单选题The author most likely begins and concludes the passage with questions for what reason?A To suggest possible areas for current and future researchB To pose a question that is answered in the body of the passage, and then to formulate a question that ar

The author most likely begins and concludes the passage with questions for what reason?

To suggest possible areas for current and future research


To pose a question that is answered in the body of the passage, and then to formulate a question that arises naturally out of the discussion


To gain the readers’ attention and encourage their agreement with the arguments in the passage


To suggest through rhetorical questions that the problems described in the passage do not actually have answers


To test the readers’ knowledge of the material discussed in the passage

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如果没有搜索结果,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


If the question ________ incorrectly, _________ question will be given to you. answered, other B.answers, other answered, another D.answers, anothe




Teaching aims:
Knowledge aim:
Students can know the basic meaning of passage and are able to master the different greeting for the strangers.
Ability aims:
Students can practice guessing content of next paragraph according to the clues which is given in the passage.
Emotional aim:
Students are able to love learning English and like to read different English passage after this lesson.
Key and difficult point:
Key Point: guess the content of next paragraph according to the clues and know the “learned” body language, especially different greetings
Difficult Point: improve students’ reading interest.
Teaching procedures:
Step 1: Warming-up
1. Greetings.
2. Play a video about Chaplin’s mime and ask students several questions:
What kind of body language can you see from this video?
Do you know the meaning of these body language?
Step 2: Pre-reading
Present the passage on the screen and read it for all the students. Before reading, ask students one question: What’s the main ideas of these two paragraphs? And guess the main to topic of this lesson?
Then invite several students to share their ideas.
Step 3: While-reading
1.Lead the students to think one question: Is this a whole passage? And ask students to scan the whole passage and give the teacher answer.
2.Ask students to discuss in group and after 10 minutes to invite several students to share their ideas with all the students.
3.And different students may be just guess the content of several paragraphs. So give students a chart, ask them to finish discussing in 5 minutes. Then invite two representatives to state the whole passage.

Step4: Post-reading
Guessing game: Present another passage on the screen. And give students 10 minutes to read and discuss.Then make a chart and tell your own stories according to chart in your own group .Then invite the representatives to make a report for the whole class.
Step5: Summary and Homework
Summary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.
Homework: Present a passage and ask students to read and write a short passsage,which will be put behind of last paragraph.
Blackboard design:

1.Do you have the experience in teaching?
2. What will you do if you pass this exam?

Yes, I do. I have taught a teenager in high school. She was the junior. I mainly taught her grammar. I found her grammar was not very systematic. So I taught her from the grammar in words to the grammar in sentences in order to make her master the whole grammar, especially those always appeared in her exams. And during the teaching, I find the most important that it is the teacher should have a better understanding of the whole grammar and the high school English course. Besides, the teacher should pay more attention to the patience. It will make students relax when their learning and get along with the students.
First, I will find a teaching job to practice my teaching ability. And at the same time to prepare the teachers’ exams for school. When I prepare, I think the most important it’s to know the content of text in high school and do many exercises to practice these knowledge.
Second, I will visit some good teachers who is teaching the high school and learn some experience and practice my teaching ability.
Last, I need to reflect myself to improve my knowledge and my teaching procedures.


According to the passage, what is the most important job for a perfect mom?


Being a mom.  


The author’s primary intention in this passage appears to be which of the following?

To shed light on the underappreciated work of the Hellenistic poet Posidippus


To compare the relative merits of papyrus and wood-pulp paper as media for recording information


To discuss the ways in which papyrus fragments help scholars learn about Hellenistic Egypt


To answer the questions regarding the burning of the library of Alexandria, one of the great mysteries of the ancient world


To suggest possibly fruitful paths for future archeological research into Hellenistic Egypt

正确答案: C
主旨题。根据文章首句“one of the best sources modern scholars have for learning about Hellenistic Egypt is the large supply of papyrus fragments that have turned up in the Egyptian desert over the last century.” 可知本题应选C项。


Based on the information in the passage, which of the following statements is most likely to be true?

Both host parents work full time.


The author was raised speaking French.


The host parents are younger than age 40.


The host family attends church regularly.


The author is a senior in high school.

正确答案: D
文中作者提到“Marie-Alienor and Isaure hold my hands for the entire church service every Sunday,”,故选D项。


The author raises the question “what about pain without gain?” because ________.

[A] he questions the truth of “no gain without pain”

[B] he does not think the productivity revolution works

[C] he wonders if the official statistics are misleading

[D] he has conclusive evidence for the revival of businesses

48. [B] 意为:他认为所谓的生产率革命并未奏效。
   另外,从第三段来看,所谓的生产率革命包括了改组企业(business restructuring, reengineering)等一系列措施,正如第四段所指出的,近年所进行的一些重组措施也许并未奏效,而且,即使有所成效,效果也没有人们想像的那样广泛。在最后一段,作者引用了几个专家的评价,这几位专家对目前进行的促进生产率发展的措施更是持否定态度。作者的引用当然带有很大的倾向性,用以支持自己的观点。第一段指出,人们常说:不劳则无所获,但是,要是劳而无获呢?美国到处都在谈论所谓公司的振兴,但是,商界自认为正在进行的所谓生产率革命究竟是否名符其实,这一点却很难确定。作者的观点在此其实已表达得很清楚,就
是说所谓的生产率革命并没起多大作用。而且由其他段也可看出,现实的数据与商人们所想的存在脱节,因此他们所鼓吹的革命并不奏效。因此联系到了 B选项    A意为:他对“不劳则无所获”的真实性提出质疑。该选择项过于局限于字面意思。该选择项过于局限于字面意思,而与作者的真正用意无关。这是一个用字面意思来迷惑考生的干扰项。
   D 意为:他获得了商业振兴的确凿证据。这个选项有两个大错误。首先作者压根没说商业振兴,反而在说经济情况不如想象中的好。第二个错误是所谓的确凿证据无从说起。文章中所有的例证都是在说明“脱节”这个问题,而不是在说什么商业振兴。


Directions: In this section, there is one passage followed by 5 questions. Read the passage carefully, then answer the questions in as few words as possible (not more than 10 words). Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet.  Questions 1-5 are based on the following passage.  If you were on a distant planet, and if you had instruments that could tell you the composition of Earth’s atmosphere, how would you know there was life on this planet?Water in the atmosphere would suggest there could be water on the surface, and as we all know water is considered crucial to life. But water would only suggest that life is possible. It wouldn’t prove it’s there.  Carbon? That basic component of “life as we know it?” Not necessarily. A diamond is pure carbon, and it may be pretty, but it isn’t alive.  What really sets Earth apart is nitrogen, which makes up 80 percent of the planet’s atmosphere. And it’s there only because there is abundant life on Earth, say scientists at the University of Southern California  The report grew out of a class discussion two years ago in a course taught by Capone and Kenneth Nealson, professor of earth sciences. Students were asked to come up with different ideas about searching for life on other planets. What is a distinct “signature,” as Capone puts it, that would show there is life on another planet?  That’s a question that has been kicked around in many quarters in recent decades, especially since all efforts to find some form of life, no matter whether on Mars or in the distant reaches of space, have failed. At least so far.  The current effort to search for some evidence of life on Mars focuses primarily on the search for water, because it has long been believed that water, or at least some fluid, is necessary for the chemical processes that lead life to take place. But that’s probably the wrong approach, the USC group argues.  “It’s hard to imagine life without water, but it’s easy to imagine water without life,” says Nealson, who was on the Mars team before moving to USC.  But nitrogen would be a much clearer signature of life. Only about 2 percent to 3 percent of the Martian atmosphere is nitrogen. That’s just a trace, and it probably means there is no life on Mars today, and if there was in the past, it probably ended many, many years ago.  But, the USC team adds quickly, that doesn’t mean there’s no life anywhere else in the universe. They don’t know where, of course, but they may have found a way to narrow down the search. Look first for nitrogen, then look for biological activity that should be there.  So if life exists elsewhere, and is similar to life as we know it, there should be nitrogen, and that’s what we should be looking for first, the researchers say.  If they don’t find nitrogen on Mars, Capone says, “that will probably bring us to the conclusion that there likely never was life on Mars.”  But how about elsewhere? Could this technique be used to search for life in other solar systems?  Maybe. It might be possible to detect a nitrogen-rich atmosphere around a planet orbiting another star, but not yet. Current instruments aren’t that sensitive.  If they ever are, the search for life might be narrowed down to the most promising prospects, chiefly because of the presence of nitrogen. And won’t that be fun!  Questions:  1.What can suggest life is possible but cannot be proved according to the author?  2.What is a clear “signature” of life on another planet according to Capone?  3.What is considered as a wrong way to search for evidence of life on Mars?  4.What can probably prove there is no life on Mars today based on the new theory?  5.Why is it impossible to use the new technique to search for life in other solar systems now?

1.Water. 根据文中第二段,水只能表明生命存在的可能性,但不能证实。
2.Nitrogen. / The presence of nitrogen. 文中第九段第一句话很明确地告诉我们nitrogen would be a much clearer signature of life。
3.The search for water. 第七段最后一句话指出,在火星上通过搜索水来搜索生命的存在是不正确的。
4.The small amount (2% to 3%) of nitrogen in the Martian atmosphere . 文中第九段中提到火星上氮的含量很少可以表明目前火星上没有生命的存在。
5.Because current instruments aren’t very sensitive. 文中第十四段指出,由于现在的设备还不是那么敏感,所以不能够用来在太阳系的其他星球上探测生命。
解析: 暂无解析


According to the passage,your supervisor is most likely your______.





这道题要根据文章的描述推测supervisor是个类似于什么地位的人。根据Tip 4中要向supervisor请示工作的职责知道应该是个类似领导的人。所以答案选D。


For Question 1, select one answer choice.  In the passage, “gold standard” most nearly means ______.

monetary normalcy


natural outgrowth


financial custom


cultural expectation


best practice

正确答案: D
“gold standard”在金融学上,意思是“金本位,金本位制”,这里用的是其比喻意义,指“the best of its kind”。文中的意思是,“作者的意图是决定准确有效理解文章含义的最佳选择”,因此,E项最符合题意。


George took a test of a certain number of questions, each question having the same value. He answered 10 questions incorrectly. This resulted in an accuracy score of 60%. How many questions were in the test?

正确答案: 25
