
The conference wash hailed as a great success.A:published B:challenged C:acclaimed D:guided

The conference wash hailed as a great success.

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When you phoned, she was busy( )(the dishes).

A. wash up

B. wash away

C. washing up

D. washing away



他希望我们成功。 He hoped us success.()



He was a ______ person in spite of his great success.

A. intellectual

B. unfit

C. modest

D. surgical



At the conference they brought up many problems, such as soaring housing prices and the homeless, which aroused great attention from the delegates present.()



Where shall we have the meeting?()

A. The first conference room is spacious

B. The first conference room isn't good

C. In the first conference room



Your firm is planning to export carpets to Great Britain. At a recent conference you met William Linton, who is a market analyst working for a British company, British Agents Consultants.

Write a letter to Mr. Linton in 160—200 words, explaining what your firm is planning to do and giving details of what you would like his company to do for you.

You should write 160—200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

正确答案:Dear Mr. Linton I am writing to you because I believe your company is in a position to help us plan the export of our carpets to Great Britain. Our company has been making carpets for almost 20 years and we have exported a variety of our top quality products to more than 100 countries in Asia Africa and America. Now we are planning to introduce our carpets into British market. We are enclosing the latest catalogue of our products. As we know little about the supply and demand of carpets in UK I would like your company to conduct a market research on the models of carpets available in UK market the price range all over the country and the competition etc. and finally present us a report based on the research. If you are interested in this project please confirm us as soon as possible and let us know the cost and expenses necessary for this consultancy service. We hope to hear from you soon. Yours sincerely Cathy
Dear Mr. Linton, I am writing to you because I believe your company is in a position to help us plan the export of our carpets to Great Britain. Our company has been making carpets for almost 20 years, and we have exported a variety of our top quality products to more than 100 countries in Asia, Africa and America. Now we are planning to introduce our carpets into British market. We are enclosing the latest catalogue of our products. As we know little about the supply and demand of carpets in UK, I would like your company to conduct a market research on the models of carpets available in UK market, the price range all over the country, and the competition, etc. , and finally present us a report based on the research. If you are interested in this project, please confirm us as soon as possible and let us know the cost and expenses necessary for this consultancy service. We hope to hear from you soon. Yours sincerely, Cathy


- Where shall we have the meeting -()

A、In the first conference room.

B、The first conference room is spacious.

C、The first conference room isn’t good.



The dead body of a huge fish has been( )on the shore.

A. washed up

B. washed away

C. wash up

D. wash away



Dear Mr. Robert,

It was 1) _______ to learn of you setting up your own advertising 2) _______. Please accept my heartfelt congratulations.

With your brilliant 3) _______ and long record of fine achievements, I’m sure the new agency will be a great success. I sincerely hope you will find the happiness and 4) _______ in this new venture.

Should there be any way in which we can be of 5) _______, please do not hesitate to contact me personally.

Yours sincerely,

John Will



What happened to George and Richard in the end?

A. Both George and Richard became millionaires.

B. Both of them realized their original ambitions.

C. George established a successful business while Richard was missing.

D. Richard became a millionaire while George had no great success.
