
An IT director is eager to adopt POWER7 servers because of their relative performance ratings and energy efficiency, but is concerned about migrating applications which require AIX 5.3. Which of the following will address his concern?()A、POWER7 servers r


An IT director is eager to adopt POWER7 servers because of their relative performance ratings and energy efficiency, but is concerned about migrating applications which require AIX 5.3. Which of the following will address his concern?()

  • A、POWER7 servers running AIX 5.3 operate in POWER5+ mode.
  • B、POWER7 servers running AIX 5.3 operate in POWER6 and POWER6+ mode.
  • C、POWER7 servers running AIX 5.3 operate in POWER5 and POWER6 modes.
  • D、POWER7 servers running AIX 5.3 operate in POWER6 and POWER7 modes.
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//Builder. java文件

public (1) class Builder {

public abstract void makeTitle(String title);

public abstract void makeString(String str);

public abstract void makeItems(String[] items);

public abstract Object getResult();


//Director. java文件

public class Director{

private (2) builder;

public Director(Builder builder){

this. builder = builder;


public Object construct(){



builder.makeItems(new String[]{"早安", "午安",});


builder.makeItems(new String[]("晚安", "好梦",});

return builder.getResult();




public class TextBuilder (3) Builder{

private StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();

public void makeTitle(String title){

buffer.append("『" + title + "』"\n\n");


public void makeString(String str){

buffer.append('■' + str + "\n\n ");


public void makeItems(String[] items){

for(int i = 0; i< (4) ; i++){

buffer.append('·' + items[i] + "\n");




public Object getResult(){

return buffer.toString();




public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Director director = new Director(new TextBuilder());

String result = (String)director. (5) ;


正确答案:abstract Builder extends items.length construct()
abstract Builder extends items.length construct()


The famous director of a big and expensive movie planned to film a beautiful sunset over the ocean,so that the audience could see his hero and heroine(男女英雄)in front of it at the end of the film as they said goodbye to each other forever.He sent his camera crew(摄制组)out one evening to film the sunset for him.
The next morning he said to the men,“Have you provided me with that sunset ”
“No,sir,”the man answered.
The director was angry.“Why not ”he asked.
“Well,sir,”one of the men answered,“we’re on the east coast here,and the sun sets in the west.We can get you a sunrise over the sea,if necessary,but not a sunset.”
“But I want a sunset!”the director shouted.“Go to the airport,take the next flight to the west coast,and get one.”
But then a young secretary had an idea.“Why don’t you photograph a sunrise,”she suggested,“and then play it backwards Then it’ll look like a sunset.”
“That’s a good idea!”the director said.Then he turned to the camera crew and said,“Tomorrow morning I want you to get me a beautiful sunrise over the sea.”
The camera crew went out early the next morning and filmed a bright sunrise over the beach in the middle of a beautiful bay(海湾).Then at nine o’clock they took it to the director.“Here it is,sir,”they said,and gave it to him.He was very pleased.
They all went into the studio.“All right,”the director explained,“now our hero and heroine are going to say goodbye.Run the film backwards so that we can see the‘sunset’behind them.”
The“sunset”began,but after a quarter of minute,the director suddenly put his face in his hands and shouted to the camera to stop.
The birds in the film were flying backwards,and the waves on the sea were going away from the beach.

One evening,the director sent his camera crew out. watch a beautiful sunset find an actor and an actress film a scene on the sea meet the audience



(b) When a director retires, amounts become payable to the director as a form. of retirement benefit as an annuity.

These amounts are not based on salaries paid to the director under an employment contract. Sirus has

contractual or constructive obligations to make payments to former directors as at 30 April 2008 as follows:

(i) certain former directors are paid a fixed annual amount for a fixed term beginning on the first anniversary of

the director’s retirement. If the director dies, an amount representing the present value of the future payment

is paid to the director’s estate.

(ii) in the case of other former directors, they are paid a fixed annual amount which ceases on death.

The rights to the annuities are determined by the length of service of the former directors and are set out in the

former directors’ service contracts. (6 marks)


Draft a report to the directors of Sirus which discusses the principles and nature of the accounting treatment of

the above elements under International Financial Reporting Standards in the financial statements for the year

ended 30 April 2008.

(b) Directors’ retirement benefits
The directors’ retirement benefits are unfunded plans which may fall under IAS19 ‘Employee Benefits’.
Sirus should review its contractual or constructive obligation to make retirement benefit payments to its former directors at the
time when they leave the firm. The payments may create a financial liability under IAS32, or may give rise to a liability of
uncertain timing and amount which may fall within the scope of IAS37 ‘Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent
assets’. Certain former directors are paid a fixed annuity for a fixed term which is payable annually, and on death, the present
value of future payments are paid to the director’s estate. An annuity meets the definition of a financial liability under IAS32,
if there is a contractual obligation to deliver cash or a financial asset. The latter form. of annuity falls within the scope of
IAS32/39. The present value of the annuity payments should be determined. The liability is recognised because the directors
have a contractual right to the annuity and the firm has no discretion in terms of withholding the payment. As the rights to
the annuities are earned over the period of the service of the directors, then the costs should have been recognised also over
the service period.
Where an annuity has a life contingent element and, therefore, embodies a mortality risk, it falls outside the scope of IAS39
because the annuity will meet the definition of an insurance contract which is scoped out of IAS39, along with employers’
rights and obligations under IAS19. Such annuities will, therefore, fall within the scope of IAS37 if a constructive obligation
exists. Sirus should assess the probability of the future cash outflow of the present obligation. Because there are a number of
similar obligations, IAS37 requires that the class of obligations as a whole should be considered (similar to a warranty
provision). A provision should be made for the best estimate of the costs of the annuity and this would include any liability
for post retirement payments to directors earned to date. The liability should be built up over the service period rather than
just when the director leaves. In practice the liability will be calculated on an actuarial basis consistent with the principles in
IAS19. The liability should be recalculated on an annual basis, as for any provision, to take account of changes in directors
and other factors. The liability will be discounted where the effect is material.



  • A、精灵
  • B、舞台
  • C、角色
  • D、程序



Presentation Director显示方案有导入/导出功能。



The famous director of a big and expensive movie planned to film a beautiful sunset over the ocean,so that the audience could see his hero and heroine(男女英雄)in front of it at the end of the film as they said goodbye to each other forever.He sent his camera crew(摄制组)out one evening to film the sunset for him.
The next morning he said to the men,“Have you provided me with that sunset ”
“No,sir,”the man answered.
The director was angry.“Why not ”he asked.
“Well,sir,”one of the men answered,“we’re on the east coast here,and the sun sets in the west.We can get you a sunrise over the sea,if necessary,but not a sunset.”
“But I want a sunset!”the director shouted.“Go to the airport,take the next flight to the west coast,and get one.”
But then a young secretary had an idea.“Why don’t you photograph a sunrise,”she suggested,“and then play it backwards Then it’ll look like a sunset.”
“That’s a good idea!”the director said.Then he turned to the camera crew and said,“Tomorrow morning I want you to get me a beautiful sunrise over the sea.”
The camera crew went out early the next morning and filmed a bright sunrise over the beach in the middle of a beautiful bay(海湾).Then at nine o’clock they took it to the director.“Here it is,sir,”they said,and gave it to him.He was very pleased.
They all went into the studio.“All right,”the director explained,“now our hero and heroine are going to say goodbye.Run the film backwards so that we can see the‘sunset’behind them.”
The“sunset”began,but after a quarter of minute,the director suddenly put his face in his hands and shouted to the camera to stop.
The birds in the film were flying backwards,and the waves on the sea were going away from the beach.

Why did the director want to send his crew to the west coast

A.Because he changed his mind about getting a sunse
B.Because he was angry with his cre
C.Because it was his secretary’s suggestio
D.Because he wanted to get a scene of sunse



Hello, may I talk to the director now?()

ASorry, he is busy at the moment.

BNo, you can't. 

CSorry, you can't.

DI don't know.



To advertise his new movie, the director rode a Camel at Cannes, which was, so to speak, the most outrageous _______ I have ever seen.

A、free sample

B、publicity stunt

C、banner ad




Hello, may I talk to the director now?()

  • A、Sorry, he is busy at the moment.
  • B、No, you can't. 
  • C、Sorry, you can't.
  • D、I don't know.




  • A、动作库
  • B、行为库
  • C、项目库
  • D、素材库

