(b) Explain what is meant by McGregor’s(i) Theory X; (5 marks)


(b) Explain what is meant by McGregor’s

(i) Theory X; (5 marks)

(b) Douglas McGregor has suggested that the managers’ view of the individuals’ attitude to work can be divided into two categories, which he called Theory X and Theory Y. The style. of management adopted will stem from the view taken as to how subordinates behave. However, these two typologies are not distinct; they do in fact represent the two ends of a continuum.
(i) Theory X is based on traditional organisational thinking. It assumes that the average person is basically indolent and has an inherent dislike of work which should be avoided at all costs. The individual lacks ambition, shuns responsibility, has no ambition and is resistant to change. This theory holds that the individual seeks only security and is driven solely by self-interest. It follows that because of this dislike of work, most have to be directed, controlled, organised or coerced. Management is based on fear and punishment and will have an exploitative or authoritarian style. This reflects the thinking of the classical school of management, based on a scientific approach, specialisation, standardisation and obedience to superiors.
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2 An important part of management is understanding the style. of leadership.


(a) Explain what Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid measures. (5 marks)

2 Overview:
The accountant is frequently the manager or group leader. An understanding of leadership theory and practice is therefore an
important part of an accountant’s training.
Part (a):
Robert Blake and Jane Mouton in their Ohio State Leadership Studies, observed two basic leadership dimensions that were
apparent from their studies; concern for the task and concern for people.
They recognised that it was possible for concern for the task to be independent of concern for people. It was therefore possible for
a leader to be strong on one and weak on the other, strong on both, weak on both or any variation in between.
They devised a series of questions, the answers to which enabled them to plot these two basic leadership dimensions. These two
dimensions were placed as the axes on a grid structure now known as the Managerial Grid. A person who scores 7 on ‘concern
for production’ (the x axis) and 5 on ‘concern for people’ (the y axis) is known as a 7,5 leader.


5 An organisation’s goals can only be achieved through the efforts of motivated individuals.


Explain what is meant by the following terms:

(a) Hygiene factors. (8 marks)

5 Overview
Understanding what motivates people is necessary at all levels of management. It is important that professional accountants
understand the relevance of individual motivation. Unless individuals are well managed and motivated they are unlikely to cooperate
to achieve the organisation’s objectives.
Part (a):
(a) Hygiene (or maintenance) factors lead to job dissatisfaction because of the need to avoid unpleasantness. They are so called
because they can in turn be avoided by the use of ‘hygienic’ methods, that is, they can be prevented. Attention to these
hygiene factors prevents dissatisfaction but does not on its own provide motivation.
Hygiene factors (or ‘dissatisfiers’) are concerned with those factors associated with, but not directly a part of, the job itself.
Herzberg suggested that these are mainly salary and the perceived differences with others’ salaries, job security, working
conditions, the level and quality of supervision, organisational policy and administration and the nature of interpersonal
relationships. Resolution of hygiene factors, however, is short term, longer term resolution requires motivator factors.


Which of the following statements is in agreement with McGregor's concepts concerning Theory X and Theory Y managers?

A . Theory X managers view subordinates as being lazy, irresponsible, and resistant to change

B . Theory Y managers view subordinates as being imaginative, creative, and willing to accept responsibility

C . Theory X managers tend to be autocratic whereas Theory Y managers are more likely to delegate responsibility

D . A and B.

E . All of the above



2 The activities of an organisation have to be managed and co-ordinated to ensure that its objectives are met. The organisation’s structure is designed to support this.


(a) What is meant by the term ‘organisational structure,’ often shown as an organisation chart? (5 marks)

2 All organisations of whatever size have to work in a co-ordinated way to ensure that the objectives laid down are achieved.However, for effective co-ordination to take place, the structure must be correct and understood. Very often, managers know the structure but cannot explain its significance or appropriateness.
(a) The structure of an organisation is often depicted as a chart. The structure explains the communication pattern, the linking mechanism between departments, tasks and individuals, the co-ordinating mechanism that ensures the entire organization is working toward the same objective, and who is in control of the organisation’s activities and at what level in the organisation.


(b) Explain in the context of Flavours Fine Foods, what is meant by:

(i) responsibility; (4 marks)

(b) (i) RESPONSIBILITY is the liability of a person to be called to account for their actions and results, and is therefore an obligation to take some action to discharge that responsibility. Unlike authority, responsibility cannot be delegated. There is however some discussion on the extent to which this statement is true: the idea that responsibility cannot be delegated is too simplistic. Any task contains an element of responsibility. It is the idea of accountability and the direction of responsibility that is the relevant concept and is the problem at Flavours Fine Foods; ultimate responsibility resides with the owners. It is self evident that it is impossible to exercise authority without responsibility because this could lead to problems of control and therefore undesirable outcomes for the organisation. However, the superior (the owner) is always ultimately responsible for the actions of his or her subordinates. The key element here is the recognition of discretion by virtue of the person’s position. This underlines the doctrine of absolute responsibility; the superior is always ultimately accountable.


3 The ‘person specification’ is derived from the job description.


(a) Explain what is meant by the terms:

(i) ‘person specification’; (4 marks)

3 Overview:
A traditional job description can only list or outline the tangible elements of a job. As work becomes more challenging, more
information is required about the skills needed to perform. that job. A person specification is of greater value in the professional
sector, where it is inappropriate to assume repetition and where there is a greater degree of discretion in performing the task.
Part (a):
(i) A person specification - also referred to as a personnel specification – provides the organisation with a profile of the kind of
person that would match the needs of the post. It sets out in written detail the education, qualifications, training, experience,
personal attributes and competencies a post holder must possess to perform. the task to the satisfaction of the organisation.
It describes the person needed to fulfil the task.


6 The accountant communicates information to others in reports and statements. Understanding the nature and

importance of communication is therefore an important part of the accountant’s role.


(a) Explain the importance of good communication. (5 marks)

6 Overview:
The need for clear and concise communication and the consequences of poor communication must be understood by a profession
which exists to provide information to others. Poor communication leads to ineffective control, poor co-ordination and management
Part (a):
Good communication ensures that individuals know what is expected of them. Co-ordination takes place within the organisation
and there is control of the organisation’s plans, procedures and staff. Instructions of management need to be clearly understood in
assisting group and team cohesiveness and reducing stress from misunderstood instructions. Bias, distortion and omission is
removed with clear communication, as is secrecy, innuendo and rumour. Good communication ensures that the right information
is received by the correct person and thus acted upon, reducing conflict within and between different parts of the organisation.


141 Which of the following statements is in agreement with McGregor's concepts concerning Theory X and Theory Y managers?

A. Theory X managers view subordinates as being lazy, irresponsible, and resistant to change

B. Theory Y managers view subordinates as being imaginative, creative, and willing to accept responsibility

C. Theory X managers tend to be autocratic whereas Theory Y managers are more likely to delegate responsibility

D. A and B.

E. All of the above



(c) To correct the problems at Flavours Fine Foods, explain to Alan Jones:

(i) the need for delegation; (3 marks)

(c) (i) Without delegation, formal organisations could not exist. Without allocation of authority, responsibility and delegation, a formal organisation cannot be effective. They are critical aspects. Managers must delegate because of the size and complexity of the organisation (certainly an issue for Flavours Fine Foods). Delegation can help overcome the physical and mental limitations of staff, managers and supervisors and it allows management to attend to other matters since routine tasks and decision making can be passed down. However, superiors must call subordinates to account and coordinate their activities.


(b) Explain Mintzberg’s five organisational components. (10 marks)

(b) The strategic apex is the highest level of the organisation and is therefore the highest level of management. This part ensures that the organisation’s mission is followed and manages the relationship with the environment.
The operating core is the part that represents the productive activity of the organisation, gathering inputs and, through conversion, turns them into outputs.
The middle line represents that part of the organisation where the middle managers operate. The role of this part is to turn the instructions of the strategic apex into activities for the operating core.
The technostructure includes the staff who provide a technical or supportive activity but which are not a part of the core activities. This part of the organisation includes the engineering, accounting and human resource departments.
The support staff carry out the ancillary activities that are neither part of the core nor the technostructure. Support staff have no role in the direct activities of the organisation: these activities include catering and public relations.(Students may draw the appropriate diagram)