
资料:Asked to name their favorite city, many Americans would select San Francisco which began as a small Spanish outpost located on a magnificent bay. The town was little more than a village serving ranchers when the United States took possession of it in 1

资料:Asked to name their favorite city, many Americans would select San Francisco which began as a small Spanish outpost located on a magnificent bay. The town was little more than a village serving ranchers when the United States took possession of it in 1846 during the war with Mexico.
San Francisco sprang into a city overnight because of the nearby discovery of gold in 1848.A great rush to California took place. Wagon trains plodded their dangerous way across 2000 miles of prairie and mountains, while hundreds of sailing vessels made the equally hazardous trip around the Horn. The vessels disgorged thousands of passengers -- then the crews deserted their ship and hundreds of vessels were left to rot in the bay. Within two years, California had enough population to become a state and San Francisco was for many years the hub of that newly-arrived population.
The city's present popularity is due to an excellent climate, an easy style of living ,good food, and numerous tourist attractions. The city is famous for its cable cars which "clang and bang" up the steep hills, and for its excellent seafood stalls along the wharf. Most visitors arriving from nations in the Pacific Basin spend several days getting to know the town.

San Francisco's appeal includes all of the following factors ___.

A.attractive lifestyle, good seafood, desirable weather
B.tourist attraction extreme seasons, cable cars
C.wagon trains, gold mining, good climate
D.cable cars, pleasant climate, flat terrain
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Matthew made ( ) than anyone else.

A、much more mistakes

B、many more mistakes

C、little more mistakes

D、few less mistakes



____ the grand city was a small village ten years ago.

A、That is now

B、Which is now

C、What is now

D、All is now



Americans eat______ vegetables per person today as they did in the 1960s.

A.more than twice

B.as twice many

C.twice as many

D.more than twice as many



A Great Quake Coming?

Everyone who lives in San Francisco knows that earthquakes are common in the Bay Area一and they
can be devastating. In 1906,for example,a major quake destroyed about 28,000 buildings and killed
hundreds,perhaps thousands of people.Residents now wonder when the next"Big One"will strike.It's
bound to happen someday. At least seven active fault(断层)lines run through the San Francisco area. Faults
are places where pieces of Earth ' s crust(地壳)slide past each other. When these pieces slip , the ground
To prepare for that day,scientists are using new techniques to reanalyze the 1906 earthquake and pre-
dict how bad the damage might be when the next one happens.
One new finding about the 1906 earthquake is that the San Andreas fault split apart faster than scientists
had assumed at the time. During small earthquakes,faults rupture(断裂)at about 2.7 kilometers per second.
During bigger quakes,however,ruptures can happen at rates faster than 3.5 kilometers per second.
At such high speeds,massive amounts of pressure build up,generating underground waves that can
cause more damage than the quake itself. Lucky for San Francisco , these pressure pulses(脉冲)traveled
away from the city during the 1906 event.As bad as the damage was,it could have been far worse.
Looking ahead,scientists are trying to predict when the next major quake will occur. Records show that
earthquakes were common before 1906.Since then,the area has been relatively quiet.Patterns in the data,
however,suggest that the probability of a major earthquake striking the Bay Area before 2032 is at least 62
New buildings in San Francisco are quite safe in case of future quakes.Still,more than 84 percent of the
city's buildings are old and weak.Analyses suggest that another massive earthquake would cause extensive
People who live there today tend to feel safe because San Francisco has remained pretty quiet for a
while.According to the new research,however,it's not a matter of"if" the Big One will hit.It's just a mat-
ter of when.

Earthquakes rarely happened in San Francisco before 1906.
C:Not mentioned

第一段提到:至少有7条活跃的断层线穿过旧金山。所以,此处讲“旧金山地区坐落在 数条活跃的断层线上”是正确的。
倒数第二段提到:城里超过84%的建筑是旧的、不坚固的。所以旧金山并未为地震做 好准备。
短文末尾提到:问题已不再是“是否”将会发生大地震,而是“什么时候”会发生。所以, 这一地震是无法避免的。第3部分:概括大意与完成句子


It is generally agreed that the first true cities appeared about 5,000 years ago in the food-producing communities of the Middle East. The cities of Sumeria, Egypt and the Indus Valley possessed a number of characteristics that distinguished them as truly urban. The cities were very much larger and more densely populated than any previous settlement, and their function wasclearly differentiated from that of the surrounding villages. In the cities the old patterns of kinship relations were replaced by a complex hierarchy of social classes based on the specialization of
labor. Moreover, the need to keep records led to the development of writing and arithmetic, and the increased sophistication of urban society gave a new impetus to artistic expression of every kind.
When the basis of city life was established in Europe the urban tradition was drawn from the ancient cities of the Middle East, via the civilization of Greece and Rome. We can trace three main phases in the growth of the West European city. The first of these is the medieval phase which extends from the beginning of the 1 lth century A.D. to about 1,500 to the beginning of the 19th century. The third is the modern phase extending from the early 19th century to the present day.
Every medieval city began as a small settlement, which grew up round a geographical or cultural focal point. This would be a permanent structure such as a stronghold, a cathedral or a large church. In districts where travel and trade were well established, it might be a market, a river crossing, or a place where two or more trade routes met, in studies of urban geography the oldest part of town is referred to as the nuclear settlement. There are many small towns in Europe where it is still possible to trace the outline of the original nuclear settlement. It is, of course,
much more difficult to do this in the case if a large modern city which has grown to many times its original size.
?Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?

A.The Origin and Development of Cities.
B.The Differences Between a Modern City and an Ancient City.
C.The Functions of a City.
D.The Characteristics of an Ancient City.



The life in ________ is much more peaceful than that in ________.

A.a big city...the countryside

B.a small town...a small village

C.a big city...a small village

D.the countryside...a big city



It is generally agreed that the first true cities appeared about 5,000 years ago in the food-producing communities of the Middle East. The cities of Sumeria, Egypt and the Indus Valley possessed a number of characteristics that distinguished them as truly urban. The cities were very much larger and more densely populated than any previous settlement, and their function wasclearly differentiated from that of the surrounding villages. In the cities the old patterns of kinship relations were replaced by a complex hierarchy of social classes based on the specialization of
labor. Moreover, the need to keep records led to the development of writing and arithmetic, and the increased sophistication of urban society gave a new impetus to artistic expression of every kind.
When the basis of city life was established in Europe the urban tradition was drawn from the ancient cities of the Middle East, via the civilization of Greece and Rome. We can trace three main phases in the growth of the West European city. The first of these is the medieval phase which extends from the beginning of the 1 lth century A.D. to about 1,500 to the beginning of the 19th century. The third is the modern phase extending from the early 19th century to the present day.
Every medieval city began as a small settlement, which grew up round a geographical or cultural focal point. This would be a permanent structure such as a stronghold, a cathedral or a large church. In districts where travel and trade were well established, it might be a market, a river crossing, or a place where two or more trade routes met, in studies of urban geography the oldest part of town is referred to as the nuclear settlement. There are many small towns in Europe where it is still possible to trace the outline of the original nuclear settlement. It is, of course,
much more difficult to do this in the case if a large modern city which has grown to many times its original size.
It is easier to locate its original nuclear settlement of a small town__________.

A.because it began as a small settlement
B.because it is less developed
C.because of its small size
D.because of its location

根据题干关键词定位到第三段最后一句“It is,of course,much more difficult to do this…its original size”,由此可知,一个面积是原先面积很多倍的大型现代城市,是很难再探寻到其原始核心村落的概貌的。故可推断面积不大是容易探寻其原始核心村落的概貌的原因。故选C。


Many people ______live in the countryside rather than in the city.

A. would rather

B. prefer to

C. would like

D. had better


参考译文:很多人宁愿住在乡下也不愿意住在城市。此题考查固定搭配"prefer to do rather than do",宁愿做什么也不愿做什么。故选择B


It is generally agreed that the first true cities appeared about 5,000 years ago in the food-producing communities of the Middle East. The cities of Sumeria, Egypt and the Indus Valley possessed a number of characteristics that distinguished them as truly urban. The cities were very much larger and more densely populated than any previous settlement, and their function wasclearly differentiated from that of the surrounding villages. In the cities the old patterns of kinship relations were replaced by a complex hierarchy of social classes based on the specialization of
labor. Moreover, the need to keep records led to the development of writing and arithmetic, and the increased sophistication of urban society gave a new impetus to artistic expression of every kind.
When the basis of city life was established in Europe the urban tradition was drawn from the ancient cities of the Middle East, via the civilization of Greece and Rome. We can trace three main phases in the growth of the West European city. The first of these is the medieval phase which extends from the beginning of the 1 lth century A.D. to about 1,500 to the beginning of the 19th century. The third is the modern phase extending from the early 19th century to the present day.
Every medieval city began as a small settlement, which grew up round a geographical or cultural focal point. This would be a permanent structure such as a stronghold, a cathedral or a large church. In districts where travel and trade were well established, it might be a market, a river crossing, or a place where two or more trade routes met, in studies of urban geography the oldest part of town is referred to as the nuclear settlement. There are many small towns in Europe where it is still possible to trace the outline of the original nuclear settlement. It is, of course,
much more difficult to do this in the case if a large modern city which has grown to many times its original size.
?Which of the following could be regarded as a geographical focal point?

A.A local restaurant.
B.A town hall.
C.A local theatre.
D.An open market.

根据题干关键词定位到第三段的第三句“In districts where travel and trade…as the nuclear settlement”,由此可知。市场也是一个很重要的地理标志。故选D。


A Great Quake Coming?

Everyone who lives in San Francisco knows that earthquakes are common in the Bay Area一and they
can be devastating. In 1906,for example,a major quake destroyed about 28,000 buildings and killed
hundreds,perhaps thousands of people.Residents now wonder when the next"Big One"will strike.It's
bound to happen someday. At least seven active fault(断层)lines run through the San Francisco area. Faults
are places where pieces of Earth ' s crust(地壳)slide past each other. When these pieces slip , the ground
To prepare for that day,scientists are using new techniques to reanalyze the 1906 earthquake and pre-
dict how bad the damage might be when the next one happens.
One new finding about the 1906 earthquake is that the San Andreas fault split apart faster than scientists
had assumed at the time. During small earthquakes,faults rupture(断裂)at about 2.7 kilometers per second.
During bigger quakes,however,ruptures can happen at rates faster than 3.5 kilometers per second.
At such high speeds,massive amounts of pressure build up,generating underground waves that can
cause more damage than the quake itself. Lucky for San Francisco , these pressure pulses(脉冲)traveled
away from the city during the 1906 event.As bad as the damage was,it could have been far worse.
Looking ahead,scientists are trying to predict when the next major quake will occur. Records show that
earthquakes were common before 1906.Since then,the area has been relatively quiet.Patterns in the data,
however,suggest that the probability of a major earthquake striking the Bay Area before 2032 is at least 62
New buildings in San Francisco are quite safe in case of future quakes.Still,more than 84 percent of the
city's buildings are old and weak.Analyses suggest that another massive earthquake would cause extensive
People who live there today tend to feel safe because San Francisco has remained pretty quiet for a
while.According to the new research,however,it's not a matter of"if" the Big One will hit.It's just a mat-
ter of when.

The highest speed of fault ruptures in the 1906 quake was more than 3.5 kilometers per second.
C:Not mentioned

第一段提到:至少有7条活跃的断层线穿过旧金山。所以,此处讲“旧金山地区坐落在 数条活跃的断层线上”是正确的。
倒数第二段提到:城里超过84%的建筑是旧的、不坚固的。所以旧金山并未为地震做 好准备。
短文末尾提到:问题已不再是“是否”将会发生大地震,而是“什么时候”会发生。所以, 这一地震是无法避免的。第3部分:概括大意与完成句子
