks. One is environmental.
Emissions from coal plants that are already built- -let alone new ones- will ensure that the world exceeds the level of carbon-dioside emissions likely to push global temperatures up by more tham 1.5%C.
There is an cconomio risk, too. Public-sector zeal for coal is matched only by private-sector distaste. Banks, including Asian ones, have increasingly said they will stop funding new coal plants. Wind and solar farms make coal look increasingly expensive. A study has found that private banks provided thre-quarters of loans to Indian renewables projects last year, state-backed banks doled out two-thirds of those for coal.
And then there is politics. Voters do not like breathing soot. More of them are concemed about elimnate change, too, as they face unpredictable growing seasons, foods and droughts.
The second paragraph tells us that( )。

A. China has taken measures to curb carbon omissions
B. India is home to the largest increase of coal demand
C. All the coal plants will be closed in 2050
D. Asia's coal- fired power plants are close to retirement

由第二段第二句话"The Chincse govermment has taken steps to limit pollution and support renewables."可知A项表述正确,所以答案选A.



Renewable Energy Sources

Today petroleum(石油)provides around 40% of the world's energy needs, mostly
fuelling automobiles.Coal is still used,mostly in power stations,to cover one-quarter of our
energy needs,but it is the least efficient,unhealthiest and most environmentally damaging
fossil fuel(矿物燃料).Natural gas reserves could fill some of the gap from oil,but reserves
of that will not last into the 22nd century either. Most experts predict we will exhaust easily
accessible reserves within 50 years.Less-polluting renewable energy sources offer a more
practical long-term energy solution."Renewable"refers to the fact that these resources are
not used faster than they can be replaced.
Hydroelectric(水力发电的)power is now the most common form of renewable energy,
suDDIvina around 20%of world electricity.China's Three Gorges Dam is the largest ever.
At five times the size of the US's Hoover Dam, its 26 turbines(涡轮机)will generate the
equivalent energy of 18 coal-fired power stations.It will satisfy 3% of China's entire
electricity demand.
In 2003. the first commercial power station to use tidal(潮汐的)currents in the open
sea opened in Norway. It is designed like windmill(风车),but others take the torm of
As prices fall,wind power has become the fastest growing type of electricity
generation一quadrupling(翻两番)worldwide between 1999 and 2005. Modern wind farms
consist of turbines that generate electricity.Though it will be more expensive,there is more
than enoucih wind to provide the world's entire energy needs.Wind farms come in onshore
and offshore forms.They can often end up at spots of natural beauty,and are often
unpopular with residents.And turbines are not totally harmless一they can interfere with radar,
alter climate and kill sea birds.Scotland is building Europe's largest wind tarm,wnicn will
power 200.000 homes.The UK's goal is to generate one-fifth of power from renewable
sources,mainly wind,by 2020.But this may cause problems,because wind is unreiiable.

According to the passage,which of the following is the most polluting energy resource?
C:Natural gas.



A growing number of countries want to phase out coal entirely, a transition eased by cheap natural gas and cost of wind and solar power. That is good news. Coal has been the largest engine of change to date, accounting for nearly a third of the rise in average temperatures since the Industrial Revolution. Any pressure on it therefore counts as progress.
Asia accounts for 75% of the world's coal demand. The Chinese goverment has taken steps to limit pollution and support renewables. Yet coal consumption there rose in 2018, as it did the year before. In India coal demand grew by 9% last year. In Vietnam it swelld by altmost a quarter.
To keep the rise in global temperatures to no more than 1.59C relative to pre-industrial times, climatologists insist that almost all coal plants must shut by 2050, which mcans starting to act now.
Today's trends would keep the last coal plant open until 2079, cstimates UBS, a bank. Asia's coal-fired power regiment has a sprightly avcrage age of 15, compared with a creaky 40 years in America, close to retirement.
There are several reasons for this, but one stand out govemment I support. In India state-owned companies invest more than $6bn in coal mining and coal-fired power each year,statebacked banks provide some $10.6bn in financing. Indoncsia doles out more than S2bn annually for consumption of coalfired power. Japan and South Korca finance coal projccts outside their borders.
Govermment support is hardly surprising. State-backed coal firms make money and create jobs. W ind turbines and solar panels provide power only intermittently; for now, dirtier power plants are needed as back up. Gas is pumelling coal in America, but remains a bit-player in India and much of South-East Asia, since it has to be imported and is relatively expensive.
Neverheless, govermments betting on coal face three big risks. One is environmental.
Emissions from coal plants that are already built- -let alone new ones- will ensure that the world exceeds the level of carbon-dioside emissions likely to push global temperatures up by more tham 1.5%C.
There is an cconomio risk, too. Public-sector zeal for coal is matched only by private-sector distaste. Banks, including Asian ones, have increasingly said they will stop funding new coal plants. Wind and solar farms make coal look increasingly expensive. A study has found that private banks provided thre-quarters of loans to Indian renewables projects last year, state-backed banks doled out two-thirds of those for coal.
And then there is politics. Voters do not like breathing soot. More of them are concemed about elimnate change, too, as they face unpredictable growing seasons, foods and droughts.
Which of the followving statements is true?( ).。

A. Govemment support is an important factor for rising coal demand in Asia
B. Japanese govermment does not support coal
C. Solar power is the most used energy in rich countries
D. Gas is playing a bigger role in most Asian countries

由第三段第一句话“There are sevcral reasons for this, but one stand out goverment 1 support."可知A项表述正确,所以答案选A。


Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas, wind, and other forms of ( ).







Questions 184-188 refer to the following article.
President Barack Obama has issued his call to put global warming at the top of the international
agenda, pledging to push for coordinated action by the world's biggest countries to tackle problem of climate change.
In the speech, the US president on Tuesday laid out a three-pan plan to deal with climate change using the power of his office.
He outlined a strategy to cut the US's carbon pollution by reducing emissions from coal-fired power plants; to prepare the US for the impact of climate change, such
as the super storm that ravaged the New Jersey coastline last year, and to lead the world by example in combating changing climate.
"While no single step can reverse the effects of climate change, the president believes we have a moral obligation to our kids to leave them a planet that's not polluted and White House official said.
The coal industry said the proposals could prove devastating-----shares in US coal mining companies have been falling sharply-but Mr. Obama ' s speech was being watched closely around the world.
In Europe, where the Eurozone crisis has pushed the
climate change agenda firmly into the political background, environmental campaigners said they hoped Mr.Obama's speech would puncture arguments tackling global warming as bad for the economy.”If you have got the US and China moving, then the argument that the EU is going it alone clearly doesn't stand up to scrutiny anymore," said Tom Brookes of the European Climate Foundation.
The president said he would seek to expand new and existing international initiatives,including bilateral initiatives with China, India and other big emissions countries.

Which of the following is NOT included in the US president 's strategy?

A. to set a good example for the world
B. to fight against the super storm in the New Jersey
C. to cut emissions from coal-fired power plants
D. to prepare the US for the influence of the changing climate

根据原文to prepare the US for the impact of Climate Change,such as thesuper storm that ravaged the New Jersey Coastline last year 可知,super storm 对新泽西的损害已经是过去的事情,现在只是防范类似事件再次重演,故B 项说法与原文不符。


A growing number of countries want to phase out coal entirely, a transition eased by cheap natural gas and cost of wind and solar power. That is good news. Coal has been the largest engine of change to date, accounting for nearly a third of the rise in average temperatures since the Industrial Revolution. Any pressure on it therefore counts as progress.
Asia accounts for 75% of the world's coal demand. The Chinese goverment has taken steps to limit pollution and support renewables. Yet coal consumption there rose in 2018, as it did the year before. In India coal demand grew by 9% last year. In Vietnam it swelld by altmost a quarter.
To keep the rise in global temperatures to no more than 1.59C relative to pre-industrial times, climatologists insist that almost all coal plants must shut by 2050, which mcans starting to act now.
Today's trends would keep the last coal plant open until 2079, cstimates UBS, a bank. Asia's coal-fired power regiment has a sprightly avcrage age of 15, compared with a creaky 40 years in America, close to retirement.
There are several reasons for this, but one stand out govemment I support. In India state-owned companies invest more than $6bn in coal mining and coal-fired power each year,statebacked banks provide some $10.6bn in financing. Indoncsia doles out more than S2bn annually for consumption of coalfired power. Japan and South Korca finance coal projccts outside their borders.
Govermment support is hardly surprising. State-backed coal firms make money and create jobs. W ind turbines and solar panels provide power only intermittently; for now, dirtier power plants are needed as back up. Gas is pumelling coal in America, but remains a bit-player in India and much of South-East Asia, since it has to be imported and is relatively expensive.
Neverheless, govermments betting on coal face three big risks. One is environmental.
Emissions from coal plants that are already built- -let alone new ones- will ensure that the world exceeds the level of carbon-dioside emissions likely to push global temperatures up by more tham 1.5%C.
There is an cconomio risk, too. Public-sector zeal for coal is matched only by private-sector distaste. Banks, including Asian ones, have increasingly said they will stop funding new coal plants. Wind and solar farms make coal look increasingly expensive. A study has found that private banks provided thre-quarters of loans to Indian renewables projects last year, state-backed banks doled out two-thirds of those for coal.
And then there is politics. Voters do not like breathing soot. More of them are concemed about elimnate change, too, as they face unpredictable growing seasons, foods and droughts.
Coal may cause the following problems except ( ),

A. Rising temperature on carth
B. Air pollution
C. Unpredictable seasons
D. Bankruptey of state-owned companies

由第五段第二句话“--nsure that the world exeeds the level of carbon-dioxide emissions likely to push global temperatures up by more than 1.59C.”可知A项正确。由最后一-段第二旬话“Voters do not like breathingsoot.”可知B项正确。由最后一段第三句话“More. of them are concerned about climate change, too, as they face unpredictable growing seasons, floods and droughts."可知C项正确。D选项不符合,所以答案选D.
