
问答题Practice 6  ● You are the line manager in a large company. You have been informed that your marketing manager had an outstanding performance and deserved a reward.  ● Write a memo to him:  ● informing him about the reward  ● explaining why the reward i

Practice 6  ● You are the line manager in a large company. You have been informed that your marketing manager had an outstanding performance and deserved a reward.  ● Write a memo to him:  ● informing him about the reward  ● explaining why the reward is given  ● saying what the reward is going to be  ● Write 40-50 words.
正确答案: 【参考范文】
To: Marketing manger
From: The line manager
Date: 7 January
I am obliged to announce that there will be a reward for you. Thanks to you excellent work, our company has seen a remarkable raise in sales, since you took up the post as the marketing manager. So, you are getting a bonus of 12,000 dollars Keep with the good performance record, more rewards will go to you. Enjoy!
Thank you.
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Practice 5  ● You are on a business trip to one of your company’s factories in Paris to inspect some machines in trouble. You are asked to report to your Department Manager about your work progress there.  ● Write a memo  ● telling him what you have done so far,  ● stating what the trouble is,  ● saying what you are going to do next.  ● Write 40—50 words on the opposite page.

正确答案: 【参考范文】
To: Mr. Bill Gates
From: John Black
Date: 2 March 2009
Subject: Work Progress
I’ve been inspecting the machines which are reported to be in troubles since the day I arrived in Paris. It turns out that something goes wrong with the engines, so I decide to call the machine manufacturers tomorrow and ask their technicians to do something about it.
解析: 暂无解析


Practice 1  ● You are the training manager of a company which has won a large export order. You have been asked to organise foreign language training for some of your staff.  ● Write a memo to staff:  ● explaining why the courses are necessary,  ● saying which members of staff should attend,  ● announcing when the courses will start.  ● Write 40-50 words on a separate sheet.

正确答案: 【参考范文】
To: All staff
From: The Training Manager
Date: 1 March, 2012
Subject: A Foreign Language Training Course
I was told a foreign language training course needs to be organized for some employees because of the large export order we received recently. It will start next Monday. Those who are involved in the orders should attend the course.
解析: 暂无解析


— You are the manager of the marketing department in your company. A new assistant manager has recently been appointed and will start work soon.

— Write an email to all staff in the department:

— explaining the need for the appointment

— saying when the assistant manager will start work

— describing the experience the assistant manager has.

— Write 40 - 50 words.

From: Candace Woodward

To: All marketing staff

Subject: New assistant manager

正确答案:To support our strategy of growing sales in our Asian and African markets a new position of assistant manager has been created. Paul Fisher has been appointed and will start on 1st September Paul has worked for several years in marketing toys concentrating on the Far East.
To support our strategy of growing sales in our Asian and African markets, a new position of assistant manager has been created. Paul Fisher has been appointed, and will start on 1st September Paul has worked for several years in marketing toys, concentrating on the Far East.


Practice 1  Suppose you have made an appointment with your friend at 5 p.m., but you have some urgent business to attend to and have to cancel your appointment. Write a note to your friend.  (1) explaining why you have to cancel your appointment  (2) making an apology for that  (3) telling him how you plan to make up for it  You should write approximately 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your note. Use “Wang Lin” instead.

正确答案: 【范文】
Dear Sally,
I’m sorry to tell you I have to cancel the appointment with you. My friend just told me she was coming to see me tomorrow. She will arrive at 4:45 p.m. tomorrow, So I have to go to the station to pick her up. I really feel sorry about it. Can we make it another day? I will be free on Saturday, maybe we can meet on Saturday at 10:00 a.m.. If it is also good for you please let me know.
Sorry again for canceling the appointment. Hope everything goes on well with you.
Yours sincerely,
Wang Lin
解析: 暂无解析


Practice 9  ● You are attending a conference in the USA next week and will need secretarial help during the trip as your PA is away on holiday.  ● Write a memo to the Human Resources Manager:  ● requesting a temporary PA for the trip  ● explaining why your PA cannot go with you  ● giving the dates of the trip.  ● Write about 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet.  MEMO  TO:______  From:______  Date: 11 March 2002  Subject: Temporary PA

正确答案: 【参考范文】
To: Human Resources Manager
From: John Jones
Date: 11 March 2002
Subject: Temporary PA
I will attend a conference in the USA on 19th & 20th April next week and my PA is on business trip so can you arrange a temporary PA for the trip?
解析: 暂无解析


Practice 3  ● Read this part of a letter below from Tim McDonald, the Marketing Manager of one of your business partners.  You showed interest in our latest products. We would be pleased to offer demonstration on these products either at our factory or in you own workplace.  ● Write a letter to Mr. McDonaid:  ● Asking him to deliver a presentation at your workplace;  ● Explaining why their products interest you;  ● Suggesting a possible date.  ● Write 60—80 words.

正确答案: 【参考范文】
Dear Mr. McDonald,
I am writing in connection with your letter of 8th May. We are very interested in your latest products because the designs are quite attractive and unique as well as the prices are reasonable. If you agreed, we would like to make an arrangement for you to give a presentation to our staff at our workplace on 5th June.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Faithfully yours,
Michael Brown
解析: 暂无解析


Practice 5  ●You made a mistake and lost some useful materials on your computer.  ●Write a message to Kazuko, one of your colleague, saying:  ● What has happened;  ● Why you come to him for help;  ● You hope him to do it in no time.  ●Write about 30—40 words.

正确答案: 【参考范文】
Dear Kazuko,
I deleted file 101 from my computer by mistake. I’ve learnt that you have the good habit of copying everything important. So I turn to you. I am badly in need of it, please send it via short message ASAP.
解析: 暂无解析


Write a memo in about 50 words. You are the Personnel Manager of a company, and have been approached by your IT Department to recruit three new members of staff. Write a memo to Miss Kate Bush, the Manager of the IT Department, ·informing her you have received over 100 applications and have selected 10 candidates for interview, ·telling her you will write to the candidates inviting them for interview, and ·asking her to tell you the time and the place of the interview.
To: Miss Kate Bush
From: your name, Personnel Manager
Subject: IT Department job interview
Date: April 18, 2013
I have received over 100 applications for the three new positions in the IT Department and have put together a short list of 10 candidates. I will shortly write to the candidates inviting them for interview. Please let me know when and where you would like the interview to take place so that I can inform the candidates when I write to them.


Practice 11  ● You are the Manager of a small printing company. A new employee, Mark McCabe, is joining your company on 10th May.  ● Write a short memo to your office administrator.  ● Saying who is starting work and when;  ● Telling him what Mark McCabe’s desk should be put;  ● Suggesting where Mark McCabe’s job will be.  ● Write 30—40 words on your answer sheet.

正确答案: 【参考范文】
To: Office Administrator
From: Manager
Date: 1st May
Subject: New Employee
A new employee, Mark McCabe, will start to work in our company on 10th May. He will be responsible for the Marketing section. Could you please arrange his desk in the room of Marketing section?
解析: 暂无解析


Practice 2  ● You are a manager in a company which manufactures office furniture. Next month you are going to London to discuss an important contract.  ● Write a note to your assistant:  ● saying when you want to leave and return  ● asking him to book flights  ● telling him which hotel to book.  ● Write 40-50 words on a separate sheet.

正确答案: 【参考范文】
Fri 7th of May
A quick note to inform you that I’m going to London next month. Could you please reserve a flight to London 12/6 and the return 15/6? Please book a room at the Stage Hotel for me.
解析: 暂无解析
