
Wuhan Railroad Bridge Vocational School offers a one-year training course for college students for the 4s places, there are often more than 100 (26) __________( 申请人)." College graduates who have (27) __________ experience and unique qualities such as crea

Wuhan Railroad Bridge Vocational School offers a one-year training course for college students for the 4s places, there are often more than 100 (26) __________( 申请人)." College graduates who have (27) __________ experience and unique qualities such as creativity and leadership are always popular among employees," said Zhang Zhiguo, director of the school's admission and employment offices. Studying at a vocational school also (28) __________college graduates a second chance to plan their career path.
After graduating (29)__________ Shangdong Normal University, Guan Fang, 25, worked as a sports teacher at a vocational school. Seeing many of his students expecting a more promising career than him, Guan thought of (30) __________ _(改变). He quits his job and rolled in Qingdao vocational school to study electric automatization. The training was (31)__________ than he expected. For a year, he worked in factories, participating in real protests. But it (32) __________ off. After graduating, he landed a job at CSR Sifang Co. Ltd. as a technician and his salary quadrupled.
"Promising as it is, it's not a path that many people, (33) __________ the students families can understand," said Guan.
Guan's parents didn't support his (34) __________ of quiting his job and studying at a vocational school. But Guan went ahead with (35) anyway.
“It’s not a shame for a collage graduate to be a skilled worker. Who says we have to work as a white collar ” said Guan.

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The college will provide ________ for students who have problems with alcohol or drugs.

A contradiction

B counseling

C contact

D conception



In the college-admissions wars, we parents are the true fighters. We're pushing our kids to get good grades, take SAT preparatory courses and build resumes so they can get into the college of our first choice. I've twice been to the wars, and as I survey the battlefield, something different is happening. We see our kids' college background as a prize demonstrating how well we've raised them. But we can't acknowledge that our obsession is more about us than them. So we've contrivedvarious justifications that turn out to be half-truths, prejudices or myths. It actually doesn't matter much whether Aaron and Nicole go to Stanford.
We have a full-blown prestige panic; we worry that there won't be enough prizes to go around. Fearful parents urge their children to apply to more schools than ever. Underlying the hysteria is the belief that scarce elite degrees must be highly valuable. Their graduates must enjoy more success because they get a better education and develop better contacts. All that is plausible--and mostly wrong. We haven't found any convincing evidence that selectivity or prestige matters. Selective schools don't systematically employ better instructional approaches than less selective schools. On two measures--professor's feedback and the number of essay exams--selective schools do slightly worse.
By some studies, selective schools do enhance their graduates' lifetime earnings. The gain is reckoned at 2-4% for every 100-point increase in a school's average SAT scores. But even this advantage is probably a statistical fluke. A well-known study examined students who got into highly selective schools and then went elsewhere. They earned just as such as graduates from higher-status schools.
Kids count more than their colleges. Getting into Yale may signify intelligence, talent and ambition. But it's not the only indicator and, paradoxically, its significance is declining. The reason:
so many similar people go elsewhere. Getting into college isn't life's only competition. In the next competition--the job market and graduate school--the results may change. Old-boy networks are breaking down. Princeton economist Alan Krueger studied admissions to one top Ph.D. program. High scores on the GRE helped explain who got in; degrees of prestigious universities didn' t.
So, parents, lighten up. The stakes have been vastly exaggerated. Up to a point, we can rationalize our pushiness. America is a competitive society; our kids need to adjust to that. But too much pushiness can be destructive. The very ambition we impose on our children may get some into Harvard but may also set them up for disappointment. One study found that, other things being equal, graduates of highly selective schools experienced more job dissatisfaction. They may have been so conditioned to being on top that anything less disappoints.
Why do parents urge their children to apply to more schools than ever?

A.They want to increase their children's chances of entering a prestigious college.
B.They hope their children can enter a university that offers attractive scholarships.
C.Their children will have a wider choice of which college to go to.
D.Elite universities now enroll fewer students than they used to.

根据题干关键词定位到第二段。第一句中的“there won’t be enough prizes to go around”承接第一段,prizes指的是孩子的大学教育,父母担心孩子无法接受较好的高等教育,所以鼓励他们的孩子多申请学校,这样可以增加考进名牌大学的机会。故选A。


How much will international students have misconceptions about the U.S.? In an effort to quash some myths, here are the four most common stereotypes regarding college education in the United States.

Myth 1: American students are not as academically driven in comparison to other nations.

There are more than 3,000 universities in the United States. Some are highly selective, some not at all. The less selective colleges may consist of students who have little concern for their academic well-being, but in the more selective colleges you will find very committed students who will spend countless hours at night on their homework. This is a phrase in the United States called an―all nighter which is used when a student stays up all night to perfect an assignment. In truth, it is an issue of pride.

Myth 2: American students party all night and day.

While American students do enjoy the freedom to explore a full lifestyle, they are also expected to keep up with very high standards of social behavior. and academic excellence. International students often join clubs or organizations where they can become involved in exciting programs both on and off campus.

Myth 3: American students are all rich and can afford a college education.

Although a certain percentage of American college students do come from wealthy families and have large expendable incomes, most American college students come from moderate-income families. Most American students enter college knowing they must apply for loans, work part-time, and earn scholarships in order to meet their financial obligations.

Myth 4: Most Americans (and college students) live in large cities which are crime-ridden with drugs and drive-by shootings.

Of all industrialized nations, the United States has one of the lowest crimerates. College campuses are no exception. Safety is of primary importance to all students, parents, and staff at universities.

Universities centered in major cities have endless services to ensure the safety of all students, from campus transportation services to on-campus police officers. Most of universities located outside of the city are very safe, and various precautions are made based on their demographic situation.

(1) According to the passage, the word-myth means ().





(2) In selective colleges, you will find students ().

A、are not as academically driven in comparison to other nations

B、have little concern for their academic well-being

C、spend countless hours on their homework

D、party all night and day

(3) Which of the following is NOT the way most American students pay for their college education?

A、Work part-time

B、Apply for loans

C、Earn scholarships

D、Borrow money from their parents

(4) College campuses in the United States ().

A、are very safe

B、are crime-ridden

C、have high crime rates

D、are too safe to make precautions

(5) According to the passage, what can we learn about American college students?

A、Students are tired of staying up all night to perfect an assignment.

B、Some students have little concern for their academic well-being.

C、They come from wealthy families and can afford a college education.

D、International students will not join clubs or organizations.



Some college students drink too much alcohol at school.Many of them live on the campus.Heavy drinking has caused many problems.It can cause students to make bad choices and do dangerous things.
One college has decided to ban alcohol.It has gotten a reputation as a party school.Five students at the college have died from drinking too much alcohol.Recently,one student drank too much vodka.He slipped into a coma.The college hopes the new rule will prevent any more tragedies.
The new rule prohibits students from drinking alcohol in the dorms.The first time a student breaks the rule they will receive a warning.If they break the rule again,they will be evicted from the dorm.However,they will still have to pay for the dorm.Some students do not live on the campus.They live in houses near the campus.Those students are also banned from drinking alcohol,even if they are of legal age.
Freshmen at the college are now required to take a special course.The course is called AlcoholEdu,and lasts for two and a half hours.The students learn about the dangers of alcohol.They also take a survey to find out how much they know about alcohol.All first-year students must pass the course.
The college hopes that more information will help students make better choices.

How do officials know that alcohol is a problem at the school?

A.Students are getting bad grade
B.There are too many bars on the campu
C.Only a few students drin
D.Several students have died and one is in a com



Some college students drink too much alcohol at school.Many of them live on the campus.Heavy drinking has caused many problems.It can cause students to make bad choices and do dangerous things.
One college has decided to ban alcohol.It has gotten a reputation as a party school.Five students at the college have died from drinking too much alcohol.Recently,one student drank too much vodka.He slipped into a coma.The college hopes the new rule will prevent any more tragedies.
The new rule prohibits students from drinking alcohol in the dorms.The first time a student breaks the rule they will receive a warning.If they break the rule again,they will be evicted from the dorm.However,they will still have to pay for the dorm.Some students do not live on the campus.They live in houses near the campus.Those students are also banned from drinking alcohol,even if they are of legal age.
Freshmen at the college are now required to take a special course.The course is called AlcoholEdu,and lasts for two and a half hours.The students learn about the dangers of alcohol.They also take a survey to find out how much they know about alcohol.All first-year students must pass the course.
The college hopes that more information will help students make better choices.

__at the college are required to take the alcohol information course.




Five hundred college students are interviewed to get accurate data for the ( ) about what are the hottest jobs to college graduates.







Some college students drink too much alcohol at school.Many of them live on the campus.Heavy drinking has caused many problems.It can cause students to make bad choices and do dangerous things.
One college has decided to ban alcohol.It has gotten a reputation as a party school.Five students at the college have died from drinking too much alcohol.Recently,one student drank too much vodka.He slipped into a coma.The college hopes the new rule will prevent any more tragedies.
The new rule prohibits students from drinking alcohol in the dorms.The first time a student breaks the rule they will receive a warning.If they break the rule again,they will be evicted from the dorm.However,they will still have to pay for the dorm.Some students do not live on the campus.They live in houses near the campus.Those students are also banned from drinking alcohol,even if they are of legal age.
Freshmen at the college are now required to take a special course.The course is called AlcoholEdu,and lasts for two and a half hours.The students learn about the dangers of alcohol.They also take a survey to find out how much they know about alcohol.All first-year students must pass the course.
The college hopes that more information will help students make better choices.

What has the college become known for?

A.It's known for its lack of heavy drinking by student
B.It's known for heavy alcohol used by student
C.It's known for its great teacher
D.It's known for its great classe



A college-level course of study intended to provide students with general academic knowledge () occupational training.


B.rather than

C.in total




Some college students drink too much alcohol at school.Many of them live on the campus.Heavy drinking has caused many problems.It can cause students to make bad choices and do dangerous things.
One college has decided to ban alcohol.It has gotten a reputation as a party school.Five students at the college have died from drinking too much alcohol.Recently,one student drank too much vodka.He slipped into a coma.The college hopes the new rule will prevent any more tragedies.
The new rule prohibits students from drinking alcohol in the dorms.The first time a student breaks the rule they will receive a warning.If they break the rule again,they will be evicted from the dorm.However,they will still have to pay for the dorm.Some students do not live on the campus.They live in houses near the campus.Those students are also banned from drinking alcohol,even if they are of legal age.
Freshmen at the college are now required to take a special course.The course is called AlcoholEdu,and lasts for two and a half hours.The students learn about the dangers of alcohol.They also take a survey to find out how much they know about alcohol.All first-year students must pass the course.
The college hopes that more information will help students make better choices.

Why does the college want all freshmen to take the alcohol course?

A.Only freshmen drink alcoho
B.The other students already know about alcohol danger
C.They want to reach students as soon as they enter colleg
D.Freshmen do not know muc



Some college students drink too much alcohol at school.Many of them live on the campus.Heavy drinking has caused many problems.It can cause students to make bad choices and do dangerous things.
One college has decided to ban alcohol.It has gotten a reputation as a party school.Five students at the college have died from drinking too much alcohol.Recently,one student drank too much vodka.He slipped into a coma.The college hopes the new rule will prevent any more tragedies.
The new rule prohibits students from drinking alcohol in the dorms.The first time a student breaks the rule they will receive a warning.If they break the rule again,they will be evicted from the dorm.However,they will still have to pay for the dorm.Some students do not live on the campus.They live in houses near the campus.Those students are also banned from drinking alcohol,even if they are of legal age.
Freshmen at the college are now required to take a special course.The course is called AlcoholEdu,and lasts for two and a half hours.The students learn about the dangers of alcohol.They also take a survey to find out how much they know about alcohol.All first-year students must pass the course.
The college hopes that more information will help students make better choices.

What type of tourist is described at the beginning of the reading?

A.A first time touris
B.An old touris
C.A tourist who has travelled a lo
D.Young tourist

本文是一个野营地为招揽生意而做的广告。由第一段可知,seasoned tourists指那些经常旅游的人们。
