
单选题In North America, ______.A consumers cut down 2 and half million hectares of forest each year.B the forest service spends a huge sum of money trying to repair the damage caused by consumers.C deforestation has cause huge amount of loss.D fires have cau

In North America, ______.

consumers cut down 2 and half million hectares of forest each year.


the forest service spends a huge sum of money trying to repair the damage caused by consumers.


deforestation has cause huge amount of loss.


fires have caused steep loss to the forests.

正确答案: D
So far this year, some 2 and half million hectares (6 m acres) of North American forest have been consumed by fire. And several fires are still blazing in the west of the continent. The United States’ Forest Service reckons it will spend around $900m in 2003 on putting fires out, and the damage such fires have caused probably cost several times that figure.
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Millions of pounds’ worth of damage ( ) by a storm which swept across the north of England last night.

A. has been caused

B.have been caused

C.will be caused

D.will have been caused



your company has a single active directory forest that has a domain in North America named na.contoso.com and a domain in south America named sa.contoso.com. The client computers run windows vista. You need to configure the client computes in north America office to improve the name resolution response time for resources in the south ameirca offica. What should you do?()

A.Configure a new GPO that disables the Local-Link multicast name resolution feature. Apply the policy to all the client computes in the north America office.

B.Configure a new GPO that enables the local-Link Multicast name resolution feature. Apply the policy to all the client computers in the north America office.

C.Configure a new GPO that configures the DNS suffix search list option to sa. Contoso.com, na.contoso.com apply the policy to all the client computers in the north America office.

D.Configure the priority value for the SRV records on each of the north America domain controllers to 5.



Passage Four

The atmosphere and oceans are not the only parts of the environment being damaged. Rain forests are being quickly destroyed as well, and their survival is questionable. E. O. Wilson, a biologist at Harvard, calls the depletion(枯竭、耗尽)of rain forest areas "the greatest extinction since the end of the age of dinosaurs(恐龙)."

Unlike some environmental issues, rain forests' depletion has fortunately received significant public and media's attention. Despite the opposition to the cutting down of rain forests, the problem continues. Every year, Brazil chops down an area of forests the size of the state of Nebraska. In addition to the Amazon's rain forests, many other forests are being cut down as well.: In Indonesia, Zaire, Papua-new Guinea, Malaysia, Burme, the Philippines, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, and Venezuela, rain forests that were once great have been lost.

According to some estimates, 50 million acres of rain forest are cut down every year. The United Nations says the figure is closer to 17 million acres. The World Wildlife Fund says that every minute,25 to 50 acres are cut down or burnt to the ground.

The world's growing population has been a primary reason of rain forests' destruction. More people need land to live on and wood products to consume. Limiting population growth may be the first in a series of steps that would alleviate the destruction of the rain forests.

48. In the opinion of the author, ______are being destroyed terribly at present.

A. the oceans

B. the atmosphere

C. the rain forests

D. all the above




How Technology Pushes Down Prices

1 Prices have fallen in the food business because of advances in food production and distribution tech-
nology.Consumers have benefited greatly from those advances.People who predicted that the world would
run out of food were wrong. We are producing more and more food with less and less capital.Food is there-
fore more plentiful and cheaper than it has ever been.Spending on food compared with other goods has fallen
for many years,and continues to drop.
2 Supermarkets have helped push down prices mainly because of their scale.Like any big business,
they can invest in IT systems that make them efficient. And their size allows them to buy in bulk.As super-
markets get bigger,the prices get lower.
3 Huge retail companies such as Wal-Mart have tremendous power and they can put pressure on pro-
ducers to cut their margins.As a result,some producers have had to make cuts.In recent years,Unilever
has cut its workforce by 33,000 to 245,000 and dropped lots of its minor brands as part of its"path to
growth"strategy.Cadbury has shut nearly 20 per cent of its 133 factories and cut 10 per cent of its 55,000
global workforce.These cuts help keep costs down,and the price of food stays low.
4 Does cheap food make people unhealthy?Cheap food may encourage people to eat more.Food corn-
panies certainly think that giving people more food for their money makes them buy more.Giving people bigger
portions is an easy way of making them feel they have got a better deal.That is why portions have got larger
and larger. In America,soft drinks came in 80z(225 g)cans in the past,then 120z(350g),and now
come in 200z(550g)cans.If a company can sell you an 80z portion for$7,they can sell you a 120z
portion for$8.The only extra cost to the company is the food,which probably costs 25 cents.
5 Now companies are under pressure to stop selling bigger portions for less money.But it is hard to
change the trend.

Paragraph 3 ___________
A:Huge Retailers Force Producers to Cut Costs
B:Consumers Like Supermarkets
C:Technology Helps Reduce Food Prices
D:Food Comes Cheaper in Larger Portions
E:Chain Stores Provide Better Service
F:Bigger Sunermarkets Offer Lower Prices

文章第一段的主题句是第一句。这段主要讲食物价格下降的原因是生产和分配技术 的发展。
文章第二段主要讲的是超级市场因为规模大,能引进先进技术,故能提供低价格的 商品。
由文章第三段主题句“Huge retail companies...can put pressure on producers to cut theirmargins.”可知,超级零售商能迫使生产商降低商品价格。
文章第四段讲的是,食品公司给顾客提供每份量大的商品,能很容易使顾客感觉到他 们得到了一个大的折扣,这样顾客会买更多的商品。因此每份量大的食品价格便宜。
文章第二段提到“And their size allows them to buy in bulk.”其中in bulk = in large quantities。
文章第三段提到“As a result, some producers have had to make cuts."make cuts的意思 是“降价”。
文章第三段提到“Unilever...dropped lots of its minor brands...”由此可知答案为F。
文章第四段提到“Giving people bigger portions is an easy way of making them feel they have got a better deal.”其中a better deal = a good bargain。


The ______ in e-mail messages has affected almost every computer around the world and has caused the damage of up to US$1 billion in North America.











Millions of pounds’ worth damage ______ by a storm which swept across the north of England last night.

A has been caused

B had been caused

C will be caused

D will have been caused



The Smokey Bear(护林熊) fire prevention program has resulted in a savings of $20 billion on all federal(联邦的), state and private forested land(私有林地). In 1941, 208,000 forest fires burned 30 million acres, while in 1981, fewer than 165,000 fires burned about three million acres. While forest usage has increased, the proportion(比例) of human-caused fires has remained stable; people still cause nine out of ten forest fires. But the biggest cause of fires is arson(纵火), accounting for(引起) 34 percent of forest fires in 1981.

1. According to the passage, use of forested land has ____.


B、been privatized



2. According to the passage, in 1941 forest fires burned ____.

A、less acres than in 1981

B、3 million acres

C、ten times as many acres as in 1981

D、20 million acres more than in 1981

3. According to the passage, the number of human-caused fires ____.

A、has remained the same proportionately

B、has increased

C、is the same as the arson cases

D、accounts for 34 per cent of forest fires

4. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

A、Nine out of ten fires are caused by arsonists.

B、The Smokey Bear program has saved the nation a lot of money.

C、There are more forest fires now than before.

D、People do not use the forests as much as they did in the past.

5. It may be inferred from the passage that ____.

A、the majority of fires are caused by humans

B、arson is increasing every year

C、more acres are destroyed by fire each year

D、fewer people are using the forests



● The (72) in e-mail messages has affected almost every computer around the world and has caused the damage of up to US$1 billion in North America.


A. illness

B. virus

C. weakness

D. attachment



The(72)in e-mail messages has affected almost every computer around the world and has caused the damage of up to US$1 billion in North America.







How Technology Pushes Down Prices

1 Prices have fallen in the food business because of advances in food production and distribution tech-
nology.Consumers have benefited greatly from those advances.People who predicted that the world would
run out of food were wrong. We are producing more and more food with less and less capital.Food is there-
fore more plentiful and cheaper than it has ever been.Spending on food compared with other goods has fallen
for many years,and continues to drop.
2 Supermarkets have helped push down prices mainly because of their scale.Like any big business,
they can invest in IT systems that make them efficient. And their size allows them to buy in bulk.As super-
markets get bigger,the prices get lower.
3 Huge retail companies such as Wal-Mart have tremendous power and they can put pressure on pro-
ducers to cut their margins.As a result,some producers have had to make cuts.In recent years,Unilever
has cut its workforce by 33,000 to 245,000 and dropped lots of its minor brands as part of its"path to
growth"strategy.Cadbury has shut nearly 20 per cent of its 133 factories and cut 10 per cent of its 55,000
global workforce.These cuts help keep costs down,and the price of food stays low.
4 Does cheap food make people unhealthy?Cheap food may encourage people to eat more.Food corn-
panies certainly think that giving people more food for their money makes them buy more.Giving people bigger
portions is an easy way of making them feel they have got a better deal.That is why portions have got larger
and larger. In America,soft drinks came in 80z(225 g)cans in the past,then 120z(350g),and now
come in 200z(550g)cans.If a company can sell you an 80z portion for$7,they can sell you a 120z
portion for$8.The only extra cost to the company is the food,which probably costs 25 cents.
5 Now companies are under pressure to stop selling bigger portions for less money.But it is hard to
change the trend.

Some food producers have reduced__________.
A:their workforce
B:huge portions
C:large quantities
D:their money
E:a good bargain
F: minor brands

文章第一段的主题句是第一句。这段主要讲食物价格下降的原因是生产和分配技术 的发展。
文章第二段主要讲的是超级市场因为规模大,能引进先进技术,故能提供低价格的 商品。
由文章第三段主题句“Huge retail companies...can put pressure on producers to cut theirmargins.”可知,超级零售商能迫使生产商降低商品价格。
文章第四段讲的是,食品公司给顾客提供每份量大的商品,能很容易使顾客感觉到他 们得到了一个大的折扣,这样顾客会买更多的商品。因此每份量大的食品价格便宜。
文章第二段提到“And their size allows them to buy in bulk.”其中in bulk = in large quantities。
文章第三段提到“As a result, some producers have had to make cuts."make cuts的意思 是“降价”。
文章第三段提到“Unilever...dropped lots of its minor brands...”由此可知答案为F。
文章第四段提到“Giving people bigger portions is an easy way of making them feel they have got a better deal.”其中a better deal = a good bargain。
