问答题When do people usually learn to drive in your country?

When do people usually learn to drive in your country?
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How do you like the people in your city?(改为同义句)

__________ do you__________ __________ the people in your city?

42. What,think of


We learn from Paragraph 1 that ( ).

A. the government is usually the first to name a place

B. many places tend to have more than one name

C. a ceremony will be held when a place is named

D. people prefer the place names given by the government



—I’dlike to know______. —At 6: 30.

A.when does your mother usuallycookbreakfast

B.how your mother usually cooksbreakfast

C.when your mother usually cooksbreakfast

D.how does your mother usually cookbreakfast



资料:Being financially secure in retirement just doesn't happen magically. It takes lots of planning, time and savings.
Some scary facts about retirement:
More than 50% of persons do not have enough finances for retirement.
25% do not participate in their company's retirement plan.
The average person spends 20 years in retirement.
Here are some tips to help you plan correctly:
1. Talk to a financial professional. Every few years, it's a good idea to schedule a meeting with a financial planner to get a “check-up”. It's just like a doctor's visit, and you should really talk about your present situation and future goals.
2. Save, save, and keep on saving. Make it a habit to save as much as you can.
3. Learn your retirement needs. Retirement can be expensive. Learn from today how much you need to save for your retirement. Talk to a financial planner, or find an online retirement calculator.
4. Take part in your employer's retirement plans. If your company offers one, it is usually the best tool you can use. Talk to a financial professional for all your options.
5. Learn about pension plans. If you have an employer or government pension plan, learn all the details.
6. Keep your retirement savings off-limits. Don't make a withdrawal until you retire. You might incur penalties and it will be a setback for realizing your goals.
7. Get your employer to start one, and it can help you tremendously.
8. Learn about your government's retirement plans. Every country has different plans, some with special tax incentives, so learn what your country offers and plan accordingly.
9. Do your own research. Use the Internet, read the newspapers and magazines, talk to your friends, to find out as much as you can about retirement.

According to the passage, retirement plans may be offered by ___.

A.the government
B.both the employer and the government
C.the employer
D.the employer, the government and the media

【关键词】retirement plans; be offered
【主题句】1.Get your employer to start one, and it can help you tremendously.让你的老板开始计划,这将对你有很大的帮助。2.Learn about your government’s retirement plans. Every country has different plans, some with special tax incentives, so learn what your country offers and plan accordingly.了解政府退休计划。每个国家都有不同的计划,有些国家有特别的税收优惠,所以要了解你的国家所提供的和相应的计划。


资料:Being financially secure in retirement just doesn't happen magically. It takes lots of planning, time and savings.
Some scary facts about retirement:
More than 50% of persons do not have enough finances for retirement.
25% do not participate in their company's retirement plan.
The average person spends 20 years in retirement.
Here are some tips to help you plan correctly:
1. Talk to a financial professional. Every few years, it's a good idea to schedule a meeting with a financial planner to get a “check-up”. It's just like a doctor's visit, and you should really talk about your present situation and future goals.
2. Save, save, and keep on saving. Make it a habit to save as much as you can.
3. Learn your retirement needs. Retirement can be expensive. Learn from today how much you need to save for your retirement. Talk to a financial planner, or find an online retirement calculator.
4. Take part in your employer's retirement plans. If your company offers one, it is usually the best tool you can use. Talk to a financial professional for all your options.
5. Learn about pension plans. If you have an employer or government pension plan, learn all the details.
6. Keep your retirement savings off-limits. Don't make a withdrawal until you retire. You might incur penalties and it will be a setback for realizing your goals.
7. Get your employer to start one, and it can help you tremendously.
8. Learn about your government's retirement plans. Every country has different plans, some with special tax incentives, so learn what your country offers and plan accordingly.
9. Do your own research. Use the Internet, read the newspapers and magazines, talk to your friends, to find out as much as you can about retirement.

Which of the following is NOT true about retirement?

A.More than half of people don’t have enough finances for retirement.
B.quarter of people don’t take part in their company’s retirement plan.
C.No one can be financially secure in retirement.
D.The average person will spend 20 years in retirement.

【关键词】not true; retirement
【主题句】第二自然段1.More than of persons do not have enough finances for retirement.超过的人没有足够的资金用于退休。2. do not participate in their company’s retirement plan.没有参与公司退休计划。3.The average person spends 20 years in retirement.一般人花费20年时间退休。


You____ about your friends never coming to see you, but when they do come, you give them such a hard time that its hardly surprising they usually stay away.







In the US,people prefer waiting for a table to sitting with people they don't know.This means a hostess may not seat a small group until a small table is available,even if a large one is.If you are sitting at a table with people you don't know,it is impolite to light up a cigarette without first asking if it will disturb them.
At American restaurants and coffee shops you are usually served tap water before you order.You may find the bread and butter is free,and if you order coffee,you may get a free refill.
Most cities and towns have no roles about opening and closing times for stores or restaurants,though they usually do make rules for bars.Especially in large cities,stores may be open 24 hours a day.
Servings in restaurants are often large,too large for many people.If you can't finish your meal but would like to enjoy the food later,ask your waitress or waiter for a"doggie bag".It may have a picture of a dog on it,but everybody knows you are taking food for yourself.
Supper and dinner are both words for the evening meal.Some people have"Sunday dinner".This is an especially big noon meal.
Tips are not usually added to the check.They are not included in the price of the meal,either.A tip of about 15%is expected and you should leave it on the table when you leave.In some restaurants,a check is brought on a plate and you put your money there.Then the waiter or waitress brings you your change.

What do American people always do when servings are too large for them?

A.They take the food home with a doggie bag for their dog
B.They leave the food on the table and go awa
C.They take the food home with a doggie bag and enjoy the food late
D.They ask the waitress or waiter to keep the food for the




We know good manners are important . Today I am going to tell you something about manners in different countries . I think you already know that people in different countries usually have different ways of doing things . Something that is rude in one country may be quite polite in another . For example , in Britain you mustn’t lift your bowl to your mouth when you are having liquid food . That is considered bad manners in Britain . But in Japan you needn’t worry about making a noise when you drink something . It shows that you are enjoying it . In Britain we try not to put our hands on the table at all during a meal . In Mexico , however , guests are expected to keep their hands on the tablethroughout a meal . In Arabic countries we must be careful with our hands . You see , in Arabic countries you mustn’t eat with your left hand. This is considered to be very impolite . So, what should you do if you visit a foreign country ? Well , you needn’t worry . You can ask the native people there to help you and you can just watch carefully and try to do what they do .

( )61. In Arabic countries you must be careful with your _____.

A. feet

B. mouth

C . eyes

D. hands



资料:Being financially secure in retirement just doesn't happen magically. It takes lots of planning, time and savings.
Some scary facts about retirement:
More than 50% of persons do not have enough finances for retirement.
25% do not participate in their company's retirement plan.
The average person spends 20 years in retirement.
Here are some tips to help you plan correctly:
1. Talk to a financial professional. Every few years, it's a good idea to schedule a meeting with a financial planner to get a “check-up”. It's just like a doctor's visit, and you should really talk about your present situation and future goals.
2. Save, save, and keep on saving. Make it a habit to save as much as you can.
3. Learn your retirement needs. Retirement can be expensive. Learn from today how much you need to save for your retirement. Talk to a financial planner, or find an online retirement calculator.
4. Take part in your employer's retirement plans. If your company offers one, it is usually the best tool you can use. Talk to a financial professional for all your options.
5. Learn about pension plans. If you have an employer or government pension plan, learn all the details.
6. Keep your retirement savings off-limits. Don't make a withdrawal until you retire. You might incur penalties and it will be a setback for realizing your goals.
7. Get your employer to start one, and it can help you tremendously.
8. Learn about your government's retirement plans. Every country has different plans, some with special tax incentives, so learn what your country offers and plan accordingly.
9. Do your own research. Use the Internet, read the newspapers and magazines, talk to your friends, to find out as much as you can about retirement.

What will happen if you withdraw your retirement savings before you retire?

A.You may have to pay penalties.
B.You will fail to realize your goals.
C.Your retirement savings will become off-limits.
D.You should save money for your retirement all over again.

【关键词】What will happen; withdraw your retirement savings; before you retire
【主题句】Keep your retirement savings off-limits. Don’t make a withdrawal until you retire. You might incur penalties and it will be a setback for realizing your goals.坚持存储退休金。 不要在退休前提款,否则你可能会受到惩罚,并且会阻碍你实现目标。


资料:Being financially secure in retirement just doesn't happen magically. It takes lots of planning, time and savings.
Some scary facts about retirement:
More than 50% of persons do not have enough finances for retirement.
25% do not participate in their company's retirement plan.
The average person spends 20 years in retirement.
Here are some tips to help you plan correctly:
1. Talk to a financial professional. Every few years, it's a good idea to schedule a meeting with a financial planner to get a “check-up”. It's just like a doctor's visit, and you should really talk about your present situation and future goals.
2. Save, save, and keep on saving. Make it a habit to save as much as you can.
3. Learn your retirement needs. Retirement can be expensive. Learn from today how much you need to save for your retirement. Talk to a financial planner, or find an online retirement calculator.
4. Take part in your employer's retirement plans. If your company offers one, it is usually the best tool you can use. Talk to a financial professional for all your options.
5. Learn about pension plans. If you have an employer or government pension plan, learn all the details.
6. Keep your retirement savings off-limits. Don't make a withdrawal until you retire. You might incur penalties and it will be a setback for realizing your goals.
7. Get your employer to start one, and it can help you tremendously.
8. Learn about your government's retirement plans. Every country has different plans, some with special tax incentives, so learn what your country offers and plan accordingly.
9. Do your own research. Use the Internet, read the newspapers and magazines, talk to your friends, to find out as much as you can about retirement.

Who can be a financial professional?

A.The professional who will do a physical “check-up” for you.
B.The professional who will visit you like a doctor.
C.The professional who will schedule a meeting with you.
D.The professional who will help you make your financial plans.

【关键词】Who ; financial professional
【主题句】 第1条Talk to a financial professional. Every few years, it’s a good idea to schedule a meeting with a financial planner to get a “check-up”. It’s just like a doctor’s visit, and you should really talk about your present situation and future goals.和财务专家谈谈。每隔几年,最好安排一次与理财规划师的会面,进行一次“体检”。这就类似于医生拜访,你应该真正谈论下你目前的情况和未来的目标。
