
Directions:You are the president of a student union.Write a memo to Julia Alexander,the vice-president on a volunteer activity to tell her detailed information,and ask her to write a training plan.You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET Do no

Directions:You are the president of a student union.Write a memo to Julia Alexander,the vice-president on a volunteer activity to tell her detailed information,and ask her to write a training plan.You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET Do not use your own name.Use"Li Ming"instead.Do not write your address.

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(英语作文)You are required to write a letter to your teacher to tell her your English study plan with no less than 80 words.

Dear Mr…
Thank you for sparing your precious time to read my letter, which I've been planning to write for a long time.The importance of English is well recognized by us and I'd like to talk about my study plan as follows. Reading is the foundation of English learning; I plan to read more in future. …Writing is the way to candidate what I've leant, my plan for writing is ….We all know the importance of oral ability, ….Your suggestions are sincerely appreciated.
Your student XXX


Why did Ms. Dorn write the letter?

A.To describe her experiences to her family
B.To express her satisfaction with the company
C.To request a specific guide for a future tour
D.To ask a question about the history of Egypt



What shall we do if we suspect the identity of a journalist?

A.Ask him/ her to hold on and call to the reception desk to check the identity.

B.Ask him/ her to wait a minute and check his/ her passport and visa

C.Ask him/ her to wait a minute and consult “Who is who”.

D.Ask him/ her to wait a minute and call to the information center to check the identity.



After ten years of being a housewife and a mother,Carol could not stand it any longer.Then,one?morning,just after her two daughters had gone to school,she saw an advertisement(广告)in the pa-per.She phoned,and was asked to come to an interview(面谈)that very afternoon.
Mr.Hollins,who interviewed her,was a young man about 24 in a blue suit.There was a hard?look in his eye and he talked very fast.He told her she would be required to stop men between the?ages of 21 and 50 and ask them several questions designed to determine what men think of deodor-ants(除臭剂).The information was to be recorded and she would be paid according to the number?of complete interviews she had.
When Carol asked which factory the research was for,she was told that was not important.Last?of all,before she began she would have to attend a one-day training.Carol accepted.After the train-ing,which was only about how to write down the answers correctly in a form and how to put the ques-tions,Carol found herself in the center of town at 9:30 in the morning.She soon found out that get-ting the information was really not all that easy.
First,she stopped a man who refused to answer any questions because he had no time.Next,a?man told her it was none of her business whether he used deodorants or not.Then she interviewed a?man who was hard of hearing and,instead of answering her questions,began asking her all sorts of?his own.Finally,Carol found a young man with a pleasant smile on his face.He was coming towards?her slowly and seemed ready to talk.He looked surprised when she put her first question."I′m doing?a research,too.It′s about soap powders,"he said.

Before Carol started to work,she learned how to__________.

A.fill her personal information in a form
B.receive training that might help her do her job
C.put the information collected in the form provided
D.ask interesting questions in the training course



Directions:Suppose you are going to invite a guest to visit your company and discuss business with him/her.Write an email to him/her to 1)inform him/her the purpose ofinvitation,and 2)tell him/her more details about the trip.You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not use your own name.Use"Li Ming"instead.Do not write your address.

Dear Mr.Zhang,
We would like to invite you to visit our factory from November 15 to November 20 and give you an overview of our facilities and production methods.This would also be an opportunity for you to visit our Head Office in Los Angeles to meet our design team and Marketing and Sales Directors to discuss areas ofcommon interest.All the expenses will be assumed by us,for you are our guest.We can also put a company car and a driver at your disposal during your stay here.I do hope your schedule will allow you to accept our invitation.I look forward to meeting you here.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming


In the girl’s long painstaking training process, _____.

A. her adviser forms a primary challenging force to her success

B. her writing turns into an automatic pattern of performance

C. she acquires the magic of some great achievements

D. she comes to realize she is “hard-wired” to write



Scientists who study the brain have found out a great deal about how we learn.They have_____21_____that babies learn much more from the sights and sounds around them than we_____22_____before.You can?help your baby by taking advantage of her hunger to learn.
From the_____23_____beginning,babies try to imitate the____24______they hear us make.They""read"the_____25_____on our faces and our movements.That is_____26_____it is so important to talk,sing and smile to?your child.Hearing you talk is your baby′s first_____27_____toward becoming a reader,because it_____28_____her?to love language and to learn words.
As your child grows older,_____29_____talking with her.Ask her about the things she does.Ask her?about the events and people in the story you_____30_____together.Let her know you are carefully_____31_____what she says.By keeping her in_____32_____and listening,you are_____33_____encouraging your child to think as?she speaks._____34_____,you are showing that you respect her knowledge and her ability to____35______learning.



【考情点拨】理解推断题。【应试指导】根据上下文,可以判断此处应选read。…the story you read together意为“你们一起读的故事中的(事情和人物)”。故选B。


What did John ask Linda to do for him ()

A.He asked her to meet the guests.

B.He asked her to make a detailed schedule for him.

C.He asked her to make a cup of tea for him.



Her voice is distinct and unique.You can tell her voice immediately.


本句意思:她的声音清晰且独特,你能够马上辨认出来。unique意为“独一无二的,独 特的”,与special(特殊的)意思相近。common平常的,普通的;species种类;specific具体的。


Write a memo in about 50 words. You are Human Resources Manager. Your company is going to provide the staff with training in E-Commerce. There will be two course levels: intermediate level and advanced level. The training course will be given on Saturdays for five weeks. Write a memo to department managers: ·Informing them of the coming training course; ·Asking them to encourage the staff to participate; ·Asking them to help obtain the names of the interested staff.
To: Department Managers
From: (your name)
Subject: E-Commerce Training Course
Date: April 18, 2013
From March 20 an E-Commerce course will be held on Saturdays for five weeks. There will be 2 groups: intermediate level and advanced level. Please encourage your staff to attend the training course and send me the names of all interested staff by next Friday. These staff will take a test the week before the training course starts.
