
The development,hundreds of years ago,of ship and cargo insurance was revolutionary.It marked the start of commercial insurance;protection against loss from fire and the perils of the high seas fostered global trade.But in the 21st century the value of co

The development,hundreds of years ago,of ship and cargo insurance was revolutionary.It marked the start of commercial insurance;protection against loss from fire and the perils of the high seas fostered global trade.But in the 21st century the value of companies consists less of solid objects,such as boats and buildings,than of intangible elements,such as intellectual property,data and reputation."Today the most valuable assets are more likely to be stored in the cloud than in a warehouse,"says Inga Beale,chief executive of Lloyd's of London.As the importance of intangibles has grown,so has companies'need to protect themselves against"intangible risks"of two types:damage to intangible assets(eg,reputational harm caused by a tweet or computer hack);or posed by them(say,physical damage or theft resulting from a cyberattack).Companies are not oblivious.Respondents to a survey last year by Aon,an insurance broker,ranked reputation as their top risk and cyber-risk as their fifth.But there is a big difference between how risk managers perceive such risks and how boards do.And if firms do seek insurance against some of these risks,insurers have not exactly been giving them too many novel products.Even when policies are labelled"innovative"it's usually to insure physical assets in the sharing economy rather than intangibles.But in a world where Airbnb,in effect the world's largest hotel chain,owns no hotels and Uber,its largest taxi firm,owns no cabs,such policies are of limited use.Those that do protect assets such as data,IP and reputation are often expensive and custom-made,and include strict exclusions and lrmits.Insurers'caution is understandable.Intangible risks are not only new and comple)c"They're a bit like not-yet-set jelly,"says Julia Graham of Airmic."Their shape constantly changes."Underwriters like to look at past data on events'frequency as well as clients'current exposure-which may be next to impossible when assessing the risk and impact of a cyberattack,or a scandal,which would have been very differently priced even a couple of years ago.But some underwriters are starting to come up with more suitable policies.One is parametric cover,which pays a fixed amount automatically after a defined event,such as a hack.The advantage of such policies is that they can provide cash quickly,meeting an immediate need after misfortune strikes.The downside is that these products tend to cover only a share of damages.Companies also have to do more to protect themselves.Just as insurance was only part of the answer to fire and maritime risk,it is only part of the answer to modern perils.Plenty of cyber-breaches could doubtless have been avoided if software had simply been kept up to date.Insurers need to catch up with the intangible age;but so do their clients.
Which of the following can be learned from Paragraph 3?

A.Most risk managers are rather ignorant of intangible risks.
B.Corporate boards tend to rank reputation as their top risk.
C.Insurers are offering a variety of novel products to firms.
D.Insurance against intangible risks has lagged behinci their rise.
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Which of the following marine insurance policies is normally purchased by the cargo owner? ______.



C.Protection and Indemnity




The carrier shall not be liable for the loss of or damage to the goods occurred during the period of carrier's responsibility arising or resulting from any of the following causes except ______.

A.Fire,unless caused by the actual fault of the carrier

B.Force majeure and perils,dangers and accidents of the sea or other navigable waters

C.War or armed conflict

D.Intentional misconducts by the crew members on board the ship against the carrier



Any illegal acts of violence,detention or any act of depredation,committed for private ends by the crew or the passengers of a private ship and directed:(a).On the high seas,against another ship or against persons or property on board such ship; or (b).Against a ship,persons or property in a place outside of the jurisdiction of any state defines which of the following?







The development,hundreds of years ago,of ship and cargo insurance was revolutionary.It marked the start of commercial insurance;protection against loss from fire and the perils of the high seas fostered global trade.But in the 21st century the value of companies consists less of solid objects,such as boats and buildings,than of intangible elements,such as intellectual property,data and reputation."Today the most valuable assets are more likely to be stored in the cloud than in a warehouse,"says Inga Beale,chief executive of Lloyd's of London.As the importance of intangibles has grown,so has companies'need to protect themselves against"intangible risks"of two types:damage to intangible assets(eg,reputational harm caused by a tweet or computer hack);or posed by them(say,physical damage or theft resulting from a cyberattack).Companies are not oblivious.Respondents to a survey last year by Aon,an insurance broker,ranked reputation as their top risk and cyber-risk as their fifth.But there is a big difference between how risk managers perceive such risks and how boards do.And if firms do seek insurance against some of these risks,insurers have not exactly been giving them too many novel products.Even when policies are labelled"innovative"it's usually to insure physical assets in the sharing economy rather than intangibles.But in a world where Airbnb,in effect the world's largest hotel chain,owns no hotels and Uber,its largest taxi firm,owns no cabs,such policies are of limited use.Those that do protect assets such as data,IP and reputation are often expensive and custom-made,and include strict exclusions and lrmits.Insurers'caution is understandable.Intangible risks are not only new and comple)c"They're a bit like not-yet-set jelly,"says Julia Graham of Airmic."Their shape constantly changes."Underwriters like to look at past data on events'frequency as well as clients'current exposure-which may be next to impossible when assessing the risk and impact of a cyberattack,or a scandal,which would have been very differently priced even a couple of years ago.But some underwriters are starting to come up with more suitable policies.One is parametric cover,which pays a fixed amount automatically after a defined event,such as a hack.The advantage of such policies is that they can provide cash quickly,meeting an immediate need after misfortune strikes.The downside is that these products tend to cover only a share of damages.Companies also have to do more to protect themselves.Just as insurance was only part of the answer to fire and maritime risk,it is only part of the answer to modern perils.Plenty of cyber-breaches could doubtless have been avoided if software had simply been kept up to date.Insurers need to catch up with the intangible age;but so do their clients.
Insurers'caution is in a large part due to

A.the lack of funds to develop innovative products.
B.the swings in demand for intangible insurance.
C.the difficulty in pricing intangible risks.
D.the high frequency of cyberattack events.

第四段①句指出保险公司的谨慎可以理解,②③句解释原因:无形风险不但新且复杂,更像没有定型的果冻,保险商无法像(对待实体资产一样)基于历史数据对其进行评估和定价。可见C.符合文意,the difficulty in pricing概括文中a bit like not-yet-set jelly.…constantly changes.…next to impossibleWhen assessing the risk and impact等。[解题技巧]A.用第三段④句“保险公司未能向客户提供很多创新产品”干扰,但文中并未提及原因在于“缺乏创新资金”。B.用第四段constantly changes干扰,但将变化的主体“无形风险的形状”偷换为“对无形保险的需求”。由第二段可知,对无形风险的投保需求非常大。D.用第四段events'frequency干扰,但此处指“由于无法参考事件过去发生的频率,故难以评估风险”,而非“风险事件高发”。



The benefit to commerce of allowing stevedores and terminal operators to completely limit their liability is often put forward by supporters on their part.Such reasoning,however,ignores the fact that in the commercial world it is preferable for persons who cause damage to cargo to be held responsible for that damage.Otherwise they will continue to be negligent and will do nothing to alter their practices.

Transferring the loss to the underwriters of cargo from the underwriters of the stevedores does not merely shift the cost of insurance.If the stevedores and terminal operators who have the care and charge of cargo do not act carefully when carrying out their duties,then responsibility for loss and damage to cargo will not only be shifted but that loss and damage will be increased as well.Nor are all cargoes or risks fully or even partially insured.

Therefore,the premium of cargo insurance is so high that it has been estimated that not much more than fifty percent of shipments by sea on the North Atlantic are actually insured at all. It is a fundamental principle of GOOD business practice and of efficient,fair and low-cost insurance that persons who are responsible for losses should be held accountable,in some way,for those losses.


According to the passage,limiting the liability on the part of the stevedores will ________.

A.transfer the loss suffered by underwriters of cargo to the underwriters of stevedores

B.transfer the loss suffered by underwriters of stevedores to the underwriters of cargo

C.not transfer any liability in practice of shipping

D.increase the liability on their part

The author of this passage is a supporter on the side that ________.A.the liability on the part of the stevedores and terminal operators should be completely limited

B.transferring the loss to the underwriters of cargo from the underwriters of the stevedores is impossible in shipping practice

C.transferring the insurance cost to the underwriters of cargo from the underwriters of the stevedores is necessary in the eyes of shipping laws

D.persons who are responsible for losses should be held accountable,in some way,for those losses

If the persons who are responsible for losses and damages are not held accountable,in some way,for those losses and damages,that losses and damages will ________.A.be increased

B.be decreased

C.be prevented

D.not happened

In the author's opinion,the insured cargo accounting to fifty percent of total shipments by sea on the North Atlantic is ________.A.reasonably practicable


C.too much

D.too little


问题 1 答案解析:B

问题 2 答案解析:D

问题 3 答案解析:A

问题 4 答案解析:D


The Insurance Company shall be liable for ______.

A.loss or damage caused by unseaworthiness of the insured ship

B.demurrage of the insured ship and other indirect expenses

C.reasonable expenses for ascertaining the loss or damage within the scope of Cover

D.A,B,C are all wrong



______ cover loss of or damage to the subject-matter insured caused by perils of the seas rivers lakes or other navigable waters.



C.P&I Clubs Terms and Conditions

D.York-Antwerp Rules 1974



If the carrier is responsible for the damage or loss of the cargo,______ will have to pay to the insurance company.

A.the cargo holder

B.the Shipowner

C.the ship's crew

D.the P and I Club



The development,hundreds of years ago,of ship and cargo insurance was revolutionary.It marked the start of commercial insurance;protection against loss from fire and the perils of the high seas fostered global trade.But in the 21st century the value of companies consists less of solid objects,such as boats and buildings,than of intangible elements,such as intellectual property,data and reputation."Today the most valuable assets are more likely to be stored in the cloud than in a warehouse,"says Inga Beale,chief executive of Lloyd's of London.As the importance of intangibles has grown,so has companies'need to protect themselves against"intangible risks"of two types:damage to intangible assets(eg,reputational harm caused by a tweet or computer hack);or posed by them(say,physical damage or theft resulting from a cyberattack).Companies are not oblivious.Respondents to a survey last year by Aon,an insurance broker,ranked reputation as their top risk and cyber-risk as their fifth.But there is a big difference between how risk managers perceive such risks and how boards do.And if firms do seek insurance against some of these risks,insurers have not exactly been giving them too many novel products.Even when policies are labelled"innovative"it's usually to insure physical assets in the sharing economy rather than intangibles.But in a world where Airbnb,in effect the world's largest hotel chain,owns no hotels and Uber,its largest taxi firm,owns no cabs,such policies are of limited use.Those that do protect assets such as data,IP and reputation are often expensive and custom-made,and include strict exclusions and lrmits.Insurers'caution is understandable.Intangible risks are not only new and comple)c"They're a bit like not-yet-set jelly,"says Julia Graham of Airmic."Their shape constantly changes."Underwriters like to look at past data on events'frequency as well as clients'current exposure-which may be next to impossible when assessing the risk and impact of a cyberattack,or a scandal,which would have been very differently priced even a couple of years ago.But some underwriters are starting to come up with more suitable policies.One is parametric cover,which pays a fixed amount automatically after a defined event,such as a hack.The advantage of such policies is that they can provide cash quickly,meeting an immediate need after misfortune strikes.The downside is that these products tend to cover only a share of damages.Companies also have to do more to protect themselves.Just as insurance was only part of the answer to fire and maritime risk,it is only part of the answer to modern perils.Plenty of cyber-breaches could doubtless have been avoided if software had simply been kept up to date.Insurers need to catch up with the intangible age;but so do their clients.
Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A.The Business of Insuring Intangible Risks Is Still in Its Infancy
B.Product Innovation Extends the Reach of Commercial Insurances
C.Insurance:A Cure-all for Intangible Damages
D.Intangible Assets:Major Risks,Major Rewards

文章前两段说明当今现象“随着企业无形资产比重增加,对该资产投保需求也在增加”。第三、四段指出问题“无形资产保险跟不上时代发展”并分析原因。第五、六段借“参数化保险的优缺点”说明“无形保险正起步发展”,并明确观点“企业和保险公司都应跟上时代步伐”。可见A.为全篇着眼点。[解题技巧]B.利用文中词汇revolutionary、novel products、innovative等形成干扰,但作者并非肯定”商业保险的产品创新、业务范围扩大”,而是与此相反、意在揭示问题“面对无形风险新问题,商业保险创新不够”。C.违背作者观点“保险不是全部答案,企业自身也应努力防范风险”。D.“无形资产风险较大、回报较大”为文中暗示信息,但文章主要关注的并非“无形资产的性质”、而是“对无形资产的保障”。


The development,hundreds of years ago,of ship and cargo insurance was revolutionary.It marked the start of commercial insurance;protection against loss from fire and the perils of the high seas fostered global trade.But in the 21st century the value of companies consists less of solid objects,such as boats and buildings,than of intangible elements,such as intellectual property,data and reputation."Today the most valuable assets are more likely to be stored in the cloud than in a warehouse,"says Inga Beale,chief executive of Lloyd's of London.As the importance of intangibles has grown,so has companies'need to protect themselves against"intangible risks"of two types:damage to intangible assets(eg,reputational harm caused by a tweet or computer hack);or posed by them(say,physical damage or theft resulting from a cyberattack).Companies are not oblivious.Respondents to a survey last year by Aon,an insurance broker,ranked reputation as their top risk and cyber-risk as their fifth.But there is a big difference between how risk managers perceive such risks and how boards do.And if firms do seek insurance against some of these risks,insurers have not exactly been giving them too many novel products.Even when policies are labelled"innovative"it's usually to insure physical assets in the sharing economy rather than intangibles.But in a world where Airbnb,in effect the world's largest hotel chain,owns no hotels and Uber,its largest taxi firm,owns no cabs,such policies are of limited use.Those that do protect assets such as data,IP and reputation are often expensive and custom-made,and include strict exclusions and lrmits.Insurers'caution is understandable.Intangible risks are not only new and comple)c"They're a bit like not-yet-set jelly,"says Julia Graham of Airmic."Their shape constantly changes."Underwriters like to look at past data on events'frequency as well as clients'current exposure-which may be next to impossible when assessing the risk and impact of a cyberattack,or a scandal,which would have been very differently priced even a couple of years ago.But some underwriters are starting to come up with more suitable policies.One is parametric cover,which pays a fixed amount automatically after a defined event,such as a hack.The advantage of such policies is that they can provide cash quickly,meeting an immediate need after misfortune strikes.The downside is that these products tend to cover only a share of damages.Companies also have to do more to protect themselves.Just as insurance was only part of the answer to fire and maritime risk,it is only part of the answer to modern perils.Plenty of cyber-breaches could doubtless have been avoided if software had simply been kept up to date.Insurers need to catch up with the intangible age;but so do their clients.
In the last two paragraphs,the author suggests that

A.parametric cover performs quite well in assessing the costs of misfortune.
B.companies need to buy several types of insurance to protect themselves.
C.companies and insurers should work together to protect against intangible risks.
D.insurers should keep updating their software to protect the privacy of their clients.

第六段指出:企业也须努力保护自己,保险只是现代风险的“部分答案”;保险商需跟上无形时代步伐,它们的客户(即企业)也应如此。可见作者认为企业和保险公司应共同防范无形风险,C.正确。[解题技巧]A.将第五段首句suitable policies断章取义为“参数化保险擅长评估不幸事件的成本”,但由下文可知,参数化保险采用的是“赔偿固定数额”,而不能“有效评估成本”,它只是一种“相对更合适的保险”。B.将第六段首句companies also have to do more to protect themselves(公司需更加努力保护自己免于无形风险)错误理解为“公司应购买多个险种”。D.将末段③句所述“企业做法——更新软件”张冠李戴为“保险公司做法”,并捏造出“保护客户隐私”这一无关信息。
