
Tens of thousands of sportsmen assembled in Stratford Olympic Stadium in London to take part in the opening ceremony of the 30th Olympic Games.A:appeared B:walked C:gathered D:combined

Tens of thousands of sportsmen assembled in Stratford Olympic Stadium in London to take part in the opening ceremony of the 30th Olympic Games.

本句话的意思是:“数以万计的运动员聚集在斯特拉特福德奥林匹克体育场,参加第三十届伦敦奥运会的开幕式。”assemble:集合、聚集。appear:出现、露面,例如: We're programmed you to appear on the stage next week.我们安排你在下星期上台演出。walk:行走,例如:She turned and walked away.她转身走开了。gather:集合、聚集,例如:In the evenings, we gathered around the fireplace and talked.晚上,我们聚在火炉边聊天。combine:合并,例如:to combine theory with practic理论联系实际。
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Who else, ( ) John, took part in the opening ceremony







40 years ago the idea of disabled people doing sport was never heard of. But when the annual games for the disabled were started at Stoke Mandeville, England in 1948 by Sir Ludwig Guttmann, the situation began to change.
Sir Ludwig Guttmann, who had been driven to England in 1939 from Nazi Germany, had
been asked by the British government to set up an injuries center at Stoke Mandeville Hospital near London. His ideas about treating injuries included sport for the disabled.
In the first games just two teams of injured soldiers took part. The next year, 1949, five teams took part. From those beginnings, things have developed fast. Teams now come from abroad to Stoke Mandeville every year. In 1960 the first Olympics for the Disabled were held in Rome, in the same place as the normal Olympic Games. Now, every four years the Olympic Games for the Disabled are held, if possible, in the same place as the normal Olympic Games, although they are organized separately. In other years Games for the Disabled are still held at Stoke Mandeville. In the 1984 wheelchair Olympic Games, 1064 wheelchair athletes from about 40 countries took part.
Unfortunately, they were held at Stoke Mandeville and not in Los Angeles, along with the other Olympics.
TheGameshavebeenagreatsuccessinpromotinginternationalfriendshipandunderstanding, and in proving that being disabled does not mean you can't enjoy sport. One small source of disappointment for those who organize and take part in the games, however, has been the unwillingness of the International Olympic Committee to include disabled events at Olympic Games for the able-bodied. Perhaps a few more years are still needed to convince those fortunate enough not to be disabled that their disabled fellow athletes should not be excluded.
?Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.Sir Ludwig Guttmann is an early organizer of the games for the disabled.
B.Sir Ludwig Guttmann is an injured soldier.
C.Sir Ludwig Guttmann is from Germany.
D.Sir Ludwig Guttmann is welcomed by the British government.

由第一、二段可知,Sir Ludwig Guttmann在1939年从德国被驱逐到英国,英国政府命他在伦敦附近的Stoke Mandeville医院建立残疾人康复中心.他在1948年组织了首次残疾人体育比赛。文中并没有提到他是受伤士兵。只说首次残疾人体育比赛有两支受伤士兵的队伍参加。故选B。


What is this report mainly about?

A.Phone inquires about hotel bookings for the 2008 Olympic Games.

B.Beijing Hotel is one of the most top hotels in the capital.

C.Beijing will host the 2008 Olympic Games.

D.Visitors from all over the world will come to China for the games.

解析:这是一个典型的大意理解题,其依据句就是文章的主题句,一般位于文章的开头。本文的主题句就是第一个句子“Beijing's top hotels are fielding scores of calls from foreigners and Chinese people eager to book rooms during the 2008 Olympic Games in the Chinese capital.”与A选项内容相符和。其他的选项内容并不是本文的主题,而只是细节信息或无关信息。



The Greatest Show on Earth

The Olympic Games are the greatest festival of sport in the world.Every four years,a hundred or more

countries send their best sportsmen to compete for the highest honors in sport.As many as 6,000 people take

part in over 20 sports.For the winners,there are gold medals and glory.But there is honor,too,for all who

compete,win or lose.That is the spirit of the Olympics一to take part is what matters.

The Olympic Games always start in a bright color and action.The teams of all the nations parade in the

opening ceremony and march round the track.The custom is for the Greek team to march in first.For it wa。

in Greece that the Olympics began. The team of the country where the Games are being held一the host

country一marches in last.

The runner with the Olympic torch then enters the stadium and lights the flame.A sportsman from the

host country takes the Olympic oath on behalf of all the competitors.The judges and officials also take an

oath.After the sportsmen march out of the stadium,the host country puts on a wonderful display.

The competitions begin the next day.There are usually more than twenty sports in the Games.The rule

is that there must be at least fifteen.The main events are in track and field,but it is a few days before these

sports start.Each day the competitors take part in a different sport一riding,shooting,swimming,and cross-

country running. Points are gained for each event.Medals are awarded for the individual winners and for

national teams.

More and more women are taking part in the games.They first competed in 1900,in tennis and golf,

which are no longer held in the Olympics.Women's swimming events were introduced in 1912.But it was

not until 1928 that there were any track and field events for women.Now,they compete in all but half a

dozen of the sports.In horse riding,shooting,and boat racing,they may compete in the same events as the


Who takes the Olympic oath?
A:A judge from a foreign country.
B:An officer from the host country.
C:A Greek'sportsman.
D:A sportsman from the host country.

由文章第一段最后两句话“But there is honor, too, for all who compete, win or lose.That is the spirit of the Olympics一to take part is what matters.”可知,奥运会的本质在于参与精神,参 与是最重要的。

由文章第二段第三句话“The custom is for the Greek team to march in first.”可知,一个历 史悠久的惯例是在奥运会开幕式上希腊队走在最前面。

由文章第三段第二句话“A sportsman frnm the host con nt仃 takes the Olympic oath on be- half of all the competitors.”可知,答案为D。

由文章第四段第四句话中“The main events are in track and field.”可知,答案为A。

由文章第五段第二句话中“They first competed in 1900...”可知,答案为B。 


40 years ago the idea of disabled people doing sport was never heard of. But when the annual games for the disabled were started at Stoke Mandeville, England in 1948 by Sir Ludwig Guttmann, the situation began to change.
Sir Ludwig Guttmann, who had been driven to England in 1939 from Nazi Germany, had
been asked by the British government to set up an injuries center at Stoke Mandeville Hospital near London. His ideas about treating injuries included sport for the disabled.
In the first games just two teams of injured soldiers took part. The next year, 1949, five teams took part. From those beginnings, things have developed fast. Teams now come from abroad to Stoke Mandeville every year. In 1960 the first Olympics for the Disabled were held in Rome, in the same place as the normal Olympic Games. Now, every four years the Olympic Games for the Disabled are held, if possible, in the same place as the normal Olympic Games, although they are organized separately. In other years Games for the Disabled are still held at Stoke Mandeville. In the 1984 wheelchair Olympic Games, 1064 wheelchair athletes from about 40 countries took part.
Unfortunately, they were held at Stoke Mandeville and not in Los Angeles, along with the other Olympics.
TheGameshavebeenagreatsuccessinpromotinginternationalfriendshipandunderstanding, and in proving that being disabled does not mean you can't enjoy sport. One small source of disappointment for those who organize and take part in the games, however, has been the unwillingness of the International Olympic Committee to include disabled events at Olympic Games for the able-bodied. Perhaps a few more years are still needed to convince those fortunate enough not to be disabled that their disabled fellow athletes should not be excluded.
From the passage, we may conclude that the writer is __________ .

A.one of the organizers of the game for the disabled
B.a disabled person who once took part in the games
C.against holding the games for the disabled
D.in favor of holding the games for the disabled

最后一段第一句提到了残疾人运动会发挥的巨大作用,可见作者对此是支持的。故选D。 Passage 2


The ancient Olympic Games were part of a religious festival in honour of the Greek god Zeus, the father of all Greek gods and goddesses.The festival and games were held in Olympia, a religious sanctuary.The athletes came to Olympia from all parts of the Greek world, from as far as Spain in the west and Turkey in the east.The ancient Olympic Games began in the yea 776 BC when Koroibos, a cook from the city of Elis, won a 200-metre-long race.They took place for a period of 617 years until the last games were held in AD 393

In the ancient games, athletes received prizes worth large amounts of money.In fact the word athlete is an ancient Greek word, meaning one who competes for a prize.Although women did not compete in the games, there was a separate festival held at the same time in honour of Hera, wife of Zeus At this festival unmarried girls competed in foot races.

The marathon was not an event of the ancient Olympic Games.The marathon is a modern event that was first introduced in the Olympic Games in 1896.It was named after a village called Marathon where the Persians were defeated by a small Greek army The news of the victory was brought to Athens by soldier, who ran the 26 miles from the village of Marathon to the capital 26 miles was therefore adopted as the distance of the modern marathon race

The Olympic flag was introduced in 1908 and carries the symbol of five linked rings.Which represent the five continents-Africa, America, Asia, Australasia and Europe.The Olympic flame was first carried in the 1932 Olympic Games in Los Angeles.There was no torch relay in the ancient Olympic Games.The first torch relay in the modern OlympIc Games was staged in Berlin in 1936.(判断正误)

26.The ancient Greeks held the first Olympic Games in 617 BC.()

27.The ancient Greeks held the Olympic Games for 393 years.()

28.They did not allow women to compete in the an cient Olympic Games.()

29.They first used the Olympic flag in 1908.()

30.The torch relay was first used in the ancient Olympics.()



40 years ago the idea of disabled people doing sport was never heard of. But when the annual games for the disabled were started at Stoke Mandeville, England in 1948 by Sir Ludwig Guttmann, the situation began to change.
Sir Ludwig Guttmann, who had been driven to England in 1939 from Nazi Germany, had
been asked by the British government to set up an injuries center at Stoke Mandeville Hospital near London. His ideas about treating injuries included sport for the disabled.
In the first games just two teams of injured soldiers took part. The next year, 1949, five teams took part. From those beginnings, things have developed fast. Teams now come from abroad to Stoke Mandeville every year. In 1960 the first Olympics for the Disabled were held in Rome, in the same place as the normal Olympic Games. Now, every four years the Olympic Games for the Disabled are held, if possible, in the same place as the normal Olympic Games, although they are organized separately. In other years Games for the Disabled are still held at Stoke Mandeville. In the 1984 wheelchair Olympic Games, 1064 wheelchair athletes from about 40 countries took part.
Unfortunately, they were held at Stoke Mandeville and not in Los Angeles, along with the other Olympics.
TheGameshavebeenagreatsuccessinpromotinginternationalfriendshipandunderstanding, and in proving that being disabled does not mean you can't enjoy sport. One small source of disappointment for those who organize and take part in the games, however, has been the unwillingness of the International Olympic Committee to include disabled events at Olympic Games for the able-bodied. Perhaps a few more years are still needed to convince those fortunate enough not to be disabled that their disabled fellow athletes should not be excluded.
Besides Stoke Mandeville, surely the games for the disabled were once held in__________.

A.New York
D.Los Angeles

由第三段“In l960 the fimt Olympics for the Disabled were held in Rome”可知,第一届残奥会是在罗马举行,故选C。


Our president made a(n) ____ speech at the opening ceremony of the sports meeting which encouraged the sportsmen greatly.

A indifferent B inspiring C flat D dry



The Greatest Show on Earth
The Olympic Games are the greatest festival of sport in the world.Every four years,a hun-dred or more countries send their best sportsmen to compete for the highest honors in sport. As many as 6,000 people take part in over 20 sports.For the winners,there are gold medals and glory.But there is honor,too,for all who compete,win or lose.That is in spirit of the Olym- pics-to take part is what matters.
The Olympic Games always start in a bright color and action.The teams of all the nations parade in the opening ceremony and march round the track.The custom is for the Greek team to march in first.For it was in Greece that the Olympics began.The team of the country where the
Games are being held-the host country-marches in last.
The runner with the Olympic torch then enters the stadium and lights the flame.A sportsman from the host country takes the Olympic oath on behalf of all the competitors.The judges and officials also take an oath.After the sportsmen march out of the stadium,the host country puts on a wonderful display.
The competitions begin the next day.There are usually more than twenty sports in the Games .The rule is that there must be at least fifteen.The main events are in track and field,but it is a few days before these sports start.Each day the competitors take part in a different sportriding,shooting,swimming,and cross-country running.Points are gained bor each event.Medals are awarded for the individual winners and bor national teams.
More and more women are taking part in tne games. They firsi competed in 1900,in tennis and golf,which are no longer held in the Olympics.Women's swimming events were introduced in 1912.But it was not until 1 928 that there were any track and field events for women.Now,they compete in all but half a dozen of the sports.In horse riding,shooting,and boat racing,they may compete in the same events as the men.

Why is there honor for the losers as well as for the winners?
A: Because failure is the mother of success.
B: Because losers need encouragement.
C: Because losers and winners should be equally treated.
D: Because what really matters is to take part in the Olympic Games.

由文章第一段最后两句话“But there is honor , too , for all who compete , win or lose.That is the spirit of the Olympics-to take part is what matters.”可知,奥运会的本质在于参与精神,参与是最重要的。
由文章第二段第三句话“The custom is for the Greek team to march in first.”可知,一个历史悠久的习俗是在奥运会开幕式上希腊队走在最前面。
由文章第三段第二句话“A sportsman from the host country takes the Olympic oath on behalf of all the competitors.”可知,答案为D。
由文章第四段第四句话中“The main events are in track and field”可知,答案为A。
由文章第五段第二句话中“They first competed in 1990”可知,答案为B。


The Greatest Show on Earth
The Olympic Games are the greatest festival of sport in the world.Every four years,a hun-dred or more countries send their best sportsmen to compete for the highest honors in sport. As many as 6,000 people take part in over 20 sports.For the winners,there are gold medals and glory.But there is honor,too,for all who compete,win or lose.That is in spirit of the Olym- pics-to take part is what matters.
The Olympic Games always start in a bright color and action.The teams of all the nations parade in the opening ceremony and march round the track.The custom is for the Greek team to march in first.For it was in Greece that the Olympics began.The team of the country where the
Games are being held-the host country-marches in last.
The runner with the Olympic torch then enters the stadium and lights the flame.A sportsman from the host country takes the Olympic oath on behalf of all the competitors.The judges and officials also take an oath.After the sportsmen march out of the stadium,the host country puts on a wonderful display.
The competitions begin the next day.There are usually more than twenty sports in the Games .The rule is that there must be at least fifteen.The main events are in track and field,but it is a few days before these sports start.Each day the competitors take part in a different sportriding,shooting,swimming,and cross-country running.Points are gained bor each event.Medals are awarded for the individual winners and bor national teams.
More and more women are taking part in tne games. They firsi competed in 1900,in tennis and golf,which are no longer held in the Olympics.Women's swimming events were introduced in 1912.But it was not until 1 928 that there were any track and field events for women.Now,they compete in all but half a dozen of the sports.In horse riding,shooting,and boat racing,they may compete in the same events as the men.

Which of the following is a long-established practice in the opening ceremony?
A: Runners enter the stadium with torches.
B: Each team puts on a wonderful display.
C: The Greek team marches in first.
D: Sportsmen and sportswomen were magnificent clothes.

由文章第一段最后两句话“But there is honor , too , for all who compete , win or lose.That is the spirit of the Olympics-to take part is what matters.”可知,奥运会的本质在于参与精神,参与是最重要的。
由文章第二段第三句话“The custom is for the Greek team to march in first.”可知,一个历史悠久的习俗是在奥运会开幕式上希腊队走在最前面。
由文章第三段第二句话“A sportsman from the host country takes the Olympic oath on behalf of all the competitors.”可知,答案为D。
由文章第四段第四句话中“The main events are in track and field”可知,答案为A。
由文章第五段第二句话中“They first competed in 1990”可知,答案为B。
