
Americans of a"certain age"abound at the upper levels of American governance.President Trump is the most obvious example.Just over half of US senators wrll be 65 0r older by the end of this year.On the Supreme Court,five of rtine justices are over 65.Thes

Americans of a"certain age"abound at the upper levels of American governance.President Trump is the most obvious example.Just over half of US senators wrll be 65 0r older by the end of this year.On the Supreme Court,five of rtine justices are over 65.These"senior citizens"make crucial decisions for the majority of Americans younger than them.Just eight decades ago,when the Social Security system began,65 was codified as the start of"old age".Now many people of that age may feel in the prime of life.Measured by years alone,Americans are on average getting older.A popular notion is that a war is brewing between generations-young working Americans resenting that they must pay more into SociaJ Security and Medicare to support an expanding group of older Americans.There's truth in that sentiment.I,ast year,there were 25 people over 65 for every 100 people between 18 and 64.And the worker-to-retiree ratio is projected to be even worse by 2030.But that idea is being challenged.To begin with,programs like Social Security and Medicare can be adjusted,as ihey have in the past.while certain trends,such as Americans delaying full retirement,could alter the projections.A pair of new government reports show that funding for Medicare will run out in 2026.The Social Security trust fund will dry up by 2034.Despite these warnings,modest fixes are available,including making small changes in the age of eligibility that recognize lengthening life spans.Even that step may not be needed.By one estimate,increasing the Social Security payroll tax by 2.88 percentage points could eliminate the expected revenue shortfall for another three-quarters of a century.But actuarial tables,however useful for government planning,shouldn't impose artificial limits on what older Americans do.Aging isn't what it used to be.Today,75-year-olds on average will live just as many additional years as the average 65-year-old did in 1952.Categorizing by age can be just as harmful as by gender or race.Labeling people by an age category is a receiit phenomenon.The idea of being"middle aged"wasn't popularized until after World War I.Marketing continues to classify Americans by calendar years,walling off the beneficial effects of older and younger people rubbing shoulders.Companies are beginning to consider age diversity to be as important as racial and gender diversity.Some observers suggest businesses try the"shoe test":Look under desks.If everyone's wearing the same kind of shoes-whether wingtips or slipper-the business would benefit from more diversity.Today,suggests one expert,Americans have an opportunity to make a"fresh map of life itself",throwing off outworn ideas about aging.Policies that encourage older Americans to expand the possibilities of their"senior years"will help change limited perceptions and benefit all of society.
By suggesting"shoe test",observers advise companies to

A.allocate different tasks to people in different ages.
B.create a pleasant working environment for the older.
C.enhance cooperation among members.
D.promote age diversity of employees.
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Every country has its own way of cooking. American people have their way of cooking,don’t they?

Most people in the United States like fast food. But if you think that American people don’t like cooking, you are not right. It’s true that most Americans take fast food as their breakfast and lunch. But they also think cooking is interesting. Parents see the importance of teaching their daughters how to cook. And most Americans say that home cooked meal is the best.Americans have their own way of cooking. For example, baking(烘烤) is the most popu’lar way of cooking in America. We can see ovens in most American families. American cooks. pay attention to the balance of food. In planning a big meal, they try to cook meat, a few vege’ tables, some bread and often some sweet food.They also like to make the meal look beautiful.There are many kinds of food in different colors on the plate, so the meal is healthy and looks beautiful, too.

( )21.Most Americans ________.

A. don't like cooking

B. cook food in the morning

C. like home cooked meal



It can be inferred from the passage that by the end of World War Ⅱ , most Americans ______.

A. were very rich

B. lived in poverty

C. did not own automobiles

D. had own automobiles

    41.第二段倒数第二句。到二战结束时,美国人满足了第二个等级,然后第三个等级才出现。第三个等级是对车子和新房子的需求。选项 C是正确的。


This passage tells us that ________.

A. the Americans like to eat sweet foods for breakfast

B. all American foods come from other countries

C. not all American foods are really American

D. very few Americans have breakfast every day




The American Industry

A history of long and effortless success can be a dreadful handicap,but if properly handled,it may become a driving force.When the United States entered just such a glowing period after the end of the Second World War,it had a market eight times larger than any competitor,giving its industries unparalleled economies of scale.Its scientists were the world's best,its workers the most skilled.America and Americans were prosperous beyond the dreams of the Europeans and Asians whose economies the war had destroyed.
It was inevitable that this primacy should have narrowed as other countries grew richer. Just as inevitably,the retreat from predominance proved painful.By the mid-1980s Americans had found themselves at a loss over their fading industrial competitiveness.Some huge American industries, such as consumer electronics,had shrunk or vanished in the face of foreign competition.By 1987 there was only one American television maker left,Zenith.(Now there is none:Zenith was bought by South Korea's LG Electronics in July.)Foreign-made cars and textiles were sweeping into the domestic market. America's machine-tool industry was on the ropes.For a while it looked as though the making of semiconductors,which America had which sat at the heart of the new computer age, was going to be the next casualty.
All of this caused a crisis of confidence.Americans stopped taking prosperity for granted.They began to believe that their way of doing business was failing,and that their incomes would therefore shortly begin to fall as well. The mid-1980s brought one inquiry after another into the causes of America's industrial decline.Their sometimes sensational findings were filled with warnings about the growing competition from overseas.
How things have changed!In 1995 the United States can look back on five years of solid growth while Japan has been struggling. Few Americans attribute this solely to such obvious causes as a devalued dollar or the turning of the business cycle.Self-doubt has yielded to blind pride."American industry has changed its structure,has gone on a diet,has learnt to be more quick-witted,"according to Richard Cavanagh,executive dean of Harvard's Kennedy School of Government,"It makes me proud to be an American just to see how our businesses are improving their productivity,"says Stephen Moore of the Cato Institute,a think-tank in Washington,DC.And William Sahlman of the Harvard Business School believes that people will look back on this period as"a golden age of business management in the United States."

What does"the American industry has gone on a diet"mean?
A:Employees in the American industry are on a diet.
B:The American industry has reduced redundant staff.
C:The American industry has shrunk.
D:The American industry has been made more efficient.

A选项错误,因为第二段中说“到1987年,美国只剩下Zenith这一家电视生产商(现在这一家也没有了:Zenith于7月被韩国LG电子公司收购)。”说明它连国内市场也保不住了。B选项错误,文中第二段最后一句提到,“有一段时间,下一个栖牲品看起来似乎该轮到美国的半导体制造业了……”,可是事实上没有。C选项中谈到的机床业已经自取灭亡的说法错误,因为文中提到机床制造业“岌岌可危”(on the ropes),但是还没有灭亡。D选项是合适的,因为第二段第六句提到,“进口车和纺织品横扫国内市场”。
第三段提到,“所有这一切导致了信心危机。美国人不再视繁荣为理所当然之事。他们开始怀疑自己的商业经营方式出了问题,也怀疑不久他们的收入就会下降。20 世纪80年代中期人们对美国工业衰退的原因作了一次又一次的调查。那些有时耸人听闻的结果充斥着海外竞争加剧的预警”。第四段提到了90年代的经济复苏。其中的含义是:在竞争的压力下,美国人在80年代调整产业结构,美国的工业已经改变了结构,消除了滞胀,变得更机智,因此带来了90年代的经济复苏。因此,可以得出推论:激烈的竞争会导致经济的发展。另外三个选项都不合适。
在第四段,作者指出,"1995年,美国可以对过去五年的稳步发展作一回顾,而日本还在奋力挣扎。很少有美国人将这一巨变单纯归因于美元贬值或商业周期循环这些显而易见的原因。如今,对自身的怀疑已被盲目乐观所取代”。这里作者实际上对当前美国人的盲目乐观情绪进行了批评,认为20世纪90年代的增长是由美元贬值或经济周期的转机等因素造成的。选项B是“Richard Cavanagh”的看法。选项C是“Stephen Moore”的看法。选项D文中没有提及。


根据短文提供的信息,完成 117~120各题。

Taxes are a big part in the United States.Most Americans pay city taxes,state taxes,social security taxes,sales taxes…,and the list seems endless.

The biggest tax for most Americans in that on the money they earn——the income tax.The personal income tax is called a“progressive tax”because it takes more from those who earn more fl or example,a person who earns about 3,500 dollars a year will pay a tax of only about 3.5%of earning. But of the same person earned 85,000 dollars a year, he would pay an In come tax of 35%.

Over the、ears the income tax has become more and more difficult for people to un Dustan D.M almost only half of all-Americans now have t0 pay experts to prepare their tax fee pores in fact,preparing taxes and giving tax advice have become a big industry in America.

第 117 题 Most Americans pay( ).

A.taxes which are too many to list.

B.taxes either t0 the cities or the states they live in.

C.so many kinds of taxes that they even don't know the names.

D.several kinds 0f taxes.



22. Which is similar to the sentence "It's true that most Americans take fast food as their breakfast and lunch"?

A. Most Americans don’t eat fast food for their breakfast or lunch.

B. Most Americans have fast food for their breakfast and lunch.

C. Most Americans like to eat fast food for dinner.



Accordiiig to the passage, which of the following is NOT true? ( )

A. Some Americans would not accept the value of conservation and environment protection, because this value would probably make them unemployed.

B. Many Americans have been used to wasting, so it will be difficult for them to accept the new value of conservation.

C. Some old values are still having a strong influence on American people, although they are harmful in this new age.

D. Most Americans have fully realized the need to protect the environment, so they have taken measures to recycle junked goods.

62.D  [解析]根据文章第一段中的“But conservation has never been a strong value to Americans…”和第二段中的“…more and more Americans are recycling…”可知,D项中的
“Most Americans…”说法与文意不符。


–I’ve noticed most Americans are friendly to us Chinese.–().

A、Most of the time.



D、No, thanks.




The American Industry

A history of long and effortless success can be a dreadful handicap,but if properly handled,it may become a driving force.When the United States entered just such a glowing period after the end of the Second World War,it had a market eight times larger than any competitor,giving its industries unparalleled economies of scale.Its scientists were the world's best,its workers the most skilled.America and Americans were prosperous beyond the dreams of the Europeans and Asians whose economies the war had destroyed.
It was inevitable that this primacy should have narrowed as other countries grew richer. Just as inevitably,the retreat from predominance proved painful.By the mid-1980s Americans had found themselves at a loss over their fading industrial competitiveness.Some huge American industries, such as consumer electronics,had shrunk or vanished in the face of foreign competition.By 1987 there was only one American television maker left,Zenith.(Now there is none:Zenith was bought by South Korea's LG Electronics in July.)Foreign-made cars and textiles were sweeping into the domestic market. America's machine-tool industry was on the ropes.For a while it looked as though the making of semiconductors,which America had which sat at the heart of the new computer age, was going to be the next casualty.
All of this caused a crisis of confidence.Americans stopped taking prosperity for granted.They began to believe that their way of doing business was failing,and that their incomes would therefore shortly begin to fall as well. The mid-1980s brought one inquiry after another into the causes of America's industrial decline.Their sometimes sensational findings were filled with warnings about the growing competition from overseas.
How things have changed!In 1995 the United States can look back on five years of solid growth while Japan has been struggling. Few Americans attribute this solely to such obvious causes as a devalued dollar or the turning of the business cycle.Self-doubt has yielded to blind pride."American industry has changed its structure,has gone on a diet,has learnt to be more quick-witted,"according to Richard Cavanagh,executive dean of Harvard's Kennedy School of Government,"It makes me proud to be an American just to see how our businesses are improving their productivity,"says Stephen Moore of the Cato Institute,a think-tank in Washington,DC.And William Sahlman of the Harvard Business School believes that people will look back on this period as"a golden age of business management in the United States."

The U.S.achieved its predominance after World War Ⅱ because______.
A:it had made painstaking efforts towards this goal
B:its domestic market was eight times larger than before
C:the war had destroyed the economies of most potential competitors
D:the unparalleled size of its workforce had given an impetus to its economy

A选项错误,因为第二段中说“到1987年,美国只剩下Zenith这一家电视生产商(现在这一家也没有了:Zenith于7月被韩国LG电子公司收购)。”说明它连国内市场也保不住了。B选项错误,文中第二段最后一句提到,“有一段时间,下一个栖牲品看起来似乎该轮到美国的半导体制造业了……”,可是事实上没有。C选项中谈到的机床业已经自取灭亡的说法错误,因为文中提到机床制造业“岌岌可危”(on the ropes),但是还没有灭亡。D选项是合适的,因为第二段第六句提到,“进口车和纺织品横扫国内市场”。
第三段提到,“所有这一切导致了信心危机。美国人不再视繁荣为理所当然之事。他们开始怀疑自己的商业经营方式出了问题,也怀疑不久他们的收入就会下降。20 世纪80年代中期人们对美国工业衰退的原因作了一次又一次的调查。那些有时耸人听闻的结果充斥着海外竞争加剧的预警”。第四段提到了90年代的经济复苏。其中的含义是:在竞争的压力下,美国人在80年代调整产业结构,美国的工业已经改变了结构,消除了滞胀,变得更机智,因此带来了90年代的经济复苏。因此,可以得出推论:激烈的竞争会导致经济的发展。另外三个选项都不合适。
在第四段,作者指出,"1995年,美国可以对过去五年的稳步发展作一回顾,而日本还在奋力挣扎。很少有美国人将这一巨变单纯归因于美元贬值或商业周期循环这些显而易见的原因。如今,对自身的怀疑已被盲目乐观所取代”。这里作者实际上对当前美国人的盲目乐观情绪进行了批评,认为20世纪90年代的增长是由美元贬值或经济周期的转机等因素造成的。选项B是“Richard Cavanagh”的看法。选项C是“Stephen Moore”的看法。选项D文中没有提及。


NRA members have branded Donald Trump's plans for stricter gun control legislation“stupid”And a“betrayal”after the president suggested reforms on Wednesday.In an open meeting with congressional Democrats and Republicans,Trump embraced raising the age limit on purchasing certain weapons and suggested that law enforcement should be allowed to confiscate people's guns before going through due process in a court During the meeting Trump called for a beautiful"bill which would expand background checks on gun purchases and restrict young people from purchasing certain weapons.But it was his suggestion that in some cases law enforcement should be allowed to"take the guns first,go through due process second"that most alarmed gun owners on the right Dave Kopel,a benefactor member of the NRA-the highest level of membership--was also'scathing.He referred to past allegations of romantic infidelity and nefarious business practices against Trump.It is not exactly shocking when he betrays the people who elected him,he said The NRA leadership,which has generally supported Trump,and spent more than 30m helping get him elected,tentatively pushed back against the president on Wednesday night."I thought it made for really good TV but I thought some of what was discussed is going to make for really bad policy,"the NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch told Fox News We're talking about punishing innocent Americans and stripping from them constitutional rights without due process,Loesch said The NRA is going to protect due process for innocent Americans and that is an approach that we're going to hold to.Due process must be respected."Robert McBride,a member of the NrA from Roscoe,Texas,said he was also troubled by Trumps idea to take away guns before a court ruling McBride said the plan would violate the fifth and fourteenth amendments to the constitution,which safeguard"life,liberty or property.Without those two amendments the government could just lock you up and throw away the key because some bureaucrat had a bad day or did not like the way you spoke to him.”Mc Bride said He was skeptical of Trump's advocating higher age restrictions for buying some guns.Twenty-one is not a magic age and if that's the bar for obtaining your second amendment right here in america then that should also be the bar for being put on trial as an adult,going to prison as an adult,enlisting in our armed services and voting in our elections.”
What is the passage mainly about?

A.Donald Trump plans to restrict purchasing and using guns.
B.NRA strongly opposes the president's gun control bill
C.President Trump's gun control policies clash with NRA
D.Donald Trumps'plan violates American constitutional treaty

