
问答题China has the greatest population in the world and a large pool of research workers, yet it has not produced a single Nobel Prize winner so far. What has caused this situation in your opinion? State your opinion in about 160 words, and write it on the

China has the greatest population in the world and a large pool of research workers, yet it has not produced a single Nobel Prize winner so far. What has caused this situation in your opinion? State your opinion in about 160 words, and write it on the answer sheet.
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Your high school classmate,Li Ming,who is going to finish his study abroad,has written you an email,asking for advice about job-hunting in China.Write him an email to describe China's labor market briefly,and make two or three suggestions.You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEER.Do not use your own name at the end of the email.Use"Zhang Wei"instead.Do not write your address.

Dear Li Ming,
Firstly l must congratulate you on completing your overseas study.Secondly,I'd like to say it's a good choice to come back.Many Chinese corporations are expanding abroad and there is a tremendous need for overseas graduates.The state is also making efforts to create a motivating and supportive environment.But on the other hand,I have to remind you,as more students return from abroad,you'II be confronted with an intense competition.Therefore,I advise you to make a career plan and check out various job postings in advance.If possible,come back for recruitment fairs.Besides,don't decline offers simply because of salaries and bonuses.It's advisable to land a promising job soon and climb the career ladder step by step.Hopefully my advice will be helpful and good luck with your job search.
Zhang Wei


Flea market can be found on almost every campus. Although some sell new products in these markets, most students go there to sell used articles, such as textbooks, test preparation materials, dictionaries, and CDs. This has aroused different reactions. Some view it as a meaningful method to dispose of things no longer useful, but some others, especially teachers, view it as a symbol of wasting. What is your opinion about getting rid of used things in this way? Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic:My Opinion on Campus Flea MarketIn the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

My Opinion on Campus Flea Market As we university students progress from one grade to another, we may find that besides other things, we have accumulated a large pile of things that is no longer useful, for example, textbooks, test preparation materials, tapes and CDs. How to deal with the pile is really a big problem. Some throw them away, some prepare to keep them as souvenirs, and some sell them in flea market on campus. I find the last choice is the best one, because flea market actually can bring many benefits.
Flea market has much to offer for sellers. Obviously it can help sellers get some money. By selling things that are no longer needed, they can cover some of the original cost. This can be of much importance to students who do not have their own income. Last semester I sold about 30 books in the flea market, and the money was enough to cover my food bill for almost a month. Besides, selling things in flea market can also help sellers cultivate a good habit of making the fullest use of their belongings. This will prevent them from throwing things away at will, thus becoming a thrifty person.
If it just benefits sellers, flea market cannot be so prosperous. In fact, buyers also stand to gain a lot. Things sold in this place are usually much cheaper than the new ones in stores, but the function is almost the same. If they buy their textbooks and other reference books here, they can save about 200 yuan every semester. It is said that second-hand book stores are very popular in foreign countries, and many students from poor families finish their colleges by getting most of books there. Here in China there are also many students troubled by financial difficulty. If university authority can organize a regular market, many poor students will find it easier to finish their university.
The third benefit, which is usually neglected, is the positive influence on environment. This may sound irrelevant, but in fact, when we are using used products, we can help save paper, save printing materials, and this can greatly reduce the negative impact on the already fragile environment. What's more, if we develop the habit of reusing products, we can make our contribution to the establishing of a recycling economy that the government is advocating. Experts estimate that if all textbooks in universities can be used once again, we can save about 100 million yuan in environmental protection. This fully demonstrates the social significance of the tiny market place.
Therefore, if well managed, flea markets on campus can benefit sellers, buyers and the whole society as well. Of course, we should not sell everything used, for some of them may become valuable souvenirs all our life. It will be a pity if you graduate empty-handed. But as for those things that we can get rid of, we should carry them to the flea market rather than the dustbin.


The twentieth century saw great change. In your opinion, what is one change that should be remembered about the twentieth century? Write an essay of about 400 words to state your opinion.

In the first part of your essay you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.

You should supply an appropriate title for your essay.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

正确答案:Computer The twentieth century witnessed great changes in the whole world: economic boom industrial development and raise in people's living standards to which technological evolution contributed a lot. Among all those inventions which was the greatest one? Different people have different views. Some think the greatest invention was television while others believe it should be atom energy. But as far as I am concerned in terms of the depth of influence no other inventions can be compared with computers which would remain unrivalled even for another one hundred years. First of all computers save a great deal of effort people spend on calculating. Before computers were invented people had to calculate manually. Sometimes it took scientists weeks even months to work out a result daring the course of which they might make mistakes and the accuracy of data was in turn affected. But with the help of computers people are freed from heavy calculation. It only takes seconds to have a result which used to take weeks in the past. Moreover not only the speed but also the accuracy is improved to a large extent. Computers can also simulate different environments that can't be created in real life. In the science research sometimes scientists need to have a simulation environment to improve their theories or as a basis of further research. Without computers it would be difficult to have accurate and reliable results. But computers can make everything easy. Just input programs and data everything will be done. With computers the storage of information has become easier which in turn has increased the whole world's efficiency. At banks post offices and supermarkets people no longer need to queue for a long time because computers help the working staff increase their work efficiency — files and data stored in computers can be located in a very short time and their chances of getting lost are lowered to a large extent. Computers' influence has been further reinforced with the appearance of Internet which was developed based on the local area network (LAN) of computers. Today Internet has become the fastest developing medium in the world and you can do almost everything you need on it: communicating with friends reading news watching movies listening to music etc. But you must do all the above things on a computer. Although many other inventions of the 20th century brought great convenience to human or changed people's lives computers have the most valuable contribution to human and it will have much more contribution in the future.
Computer The twentieth century witnessed great changes in the whole world: economic boom, industrial development and raise in people's living standards, to which technological evolution contributed a lot. Among all those inventions, which was the greatest one? Different people have different views. Some think the greatest invention was television, while others believe it should be atom energy. But as far as I am concerned, in terms of the depth of influence, no other inventions can be compared with computers, which would remain unrivalled even for another one hundred years. First of all, computers save a great deal of effort people spend on calculating. Before computers were invented, people had to calculate manually. Sometimes it took scientists weeks, even months to work out a result, daring the course of which they might make mistakes and the accuracy of data was in turn affected. But with the help of computers, people are freed from heavy calculation. It only takes seconds to have a result which used to take weeks in the past. Moreover, not only the speed but also the accuracy is improved to a large extent. Computers can also simulate different environments that can't be created in real life. In the science research, sometimes scientists need to have a simulation environment to improve their theories or as a basis of further research. Without computers it would be difficult to have accurate and reliable results. But computers can make everything easy. Just input programs and data, everything will be done. With computers, the storage of information has become easier, which in turn has increased the whole world's efficiency. At banks, post offices, and supermarkets, people no longer need to queue for a long time, because computers help the working staff increase their work efficiency — files and data stored in computers can be located in a very short time and their chances of getting lost are lowered to a large extent. Computers' influence has been further reinforced with the appearance of Internet, which was developed based on the local area network (LAN) of computers. Today, Internet has become the fastest developing medium in the world and you can do almost everything you need on it: communicating with friends, reading news, watching movies, listening to music etc. But you must do all the above things on a computer. Although many other inventions of the 20th century brought great convenience to human or changed people's lives, computers have the most valuable contribution to human, and it will have much more contribution in the future. 解析:  在上个世纪,世界发生了巨大的变化。题目要求考生自己命题,淡谈自己认为20世纪最应该记住的发明是什么。


Directions: Tourism is a multibillion dollars industry that supports economic development. But people hold different views about it. Write a composition about 160 words entitled Tourism—a Blessing or a Misfortune?based on the following points: different interpretations about tourism, and your opinion. Now write the composition on the AnswerSheet.

Tourism—a Blessing or a Misfortune? With the development of the economic and the improvement of people’s living standard, millions of people want to travel to other places by take advantage of their free time. So whether the tourism is a blessing or a misfortune become a social problem, drawing a lot of attentions. People's attitude towards tourism varies.
Some people claim that we can get benefit from tourism, both from the perspective of individual and our country. Firstly we can broaden our horizon. While we visit a new place, we can know their own cultures, such their clothes, foods, festivals and so on. Secondly, we can enrich our knowledge. By visiting historical sites, we can obtain much information about the history, geography, languages and so on. Thirdly, we can relax our mood. Traveling can give us the chance to see the beautiful view and return to the nature. For one nation, tourism can help us to get a lot of external funding, promote the local economy, and show our traditional culture in a good way.
On the other hand, tourism has many disadvantages. It can cause series pollution problems, such as the white pollution, water pollution and air pollution. Too many tourists will produce a large number of rubbish and bring a lot of noises. It will be the main reason for pollution. Some tourists will not protect our heritages carefully by uncivilized behaviors.
In my opinion, tourism has both advantages and disadvantages. If all the people can be a civilized tourist, we can get more advantages than disadvantages. The tourism will be a blessing not a misfortune.
解析: 暂无解析


Practice 5  ●You made a mistake and lost some useful materials on your computer.  ●Write a message to Kazuko, one of your colleague, saying:  ● What has happened;  ● Why you come to him for help;  ● You hope him to do it in no time.  ●Write about 30—40 words.

正确答案: 【参考范文】
Dear Kazuko,
I deleted file 101 from my computer by mistake. I’ve learnt that you have the good habit of copying everything important. So I turn to you. I am badly in need of it, please send it via short message ASAP.
解析: 暂无解析


Writing about the following topic.
It is a Chinese virtue that we are ready to help other. What is your opinion about it Please write a composition with the title of “Highlight the Spirit of Lei Feng”.
You are required to write at least 150 words.

Highlight the Spirit of Lei Feng Recently the spirit of Lei Feng in our country has become a heated topic, which has aroused the attention of all the people. Almost everyone speaks highly of this spirit and insists on carrying forward this spirit. As far as I am concerned, to highlight the spirit of Lei Fang one should do as follows.
First and foremost, everyone needs to participate in activities to highlight the spirit of Lei Feng. Only in this way can everyone be reminded of the importance of the spirit. Moreover, the spirit of Lei Feng should be appreciated from the heart, which could make people realize it's a pursuit of inner-consciousness, not a performance in March.
Last but not least, to highlight the spirit of Lei Feng we need the support of social environment. In a simple and friendly environment, people's behaviors will be more standardized accordingly.
In conclusion, it can not be achieved in one day to highlight the spirit of Lei Feng. Do from little things now and big things will grow, then we will truly embrace the spirit of Lei Feng.


Task II(20 marks)  Directions:For this part, you are required to write a composition on The Anti-Addiction System. You should write at least 160 words and please write it on the Answer Sheet.  Now in China the anti-addiction system and a “real name checking” system have been adopted in Cyber cafes to prevent players under 18 from becoming addicted to online games. What do students think about this system? What is your opinion about this?

The Anti-Addiction System Now in China, the adoption of the anti-addiction system and a “real name checking” system in netbars has led to a heated debate among students.
Some say that students’ self-discipline is very limited and now at least 14 percent of the urban teenage players are addicted to the Internet and some children even repeatedly disappear from home to spend their nights at local Internet cafes, and play truant from school. Therefore, they have failed quite a few school exams. In this sense, the new policy can prevent minors from developing online addiction.
Others claim that the anti-addiction system is only a means to an end and cannot remove the root of the online addiction completely and they believe the key is to guide the minors to improve their self-control and balance their work and play.
In my opinion, the latter point hits home for me because it cuts to the chase. However, education is a long process and takes time, which means before education produces effects on children, some supplementary measures should also be taken to speed up the process and the anti-addiction system is one of them.
(Word Count: 188)
解析: 暂无解析


Among all the worthy fellings of mankind, love is probably the noblest, but everyone has his/her own understanding of it.

There has been a discussion recently on the issue in a newspaper. Write an essay to the newspaper to 1)show your understanding of the symbolic meaning of the picture below,

2)give a specific example, and

3)give your suggestion as to the best way to show love. Your should write about 200 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.(20 points)



Task II(20 points)  Directions:Write on the topic given below in no less than about 160 words on the Answer Sheet. In your essay, you should first outline your ideas, and then give examples.  Topic: What, in your opinion, is the best way to keep fit and healthy?

The Best Way to Keep Fit and Healthy A fit and healthy body is the base of wealth and wisdom. Good health enables us to enjoy our life and achieve what we hope for in our career. On the contrary, poor health tends to deprive us of our interest in everything around us. Only by keeping ourselves healthy and strong can we feel energetic and vigorous in studying, working and living a happy life. People aware of the health problems bring up with a lot of ways to keep fit and healthy. However, the best way to keep fit and healthy is to exercise more and eat properly.
Firstly, physical exercise is very crucial in order to keep fit and healthy. In taking part in out-door sports, we are closer to the nature and can take in fresh air. The beauty of nature will keep us clear-headed, which is essential to our health. Secondly, proper nutrition is important for our body, so we have to keep a balanced diet and maintain a regular eating habit. It is important for us to take more fruits and vegetables because they provide vitamins and they help in the process of digestion. At the same time, we should avoid eating too much food rich in sugar and fat.
In conclusion, if we stick to the proper ways of exercise more and eat properly, we’ll lead a healthy life and become as fit as a fiddle.
(Word Count: 233)
解析: 暂无解析


Practice 5  ● Your colleague, Tom Miller has asked you for help with a report on current market situation, but you cannot help at the moment.  ● Write an e-mail to Tom:  ● Explaining why you cannot help him;  ● Recommending another person;  ● Telling what relevant experience that person has.  ● Write 30—40words.

正确答案: 【参考范文】
To: Tom Miller
Subject: Report on market situation
I would like to help you with the report. But I’m on a business trip right now and will come back in 6 days. I think my friend Linda can help you and she has very rich experience in marketing field.
解析: 暂无解析
