
单选题Which of the following revisions of sentence 7 most clearly and logically introduces the second paragraph?A This historical episode is something that all students should learn about in school.B Understanding this phenomenon may help students to improve

Which of the following revisions of sentence 7 most clearly and logically introduces the second paragraph?

This historical episode is something that all students should learn about in school.


Understanding this phenomenon may help students to improve their studies.


Nevertheless, this episode is something that all students should know.


Understanding this episode requires a more thorough understanding of its historical setting.


Many have tried to understand this phenomenon, but few have succeeded.

正确答案: E
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Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Chinese students won most of the awards.

B. Not all the themes were about local subjects

C. The blogs could be written in Chinese or Singlish.

D. The judges were from university in Singapore and China.



According to the third paragraph ,which of the following is true?

[ A] Five percent of American college students learnt Latin texts.

[ B] Students in New England learnt Latin texts in official organizations.

[ C] Students were compelled to learn modern European languages.

[ D] American college students had to learn Latin grammar by heart.

60.B【精析】该题为细节题。根据第三段第三句“As recently as the last century, when less than 5% of Americans went to college at all, students in New England establishments were compelled mainly to memorize and recite various Latin texts...”我们知道,上世纪美国只有不到5%的人接受大学教育,而只有新英格兰教育机构的学生们被强迫记忆及背诵各类拉丁文课文,故A、D项错误;根据A 项的分析我们知道,新英格兰的学生在教育机构学习拉丁文课文,教育机构属于官方组织,故B项正确;根据第三段第三句“… crusty professors angrily opposed the introduction of any new scien- tific discoveries or modern European languages。”我们知道,脾气暴躁的大学教授愤怒的反对引进任何新科学发现或者现代欧洲语言,故C项错误。


How much will international students have misconceptions about the U.S.? In an effort to quash some myths, here are the four most common stereotypes regarding college education in the United States.

Myth 1: American students are not as academically driven in comparison to other nations.

There are more than 3,000 universities in the United States. Some are highly selective, some not at all. The less selective colleges may consist of students who have little concern for their academic well-being, but in the more selective colleges you will find very committed students who will spend countless hours at night on their homework. This is a phrase in the United States called an―all nighter which is used when a student stays up all night to perfect an assignment. In truth, it is an issue of pride.

Myth 2: American students party all night and day.

While American students do enjoy the freedom to explore a full lifestyle, they are also expected to keep up with very high standards of social behavior. and academic excellence. International students often join clubs or organizations where they can become involved in exciting programs both on and off campus.

Myth 3: American students are all rich and can afford a college education.

Although a certain percentage of American college students do come from wealthy families and have large expendable incomes, most American college students come from moderate-income families. Most American students enter college knowing they must apply for loans, work part-time, and earn scholarships in order to meet their financial obligations.

Myth 4: Most Americans (and college students) live in large cities which are crime-ridden with drugs and drive-by shootings.

Of all industrialized nations, the United States has one of the lowest crimerates. College campuses are no exception. Safety is of primary importance to all students, parents, and staff at universities.

Universities centered in major cities have endless services to ensure the safety of all students, from campus transportation services to on-campus police officers. Most of universities located outside of the city are very safe, and various precautions are made based on their demographic situation.

(1) According to the passage, the word-myth means ().





(2) In selective colleges, you will find students ().

A、are not as academically driven in comparison to other nations

B、have little concern for their academic well-being

C、spend countless hours on their homework

D、party all night and day

(3) Which of the following is NOT the way most American students pay for their college education?

A、Work part-time

B、Apply for loans

C、Earn scholarships

D、Borrow money from their parents

(4) College campuses in the United States ().

A、are very safe

B、are crime-ridden

C、have high crime rates

D、are too safe to make precautions

(5) According to the passage, what can we learn about American college students?

A、Students are tired of staying up all night to perfect an assignment.

B、Some students have little concern for their academic well-being.

C、They come from wealthy families and can afford a college education.

D、International students will not join clubs or organizations.



Which of the following features is not involved in good textbooks?

A.Textbooks should help students feel at ease.
B.Textbooks should help students develop confidence.
C.Textbooks should maximize students' learning potential.
D.Textbooks should cater for students' same learning styles.



Which of the following features is involved in good textbooks?

A.Good textbooks doesn’t help students feel at ease.
B.Good textbooks can’t help students develop confidence.
C.Good textbooks should maximize students’ learning potential.
D.Good textbooks should cater for students’ same learning styles.

B选项,好的教材没能培养学生的自信心 ,故排除。
D选项,相同的学习方式,好的教材,应该考虑到不同层次学生的需求,以及不同学生的学习风格 ,故排除。
故正确答案为C 项。


The 4th paragraph suggests that

A questions are often put to the more intelligent students.

B alphabetically disadvantaged students often escape form. class.

C teachers should pay attention to all of their students.

D students should be seated according to their eyesight.



Which of the following helps assess language performances?

A.Asking students to reflect on what activities attract them most.
B.Asking students about their attitudes towards a certain game.
C.Asking students to draw pictures according to description.
D.Asking the students to do a quiz at the end of the lesson.


根据题干中的关键词“assess language performances”,评价语言成果可知,D选项,要求学生在一节课的结尾做测验。综上,D选项正确。






Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?

Teachers and students got friendlier so that the students became more active in learning and scored higher in tests.

School went from impersonal to personal, and that resulted in more class participation and better grades.


Which of the following statements about task design is incorrect

A.Activities must have clear and attainable objectives.

B.Activities should be confined to the classroom context.

C.Activities must be relevant to students' life experiences.

D.Activities should help develop students' language ability.



Teaching Aims:
Knowledge aim: Students will master some new words like“hybrid rice”and some phrases like “be satisfied with”.They can also know more information about Dr Yuan.
Ability aim: Students acquire the skills of reading and can get the main or detailed information easier than before.题目来源于考生回忆
Emotional aim: Students will understand the importance of agriculture and don’t waste any rice anymore.
Teaching Key Points:
Students understand the whole passage clearly and get some useful expressions that they can apply to their daily life.
Teaching Difficult Points:
Students can be inspired by the devotion of Dr Yuan, as a result they would like to do something useful for all the people in the future.
Teaching Methods:
Communicative teaching method, task-based teaching method, situational teaching method.
Teaching Aids:
PPT, Blackboard and so on
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1: Warming up题目来源于考生回忆
2.Lead in:read a poem and let’s free talk. The teacher asks students two questions.
Poem:The peasant’s lot—Farmers’ weeding at the noon, sweat down the field soon. Who knows food on a tray, due to their toiling day.
——Do you know the steps of how to grow rice?
——What do you think would happen if tomorrow there was suddenly no food to eat?
Step 2: Pre-reading
1.Background: show students pictures about the farming steps: plowing, seeding, fertilizing, irrigating, transplanting and harvesting.
2.Prediction:do you know who is the most famous person of agriculture in China?
3.Show some new words in this reading materials that students hardly to understand.
Step 3: While-reading
1. Global reading: find out the main idea of the passage and each paragraph.
—multiple choice:which of the following statements tells the main idea of the text?
—match game:match the following main ideas with the right paragraph.
2、Extensive reading: find out detailed information paragraph by paragraph.
Paragraph 2:put the following sentences in right order.题目来源于考生回忆
Paragraph 3:find out the personalities and hobbies about Dr Yuan and fill in the blanket.
Step 4: Post-reading
Retelling: ask students to retell what does the passage talk about in his or her own words.
Discussion: let students think about what can we learn form Dr Yuan.
Step 5: Summary & Homework
Summary : students look at the blackboard and summarize this class.
Homework:students introduce Dr Yuan to their friends in English and try to find more famous people in agriculture.
Blackboard design:

