
填空题What conclusion can we draw about working at home from the passage?Working at home is getting popular but most people need to meet their colleagues ____.

What conclusion can we draw about working at home from the passage?Working at home is getting popular but most people need to meet their colleagues ____.
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We can obviously notice that over a period of no practice what has been learned tends to be forgotten from______.

正确答案:dramatic instances of sudden forgetting
dramatic instances of sudden forgetting 解析:细节题。答案在第二段第三行:dramatic instances of sudden forgetting can be seen to be adaptive.(戏剧性的突然忘记可以被视为具有适应性。)


What can we infer from the text?

A. Working women usually have breakfast in a hurry.

B. Many people have wrong ideas about breakfast.

C. There are some easy ways of cooking a meal.

D. Eating vegetables helps save energy.



Hello, new students! This is a message from the Students Union Committee. We've been at the university for at least a year now, so we can give you some good tips. Don't worry - we remember being new and making a lot of mistakes! And we haven't forgotten feeling a little bit scared. First, as you know, there are no longer any grants. If you borrow money from the government, remember that like all loans, you have to pay it back. Spending all your money in the first week is not a sensible strategy. Try to make a budget for each term and stick to it. But if you are struggling to make ends meet, you can get a part-time job-restaurants and bars in the town take lots of students on in the evenings and at weekends. Come and see us for advice. Stop worrying about making new friends. Start to join the sports and hobbies societies - they're cheap and you can begin meeting a lot of people that way. It's a great chance to take up a completely new hobby. Living in a new city a long way from home can be very stressful. One tip, don't forget your parents. After all, they are paying your tuition fees here. You will be very busy working and enjoying yourself, but stop to phone your parents sometimes and don't forget to go home for the weekend from time to time. And remember to take your dirty washing! Finally, remember to work hard and play hard. Go on working steadily towards your first degree (BA or BSc) throughout your three years here - try to keep things in perspective. You'll always find someone in the Student Union office if you need to talk.

1). What does the word "scared" mean in the second paragraph?

2). What does the word "grants" mean in the third paragraph?

3). The sentence "But if you are struggling to make ends meet, ?at weekends" in the third paragraph implies().

4). From the fifth paragraph, we can infer that in order to overcome the stress of living faraway from home, ().

5). This passage is written for the purpose of ().




(2).A、money given by the government to support the students' study, which they needn't pay back

B、money from the government which the students need to pay back

C、money from the school which is similar to scholarship

(3).A、if you are short of money, you can find a part-time job in the restaurants and bars in your spare time

B、if you want to have a better life than others, you can find a part-time job in your spare time

C、restaurants and bars need more hands in the evenings and at weekends

(4).A、it's better for new students to talk to their parents over the phone from time to time

B、new students need to do their washing themselves

C、new students should keep themselves as busy as possible so that they will not miss home

(5).A、telling new students the problems facing them in the university

B、telling new students how to budget their money

C、offering new students some advice about their university life



What can we do for the case?____________

A.I don't care about it

B.The case is difficult

C.We would consult our layer



Comparing the painter who paints a gangrenous leg with the one who paints a lake in moonlight,we can draw the conclusion that______.

A. both convey the same meaning

B. both show certain aspects of the world

C. the latter is more meaningful

D. the former is more meaningful

[解析] 见本文倒数第四行,一个画家画一条坏死的腿与另外一个画月光下的湖水相比,其实都在揭示世界的某些方面。


)22. What can we learn about the teacher from the passage?

The teacher is a kind -teacher.

②The teacher never scolds his students.

③The teacher works very hard.

④The teacher likes to help his students.

A.①②③ B.①③④ C.①②③④

22.B【解析】由“He scold us when-----”可知②说法错误,因此选B。


We can conclude from this passage that camels ______.

A. feel at home in the desert

B. like to carry heavy loads

C. look like ships from a distance

D. will always be useful



What can we conclude from the recent study?

A. People think highly of science.

B. People hold mixed opinions about science.

C. Science is getting dangerously out of control.

D. Science is used for both good and bad purposes.



What can we do for the case?_________

A.We would condult our lawyer

B.The case is difficult

C.I don't care about it



We should see the events in their historical ________ before we draw any conclusion.

A respective

B retrospective

C prospective

D perspective

