单选题In order to increase revenues, a cellphone company has decided to change its fee structure. Instead of charging a flat rate of $20 per month and $0.05 for every minute over 200 minutes, the company will now charge $50 per month for unlimited usage.  Wh

In order to increase revenues, a cellphone company has decided to change its fee structure. Instead of charging a flat rate of $20 per month and $0.05 for every minute over 200 minutes, the company will now charge $50 per month for unlimited usage.  Which of the following is a consideration that, if true, suggests that the new plan will not actually increase the company’s revenues?

A rival company, which charges no start-up fee, offers an unlimited calling plan for $40 per month.


Two-thirds of the company’s customers use less than 500 minutes per month.


Studies have shown that customers using unlimited calling plans will increase their monthly usage of minutes by over 50 percent.


One-fifth of the company’s customers use in excess of 1,000 minutes per month.


In recent months the company has received several complaints of insufficient signal strength and poor customer service.

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2 Benny Korere has been employed as the sales director of Golden Tan plc since 1994. He earns an annual salary of

£32,000 and is provided with a petrol-driven company car which has a CO2 emission rate of 187g/km and had a

list price when new of £22,360. In August 2003, when he was first provided with the car, Benny paid the company

£6,100 towards the capital cost of the car. Golden Tan plc does not pay for any of Benny’s private petrol and he is

also required to pay his employer £18 per month as a condition of being able to use the car for private purposes.

On 1 December 2006 Golden Tan plc notified Benny that he would be made redundant on 28 February 2007. On

that day the company will pay him his final month’s salary together with a payment of £8,000 in lieu of the three

remaining months of his six-month notice period in accordance with his employment contract. In addition the

company will pay him £17,500 in return for agreeing not to work for any of its competitors for the six-month period

ending 31 August 2007.

On receiving notification of his redundancy, Benny immediately contacted Joe Egmont, the managing director of

Summer Glow plc, who offered him a senior management position leading the company’s expansion into Eastern

Europe. Summer Glow plc is one of Golden Tan plc’s competitors and one of the most innovative companies in the

industry, although not all of its strategies have been successful.

Benny has agreed to join Summer Glow plc on 1 September 2007 for an annual salary of £39,000. On the day he

joins the company, Summer Glow plc will grant him an option to purchase 10,000 ordinary shares in the company

for £2·20 per share under an unapproved share option scheme. Benny can exercise the option once he has been

employed for six months but must hold the shares for at least a year before he sells them.

The new job will require Benny to spend a considerable amount of time in London. Summer Glow plc has offered

Benny the exclusive use of a flat that the company purchased on 1 June 2003 for £165,000; the flat is currently

rented out. The flat will be made available from 1 September 2007. The company will pay all of the utility bills

relating to the flat as well as furnishing and maintaining it. Summer Glow plc has also suggested that if Benny would

rather live in a more central part of the city, the company could sell the existing flat and buy a more centrally located

one, of the same value, with the proceeds.

On 15 March 2007 Benny intends to sell 5,800 shares in Mahana plc, a quoted company, for £24,608. His

transactions in the company’s shares have been as follows:

June 1988 Purchased 8,400 shares 6,744

February 1996 Sale of rights nil paid 610

January 2005 Purchased 1,300 shares 2,281

The sale of rights, nil paid, was not treated as a part disposal of Benny’s holding in Mahana plc.

Benny’s shareholding in Mahana plc represents less than 1% of the company’s issued ordinary share capital. He will

not make any other capital disposals in 2006/07.

In addition to his employment income, Benny receives rental income of £4,000 (net of deductible expenses) each

year. He normally submits his tax return in August but he has not yet prepared his return for 2005/06. He expects

to be very busy in December and January and is planning to prepare his tax return in late February 2007.


(a) Calculate Benny’s employment income for 2006/07. (4 marks)




Mr. Jones ________ in the company for twenty years by the end of next month.

A.will work

B.will have worked

C.has worked

D.would work



23 The capital structure of a company at 30 June 2005 is as follows:


Ordinary share capital 100

Share premium account 40

Retained earnings 60

10% Loan notes 40

The company’s income statement for the year ended 30 June 2005 showed:


Operating profit 44

Loan note interest (4)


Profit for year 40


What is the company’s return on capital employed?

A 40/240 = 162/3 per cent

B 40/100 = 40 per cent

C 44/240 = 181/3 per cent

D 44/200 = 22 per cent



KFP Co, a company listed on a major stock market, is looking at its cost of capital as it prepares to make a bid to buy a rival unlisted company, NGN. Both companies are in the same business sector. Financial information on KFP Co and NGN is as follows:

NGN has a cost of equity of 12% per year and has maintained a dividend payout ratio of 45% for several years. The current earnings per share of the company is 80c per share and its earnings have grown at an average rate of 4·5% per year in recent years.

The ex div share price of KFP Co is $4·20 per share and it has an equity beta of 1·2. The 7% bonds of the company are trading on an ex interest basis at $94·74 per $100 bond. The price/earnings ratio of KFP Co is eight times.

The directors of KFP Co believe a cash offer for the shares of NGN would have the best chance of success. It has been suggested that a cash offer could be financed by debt.


(a) Calculate the weighted average cost of capital of KFP Co on a market value weighted basis. (10 marks)

(b) Calculate the total value of the target company, NGN, using the following valuation methods:

(i) Price/earnings ratio method, using the price/earnings ratio of KFP Co; and

(ii) Dividend growth model. (6 marks)

(c) Discuss the relationship between capital structure and weighted average cost of capital, and comment on

the suggestion that debt could be used to finance a cash offer for NGN. (9 marks)



听力原文:W: Well, yes. What about interests on those accounts? I'm interested in fixed time deposits accounts.

M: There are three kinds of fixed deposits, Madame. They are three-month, six-month and twelve-month deposits. The interest on a three-month deposit is 4.5% per annum, on six month 5%, on twelve month 5.5%.

Q: What is the interest rate on a six month deposit?






解析:根据男士回答"On six month 5%",可知答案为C选项。


2 Clifford and Amanda, currently aged 54 and 45 respectively, were married on 1 February 1998. Clifford is a higher

rate taxpayer who has realised taxable capital gains in 2007/08 in excess of his capital gains tax annual exemption.

Clifford moved into Amanda’s house in London on the day they were married. Clifford’s own house in Oxford, where

he had lived since acquiring it for £129,400 on 1 August 1996, has been empty since that date although he and

Amanda have used it when visiting friends. Clifford has been offered £284,950 for the Oxford house and has decided

that it is time to sell it. The house has a large garden such that Clifford is also considering an offer for the house and

a part only of the garden. He would then sell the remainder of the garden at a later date as a building plot. His total

sales proceeds will be higher if he sells the property in this way.

Amanda received the following income from quoted investments in 2006/07:

Dividends in respect of quoted trading company shares 1,395

Dividends paid by a Real Estate Investment Trust out of tax exempt property income 485

On 1 May 2006, Amanda was granted a 22 year lease of a commercial investment property. She paid the landlord

a premium of £6,900 and also pays rent of £2,100 per month. On 1 June 2006 Amanda granted a nine year

sub-lease of the property. She received a premium of £14,700 and receives rent of £2,100 per month.

On 1 September 2006 Amanda gave quoted shares with a value of £2,200 to a registered charity. She paid broker’s

fees of £115 in respect of the gift.

Amanda began working for Shearer plc, a quoted company, on 1 June 2006 having had a two year break from her

career. She earns an annual salary of £38,600 and was paid a bonus of £5,750 in August 2006 for agreeing to

come and work for the company. On 1 August 2006 Amanda was provided with a fully expensed company car,

including the provision of private petrol, which had a list price when new of £23,400 and a CO2 emissions rate of

187 grams per kilometre. Amanda is required to pay Shearer plc £22 per month in respect of the private use of the

car. In June and July 2006 Amanda used her own car whilst on company business. She drove 720 business miles

during this two month period and was paid 34 pence per mile. Amanda had PAYE of £6,785 deducted from her gross

salary in the tax year 2006/07.

After working for Shearer plc for a full year, Amanda becomes entitled to the following additional benefits:

– The opportunity to purchase a large number of shares in Shearer plc on 1 July 2007 for £3·30 per share. It is

anticipated that the share price on that day will be at least £7·50 per share. The company will make an interestfree

loan to Amanda equal to the cost of the shares to be repaid in two years.

– Exclusive free use of the company sailing boat for one week in August 2007. The sailing boat was purchased by

Shearer plc in January 2005 for use by its senior employees and costs the company £1,400 a week in respect

of its crew and other running expenses.


(a) (i) Calculate Clifford’s capital gains tax liability for the tax year 2007/08 on the assumption that the Oxford

house together with its entire garden is sold on 31 July 2007 for £284,950. Comment on the relevance

to your calculations of the size of the garden; (5 marks)




The company ____ its sales by an average of 10% per year since its establishment in 1993.



C、is increasing

D、has increased



1 The Great Western Cake Company (GWCC) is a well-established manufacturer of specialist flour confectionery

products, including cakes. GWCC sells its products to national supermarket chains. The company’s success during

recent years is largely attributable to its ability to develop innovative products which appeal to the food selectors within

national supermarket chains.

The marketing department of Superstores plc, a national supermarket chain has asked GWCC to manufacture a cake

known as the ‘Mighty Ben’. Mighty Ben is a character who has recently appeared in a film which was broadcast

around the world. The cake is expected to have a minimum market life of one year although the marketing department

consider that this might extend to eighteen months.

The management accountant of GWCC has collated the following estimated information in respect of the Mighty Ben


(1) Superstores plc has decided on a launch price of £20·25 for the Mighty Ben cake and it is expected that this

price will be maintained for the duration of the product’s life. Superstores plc will apply a 35% mark-up on the

purchase price of each cake from GWCC.

(2) Sales of the Mighty Ben cake are expected to be 100,000 units per month during the first twelve months.

Thereafter sales of the Mighty Ben cake are expected to decrease by 10,000 units in each subsequent month.

(3) Due to the relatively short shelf-life of the Mighty Ben cake, management has decided to manufacture the cakes

on a ‘just-in-time’ basis for delivery in accordance with agreed schedules. The cakes will be manufactured in

batches of 1,000. Direct materials input into the baking process will cost £7,000 per batch for each of the first

three months’ production. The material cost of the next three months’ production is expected to be 95% of the

cost of the first three months’ production. All batches manufactured thereafter will cost 90% of the cost of the

second three months’ production.

(4) Packaging costs will amount to £0·75 per cake. The original costs of the artwork and design of the packaging

will amount to £24,000. Superstores plc will reimburse GWCC £8,000 in the event that the product is

withdrawn from sale after twelve months.

(5) The design of the Mighty Ben cake is such that it is required to be hand-finished. A 75% learning curve will

apply to the total labour time requirement until the end of month five. Thereafter a steady state will apply with

labour time required per batch stabilising at that of the final batch in month five. The labour requirement for the

first batch of Mighty Ben cakes to be manufactured is expected to be 6,000 hours at £10 per hour.

(6) A royalty of 5% of sales revenue (subject to a maximum royalty of £1·1 million) will be payable by GWCC to the

owners of the Mighty Ben copyright.

(7) Variable overheads are estimated at £3·50 per direct labour hour.

(8) The manufacture of the Mighty Ben cake will increase fixed overheads by £75,000 per month.

(9) In order to provide a production facility dedicated to the Mighty Ben cake, an investment of £1,900,000 will be

required and this will be fully depreciated over twelve months.

(10) The directors of GWCC require an average annual return of 35% on their investment over 12 months and

18 months.

(11) Ignore taxation and the present value of cash flows.

Note: Learning curve formula:

y = axb

where y = average cost per batch

a = the cost of the initial batch

x = the total number of batches

b = learning index (= –0·415 for 75% learning rate)


(a) Prepare detailed calculations to show whether the manufacture of Mighty Ben cakes will provide the required

rate of return for GWCC over periods of twelve months and eighteen months. (20 marks)



Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A) World population is increasing at a rate of 150 per minute.

B) Lower death rates also contribute to world population growth.

C) The population of Columbia has been doubling every year for 21 years.

D) The United States is usually doubling its population about every 87 years.

[试题分析] 事实判断题。
[详细解答] 根据第三段第一句World population is increasing at a rate of 9,000 per hour.可判断A世界人口每分钟增加150人正确;根据该段第二句This is not only due to higher birth rates,but to lower death rates as well.可判断B论断正确;而由第四段的Some countries,such as Columbia, Thailand,Morocco,Costa Rica,and the Philippines.are doubling their populations about every twenty-one years可判断, C哥伦比亚人口持续21年每年翻一番的论断混淆了事实,论断错误;D美国人口每87年翻一番可根据第三段第二句The United States is doubling its population about every eighty-seven years一句判断为正确论断。因此,本题答案为C。


PV Co is evaluating an investment proposal to manufacture Product W33, which has performed well in test marketing trials conducted recently by the company’s research and development division. The following information relating to this investment proposal has now been prepared.

Initial investment $2 million

Selling price (current price terms) $20 per unit

Expected selling price inflation 3% per year

Variable operating costs (current price terms) $8 per unit

Fixed operating costs (current price terms) $170,000 per year

Expected operating cost inflation 4% per year

The research and development division has prepared the following demand forecast as a result of its test marketing trials. The forecast reflects expected technological change and its effect on the anticipated life-cycle of Product W33.

It is expected that all units of Product W33 produced will be sold, in line with the company’s policy of keeping no inventory of finished goods. No terminal value or machinery scrap value is expected at the end of four years, when production of Product W33 is planned to end. For investment appraisal purposes, PV Co uses a nominal (money) discount rate of 10% per year and a target return on capital employed of 30% per year. Ignore taxation.


(a) Identify and explain the key stages in the capital investment decision-making process, and the role of

investment appraisal in this process. (7 marks)

(b) Calculate the following values for the investment proposal:

(i) net present value;

(ii) internal rate of return;

(iii) return on capital employed (accounting rate of return) based on average investment; and

(iv) discounted payback period. (13 marks)

(c) Discuss your findings in each section of (b) above and advise whether the investment proposal is financially acceptable. (5 marks)

