
资料:Faces, like fingerprints, are unique. Did you ever wonder how it possible for us to recognize people? Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the features that make one face different from another. Yet a very young child or even an animal

资料:Faces, like fingerprints, are unique. Did you ever wonder how it possible for us to recognize people? Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the features that make one face different from another. Yet a very young child or even an animal, such as a pingeon can learm to recognize faces. We all take this ability for granted.
We also tell people apart by how they behave. When we talk about someone’s personality, we mean the ways in which he or she acts, speaks, thinks and feels that make that individual different from others.
Like the human face human personality is very complex. But describing someone’s peronality in words is somewhat easier than describing his face. If you were asked to describe what a nice face looked like, you probably would have a difficult time doing so. But if you were asked to describe a nice person, you might begin to think about someone who was kind, considerate friendly, warm, and so forth.
There are many words to describe how a person thinks, feels and acts. Gordon Allports, an American psychologist, found nearly18,000 English words characterizing differences in people’s behavior. And many of us use this information as a basis for describing or typing, his personality. Bookworms, conservatives, military types——people are described with such terms.
People have always tried to type each other. Actors in early Greek drama wore masks to show the audience whether they played the villain’s or the hero’s role. In fact, the words person and persoality come from the Latin persona, meaning mask. Today, most television and movie actors do not wear masks. But we can easily tell the good guys from the bad guys because the two types differ in appearance as well as in actions.

Which of the following is NOT true?

A.People differ from each in appearance
B.Different people may have different personalities
C.People can learn to recognize faces
D.People can describe all the features of others
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Imagine you receive an e-mail that looks something like this: ARE YOU GOING TO CLASS TODAY? How does(61) this message make you feel? ( 62) did the sender use all capital letters? Was he or she angry,or did that person just (63) to turn off the Caps Lock (大写键) on the computer? This E-mail sounds like the (64) is shouting because using all capital letters in an e-mail is usually the way that people shout (65) .

Knowing when and where not to use capital letters is just one (66) 0f online manners.Don't do anything online that you wouldn’t do in (67) life Don't use information that (68)else has written,and (69) it,s yours. Do share your knowledge of the (70) with others.

( )61.





61.D【解析】此处的message指上文的e-mail,而看邮件应为read an e-mail。



You may not realize it,but you are doing much more than just studying,when you are at school. School is also the place where you learn to get along well with people. But this is not al-ways easy. What can you do if you just don-t like one of your classmates? If you discover that you have problems getting along with your classmates or friends,the most important thing to learn is tolerance(宽容). Tolerance is the ability(能/J ) to realize and respect(尊重) the differences in others. We can not change the way that other people do,so it is important to learn to live happily with them.

Tolerance will make everyone get on better with each other. Getting to know someone may help you understand why they do things differently. Something different does not exactly mean that it is bad. Tolerance teaches us to keep an even temper and open mind .

You need to remember an old saying,"Treat others how you want to be treated". You would like to be treated kindly by your classmates,so it is important to treat them kindly too.

If you tolerate(宽容) something,it does not mean that you have to like it. No one is asking you to change who you are or what you believe in. Tolerance just means that you should respect the differences in others and not try to make them change.

It is important to practice tolerance,because it will make everyone's lives easier. Learn to accept(接受) people for their different abilities and interests. The world is very different,and practicing tolerance in your own school and city can help you make a difference.

21. What does the writer think of school?

At school,students can not only study but also_________________________

21. learn how to get on well with people 【解析】由第一段的第二句可知。


Why are so many people so afraid of failure? Quite simply because no one tells us how to fail so that failure becomes an experience that will lead to growth. We forget that failure is part of the human condition and that every person has the right to fail.

Most parents work hard at either preventing failure or protecting their children from the knowledge that they have failed. One way is to lower standards. A mother describes her child’s hastily making table as ―Perfect! even though it couldn’t stand on uneven legs. Another way is to shift blame. If John fails science, his teacher is unfair or stupid.

The trouble with failure-prevention methods is that they leave a child unequipped for life in the real world. The young need to learn that no one can be best at everything, no one can win all the time —and that it’s possible to enjoy a game even when you don’t win. A child who’s not invited to a birthday party, who doesn’t make the honor roll or the baseball team, feels terrible, of course. But parents should not offer a quick comfort prize or say, ―It doesn’t matter because it does. The young should be allowed to experience disappointment —and be helped to master it.

Failure is never pleasurable. It hurts grown-ups and children alike. But it can make a positive contribution to your life once you can learn to use it. Step one is to ask ―Why did I fail? Control the natural impulse to blame someone else. Ask yourself what you did wrong, how you can improve. Second, is the goal you’re to reach the right one? Think about this question. ―If you dosucceed in this, where will it get me? This may help you prevent failure in things you shouldn’t be doing anyhow. The third thing to keep in mind about failure is that it’s part of life. Learn to ―live with yourself even though you may have failed. Remember, ―You can’t win themall.

(1) The main idea of this passage is ().

A、why people are afraid of failure

B、the trouble with failure prevention methods

C、how to deal with failure

D、both A and C

(2) According to the passage, which of the following is not true?

A、Most parents think failure may hurt their children.

B、Most parents do not want their children know they have failed.

C、A mother describes her child’s work ―perfect because she didn’t want to hurt him.

D、If a child fails a subject, he should blame his teacher.

(3) According to the writer, ().

A、parents should tell their children to think nothing of not being chosen into a baseball team

B、children should be encouraged to get rid of disappointment all by themselves

C、parents should judge what their children have done as it is

D、children should learn to enjoy a game that they won’t win

(4) The last paragraph tells us ().

A、there are three methods to deal with failure

B、there are some methods to deal with failure

C、failure is not enjoyable

D、failure is part of life

(5) ―Live with yourself in the last line may mean ().

A、to tolerate yourself when you fail

B、to face failures all by yourself

C、to live in a house alone

D、to support yourself when you fail




No one knows exactly how many disabled people there are in the world,but estimates suggest the figure is over 450 million.The number of disabled people in India alone is probably more than double the total population of Canada.
In the United Kingdom,about one in ten people have some disability. Disability is not just something that happens to other people.As we get older,many of us will become less mobile,hard of hearing or have failing eyesight.
Disablement can take many forms and happen at any time of life.Some people are born with disabilities.Many others become disabled as they get older. There are many progressive disabling diseases.The longer time goes on,the worse they become.Some people are disabled in accidents. Many others may have disability in the form of a mental illness.All are affected by people's attitude towards them.
Disabled people face many physical barriers.Next time you go shopping or to work or visit friends,imagine what would you do if you could not get up steps,or on to buses and trains?What would you do if you could not see where you were going or could not hear the traffic?But there are other barriers:prejudice(偏见)can be even harder to break down and ignorance represents by far the greatest barrier of all.It is almost impossible for the able-bodied to fully understand what the disabled go through,so it is important to draw attention to these barriers and show that it is the individual person and their ability,not their disability,which counts.

It can be concluded from the passage that______.
A:we should try our best to prevent disablement
B:we must take a proper attitude towards the disabled
C:the able-bodied people will never fully understand the disabled
D:both physical and mental barriers are hard to break down

第一段第一句是该段的主题句。" No one knows exactly how many disabled people there are in the world , but estimates suggest the figure is over 450 million.”说明残疾人数量很多。
第四段第一句和第四句是该段主题句。" Disabled people face many physical barriers."',But there are other barriers:prejudice can be even harder to break down and ignorance represents by far the greatest barrier of all.”该段从实际困难和精神歧视两方面说明残疾人面临的障碍。
文章最后一句:"...it is the individual person and their ability, not their disa-bility ,which counts.”大意是“······真正重要的是残疾人的独立人格及其能力,而不是其身体上的残疾。”
选项A、C都出现在第二段中。B是文章所呼吁的。文章最后一段说 "prejudice(偏见)can be even harder to break down and ignorance represents by far the greatest barrier of all"。残疾人所面临的障碍除了身体残疾外,还有人们的偏见和被人们忽视。所以选项D与原文不相符。



No one knows exactly how many disabled people there are in the world,but estimates suggest the figure is over 450 million.The number of disabled people in India alone is probably more than double the total population of Canada.
In the United Kingdom,about one in ten people have some disability. Disability is not just something that happens to other people.As we get older,many of us will become less mobile,hard of hearing or have failing eyesight.
Disablement can take many forms and happen at any time of life.Some people are born with disabilities.Many others become disabled as they get older. There are many progressive disabling diseases.The longer time goes on,the worse they become.Some people are disabled in accidents. Many others may have disability in the form of a mental illness.All are affected by people's attitude towards them.
Disabled people face many physical barriers.Next time you go shopping or to work or visit friends,imagine what would you do if you could not get up steps,or on to buses and trains?What would you do if you could not see where you were going or could not hear the traffic?But there are other barriers:prejudice(偏见)can be even harder to break down and ignorance represents by far the greatest barrier of all.It is almost impossible for the able-bodied to fully understand what the disabled go through,so it is important to draw attention to these barriers and show that it is the individual person and their ability,not their disability,which counts.

Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A:There are about 10 percent disabled persons in the UK.
B:The whole society should pay more attention to the barriers faced by the disabled people.
C:Even the able-bodied may lose some of their body functions when they get older.
D:Disabled people are facing two barriers:physical barriers and prejudice.

第一段第一句是该段的主题句。" No one knows exactly how many disabled people there are in the world , but estimates suggest the figure is over 450 million.”说明残疾人数量很多。
第四段第一句和第四句是该段主题句。" Disabled people face many physical barriers."',But there are other barriers:prejudice can be even harder to break down and ignorance represents by far the greatest barrier of all.”该段从实际困难和精神歧视两方面说明残疾人面临的障碍。
文章最后一句:"...it is the individual person and their ability, not their disa-bility ,which counts.”大意是“······真正重要的是残疾人的独立人格及其能力,而不是其身体上的残疾。”
选项A、C都出现在第二段中。B是文章所呼吁的。文章最后一段说 "prejudice(偏见)can be even harder to break down and ignorance represents by far the greatest barrier of all"。残疾人所面临的障碍除了身体残疾外,还有人们的偏见和被人们忽视。所以选项D与原文不相符。


If our sense of wonder relies totally on the world of make-believe,we will

A.fail to appreciate the joy in our lives

B.be confused by the world of make-believe

C.miss the chance to recognize the fantasy world

D.be trapped by other worlds existing all around us



Passage Three

No one knows exactly how many disabled (残废的) people there are in the world, but estimates suggest the figure is over 450 million. The number of disabled people in India alone is probably more than double the total population of Canada.

In the United Kingdom, about one in ten people have some disability. Disability is not just something that happens to other people. As we get older, many of us will become less mobile (可动的), hard of hearing or have failing eyesight.

Disablement can take many forms and occur at any time of life. Some people are born with disabilities. Many others become disabled as they get older. There are many progressive disabling diseases. The longer time goes on, the worse they become. Some people are disabled in accidents. Many others may have a period of disability in the form. of a mental illness. All are affected by people's attitude towards them.

Disabled people face many physical barriers. Next time you go shopping or to work or visit friends, imagine how you would manage if you could not get up steps, or on to buses and trains. How would you cope if you could not see where you were going or could not hear the traffic? But there are other barriers: prejudice can be even harder to break down and ignorance inevitably represents by far the greatest barrier of all. It is almost impossible for the able-bodied to fully appreciate what the severely disabled go through, so it is important to draw attention to these barriers and show that it is the individual person and their ability, not their disability, which counts.

41. The first paragraph points out that ______.

A. it is possible to get an exact figure of the world's disabled people

B. there are many disabled people in the world

C. the number of disabled people in India is the greatest

D. India has not much more disabled people than Canada




What were the people asked to do in the study?

A. To make a face at each other.

B. To get their faces impressive.

C. To classify some face pictures.

D. To observe the researchers' faces.




No one knows exactly how many disabled people there are in the world,but estimates suggest the figure is over 450 million.The number of disabled people in India alone is probably more than double the total population of Canada.
In the United Kingdom,about one in ten people have some disability. Disability is not just something that happens to other people.As we get older,many of us will become less mobile,hard of hearing or have failing eyesight.
Disablement can take many forms and happen at any time of life.Some people are born with disabilities.Many others become disabled as they get older. There are many progressive disabling diseases.The longer time goes on,the worse they become.Some people are disabled in accidents. Many others may have disability in the form of a mental illness.All are affected by people's attitude towards them.
Disabled people face many physical barriers.Next time you go shopping or to work or visit friends,imagine what would you do if you could not get up steps,or on to buses and trains?What would you do if you could not see where you were going or could not hear the traffic?But there are other barriers:prejudice(偏见)can be even harder to break down and ignorance represents by far the greatest barrier of all.It is almost impossible for the able-bodied to fully understand what the disabled go through,so it is important to draw attention to these barriers and show that it is the individual person and their ability,not their disability,which counts.

The key word in Paragraph 4 is__________.

第一段第一句是该段的主题句。" No one knows exactly how many disabled people there are in the world , but estimates suggest the figure is over 450 million.”说明残疾人数量很多。
第四段第一句和第四句是该段主题句。" Disabled people face many physical barriers."',But there are other barriers:prejudice can be even harder to break down and ignorance represents by far the greatest barrier of all.”该段从实际困难和精神歧视两方面说明残疾人面临的障碍。
文章最后一句:"...it is the individual person and their ability, not their disa-bility ,which counts.”大意是“······真正重要的是残疾人的独立人格及其能力,而不是其身体上的残疾。”
选项A、C都出现在第二段中。B是文章所呼吁的。文章最后一段说 "prejudice(偏见)can be even harder to break down and ignorance represents by far the greatest barrier of all"。残疾人所面临的障碍除了身体残疾外,还有人们的偏见和被人们忽视。所以选项D与原文不相符。



No one knows exactly how many disabled people there are in the world,but estimates suggest the figure is over 450 million.The number of disabled people in India alone is probably more than double the total population of Canada.
In the United Kingdom,about one in ten people have some disability. Disability is not just something that happens to other people.As we get older,many of us will become less mobile,hard of hearing or have failing eyesight.
Disablement can take many forms and happen at any time of life.Some people are born with disabilities.Many others become disabled as they get older. There are many progressive disabling diseases.The longer time goes on,the worse they become.Some people are disabled in accidents. Many others may have disability in the form of a mental illness.All are affected by people's attitude towards them.
Disabled people face many physical barriers.Next time you go shopping or to work or visit friends,imagine what would you do if you could not get up steps,or on to buses and trains?What would you do if you could not see where you were going or could not hear the traffic?But there are other barriers:prejudice(偏见)can be even harder to break down and ignorance represents by far the greatest barrier of all.It is almost impossible for the able-bodied to fully understand what the disabled go through,so it is important to draw attention to these barriers and show that it is the individual person and their ability,not their disability,which counts.

The first paragraph points out that_________.
A:there are many disabled people in the world
B:the number of disabled people in India is the greatest
C:India has not much more disabled people than Canada
D:it is possible to get an exact number of the world's disabled people

第一段第一句是该段的主题句。" No one knows exactly how many disabled people there are in the world , but estimates suggest the figure is over 450 million.”说明残疾人数量很多。
第四段第一句和第四句是该段主题句。" Disabled people face many physical barriers."',But there are other barriers:prejudice can be even harder to break down and ignorance represents by far the greatest barrier of all.”该段从实际困难和精神歧视两方面说明残疾人面临的障碍。
文章最后一句:"...it is the individual person and their ability, not their disa-bility ,which counts.”大意是“······真正重要的是残疾人的独立人格及其能力,而不是其身体上的残疾。”
选项A、C都出现在第二段中。B是文章所呼吁的。文章最后一段说 "prejudice(偏见)can be even harder to break down and ignorance represents by far the greatest barrier of all"。残疾人所面临的障碍除了身体残疾外,还有人们的偏见和被人们忽视。所以选项D与原文不相符。
