
【With the 4G telecommunications systems now starting to be deployed,people are looking towards the development of 5th generation or 5G technology services.Although the deployment of any wireless or cellular system take years,development of the 5G technolo


【With the 4G telecommunications systems now starting to be deployed,people are looking towards the development of 5th generation or 5G technology services.Although the deployment of any wireless or cellular system take years,development of the 5G technology systems is being investigated.The new 5G technologies will need to be chosen developed and perfected to enable timely and reliable deployment. The new 5th generation,5G technology for cellular systems will probably start to come to fruition around 2020. The current status of the 5G technology for cellular systems is very much in the early development stages.Many companies are looking into the technologies that could be used to become part of the system.In addition to this,a number of universities have set up 5G research units focused on developing the technologies for 5G. In addition, the standards bodies,particularly 3GPP are aware of the development but are not actively planing the 5G systems yet.Many of the technologies to be used for 5G will start to appear in the systems used for 4G and then as the new 5G cellular system starts to formulate in a more concrete manner,they will be incorporated into the new 5G cellular system. The major issue with 5G technology is that there is such an enormously wide variation in the requirements:super fast downloads to small data requirements for IoT than any one system will not be able to meet these needs.Accordingly a layer approach is likely to be adopted.As one commentator stated:5G is not just a mobile technology.It is ubiquitous access to high & low data rate services.】 Based on the paragraph above,at present,5G technology for cellular systems ( ), many of the technologies to be used for 5G ( ) in the systems used for 4G,the major issue facing with 5G technology is ( ).

A.has matured B.has setup its standards C.is very much in the early development stages D.is in use A.is being developed B.already appeared C.will not appear D.will start to appear A.super fast downloads B.small data requirements for IoT C.4G system has already satisfied these needs D.an enormously wide variation in the requirements

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Telecommunications stand for devices and systems that transmit electronic or optical signals across long distances. Telecommunications enables people around the world to contact one another, to access information instantly, and to communicate from remote areas. Telecommunications usually involves a sender of information and one or more recipients linked by a technology, such as a telephone system, that transmits information from one place to another. Telecommunications enables people to sand and receive personal messages across town, between countries, and to and from outer space. It also provides the key medium for delivering news, data, information, and entertainment.

Telecommunications devices convert different types of information, such as sound and video, into electronic or optical signals. Electronic signals typically travel along a medium such as copper wire or are carried over the air as radio waves. Optical signals typically travel along a medium such as strands of glass fibers. When a signal reaches its destination, the device on the receiving end converts the signal back into an understandable message, such as sound over a telephone, moving images on a television, or words and pictures on a computer screen.

Telecommunications messages can be sent in a variety of ways and by a wide range of devices. The messages can be seat from one sender to a single receiver (point-to-point) or from one sender to many receivers (point-to-multipoint). Personal communications, such as a telephone conversation between two people or a facsimile (fax) message (see Facsimile Transmission), usually involve point-to-point transmission. Point-to-multipoint telecommunications, often called broadcasts, provide the basis for commercial radio and television programming.

Telecommunications begin with messages that are converted into electronic or optical signals. Some signals, such as those that carry voice or music, are created in an analog or wave format, but may be converted into a digital or mathematical format for faster and more efficient transmission. The signals are then sent over a medium to a receiver, where they are decoded back into a form. that the person receiving the message can understand. There are a variety of ways to create and decode signals, and many different ways to transmit signals.

Individual people, businesses, and governments use many different types of telecommunications systems. Some systems, such as the telephone system, use a network of cables, wires, and switching stations for point-to-point communication. Other systems, such as radio and television, broadcast radio signals over the air that can be received by anyone who has a device to receive them. Some systems make use of several types of media to complete a transmission. For example, a telephone call may travel by means of copper wire, fiber-optic cable, and radio waves as the call is sent from sender to receiver. All telecommunications systems are constantly evolving as telecommunications technology improves. Many recent improvements, for example, offer high-speed broadband connections that are needed to send multimedia information over the Internet.

Personal computers have pushed the limits of the telephone system as more and more complex computer messages are being sent over telephone lines, and at rapidly increasing speeds. This need for speed has encouraged the development of digital transmission technology. The growing use of personal computers for telecommunications has increased the need for innovations in fiber-optic technology.

Telecommunications and information technologies are merging and converging. This means that many of the devices now associated with only one function may evolve into more versatile equipment. This convergence is already happening in various fields. Some telephones and pagers are able to store not only phone numbers but also names and personal information abo

A.Current development.

B.Transmission of message.

C.Computer networking.

D.Government regulation.



● A quality assurance team should be(75).

①associated with any particular development group

②depended upon any particular development group

③responsible for reporting directly to management

④in-depended upon any particular development group








【In the forthcoming years,Beyond-3G(B3G) environments will undoubtedly be deployed in most parts around the globe, permitting a world class solution for network interconnection, A B3G context enables the efficient cooperation of existing wireless technologies, including cellular-based(e.g. 2G/3G), broadcast-oriented(e.g. DVB)-in specific DVB-H, and Internet-based(WLAN/WMAN)networks, all relying on enhanced IP as the unifying layer. Hence, in this particular and yet to be deployed environment, mobile, systems and platforms will permit to provide enhanced services to all applications across heterogeneous access networks. This will effectively enlarge the scope of service deployment, availability and accessibility to the users】 Based on the paragraph above, it is shown that (98) will be used as the higher layer protocol to unify cellular networks ,broadcast networks and (99) networks, which is enabled by the context of (100).

A. mobile systems and platforms


C.heterogeneous access networks

D.enhanced IP



While most recent attention in the AI field has been focused on expert system software, AI(66)has also seen dramatic advances. Activity in the past years was characterized by new low-cost, powerful Lisp machines, the introduction of AI workstations, Lisp compilers becoming available for all major professional and engineering workstations, and the personal computer emerging as a(67). tool for expert system development. The next few years will see this technology evolves further.Because the(68)of an AI computer represents a sizable investment, companies should carefully(69)all options that are available as well as have a good idea of what the next generation of systems will offer in order to(70)the optimum system. This publication provides the information necessary to gain this understanding.








For years now, the people of industrialism, education has been ____________ towards producing workers.







According to the passage, ______ has become the driving force for the development of telephone system?

A.information technologies



D.convergence of telecommunications technologies



A quality assurance team should be(75)。

① associated with any particular development group

② depended upon any particular development group

③ responsible for reporting directly to management

④ In-depended upon any particular development group







4G is the fourth generation wireless technology adopted by the ( ) and carriers around the worl









听力原文: The banking system of China evolved from a mono-banking system between the 1940s and the early 1970s. Not until 1978 did China's banking system make a drastic shift in its banking philosophy and structure. The shift is not only a necessity for the country's development, but also acts as a gesture showing the "openness" of the country to the outside world.

Today, after nearly forty years of rapid development, China is moving towards a modem and market-oriented banking structure although there is still much to be improved to meet the needs of the country's development.

In the mid 1990s, banks in China began to focus their attention on capital adequacy requirements, non-performing and bad loans, profitability and also the industry's overall expansion strategy. Reforms of monetary and financial system in China are speeding up in the 90s. Existing specialized banks gradually have become commercial banks.

21. What kind of banking system did China have before the 1980s?

22.Up to now, how long has China experienced rapid development?

23.What are the banks in China focusing their attention on?


A.The same system as in the western countries.

B.A mono-banking system.

C.A modern banking system.

D.A commercial banking system.

解析:录音原文提到The banking system of China...between the 1940s and the early 1970s. 20世纪40年代至70年代,中国银行系统从单一系统起步慢慢发展。


The Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a process of creating or altering information systems, and the models and methodologies that people use to develop these systems. Sequential SDLC models, such as (72),focus on complete and correct planning to guide large projects and risks to successful and predictable results.

B.Extreme Programming

