
Reusing frequencies in a cellular pattern (compared to “one big cell”)()A、Increases channel utilization, cost ,and interference.B、Increases capacity and cost, but decreases interference.C、Increases capacity, but decreases cost and interference.D、Increases


Reusing frequencies in a cellular pattern (compared to “one big cell”)()

  • A、Increases channel utilization, cost ,and interference.
  • B、Increases capacity and cost, but decreases interference.
  • C、Increases capacity, but decreases cost and interference.
  • D、Increases capacity, cost, and interference.
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如果没有搜索结果,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


An administrator receives reports from users in an office that their 802.11g wireless connectivityhas been problematic since the installation of the new wireless phone system.At which of the following frequencies are both systems operating at to cause this issue?()







The broadcast will normally be made on the two listed frequencies simultaneously except during transmitter maintenance periods when the broadcast will be made on the two frequencies ______. the same time


C.within the same period




Nowadays people sometimes separate their waste to make it easier for it .

A. reusing B. reused C. reuses D. to be reused



Which two devices can interfere with the operation of a wireless network because they operate on similar frequencies? (Choose two.)()

  • A、copier
  • B、microwave oven
  • C、toaster
  • D、cordless phone
  • E、IP phone
  • F、AM radio



Singing Alarms Could Save the Blind.
If you cannot see,you may not be able to find your way out of a burning building-and that could be fatal .A company in Leeds could change all that______(51)directional sound alarms capable of guiding you to the exit.
Sound Alert,a company______(52)the University of Leeds,is installing the alarms in a residential home for______(53)people in Sommerset and a resource centre for the blind in
Cumbria.______(54)produce a wide range of frequencies that enable the brain to determine where the______(55)is coming from.
Deborah Withington of Sound Alert says that the alarms use most of the frequencies that can be______(56)by humans."It is a burst of white noise ______(57)people say sounds like static on the radio,"she says."Its life-saving potential is great."
She conducted an experiment in which people were filmed by thermal-imaging cameras trying to find their way out of a large______(58)room. It______(59)them nearly four minutes to find the door______(60)a sound alarm,but only 15 seconds with one.
Withington studies how the brain______(61)sounds at the university. She says that the _______(62)of a wide band of frequencies can be pinpointed more easily than the source of a narrow band .Alarms______(63)the same concept have already been installed on emergency vehicles.
The alarms will also include rising or falling frequencies to indicate whether people should go up______(64)down stairs.They were______(65)with the aid of a large grant from British Nuclear Fuels.

A: feature
B: quality
C: diagram
D: source


Sound Alert是一家公司的名字,a company是Sound Alert的同位语,根据句意判断,应选择run by,意为“由……经营的”。其他选项虽然语法正确,但都与句意不符。

从文章标题以及文章内容和本句后面部分resource center for the blind,可以推断这里最好的选择就是C。

因为这种警告装置已在上文中提到:第一段中的directional sound alarms,第二段中的installing the alarms in a residential home...,所以这里的alarms是特指,要用定冠词。选项C是错误的,因为它是单数形式。

句子的前半句有a wide range of frequencies,发出来的应该是sound,而不是令人烦躁的noise。用music或bell都有些突然,与上下文的意思不连贯。


选择A、B、D均不能构成语义连贯的句子,而且语法上也有问题。选项C能使句子结构成为“It is... that”的强调句型。

从所给的选项可以看出,这里要表达的意思是“烟火弥漫的房间”。有了这个理解,现在要做的就是选择正确的表达形式。A是“烟熏的”,D是“使……烟火弥漫的”,所以意思不对,C填入后就出现filled with smoke room,不符合语法。只有B是正确选项。

这里显然是“It takes somebody + time +动词不定式”的句型,但选择什么时态是关键。从上句看,应选择一般过去时,因为整个段落是对一次实验的描写,而且上面一句也使用了一般过去时。

后半句的one指上半句中的a sound alarm。该句上半句和下半句由but连接,表示 相反的意思,从后半句的with可以看出,两个相对比的事物是:the door without a sound alarm和the door with a sound alarm,所以选择C。


句子中的more...than表示该句是对两样事物的对比。than后面是the source of a narrow band,这里的narrow和前半句的wide形成反比,从上下文中可以看出,the source of a narrow band of ( frequencies)是和the source of a wide band of frequencies形成对比。

这个句子有主语alarms,有谓语have been installed,这里应填入动词的分词形式。 be based on是常用的搭配,所以应选择动词的过去分词形式。选项A. basis是名词,明显是错的。

根据上半句中的rising or frequencies,这里应填入or,与上半句表达的意思相一致。音频升高表示上楼,音频降低表示下楼。

首先确定主语They指的是第一句中的主语The alarms,后半句说这种设备得到大 笔资助。根据上文内容,我们知道资助的目的是开发这种alarms,所以应该选择devel- oped。


Which two devices can interfere with the operation of a wireless network because they operate on similar frequencies?()


B.microwave oven


D.cordless phone

E.IP phone

F.AM radio

参考答案:B, D


Which frequencies and modes are allocated for distress alerting in GMDSS ________.

A.406 MHz via EPIRB

B.1626.5-1645.5 via INMARSAT

C.Channel 70 DSC plus six(6)MF/HF DSC frequencies

D.All of the above



( ) can provide an asynchronous link between two ac electric power system with different nominal frequencies.

A.The HVDC (high voltage DC) transmission

B.The EHV (extra-high voltage) AC transmission

C.The AC distribution




Singing Alarms Could Save the Blind.
If you cannot see,you may not be able to find your way out of a burning building-and that could be fatal .A company in Leeds could change all that______(51)directional sound alarms capable of guiding you to the exit.
Sound Alert,a company______(52)the University of Leeds,is installing the alarms in a residential home for______(53)people in Sommerset and a resource centre for the blind in
Cumbria.______(54)produce a wide range of frequencies that enable the brain to determine where the______(55)is coming from.
Deborah Withington of Sound Alert says that the alarms use most of the frequencies that can be______(56)by humans."It is a burst of white noise ______(57)people say sounds like static on the radio,"she says."Its life-saving potential is great."
She conducted an experiment in which people were filmed by thermal-imaging cameras trying to find their way out of a large______(58)room. It______(59)them nearly four minutes to find the door______(60)a sound alarm,but only 15 seconds with one.
Withington studies how the brain______(61)sounds at the university. She says that the _______(62)of a wide band of frequencies can be pinpointed more easily than the source of a narrow band .Alarms______(63)the same concept have already been installed on emergency vehicles.
The alarms will also include rising or falling frequencies to indicate whether people should go up______(64)down stairs.They were______(65)with the aid of a large grant from British Nuclear Fuels.

A: smoked
B: smoke-filled
C: filled with smoke
D: smoke-filling


Sound Alert是一家公司的名字,a company是Sound Alert的同位语,根据句意判断,应选择run by,意为“由……经营的”。其他选项虽然语法正确,但都与句意不符。

从文章标题以及文章内容和本句后面部分resource center for the blind,可以推断这里最好的选择就是C。

因为这种警告装置已在上文中提到:第一段中的directional sound alarms,第二段中的installing the alarms in a residential home...,所以这里的alarms是特指,要用定冠词。选项C是错误的,因为它是单数形式。

句子的前半句有a wide range of frequencies,发出来的应该是sound,而不是令人烦躁的noise。用music或bell都有些突然,与上下文的意思不连贯。


选择A、B、D均不能构成语义连贯的句子,而且语法上也有问题。选项C能使句子结构成为“It is... that”的强调句型。

从所给的选项可以看出,这里要表达的意思是“烟火弥漫的房间”。有了这个理解,现在要做的就是选择正确的表达形式。A是“烟熏的”,D是“使……烟火弥漫的”,所以意思不对,C填入后就出现filled with smoke room,不符合语法。只有B是正确选项。

这里显然是“It takes somebody + time +动词不定式”的句型,但选择什么时态是关键。从上句看,应选择一般过去时,因为整个段落是对一次实验的描写,而且上面一句也使用了一般过去时。

后半句的one指上半句中的a sound alarm。该句上半句和下半句由but连接,表示 相反的意思,从后半句的with可以看出,两个相对比的事物是:the door without a sound alarm和the door with a sound alarm,所以选择C。


句子中的more...than表示该句是对两样事物的对比。than后面是the source of a narrow band,这里的narrow和前半句的wide形成反比,从上下文中可以看出,the source of a narrow band of ( frequencies)是和the source of a wide band of frequencies形成对比。

这个句子有主语alarms,有谓语have been installed,这里应填入动词的分词形式。 be based on是常用的搭配,所以应选择动词的过去分词形式。选项A. basis是名词,明显是错的。

根据上半句中的rising or frequencies,这里应填入or,与上半句表达的意思相一致。音频升高表示上楼,音频降低表示下楼。

首先确定主语They指的是第一句中的主语The alarms,后半句说这种设备得到大 笔资助。根据上文内容,我们知道资助的目的是开发这种alarms,所以应该选择devel- oped。



  • A、A.Leeuwenhoek
  • B、R.Hook
  • C、R.Brown
  • D、D.Darvin
  • E、W.Flemming

