
问答题If a doctor gives you 3 pills and tells you to take one pill every half hour, how long will it take to take them all?

If a doctor gives you 3 pills and tells you to take one pill every half hour, how long will it take to take them all?
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Although international travel is usually an ( 1 ) and pleasant experience, travellers should take steps to ensure that their health does not suffer either ( 2 ) their time ( 2 ) the air or ( 2 ) their time abroad. Before you go, check with your doctor or local travel clinic ( 3 ) injections are necessary for the areas you are travelling ( 4 ) . Allow sufficient time to have these injections before you ( 5 ) because they may take time to become effective. Be sure that the information on health is up-to-date. Check on the Internet if you are not sure. Don't go to bed late the day ( 6 ) you fly. Your body has a natural daily sleep pattern. It takes time to adjust to a new time zone. There are many different ( 7 ) of jet lag: you may not be able to sleep, you may not want to eat or you may feel sick and tired. You may not be able to concentrate for some days after you arrive. There are several things you can do to ( 8 ) the effects of jet lag: - Do your ( 9 ) to relax during the flight- Sleep as much as you can on the flight. Use a mild sleeping pill if necessary- Drink as much water as you can- Don't drink alcohol and caffeine- Take mild sleeping pills ( 10 ) the first few days in the new time zone if you need them.










B、- (不填)



(4).A、- (不填)




(5).A、will leave

B、is leaving


D、have left























What should you do ff your child is under six years old?

A.You should let him take two tablets a day.

B.You should reduce the dosage anyway.

C.You should find the directions on the bottle.

D.You should ask the doctor for advice.

解析:本题的依据句为“For children under six years old consult your doctor.” consult your doctor=ask your doctor for advice,与D选项意思一致。其他选项内容属于错误信息。


If you think you are sick, you are sick no matter what anyone else says. On the other hand, if you have belief in your doctor, and if he tells you that you’re going to feel better, you _1_ will. Take the case of Mrs. Brown for example. She was _2_ to get to sleep at night. She lacked energy and was too tired during the day even for the simple thing that she used to enjoy doing. Occasional headaches, which were becoming more frequent, _3_ reading or watching TV. The more she thought about her condition, _4_ she felt. At last, she went to see her doctor, _5_ she had known for years. The doctor listened to her complaints and gave her a fairly thorough examination. Then, he said to her, “There is _6_ seriously wrong with your physical condition, but I accept the fact that you don’t feel well. I am going to give you some pills that should _7_. I want you to take one after dinner and one a half hour before going to bed tonight. Call me tomorrow and tell me how you feel.” The next morning Mrs. Brown telephoned to say, “Doctor, it’s very nice of you. I had the first _8_ night’s sleep last night in two months. What on earth is in those pills?” The doctor said, “It’s an old formula I have used for years. Just _9_ taking them for a week.” Turning to his nurse, he said, “It’s _10_ what a little soda can do.” [共10题]


(A) certainly (B) really (C) immediately (D) probably


(A) able (B) unable (C) going (D) about


(A) helped her with (B) separated her from

(C) prevented her from (D) about


(A) the worse (B) the more

(C) the better (D) the happier


(A) whose (B) whom

(C) that (D) which


(A) everything (B) anything

(C) nothing (D) something


(A) do (B) use (C) help (D) take


(A) good (B) strange (C) bad (D) short


(A) give up (B) remember (C) start (D) keep on

(10)(A) necessary (B) wonderful (C) important (D) harmful

参考答案:1-5:D B C A B; 6-10 C C A D B



In Britain people usually have a doctor near their home or in their town. This is the local doctor. You have to register with a doctor before you can make an appointment. You usually have to fill in a form. and the doctor examines you. Families often all register with the same doctor.

Doctors often work together in groups, and the name of the place where they work is a Doctor's Surgery. The government pays for this system, and it is free to go to see your doctor.

If the doctor decides that you need treatment he can prescribe medicine. For example he can prescribe antibiotics for an infection. Medicine can be tablets to take with water or liquid to drink. The doctor writes the prescription. You take the prescription to the chemist's, and the chemist will make up the medicine for you. You usually have to pay some money for the medicine but you don't have to pay the full price.

()21. British people usually go a long way to see a doctor.

()22. British families often register with the same doctor.

()23. Doctors always work alone in their own Doctor's Surgery.

()24. British people don't have to pay when they see their doctor.

()25. British people usually have to pay for their prescription at the chemist's.

参考答案:21-25:F T F T T


The road __________ when you get to the bridge. Please take the right one, which will lead you to the university directly.



C.takes away






S: ___56___

P:I want to buy a notebook.

S:The notebooks are overtllere.___57___

P:The blue onelooks nice. ___58___

S:Two yuan.

P:That’s all right.___59___

S: ___60___

P:Thank you.


A.I will take it. B.How much is it?C.What can I do for you?D.Which one do you like?E.Let me help you. F.How many ones do you want?G.Here you are. H:Thank you so much!


A.I will take it. B.How much is it?C.What can I do for you?D.Which one do you like?E.Let me help you. F.How many ones do you want?G.Here you are. H:Thank you so much!


A.I will take it. B.How much is it?C.What can I do for you?D.Which one do you like?E.Let me help you. F.How many ones do you want?G.Here you are. H:Thank you so much!


A.I will take it. B.How much is it?C.What can I do for you?D.Which one do you like?E.Let me help you. F.How many ones do you want?G.Here you are. H:Thank you so much!


A.I will take it. B.How much is it?C.What can I do for you?D.Which one do you like?E.Let me help you. F.How many ones do you want?G.Here you are. H:Thank you so much!


问题 1 答案解析:


问题 2 答案解析:


问题 3 答案解析:


问题 4 答案解析:


问题 5 答案解析:



The doctor recommends that those who have the illness take these pills to __________the symptoms.

A. combat

B. worsen

C. hide

D. nurture



In Britain people usually have a doctor near their home or in their town. This is the local doctor. You have to register with a doctor before you can make an appointment. You usually have to fill in a form. and the doctor examines you. Families often all register with the same doctor. Doctors often work together in groups, and the name of the place where they work is a Doctor's Surgery. The government pays for this system, and it is free to go to see your doctor. If the doctor decides that you need treatment he can prescribe medicine. For example he can prescribe antibiotics for an infection. Medicine can be tablets to take with water or liquid to drink. The doctor writes the prescription. You take the prescription to the chemist's, and the chemist will make up the medicine for you. You usually have to pay some money for the medicine --- but you don't have to pay the full price.

(1). British people usually go a long way to see a doctor.

A、 Right.


C、Doesn't say.

(2). Some rich British families don't register with the same doctor.

A、 Right.


C、Doesn't way.

(3). British people don't have to pay when they see their doctor.

A、 Right.


C、Doesn't say.

(4). Doctors always work alone in their own Doctor's Surgery.

A、 Right.


C、Doesn't say.

(5). British people usually have to pay for their prescription at the chemist's.

A、 Right.


C、Doesn't say.



"It tells you how to find your way when you get lost.But it’s all right. I'll get another one in London." is said by().

A、Pocahontas' dad


C、John Smith

D、Grandma Willow



Bob: Would you like a cigarette?

Jason: No, thank you. I've given up smoking. Bob:_______

A、Ok.Go ahead and do it

B、All right.Take care.

C、Well,you don't mind if I have one,do you?

D、Sorry,have another one then.

