
Text4 Most forecasts suggest that Britain will be a poorer country afier Brexit,largely because trading with the European Union will become more difficult.Such predictions about the distant future are,by their nature,open to doubt,which is partly why Brex

Text4 Most forecasts suggest that Britain will be a poorer country afier Brexit,largely because trading with the European Union will become more difficult.Such predictions about the distant future are,by their nature,open to doubt,which is partly why Brexit's proponents feel free to dismiss them.But the same does not apply to a new paper by Meredith Crowley,Oliver Exton and Lu Han from Cambridge University,which suggests that,months before Brexit has even happened,trade is already suffering,as firms respond to the prospect of higher tariffs.More than 100,000 British businesses export goods to the EU each year.At present they enjoy tariff-free trade with the country's biggest export market.But all face uncertainty as Britain negotiates a new trading relationship with Brussels.Some fear disaster if the talks break down.British carmakers could face a l0%tanff to export to the EU market.Dairies might have to pay tariffs of more than 30%.These extra costs could make exporting uneconomic.The Cambridge paper looks at the exporting decisions of British firms,across 8,000 types of product,in response to the tariffs that Britain would face in the event of reaching no trade deal with the EU.Where necessary,they adjust their calculations to take account of exchange-rate fluctvations.Since the referendum many companies appear to have reduced their exports to the EU.The research suggests that the bigger the potential tariff facing a product,the more nervous:firms are about exporting it.Why risk producing for a market that could soon become unwelcoming?Overall,the number of companies that began exporting new products to the EU in 2016 would have been 5%higher if there had been a Remain vote,the paper finds.It is hard to know what those firms that decided against producing for the EU did instead.The research finds little evidence,however,that they have lived up to the hopes of Brexiteers and boosted their exports to fast-growing non-EU markets.Some may have tried to sell more within Britain.Businesses may have only temporarily scaled down their production of exports for the EU.Normal service could resume ifBritain negotiates a good trade deal.But some damage is already done.The paper's results imply that in 2016 Britain lost some~lbn($1.3bn)of exports to the EU because of the mere threat of higher tariffs.The long-term impact will be greater.Some of the firms dissuaded from exporting would have turned into big beasts.The referendum was only halfway through 2016,and the paper does not analyse data after that year.Meanwhile,Brexit uncertainty continues to rise.
What's the main idea of the text?

A.Brexit uncertainry has already damaged Britain's exporters.
B.Measures to deal with the impact led by Brexit uncertainty.
C.British business export to EU has dramatically decreased.
D.Uncertaintv means more export tariffs to a large extent.
如果没有搜索结果,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


Text4 Most forecasts suggest that Britain will be a poorer country afier Brexit,largely because trading with the European Union will become more difficult.Such predictions about the distant future are,by their nature,open to doubt,which is partly why Brexit's proponents feel free to dismiss them.But the same does not apply to a new paper by Meredith Crowley,Oliver Exton and Lu Han from Cambridge University,which suggests that,months before Brexit has even happened,trade is already suffering,as firms respond to the prospect of higher tariffs.More than 100,000 British businesses export goods to the EU each year.At present they enjoy tariff-free trade with the country's biggest export market.But all face uncertainty as Britain negotiates a new trading relationship with Brussels.Some fear disaster if the talks break down.British carmakers could face a l0%tanff to export to the EU market.Dairies might have to pay tariffs of more than 30%.These extra costs could make exporting uneconomic.The Cambridge paper looks at the exporting decisions of British firms,across 8,000 types of product,in response to the tariffs that Britain would face in the event of reaching no trade deal with the EU.Where necessary,they adjust their calculations to take account of exchange-rate fluctvations.Since the referendum many companies appear to have reduced their exports to the EU.The research suggests that the bigger the potential tariff facing a product,the more nervous:firms are about exporting it.Why risk producing for a market that could soon become unwelcoming?Overall,the number of companies that began exporting new products to the EU in 2016 would have been 5%higher if there had been a Remain vote,the paper finds.It is hard to know what those firms that decided against producing for the EU did instead.The research finds little evidence,however,that they have lived up to the hopes of Brexiteers and boosted their exports to fast-growing non-EU markets.Some may have tried to sell more within Britain.Businesses may have only temporarily scaled down their production of exports for the EU.Normal service could resume ifBritain negotiates a good trade deal.But some damage is already done.The paper's results imply that in 2016 Britain lost some~lbn($1.3bn)of exports to the EU because of the mere threat of higher tariffs.The long-term impact will be greater.Some of the firms dissuaded from exporting would have turned into big beasts.The referendum was only halfway through 2016,and the paper does not analyse data after that year.Meanwhile,Brexit uncertainty continues to rise.
According to the first paragraph,supporters of Brexit______

A.are on the wrong side
B.don't care these foretells
C.are oppose to the predictions
D.don't doubt the future of Britain

事实细节题。根据定位词定位到文章第一段。原文指出,这种关于遥远未来的预测,就其本质而言,是没有可信度的,这在一定程度上解释了为什么英国脱欧的支持者觉得这种说法可以不予理会,其中,proponents与supporters为同义替换.dismiss与don't care为同义替换,故B项为正确选项。【干扰排除】A项无中生有;原文说的是没有可信度,并非反对.C项错误;D项原文未提及。故均排除。


Text 4 Will the European Union make it?The question would have sounded strange not long ago.Now even the project's greatest cheerleaders talk of a continent facing a“Bermuda triangle”of debt,population decline and lower growth.As well as those chronic problems,the EU faces an acute crisis in its economic core,the 16 countries that use the single currency.Markets have lost faith that the euro zone's economies,weaker or stronger,will one day converge thanks to the discipline of sharing a single currency,which denies uncompetitive members the quick fix of devaluation.Yet the debate about how to save Europe's single currency from disintegration is stuck.It is stuck because the euro zone's dominant powers,France and Germany,agree on the need for greater harmonization within the euro zone,but disagree about what to harmonies.Germany thinks the euro must be saved by stricter rules on borrow,spending and competitiveness,backed by quasiautomatic sanctions for governments that do not obey.These might include threats to freeze EU funds for poorer regions and EU megaprojects and even the suspension of a country's voting rights in EU ministerial councils.It insists that economic coordination should involve all 27 members of the EU club,among whom there is a small majority for freemarket liberalism and economic rigour;in the inner core alone,Germany fears,a small majority favour French interference.A“southern”camp headed by French wants something different:“European economic government”within an inner core of eurozone members.Translated,that means politicians intervening in monetary policy and a system of redistribution from richer to poorer members,via cheaper borrowing for governments through common Eurobonds or complete fiscal transfers.Finally,figures close to the France government have murmured,eurozone members should agree to some fiscal and social harmonization:e.g.,curbing competition in corporatetax rates or labour costs.It is too soon to write off the EU.It remains the world's largest trading block.At its best,the European project is remarkably liberal:built around a single market of 27 rich and poor countries,its internal borders are far more open to goods,capital and labour than any comparable trading area.It is an ambitious attempt to blunt the sharpest edges of globalization,and make capitalism benign.
The French proposal of handling the crisis implies that______

A.poor countries are more likely to get funds
B.strict monetary policy will be applied to poor countries
C.loans will be readily available to rich countries
D.rich countries will basically control Eurobonds

推理题【命题思路】这是一道封闭式推理题,需要锁定文章倒数第二段的信息,从而推理判断得出答案。【直击答案】根据题干信息定位到文章倒数第二段首句“A‘southern'camp headed by French wants…”再根据“implies that”定位到倒数第二段“Translated,…poorer members…”句首的“Translated”是评注性状语,相当于“in other words”。介词短语“from richer to poorer members”作后置定语修饰限定“redistribution”。由此句可知从富国到穷国再分配,即穷国更易得到资金,故A项正确。同时可以判断C项与原文信息不符,故排除。【干扰排除】由原文的分析可知对货币政策进行人为干预,以及对富国到穷国的再分配体制,这些政策都是对穷国有利的,而应该对富国更加严厉,故B项与原文信息相反,不选。第五段第二句“…redistribution…fiscal transfers.”显然对富国不利,故D项错误。


When people become less confident about the future, they will cut back on their outlays and save money.()



资料:Seeking to end a stalemate in negotiations over her country’s withdrawal from the European Union, Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain offered Friday substantial payments to the bloc during a two-year transition period immediately after the country’s exit.
  Mrs. May’s long-awaited intervention, during a speech in Florence, Italy, was being watched closely in capitals on the Continent and in London, where members of her cabinet have been fiercely divided over Britain’s tortuous divorce from the bloc. The speech aimed to open the way to serious negotiations on what is commonly known as Brexit, and to a broader and more productive discussion about Britain’s relationship with the bloc.
  However, while offering some concessions designed to do that, Mrs. May did not give any fresh insight into the type of ties she ultimately wants Britain to have to the bloc-a question that divides her cabinet and her Conservative, or Tory, Party.
  The European Union’s chief negotiators, Michel Barnier, issued a cautious response, saying in a statement that, “We look forward to the United Kingdom’s negotiators explaining the concrete implications of Prime Minister Theresa May’s speech. Our ambition is to find a rapid agreement on the conditions of the United Kingdom’s orderly withdrawal, as well as on a possible transition period.”
  Although Britain is scheduled to exit the European Union in 2019, there has been little progress in talks since March, when London formally announced its intention to leave. Brussels is insisting that Britain agree to the terms of the divorce before discussing future trade ties, while the British would like to do both simultaneously.
  In light of the continuing standoff, many business worry about a “cliff edge” scenario, in which Britain would crash out without a deal, so Mrs. May is under pressure to find a way out of the impasses. Speaking in Florence on Friday, Mrs. May did not say precisely how much money Britain would continue to contribute to the European Union. But she made a significant promise that the British-who are big net contributors to the bloc-would not leave a hole in the union’s budget in 2019 and 2020.
  “I do not want our partners to fear that they will need to pay more or receive less over the remainder of the current budget plan as a result of our decision to leave.” Mrs. May said. That would probably mean payments of around 20 billion euros, or about $24 billion, after Britain’s departure. It would also effectively maintain the state quo for the duration of a two-year transition period, meaning that Britain would allow the free movement of European workers and accept rulings from the European Court of Justice. This alone is unlikely to be enough to satisfy the 27 other member nations, but Mrs. May hinted that she would be willing to go further and “honor commitments we have made during the period of our membership.”
  In addition, Mrs. May proposed a security partnership with the European Union, stressing Britain’s importance as a defense power, and also offered new legal safeguards to guarantee the rights of European Union citizens in Britain after Brexit.
  Over all, Mrs. May sought to stress the common interest London shares with continental European capitals in reaching an agreement and avoiding disruption to trade, wrapping her odder in dialogue that was more positive, and less antagonistic, than that of some previous interventions.
  European Union negotiators have refused to talk about post-Brexit ties until they judge that there is “sufficient progress” on the issues they consider a priority. the states of European Union citizens in Britain after it leaves, the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland(which is a part of the United Kingdom)and Britain’s financial commitments to the bloc.
  There is little sign yet that the other 27 nations are prepared to grant Britain a bespoke agreement, and officials have warned London on numerous occasions that there would be no “cherry picking” of the parts of European Union membership it likes.
According to the passage, which of the

A.Britain has agreed to discuss the conditions of the exit before discussing the future trade ties.
B.Theresa May has mapped out the blue print of the relations between Britain and EU.
C.EU might not be satisfied with May’s Speech.
D.Britain is fully prepared to withdraw from EU in an orderly way.

【关键词】the following statement; true
第五段第二句Brussels is insisting that Britain agree to the terms of the divorce before discussing future trade ties, while the British would like to do both simultaneously. 布鲁塞尔坚持英国在讨论未来贸易关系之前同意‘离婚’条款,而英国方希望同时进行。
第三段However, while offering some concessions designed to do that, Mrs. May did not give any fresh insight into the type of ties she ultimately wants Britain to have to the bloc…然而,尽管为了脱欧提供了一些让步,但梅夫人并没有最新透露她最终希望英国和欧盟是何种关系类型。
倒数第二段European Union negotiators have refused to talk about post-Brexit ties until they judge that there is “sufficient progress” on the issues they consider a priority. 欧盟谈判代表拒绝谈论英国脱欧后关系,直到他们认为优先考虑的问题有“充分进展”。


Text4 Most forecasts suggest that Britain will be a poorer country afier Brexit,largely because trading with the European Union will become more difficult.Such predictions about the distant future are,by their nature,open to doubt,which is partly why Brexit's proponents feel free to dismiss them.But the same does not apply to a new paper by Meredith Crowley,Oliver Exton and Lu Han from Cambridge University,which suggests that,months before Brexit has even happened,trade is already suffering,as firms respond to the prospect of higher tariffs.More than 100,000 British businesses export goods to the EU each year.At present they enjoy tariff-free trade with the country's biggest export market.But all face uncertainty as Britain negotiates a new trading relationship with Brussels.Some fear disaster if the talks break down.British carmakers could face a l0%tanff to export to the EU market.Dairies might have to pay tariffs of more than 30%.These extra costs could make exporting uneconomic.The Cambridge paper looks at the exporting decisions of British firms,across 8,000 types of product,in response to the tariffs that Britain would face in the event of reaching no trade deal with the EU.Where necessary,they adjust their calculations to take account of exchange-rate fluctvations.Since the referendum many companies appear to have reduced their exports to the EU.The research suggests that the bigger the potential tariff facing a product,the more nervous:firms are about exporting it.Why risk producing for a market that could soon become unwelcoming?Overall,the number of companies that began exporting new products to the EU in 2016 would have been 5%higher if there had been a Remain vote,the paper finds.It is hard to know what those firms that decided against producing for the EU did instead.The research finds little evidence,however,that they have lived up to the hopes of Brexiteers and boosted their exports to fast-growing non-EU markets.Some may have tried to sell more within Britain.Businesses may have only temporarily scaled down their production of exports for the EU.Normal service could resume ifBritain negotiates a good trade deal.But some damage is already done.The paper's results imply that in 2016 Britain lost some~lbn($1.3bn)of exports to the EU because of the mere threat of higher tariffs.The long-term impact will be greater.Some of the firms dissuaded from exporting would have turned into big beasts.The referendum was only halfway through 2016,and the paper does not analyse data after that year.Meanwhile,Brexit uncertainty continues to rise.
If new trading relationship failed,Britain would_____

A.seek other trade opportunities
B.lose lots of export markets
C.reduce their external trade
D.face more export tariffs



Text 4 Will the European Union make it?The question would have sounded strange not long ago.Now even the project's greatest cheerleaders talk of a continent facing a“Bermuda triangle”of debt,population decline and lower growth.As well as those chronic problems,the EU faces an acute crisis in its economic core,the 16 countries that use the single currency.Markets have lost faith that the euro zone's economies,weaker or stronger,will one day converge thanks to the discipline of sharing a single currency,which denies uncompetitive members the quick fix of devaluation.Yet the debate about how to save Europe's single currency from disintegration is stuck.It is stuck because the euro zone's dominant powers,France and Germany,agree on the need for greater harmonization within the euro zone,but disagree about what to harmonies.Germany thinks the euro must be saved by stricter rules on borrow,spending and competitiveness,backed by quasiautomatic sanctions for governments that do not obey.These might include threats to freeze EU funds for poorer regions and EU megaprojects and even the suspension of a country's voting rights in EU ministerial councils.It insists that economic coordination should involve all 27 members of the EU club,among whom there is a small majority for freemarket liberalism and economic rigour;in the inner core alone,Germany fears,a small majority favour French interference.A“southern”camp headed by French wants something different:“European economic government”within an inner core of eurozone members.Translated,that means politicians intervening in monetary policy and a system of redistribution from richer to poorer members,via cheaper borrowing for governments through common Eurobonds or complete fiscal transfers.Finally,figures close to the France government have murmured,eurozone members should agree to some fiscal and social harmonization:e.g.,curbing competition in corporatetax rates or labour costs.It is too soon to write off the EU.It remains the world's largest trading block.At its best,the European project is remarkably liberal:built around a single market of 27 rich and poor countries,its internal borders are far more open to goods,capital and labour than any comparable trading area.It is an ambitious attempt to blunt the sharpest edges of globalization,and make capitalism benign.
The debate over the EU's single currency is stuck because the dominant powers_____

A.are competing for the leading position
B.are busy handling their own crises
C.fail to reach an agreement on harmonization
D.disagree on the steps towards disintegration

细节题【命题思路】这是一道局部细节题,需要对文章第三段的信息进行锁定,从而判断得出答案。【直击答案】根据题干信息定位到第三段第二句“It is stuck…what to harmonies.”根据这句话可知“the dominant powers”,即“德国和法国”虽然认为有必要在欧元区进行更多的协调,但就协调内容却无法达成共识。由此可判断主导国家未能就协调内容达成共识,C项正确。【干扰排除】原文并未提及德国和法国具体的国情及情况,只是说它们无法就协调内容达成共识,故A项和B项原文均未提及,属于无中生有,不选。第三段首句“Yet the debate…is stuck.”谈的是欧盟货币统一问题,并非D项的“瓦解步骤”,故D项是对原文的曲解,错误。


Text4 Most forecasts suggest that Britain will be a poorer country afier Brexit,largely because trading with the European Union will become more difficult.Such predictions about the distant future are,by their nature,open to doubt,which is partly why Brexit's proponents feel free to dismiss them.But the same does not apply to a new paper by Meredith Crowley,Oliver Exton and Lu Han from Cambridge University,which suggests that,months before Brexit has even happened,trade is already suffering,as firms respond to the prospect of higher tariffs.More than 100,000 British businesses export goods to the EU each year.At present they enjoy tariff-free trade with the country's biggest export market.But all face uncertainty as Britain negotiates a new trading relationship with Brussels.Some fear disaster if the talks break down.British carmakers could face a l0%tanff to export to the EU market.Dairies might have to pay tariffs of more than 30%.These extra costs could make exporting uneconomic.The Cambridge paper looks at the exporting decisions of British firms,across 8,000 types of product,in response to the tariffs that Britain would face in the event of reaching no trade deal with the EU.Where necessary,they adjust their calculations to take account of exchange-rate fluctvations.Since the referendum many companies appear to have reduced their exports to the EU.The research suggests that the bigger the potential tariff facing a product,the more nervous:firms are about exporting it.Why risk producing for a market that could soon become unwelcoming?Overall,the number of companies that began exporting new products to the EU in 2016 would have been 5%higher if there had been a Remain vote,the paper finds.It is hard to know what those firms that decided against producing for the EU did instead.The research finds little evidence,however,that they have lived up to the hopes of Brexiteers and boosted their exports to fast-growing non-EU markets.Some may have tried to sell more within Britain.Businesses may have only temporarily scaled down their production of exports for the EU.Normal service could resume ifBritain negotiates a good trade deal.But some damage is already done.The paper's results imply that in 2016 Britain lost some~lbn($1.3bn)of exports to the EU because of the mere threat of higher tariffs.The long-term impact will be greater.Some of the firms dissuaded from exporting would have turned into big beasts.The referendum was only halfway through 2016,and the paper does not analyse data after that year.Meanwhile,Brexit uncertainty continues to rise.
The author believes that the impact of Brexit uncertainty is______




Text 4 Will the European Union make it?The question would have sounded strange not long ago.Now even the project's greatest cheerleaders talk of a continent facing a“Bermuda triangle”of debt,population decline and lower growth.As well as those chronic problems,the EU faces an acute crisis in its economic core,the 16 countries that use the single currency.Markets have lost faith that the euro zone's economies,weaker or stronger,will one day converge thanks to the discipline of sharing a single currency,which denies uncompetitive members the quick fix of devaluation.Yet the debate about how to save Europe's single currency from disintegration is stuck.It is stuck because the euro zone's dominant powers,France and Germany,agree on the need for greater harmonization within the euro zone,but disagree about what to harmonies.Germany thinks the euro must be saved by stricter rules on borrow,spending and competitiveness,backed by quasiautomatic sanctions for governments that do not obey.These might include threats to freeze EU funds for poorer regions and EU megaprojects and even the suspension of a country's voting rights in EU ministerial councils.It insists that economic coordination should involve all 27 members of the EU club,among whom there is a small majority for freemarket liberalism and economic rigour;in the inner core alone,Germany fears,a small majority favour French interference.A“southern”camp headed by French wants something different:“European economic government”within an inner core of eurozone members.Translated,that means politicians intervening in monetary policy and a system of redistribution from richer to poorer members,via cheaper borrowing for governments through common Eurobonds or complete fiscal transfers.Finally,figures close to the France government have murmured,eurozone members should agree to some fiscal and social harmonization:e.g.,curbing competition in corporatetax rates or labour costs.It is too soon to write off the EU.It remains the world's largest trading block.At its best,the European project is remarkably liberal:built around a single market of 27 rich and poor countries,its internal borders are far more open to goods,capital and labour than any comparable trading area.It is an ambitious attempt to blunt the sharpest edges of globalization,and make capitalism benign.
Regarding the future of the EU,the author seems to feel____


态度题【命题思路】这是一道态度题。态度有正向答案,也有负向答案,需要对文章最后一段的信息进行锁定,从而推理判断得出答案。【直击答案】根据题干信息定位到最后一段首句“It is too soon to write off the EU.”其中动词短语“write off”的意思是“取消;认定……失败”。因此这句话的意思是“认定欧盟失败还为时过早”。由此判断得出作者对欧盟的态度很乐观,根据答案给出的备选选项,只有D项“有希望的”与作者的态度一致,故D项正确。


Text4 Most forecasts suggest that Britain will be a poorer country afier Brexit,largely because trading with the European Union will become more difficult.Such predictions about the distant future are,by their nature,open to doubt,which is partly why Brexit's proponents feel free to dismiss them.But the same does not apply to a new paper by Meredith Crowley,Oliver Exton and Lu Han from Cambridge University,which suggests that,months before Brexit has even happened,trade is already suffering,as firms respond to the prospect of higher tariffs.More than 100,000 British businesses export goods to the EU each year.At present they enjoy tariff-free trade with the country's biggest export market.But all face uncertainty as Britain negotiates a new trading relationship with Brussels.Some fear disaster if the talks break down.British carmakers could face a l0%tanff to export to the EU market.Dairies might have to pay tariffs of more than 30%.These extra costs could make exporting uneconomic.The Cambridge paper looks at the exporting decisions of British firms,across 8,000 types of product,in response to the tariffs that Britain would face in the event of reaching no trade deal with the EU.Where necessary,they adjust their calculations to take account of exchange-rate fluctvations.Since the referendum many companies appear to have reduced their exports to the EU.The research suggests that the bigger the potential tariff facing a product,the more nervous:firms are about exporting it.Why risk producing for a market that could soon become unwelcoming?Overall,the number of companies that began exporting new products to the EU in 2016 would have been 5%higher if there had been a Remain vote,the paper finds.It is hard to know what those firms that decided against producing for the EU did instead.The research finds little evidence,however,that they have lived up to the hopes of Brexiteers and boosted their exports to fast-growing non-EU markets.Some may have tried to sell more within Britain.Businesses may have only temporarily scaled down their production of exports for the EU.Normal service could resume ifBritain negotiates a good trade deal.But some damage is already done.The paper's results imply that in 2016 Britain lost some~lbn($1.3bn)of exports to the EU because of the mere threat of higher tariffs.The long-term impact will be greater.Some of the firms dissuaded from exporting would have turned into big beasts.The referendum was only halfway through 2016,and the paper does not analyse data after that year.Meanwhile,Brexit uncertainty continues to rise.
We may learn from the paper that______

A.it focuses on Britain's exporting decisions
B.the higher the tariffs,the less exporters
C.Remain vote may promote export to EU
D.hopes ofBrexiteers are quickly fading



资料:Italy's next government, a coalition between the populistFive Star Movement and the far-right Northern League, is giving investors plenty to worry about. Leaked plans, hastily abandoned, suggested it might want to leave the euro or ask the European Central Bank to forgive €250bn($292bn) of Italian debt. But less attention has been paid to what it might mean for Italian banks, and in particular for their biggest burden: non-performing loans(NPLs). Over €185bn of NPLs were outstanding at the end of 2017, the most for any country in the European Union. (1)
By comparison with Greece where NPLs are 45% of loans, Italy looks manageable with just 11.1%. And it has made progress: in late 2015 NPLs were 16.8% of loans. But any wild policy lurches would put that progress in question. The clean-up of banks’ books has relied on openness to foreign investors. Huge volumes of NPLs(€37bn in 2016 and over €47bn in 2017, according to Deloitte, a consultancy) have been sold by banks, often to specialist American hedge funds like Cerberus Capital Management or Fortress. (2)
These so-called vulture funds may find life harder under the new government. Given the importance of being able to repossess the collateral for secured loans, NPL investors have been taken aback by a proposal to prevent any action against a debtor without the involvement of a court. This would run counter to efforts to increase the use of out-of-court settlement for collateral across the EU. (3)
The future of GACS, a scheme for providing an Italian government guarantee to the senior tranches of NPL securitisations (with the EU's blessing), is also in question. Despite a slow start in 2016, it has come to play a large role. An NPL sale last year by UniCredit, a large bank, worth€l7.7bn, was subject to the scheme. Another €38bn-worh of Italian NPL deals in progress will be too, according to Debtwire, a news service. But investors now worry that GACS will not be renewed once it expires失效 in September, contrary to previous plans. (4)
European regulators have made a concerted effort to deal with NPLs. In March the European Commission proposed laws to make cross-border operations easier for debt (5)
Markets have deepened in tandem. As well as the specialist funds doing large deals,more options for trading NPLs have emerged. One example is Debitos, a trading platform that started in Germany and that allows investors to trade in NPLs from 11 European countries, including Italy and Greece. Most of its sales are between €50m and €200m and interest often comes from local investors, says Timur Peters, its founder—for example, from individuals who buy property—backed NPLs as a way to acquire those properties. (6)
A liquid pan-European market in NPLs ought to prevent banks’ bad loans from accumulating and threatening their stability, as during the most recent crisis. But Italy would, because of its sheer size, be the largest source of such loans for the foreseeable future. And any market with real doubts about the largest supplier is almost certain to be a stunted one. (7)

Which of the following goes against the interest of investors of NPLs?

A.The increasing use of out-of-court settlement for collateral across the EU.
B.The GACS which may not be renewed after September.
C.The new trading platform for trading NPLs.
D.The laws that guarantee cross-border operations.

【关键词】against,interest of investors
【主题句】第3自然段Given the importance of being able to repossess the collateral for secured loans, NPL investors have been taken aback by a proposal to prevent any action against a debtor without the involvement of a court. This would run counter to efforts to increase the use of out-of-court settlement for collateral across the EU. 鉴于能够收回担保贷款抵押品的重要性,不良贷款投资者对于在没有法院参与的情况下阻止对债务人采取任何行动的提议感到吃惊。这与在欧盟范围内增加使用庭外和解抵押品的努力背道而驰。
第4自然段The future of GACS, a scheme for providing an Italian government guarantee to the senior tranches of NPL securitisations (with the EU's blessing), is also in question. Despite a slow start in 2016, it has come to play a large role. An NPL sale last year by UniCredit, a large bank, worth€l7.7bn, was subject to the scheme. Another €38bn-worh of Italian NPL deals in progress will be too, according to Debtwire, a news service. But investors now worry that GACS will not be renewed once it expires in September, contrary to previous plans. GACS的未来也是一个问题,这个计划为高级别的不良贷款证券化(欧盟的祝福)提供意大利政府担保。尽管2016年开局缓慢,但它已经发挥了重要作用。去年由UniCredit(一家市值177亿欧元的大型银行)进行的不良贷款销售受该计划的约束。 据新闻机构Debtwire称,另外还有380亿欧元的意大利不良贷款交易正在进行中。但投资者现在担心GACS在9月失效后将不再续约,这与之前的计划相反。
第5自然段European regulators have made a concerted effort to deal with NPLs. In March the European Commission proposed laws to make cross-border operations easier for debt.欧洲监管机构已经齐心协力应对不良贷款。3月,欧盟委员会提出法律,使债务更容易跨境经营。
第6自然段Markets have deepened in tandem. As well as the specialist funds doing large deals,more options for trading NPLs have emerged. One example is Debitos, a trading platform that started in Germany and that allows investors to trade in NPLs from 11 European countries, including Italy and Greece. Most of its sales are between €50m and €200m and interest often comes from local investors, says Timur Peters, its founder—for example, from individuals who buy property—backed NPLs as a way to acquire those properties. 市场同步深化。除了进行大额交易的专业基金外,还出现了更多不良贷款交易方案。 其中一个例子是Debitos,这是一个在德国开始的交易平台,允许投资者从包括意大利和希腊在内的11个欧洲国家进行不良贷款交易。 其大部分销售额在5000万至2亿欧元之间,其利息通常来自那些从个人那里购置房产的当地投资者,其创始人蒂姆尔彼得斯表示,这样就允许不良贷款成为购置房产的方式。
