
Our ______ sensitivity decreases with age. By age 60, most people have lost 40 percent of their ability to smell and 50 percent of their taste buds.A.sensible B.senseless C.sensitive D.sensory

Our ______ sensitivity decreases with age. By age 60, most people have lost 40 percent of their ability to smell and 50 percent of their taste buds.

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What ________ me most was the friendship your people have for our people.







Most Adults in US Have Low Risk of Heart Disease
More than 80 percent of US adults have a less than 10-percent risk of developing heart disease in the next 10 years,according to a report in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.Just 3 percent have a risk that exceeds 20 percent.
"I hope that these numbers will give physicians,researchers,health policy analysts,and others a better idea of how coronary heart disease is distributed in the US population,"lead author Dr.Earl S.Ford,from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta,said in a statement.
The findings are based on analysis of data from 13,769 subjects,between 20 and 79 years of age,who narticipated in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 1988 to 1994.
Overall,82 percent of adults had a risk of less than 10 percent,15 percent had a risk that fell between 10 to 20 percent,and 3 percent had a risk above 20 percent.
The proportion of subjects in the highest risk group increased with advancing age,and men were more likely than women to be in this group.By contrast,race or ethnicity had little effect on risk distributions.
Although the report suggests that most adults have a low 10-year risk of heart disease,a large proportion have ahigh or immediate risk,Dr.Daniel S.Berman,from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles,and Dr.Nathan D.Wong,from the University of California at Irvine,note in a related editorial.
Aggressive treatment measures and public health strategies are needed to shift the overall population risk downward,they add.

The main purpose of the passage is to______.
A:introduce that most adults in US adults have low risk of heart disease
B:give treatment measures to reduce the risk of developing heart disease for US adults
C:describe the research made by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
D:warn people that they should pay attention to the threat of heart disease immediately

由文章第三段可知,这些发现是基于从13 769位受试者中得到的数据进行分析的结果,故选B。
本文的开头便引出了文章论述的主题:More than 80 percent of US adults have a less than10-percent risk of developing heart disease in the next 10 years,之后的内容都围绕此论题展开,故选A。


________ percent of all cancers could be averted if people ate more fruits, vegetables, and plant-based foods and minimized high-fat, high-calorie edibles.

[A] 30-40

[B] 40-50

[C] 50-60

[D] 60-70



Most Adults in US Have Low Risk of Heart Disease
More than 80 percent of US adults have a less than 10-percent risk of developing heart disease in the next 10 years,according to a report in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.Just 3 percent have a risk that exceeds 20 percent.
"I hope that these numbers will give physicians,researchers,health policy analysts,and others a better idea of how coronary heart disease is distributed in the US population,"lead author Dr.Earl S.Ford,from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta,said in a statement.
The findings are based on analysis of data from 13,769 subjects,between 20 and 79 years of age,who narticipated in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 1988 to 1994.
Overall,82 percent of adults had a risk of less than 10 percent,15 percent had a risk that fell between 10 to 20 percent,and 3 percent had a risk above 20 percent.
The proportion of subjects in the highest risk group increased with advancing age,and men were more likely than women to be in this group.By contrast,race or ethnicity had little effect on risk distributions.
Although the report suggests that most adults have a low 10-year risk of heart disease,a large proportion have ahigh or immediate risk,Dr.Daniel S.Berman,from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles,and Dr.Nathan D.Wong,from the University of California at Irvine,note in a related editorial.
Aggressive treatment measures and public health strategies are needed to shift the overall population risk downward,they add.

Strategies to shift the overall population risk downward include______.
A:losing weight
B:eat less and exercise more
C:adding more vitamins in your diet
D:aggressive treatment measures and public health strategies

由文章第三段可知,这些发现是基于从13 769位受试者中得到的数据进行分析的结果,故选B。
本文的开头便引出了文章论述的主题:More than 80 percent of US adults have a less than10-percent risk of developing heart disease in the next 10 years,之后的内容都围绕此论题展开,故选A。


Most Adults in U.S.Have Low Risk of Heart Disease
More than 80 percent of U .S.adults have a less than 10-percent risk of developing heart dis- ease in the next 10 years,according to a report in the Journal of the American College of Cardiolo-gy(心脏病学).Just 3 percent have a risk that exceeds 20 percent.
“I hope that these numbers will give physicians,researchers,health policy analysts,and others a better idea of how coronary(心脏冠状动脉的)heart disease is distributed in the U. S. population ,” lead(带头的)author Dr. Earl S. Ford , from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta,said in a statement.
The findings are based on analysis of data from 13,769 subjects,between 20 and 79 years of age , who participated in the Third National Health and Nutrition(营养的供给)Examination Sur- vey from 1988 to 1994.
Overall,82 percent of adults had a risk of less than 10 percent,15 percent had a risk that fell between 10 to 20 percent and 3 percent had a risk above 20 percent,
The proportion of subjects in the highest risk group increased with advancing age,and men were more likely than women to be in this group. By contrast, race or ethnicity(种族划分)had little effect on risk distributions.
Although the report suggests that most adults have a low 10-year risk of heart disease,a large proportion have a high or immediate risk,Dr. Daniel S .Berman,from Cedars-Sinai Medi- cal Center in Los Angeles,and Dr. Nathan D.Wong,from the University of California at Irvine, note in a related editorial.
Aggressive treatment measures and public health strategies are needed to shift the overall population risk downward,they add.

______does NOT have the least effect on risk distributions.
A: Age
B: Gender
C: Race
D: Blood group

文章首段提到就提到美国80%以上的成年人未来十年内患心脏病的风险低于 10%,故A项正确;由第五段最后一句话“By contrast , race or ethnicity(种族划分)had little effect on risk distributions.”可知种族对患病风险的分布影响很小,故D项正确;由第五段“The proportion of subjects in the highest risk group increased with advancing age,and men were more likely than women to be in this group.”可知实验对象年龄越大,在高风险组中所占的比例也越大,男人进入该组的可能性也大于女性,故B项正确,C项错误。
由第四段“Overall , 82 percent of adults had a risk of less than 10 percent , 15 percent had a risk that fell between 10 to 20 percent and 3 percent had a risk above 20 percent.”可知,美国80%以上的成年人未来十年内患心脏病的风险低于10% ,15%的成年人未来患心脏病的风险介于10%~20% ,3%的成年人患心脏病的风险在20%以上。故选A。
由文中原句“15 percent had a risk that fell between 10 to 20 percent”可知,15%的成年人未来十年内患心脏病的风险介于10%~20%,故选C。注意文中的几个百分数不要弄混淆了
两位科学家讲到,尽管大多数成年人10年内患心脏病的风险较低,但在有风险者中,很大一部分所面临的风险却是很高或者刻不容缓的,故只有采取积极的治疗措施和公共卫生政策(Aggressive treatment measures and public health strategies are needed)才能降低所有人群患病的风险概率。


Our__________ sensitivity decreases with age. By age 60, most people have lost 40 percent of their ability to smell and 50 percent of their taste buds.




13 Million Americans Suffer from Social Anxiety Disorder
Social anxiety disorder prevents some 15 million Americans from leading normal social and romantic lives,a new survey finds.
The disorder leaves many isolated,ashamed and often misdiagnosed. Thirty-six percent of those with social anxiety disorder have symptoms for 10 years or more before seeking help,the Anxiety Disorders Association of America reports.
“Social anxiety disorder is when somebody has an intense,persistent and irrational fear of social or performance situations,”Jerilyn Ross,the association's president and CEO,said during a teleconference Wednesday.
“The condition causes people to avoid common,everyday situations and even other people for fear of being judged or criticized or humiliated or embarrassing themselves,”Ross said.
Social anxiety disorder can interfere with daily routines and job performance,Ross noted.“It also makes it very difficult for people to develop friends and romantic partnerships,” she said.
People with this disorder recognize their fear is excessive and irrational,Ross noted. “But they feel powerless to do anything about it,”she said.
Social anxiety disorder can start in the early teens,Dr. Mark H.Pollack,director of the Center for Anxiety and Traumatic Stress Disorders and a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School,said during the teleconference.
“This is a disorder that starts affecting people early on,”Pollack said.“The typical age of onset is early adolescence,age 12 or 13,and many individuals report a history of anxiety dating back to earlier childhood.”
The disorder also has physical symptoms,including heart palpitations,feelings that their throat will close up,sweating,blushing,faintness,trembling and stammering,Ross said.
Among people with the disorder,75 percent said the condition affected their ability to do normal activities. In addition,69 percent said they didn't want people to think they were crazy,and 58 percent said they were embarrassed by their condition,Ross said.
However,when the condition is diagnosed and treated,many reported improvement in their lives.In fact,59 percent who were receiving treatment said treatment had a positive effect on their ability to have a romantic relationship.In addition,39 percent who had received treatment said knowing that treatment can be successful aided their decision to get help,Ross noted.

It can be seen from the last paragraph that treatment of the disorder______.
A: has no positive effect at all
B: is unavailable to most sufferers
C: tends to be refused by the sufferers
D: can lead to improvement in the sufferers'lives

题干意为“患有社交焦虑症的人因害怕……而出名”。利用题干中的细节信息词fear作为定位线索,同时利用备选项中的细节信息词/短语作为定位线索normal lives, social or performance situations,在短文的第三段中找到相关句:Social anxiety disorder is when somebody has an intense,persistent and irrational fear of social or performance situa-tions,”Jerilyn Ross,the association's president and CEO,said during a teleconference Wednesday.相关句提到“美国焦虑症协会主席及总裁Jerilyn Ross星期三在电话会议上说,社交焦虑症是指一个人对社交场合或社交活动有着强烈的,持久的和非理性的恐惧”。由此可知答案为D项“害怕社交场合或社交活动”。
题干意为“患有社交焦虑症的人怎么看待他们感受到的恐惧?”利用题干及备选项中的细节信息词fear, control作为定位线索,备选项中出现了大量的修饰词beneficial“有益的”,controllable“可控制的”,justified“正当的”,在查找相关句的过程中也关注这些修饰词在短文中的出现情况,在短文的第六段中找到相关句:People with this disorder recognize their fear is ex-cessive and irrational, Ross noted.“But they feel powerless to do anything about it,” she said.相关句提到“患有社交焦虑症的人意识到他们的恐惧是过分的,没有道理的。但是他们却对此无能为力”。由此可知答案为A项“他们认为他们的恐惧超出了他们的控制”。
题干意为“关于患有社交焦虑症的人的陈述,下面哪个选项陈述的内容与短文内容不一致?”题干中没有细节信息词可以利用来作为定位线索,因此只能对备选项进行逐一判断:(第四段)“The condition causes people to avoid common. everyday situations and even other people for fear of being judged or criticized or humiliated or embarrassing them-selves,” Ross said.第四段提到“Ross说,这种状况使那些患有社交焦虑症的人逃避日常的交往甚至逃避与人接触,因为他们害怕被评论,被批评或是被羞辱,这会让他们非常尴尬”。显然D项“患有社交焦虑恐惧症的人往往会评论他人或批评他人”的意义与之意义不一致。所以答案D。该题主要考查考生对英语主被动语态的识别和理解。


People today have to a great()lost their ability to identify with what they do.







Most Adults in U.S.Have Low Risk of Heart Disease
More than 80 percent of U .S.adults have a less than 10-percent risk of developing heart dis- ease in the next 10 years,according to a report in the Journal of the American College of Cardiolo-gy(心脏病学).Just 3 percent have a risk that exceeds 20 percent.
“I hope that these numbers will give physicians,researchers,health policy analysts,and others a better idea of how coronary(心脏冠状动脉的)heart disease is distributed in the U. S. population ,” lead(带头的)author Dr. Earl S. Ford , from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta,said in a statement.
The findings are based on analysis of data from 13,769 subjects,between 20 and 79 years of age , who participated in the Third National Health and Nutrition(营养的供给)Examination Sur- vey from 1988 to 1994.
Overall,82 percent of adults had a risk of less than 10 percent,15 percent had a risk that fell between 10 to 20 percent and 3 percent had a risk above 20 percent,
The proportion of subjects in the highest risk group increased with advancing age,and men were more likely than women to be in this group. By contrast, race or ethnicity(种族划分)had little effect on risk distributions.
Although the report suggests that most adults have a low 10-year risk of heart disease,a large proportion have a high or immediate risk,Dr. Daniel S .Berman,from Cedars-Sinai Medi- cal Center in Los Angeles,and Dr. Nathan D.Wong,from the University of California at Irvine, note in a related editorial.
Aggressive treatment measures and public health strategies are needed to shift the overall population risk downward,they add.

According to the Journal of the American College of Cardiology,_______of the U.S. adults had a risk of developing heart disease above 20 percent in the next 10 years.
A: three percent
B:ten percent
C:twenty percent
D: eighty-two percent

文章首段提到就提到美国80%以上的成年人未来十年内患心脏病的风险低于 10%,故A项正确;由第五段最后一句话“By contrast , race or ethnicity(种族划分)had little effect on risk distributions.”可知种族对患病风险的分布影响很小,故D项正确;由第五段“The proportion of subjects in the highest risk group increased with advancing age,and men were more likely than women to be in this group.”可知实验对象年龄越大,在高风险组中所占的比例也越大,男人进入该组的可能性也大于女性,故B项正确,C项错误。
由第四段“Overall , 82 percent of adults had a risk of less than 10 percent , 15 percent had a risk that fell between 10 to 20 percent and 3 percent had a risk above 20 percent.”可知,美国80%以上的成年人未来十年内患心脏病的风险低于10% ,15%的成年人未来患心脏病的风险介于10%~20% ,3%的成年人患心脏病的风险在20%以上。故选A。
由文中原句“15 percent had a risk that fell between 10 to 20 percent”可知,15%的成年人未来十年内患心脏病的风险介于10%~20%,故选C。注意文中的几个百分数不要弄混淆了
两位科学家讲到,尽管大多数成年人10年内患心脏病的风险较低,但在有风险者中,很大一部分所面临的风险却是很高或者刻不容缓的,故只有采取积极的治疗措施和公共卫生政策(Aggressive treatment measures and public health strategies are needed)才能降低所有人群患病的风险概率。


13 Million Americans Suffer from Social Anxiety Disorder
Social anxiety disorder prevents some 15 million Americans from leading normal social and romantic lives,a new survey finds.
The disorder leaves many isolated,ashamed and often misdiagnosed. Thirty-six percent of those with social anxiety disorder have symptoms for 10 years or more before seeking help,the Anxiety Disorders Association of America reports.
“Social anxiety disorder is when somebody has an intense,persistent and irrational fear of social or performance situations,”Jerilyn Ross,the association's president and CEO,said during a teleconference Wednesday.
“The condition causes people to avoid common,everyday situations and even other people for fear of being judged or criticized or humiliated or embarrassing themselves,”Ross said.
Social anxiety disorder can interfere with daily routines and job performance,Ross noted.“It also makes it very difficult for people to develop friends and romantic partnerships,” she said.
People with this disorder recognize their fear is excessive and irrational,Ross noted. “But they feel powerless to do anything about it,”she said.
Social anxiety disorder can start in the early teens,Dr. Mark H.Pollack,director of the Center for Anxiety and Traumatic Stress Disorders and a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School,said during the teleconference.
“This is a disorder that starts affecting people early on,”Pollack said.“The typical age of onset is early adolescence,age 12 or 13,and many individuals report a history of anxiety dating back to earlier childhood.”
The disorder also has physical symptoms,including heart palpitations,feelings that their throat will close up,sweating,blushing,faintness,trembling and stammering,Ross said.
Among people with the disorder,75 percent said the condition affected their ability to do normal activities. In addition,69 percent said they didn't want people to think they were crazy,and 58 percent said they were embarrassed by their condition,Ross said.
However,when the condition is diagnosed and treated,many reported improvement in their lives.In fact,59 percent who were receiving treatment said treatment had a positive effect on their ability to have a romantic relationship.In addition,39 percent who had received treatment said knowing that treatment can be successful aided their decision to get help,Ross noted.

The symptoms of social anxiety disorder include all the following EXCEPT______.
A: heart palpitations
B: sore throat
C: sweating
D: blushing

题干意为“患有社交焦虑症的人因害怕……而出名”。利用题干中的细节信息词fear作为定位线索,同时利用备选项中的细节信息词/短语作为定位线索normal lives, social or performance situations,在短文的第三段中找到相关句:Social anxiety disorder is when somebody has an intense,persistent and irrational fear of social or performance situa-tions,”Jerilyn Ross,the association's president and CEO,said during a teleconference Wednesday.相关句提到“美国焦虑症协会主席及总裁Jerilyn Ross星期三在电话会议上说,社交焦虑症是指一个人对社交场合或社交活动有着强烈的,持久的和非理性的恐惧”。由此可知答案为D项“害怕社交场合或社交活动”。
题干意为“患有社交焦虑症的人怎么看待他们感受到的恐惧?”利用题干及备选项中的细节信息词fear, control作为定位线索,备选项中出现了大量的修饰词beneficial“有益的”,controllable“可控制的”,justified“正当的”,在查找相关句的过程中也关注这些修饰词在短文中的出现情况,在短文的第六段中找到相关句:People with this disorder recognize their fear is ex-cessive and irrational, Ross noted.“But they feel powerless to do anything about it,” she said.相关句提到“患有社交焦虑症的人意识到他们的恐惧是过分的,没有道理的。但是他们却对此无能为力”。由此可知答案为A项“他们认为他们的恐惧超出了他们的控制”。
题干意为“关于患有社交焦虑症的人的陈述,下面哪个选项陈述的内容与短文内容不一致?”题干中没有细节信息词可以利用来作为定位线索,因此只能对备选项进行逐一判断:(第四段)“The condition causes people to avoid common. everyday situations and even other people for fear of being judged or criticized or humiliated or embarrassing them-selves,” Ross said.第四段提到“Ross说,这种状况使那些患有社交焦虑症的人逃避日常的交往甚至逃避与人接触,因为他们害怕被评论,被批评或是被羞辱,这会让他们非常尴尬”。显然D项“患有社交焦虑恐惧症的人往往会评论他人或批评他人”的意义与之意义不一致。所以答案D。该题主要考查考生对英语主被动语态的识别和理解。
