
共用题干 Help Your Child Become a ReaderEncouraging early reading skills can build a path to a lifelong(终身的)love of reading and can help your child get a head start in school.While reading to your child is still the most important thing you can do to build re

Help Your Child Become a Reader

Encouraging early reading skills can build a path to a lifelong(终身的)love of reading
and can help your child get a head start in school.While reading to your child is still the most
important thing you can do to build reading skills,there are many techniques that can help.
Make reading fun.Play games with your child as you read.Many traditional children's
games can be adapted to encourage reading skills.
While reading or during play,tell your child,"I spy with my little eye,something that
begins with the letter b."Help the child find something on the page or in the room that
begins with that letter.For example,"I see a barn."This can also be used to teach
beginning letter sounds."I spy with my little eye,something that begins with the sound
's'."Help the child find a word that begins with the"s"sound.
In this variation on the popular game,instruct the child that,"Simon says, 'point to
something that starts with the letter n."'The child can then find an object in the room or a
body part,such as the nose,that starts with the letter presented.This can also be used to
teach beginning sounds.
Make a game out of rhyming(押韵)words by making up silly words to rhyme with the
child's name or favorite toys.This sets the stage for rhyming real words by showing the
child the similarities of sounds.As the child masters making up the words,begin rhyming
real words to one another.
Tips to raise a successful reader:
Put books in places where the child plays.If books are easily accessible,children are
more likely to pick them up.
Let children"read to you"by looking at pictures.Making up stories to go along with
illustrations helps children discover how words relate to pictures.
Take books along on trips or even short visits to the doctor's office or grocery store.
Have children help you shop.Reading grocery lists and looking for specific items helps
build sight vocabulary.

You should take books with you when you go out with your child.
C:Not mentioned
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The Internet can make our lives interesting and enjoyable. Some people say that reading books (11) 0ut of date. This is not true. Reading books is a good (12) for all kinds of rea-sons.First ,reading books is fun. You can always keep yourself (13) if you like reading. This is especially useful when the weather is bad.It is a relaxing hobby,too You can really enjoy (14) in books.Next,you can read a book almost (15 ) ;in a car,in a waiting-room,on a plane,in bed even in the bath. Reading is a converuent hobby (16 ) it is easy to stop and thenstart again.(17) good reason is that reading is useful. Many school subjects depend on good reading.The more books you read,the faster you will become in reading,and (18) knowledge you will get.Your schoolwork will become much (19 ) too.

Reading is (20) .out of date. Don-t forget to read every day!

( )11.

A. are






What is probably the best title for the passage?

A How to Help Your Child Help Others

B How to Educate a Shy Child

C How to Communicate with Your Child

D How to Help Your Child Make Friends



With these suggestions, your child can grow up to be ______ and successful adult that you can be proud of.






Tiny Invaders

The human body is truly amazing. It allows us to sense the world around us,to do work and have fun,
and to move from place to place.In fact,the human body does its work so well that most people don't think
about it very much-until they get sick.
The germs(致病菌)that make people sick are everywhere. You can ' t see them , but they ' re there.
They're sitting on your desk.They're hiding on your computer's keyboard.They're even in the air that you
are breathing. There are two types of germs : viruses and bacteria(细菌).Viruses are germs that can only
live inside animals or plants. Viruses cause illnesses such as flu and measles(麻疹).Bacteria are tiny
creatures.Some bacteria are good.They can help your stomach break down food.Other bacteria aren't so
good. They can make you sick. Bacteria can cause sore throats(喉痛)and ear infections.
How can you stop these tiny invaders from making you sick?Your skin is the first defense against
germs.You can prevent some illnesses simply by washing,with soap and water. But germs can still enter the
body through small cuts in the skin or through the mouth,eyes,and nose.
Once germs are inside your body , your immune(免疫的)system tries to protect you. It looks for and
destroys germs.How does it do that?Special cells patrol your body.Some of these cells actually eat germs!
Other cells make antibodies.An antibody sticks to a germ.There is a different antibody for each kind of
germ.Some antibodies keep germs from making you sick.Others help your body find and kill germs.After a
germ is destroyed,the antibodies stay in your body.They protect you if the same kind of germ comes back.
That way you will not get the same illness twice.
You can keep your body healthy by eating a nutritious(有营养的)diet to make your immune systerm
strong. You can also help your immune system fight germs by getting vaccinated(接种).Vaccines are
medicines.They contain germs that have been killed or weakened.The dead germs can't make you sick.
Instead,they cause your body to make antibodies.If the same germ ever shows up again,then your
antibodies attack it.

The heart contains the body's strongest muscle.
C:Not mentioned

由文章第二段的第七句“Viruses are germs that can only live inside animals or plants.”可知,病毒只能生存在动植物体内,故选B。
由文章第三段第三句“You can prevent some illnesses simply by washing, with soap andwater.”可知,通过用水打上肥皂清洗皮肤可以预防一些疾病,故选A。
由文章第三段最后一句中“germs can still enter the body through...eyes and nose”可知,致病菌可以通过伤口、口、眼、鼻等进入人体,故选A。
由文章第四段倒数第三句“After a germ is destroyed, the antibodies stay in your body.”可 知,在毁掉致病菌以后,抗体会留在人体中,故选A。
由文章最后一段内容可知,疫苗是接种到人体中用以抵抗致病菌的;疫苗是一种药物, 故选B。第3部分:概括大意与完成句子


根据下面内容,回答 68~71题:DIt’s not easy being a teenager(13至19岁青少年)-nor is it easy being the parent of a teenager.You can make your child feel angry, hurt or misunderstood by what you say without realizing it yourself.It is important to give your child the space he needs to grow while gently letting him know that you’11 still be there for him when he needs you.

Expect a lot from your child,just not everything.Except for health and safety problems, such as drug use or careless driving,consider everything else open to discussion.If your child is unwilling to discuss something,don’t insist he tell you what’s on his mind.The more you insist, the more likely that he’11 clam up.Instead,let him attempt to solve(解决)things by himself. At the same time,remind him that you’re always there for him should he seek advice or help.Show respect for your teenager’s privacy(隐私).Never read his mail or listen in on personal conversations.

Teach your teenager that the family phone is for the whole family. If your child talks on the family’s telephone for too long,tell him he can talk for l5 minutes,but then he must stay off the phone for at least all equal period of time.This not only frees up the line so that other family members can make and receive calls,but teaches your teenager moderation(节制).Or if you are open to the idea,allow your teenager his own phone that he pays for with his own pocket money or a part-time job.

第13题:The main purpose of the text is to tell parents__________.

A.how to get along with a teenager

B.how to respect a teenager

C.how to understand a teenager

D.how to help a teenager grow up



Passage Four

Friends become a child’s chosen family. If his social life is going well, he gains confidence. If he has trouble connecting, it hurts and can make him feel sad and withdrawn and lonely.

1. Help your child communicate. Naturally outgoing kids have an easier time expressing their interest in other children than shy ones do. But you can help build this skill through practice. Ask your child about his favorite games and toys. Praise him for specifics when he shows interest in other people:” You were so nice to let Roger talk about his little dog. I am proud of you.”

2. Keep play short and sweet. Parents should keep early play date short, so no one gets too tired and everyone has fun. Schedule the next one soon after that, so kids can quickly build on their comfort foundation.

3. Know your child. If your child is bossy, tale with him and agree beforehand on which toys will be shared and which ones should be put away because your child just can’t seem to share them. If you have a shy child, match him with a younger child so he has a chance to be the leader.

4. Help your child help others. Encourage your child to be a better friend by helping him include others in play. If you see someone being excluded, don’t ignore it. This is an opportunity to work on your child’s ability to understand others. “Rachel is beingleft out. That must make her feel very sad. Can you think of a way to include her in the game?”

5. Help your kids help themselves. If your child is the one who’s being ignored or treated badly, teach him to speak up.

48. Which word can best describe a child who is good at connecting?

A Bossy B Confident C Proud D Showy




It’s not easy being a teenager (13至19岁青少年) – nor is it easy being the parent of a teenager. You can make your child feel angry, hurt, or misunderstood by what you say without realizing it yourself. It is important to give your child the space he needs to grow while gently letting him know that you’ll still be there for him when he needs you.

Expect a lot from your child, just not everything. Except for health and safety problems, such as drug use or careless driving, consider everything else open to discussion. If your child is unwilling to discuss something, don’t insist he tell you what’s on his mind. The more you insist, the more likely that he’ll clam up. Instead, let him attempt to solve (解决) things by himself. At the same time, remind him that you’re always there for his should he seek advice or help. Show respect for your teenager’s privacy (隐私). Never read his mail or listen in on personal conversations.

Teach your teenager that the family phone is for the whole family. If your child talks on the family’s telephone for too long, tell him he can talk for 15 minutes, but then he must stay off the phone for at least an equal period of time. This not only frees up the line so that other family members can make and receive calls, but teaches your teenager moderation (节制). Or if you are open to the idea, allow your teenager his own phone that he pays for with his own pocket money or a part-time job.

68. The main purpose of the text is to tell parents ______.

A. how to get along with a teenagerB. how to respect a teenager

C. how to understand a teenagerD. how to help a teenager grow up




Home can be a great place for children to study. It’s important to provide a workspace of their own where they can read books or just write a letter to their friends.

● Location (位置)

72 Kitchen and dining room are not so well suite for regular study. since books and pens get in the way of the day-to-day uses of those areas. Set up a place where a child can settle in and leave papers and pens at band without having to clear everything away each night. For a child that likes being alone, set aside a corner of his bedroom, but keep it separate from things like games, music and other hobbies not related to studying.

● Keeping Things in Order

Parents should encourage their child to spread out, but to leave it neat and orderly when he isn’t using his workspace. Ownership is very important for self-respect 73 The workplace should be personal, but not another part of the playroom.

● __74___

Encourage the whole family to help build a supportive environment that children need for success in school. Give them a good example of how to deal with problems, how to manage time and get things done in the right way. 75 Study will be more enjoyable and effective when supported by the whole family

A. Attitude Is Everything.

B. Bring Organization into Your Home.

C. Here are several ways to choose a location.

D. Building a Good Home Learning Environment.

E. Hold a can-do attitude and your child will follow your example.

F. Setting up a space in a common area of your home can be a good idea for children.

G. A child who learns to organize his spare will carry organization into every corner of his life.

71.D  72.F   73.G   74.A   75.E


I can't understand ______ at that poor child.

A、you to laugh

B、you laugh

C、why laugh

D、your laughing



Tiny Invaders

The human body is truly amazing. It allows us to sense the world around us,to do work and have fun,
and to move from place to place.In fact,the human body does its work so well that most people don't think
about it very much-until they get sick.
The germs(致病菌)that make people sick are everywhere. You can ' t see them , but they ' re there.
They're sitting on your desk.They're hiding on your computer's keyboard.They're even in the air that you
are breathing. There are two types of germs : viruses and bacteria(细菌).Viruses are germs that can only
live inside animals or plants. Viruses cause illnesses such as flu and measles(麻疹).Bacteria are tiny
creatures.Some bacteria are good.They can help your stomach break down food.Other bacteria aren't so
good. They can make you sick. Bacteria can cause sore throats(喉痛)and ear infections.
How can you stop these tiny invaders from making you sick?Your skin is the first defense against
germs.You can prevent some illnesses simply by washing,with soap and water. But germs can still enter the
body through small cuts in the skin or through the mouth,eyes,and nose.
Once germs are inside your body , your immune(免疫的)system tries to protect you. It looks for and
destroys germs.How does it do that?Special cells patrol your body.Some of these cells actually eat germs!
Other cells make antibodies.An antibody sticks to a germ.There is a different antibody for each kind of
germ.Some antibodies keep germs from making you sick.Others help your body find and kill germs.After a
germ is destroyed,the antibodies stay in your body.They protect you if the same kind of germ comes back.
That way you will not get the same illness twice.
You can keep your body healthy by eating a nutritious(有营养的)diet to make your immune systerm
strong. You can also help your immune system fight germs by getting vaccinated(接种).Vaccines are
medicines.They contain germs that have been killed or weakened.The dead germs can't make you sick.
Instead,they cause your body to make antibodies.If the same germ ever shows up again,then your
antibodies attack it.

Vaccines can make you sick.
C:Not mentioned

由文章第二段的第七句“Viruses are germs that can only live inside animals or plants.”可知,病毒只能生存在动植物体内,故选B。
由文章第三段第三句“You can prevent some illnesses simply by washing, with soap andwater.”可知,通过用水打上肥皂清洗皮肤可以预防一些疾病,故选A。
由文章第三段最后一句中“germs can still enter the body through...eyes and nose”可知,致病菌可以通过伤口、口、眼、鼻等进入人体,故选A。
由文章第四段倒数第三句“After a germ is destroyed, the antibodies stay in your body.”可 知,在毁掉致病菌以后,抗体会留在人体中,故选A。
由文章最后一段内容可知,疫苗是接种到人体中用以抵抗致病菌的;疫苗是一种药物, 故选B。第3部分:概括大意与完成句子
