问答题Reasons for the British coal mining is called a “sick” industry today.

Reasons for the British coal mining is called a “sick” industry today.
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The energy stored in coal ______.

C 解析:第四段的最后一句指出,“其他的发电机靠煤炭的燃烧驱动,但是,煤炭中的能量也来自于太阳”。C项中的“came from the sun(来自太阳)”与原句意思相符,故选C。


Coal mining industry in Britain prorides()of the energy consumed in the country,

A 、one-thind






Stress comes with no reasons is called ()

A.survial stress

B.internal stress

C.environmental stress

D.farigue stress



Generally, data mining (sometimes called data or knowledge discovery) is the process of analyzing data from different perspectives and (1) it into useful information information that can be used to increase revenue, (2) costs, or both. Data mining software is one of a number of analytical tools for analyzing data. It (3) users to analyze data from many different dimensions or angles, categorize it, and summarize the relationships identified. Technically, data mining is the process of finding correlations or patterns among dozens of fields in large relational databases.

Although data mining is a (4) new term, the technology is not. Companies have used powerful computers to sift through volumes of supermarket scanner data and analyze market research reports for years. However, continuous innovations in computer processing power, disk storage, and statistical software are dramatically increasing the accuracy of analysis while driving (5) the cost.







analytical data mining(名词解释)



The IOA Division is also considering whether to undertake an investment in the West of the country (the West Project).

An initial cash outlay investment of £12 million will be required and a net cash inflow amounting to £5 million is

expected to arise in each of the four years of the life of the project.

The activities involved in the West project will cause the local river to become polluted and discoloured due to the

discharge of waste substances from mining operations.

It is estimated that at the end of year four a cash outlay of £2 million would be required to restore the river to its

original colour. This would also clear 90% of the pollution caused as a result of the mining activities of the IOA


The remaining 10% of the pollution caused as a result of the mining activities of the IOA Division could be cleared

up by a further cash outlay of £2 million.

(c) Evaluate the West project and, stating your reasons, comment on whether the board of directors of NCL plc

should spend the further £2 million in order to eliminate the remaining 10% of pollution. (6 marks)

(Ignore Taxation).


(c) The net present value of the West project is dependent upon the level of environmental expenditure that will be incurred by
Division IOA at the conclusion of the project. The potential NPV of the West project can be calculated using a discount rate
of 12% per annum which assumes that the West project has similar characteristics to the North, East and South projects.
Net cash inflows for each of years 1–4 = £5 million
Cumulative discount factor at 12% per annum = 3·037
Therefore the present value of cashflows is £5 million x 3·037 = £15,185 million and the net cash flow after the initial
outlay of £12 million is £3,185,000.
There is now the strategic consideration regarding whether to spend £2 million which will restore the river to its original colour
and also clear 90% of the pollution caused as a result of the mining activities of the IOA Division, or to incur expenditure of
a further £2 million which will completely redress any damage done to the environment by the activities of the IOA Division.


The following are all reasons of British decline of coal industry except _____.

A.the exhaustion of old mines

B.costly extraction

C.little money being invested

D.the labour shortage



What is the name for a British person? We can talk about 'the British' in general. '()' appears mostly in newspaper headlines while 'Britisher' is used sometimes by non-British-speakers.







Data mining is an(66)research field in database and artificial intelligence. In this paper, the data mining techniques are introduced broadly including its producing background, its application and its classification. The principal techniques used in the data mining are surveyed also, which include rule induction, decision(67), artificial(68)network, genetic algorithm, fuzzy technique, rough set and visualization technique. Association rule mining, classification rule mining, outlier mining and clustering method are discussed in detail. The research achievements in association rule, the shortcomings of association rule measure standards and its(69), the evaluation methods of classification rules are presented. Existing outlier mining approaches are introduced which include outlier mining approach based on statistics, distance-based outlier mining approach, data detection method for deviation, rule-based outlier mining approach and multi-strategy method. Finally, the applications of data mining to science research, financial investment, market, insurance, manufacturing industry and communication network management are introduced. The application(70)of data mining are described.







What is NOT a problem when carrying coal ________.

A.The requirement for through-ventilation

B.The corrosion some types of coal will cause to the ship

C.Spontaneous heating

D.Generation of methane gas

