
资料:To manage teams organization require effective managers.Highly skilled and trained managers can make more informed decisions. The use of beat practice models enables managers to ensure their teams operate efficiently.This will improve quality for custo

资料:To manage teams organization require effective managers.Highly skilled and trained managers can make more informed decisions. The use of beat practice models enables managers to ensure their teams operate efficiently.This will improve quality for customers as staff will be better trained to deal with customers' needs.It will also improve team effectiveness and help organizations to perform better.
As they manage their team, team leaders need to consider the most suitable management style to use. For example, an autocratic manager would like to retain control. Without consulting others, they would tell subordinates what to do.
This is particularly appropriate when decisions need to be made quickly, for instance, in a recession when delays could lead to a business closing. In contrast, a democratic manager would encourage participation by employees. Shared information would allow the team to influence decision making. This is particularly appropriate when there is a highly skilled workforce or when new developments are being considered. However, this style can be time-consuming and so would not be the best option when decisions are needed quickly.

___ is helpful to managers when they are managing their teams?

A.Customers' needs
B.Practice models
C.Books of management
D.A trained secretary
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141 Which of the following statements is in agreement with McGregor's concepts concerning Theory X and Theory Y managers?

A. Theory X managers view subordinates as being lazy, irresponsible, and resistant to change

B. Theory Y managers view subordinates as being imaginative, creative, and willing to accept responsibility

C. Theory X managers tend to be autocratic whereas Theory Y managers are more likely to delegate responsibility

D. A and B.

E. All of the above



The Importance of Information in the Supply Chain Information is important because it provides the facts that supply chain managers use to make decisions. Without information, a manger will not know what customers want, how much inventory is in stock and when more products should be produced and shipped. In short, without information, a manager can only make decisions blindly. Managers must understand how information is gathered and analyzed. This is where information technology comes into play. Information technology serves as the eyes and ears of management in a supply chain, capturing and delivering the information necessary to make a good decision. For instance, an IT system at a personal computer manufacturer may help a manager analyze the information and recommend an action. The manager can use the remaining chips first, then look at demand forecast, and determine whether to order more chips. There are four reasons why timely and accurate information has become more important for effective logistics system design and operations. First, customers recognize information about order status, product availability, delivery schedule, and shipment tracking as necessary elements of total customer service. Then, managers realize that information can be used to reduce human resource requirements. What’s more, information increases flexibility with regard to how, when, and where resources may be used to gain strategic advantage. And finally, enhanced information transfer and exchange capability using the Internet is changing relationships between buyers and sellers and refining channel relationships.

21. Information is so important that()

A. managers can make decisions without it

B. managers can only make decisions blindly without it

C. managers will know nothing without it

22. Information technology()

A. could be used to gather and deliver information for?decision-making

B. is necessary to make a good decision

C. can be used to determine whether to order more chips

23. Information can()

A. help customers to know many things but not product availability.

B. not be used to reduce human resource requirements

C. help to refine channel relationships

24. If you are a manager, you will use information to().

A. help improve customer service

B. order more chips

C. know which staff member is not on duty and should be laid off

25. The main point of this passage is about().

A. how to use information

B. the importance of information

C. where to gather information

参考答案:子问题 1:B子问题 2:A子问题 3:C子问题 4:A子问题 5:B


Which of the following statements is in agreement with McGregor's concepts concerning Theory X and Theory Y managers?

A . Theory X managers view subordinates as being lazy, irresponsible, and resistant to change

B . Theory Y managers view subordinates as being imaginative, creative, and willing to accept responsibility

C . Theory X managers tend to be autocratic whereas Theory Y managers are more likely to delegate responsibility

D . A and B.

E . All of the above



Murphy&39;s Law suggests, "If anything can go wrong, it will." Murphy has motivated numerous pearls of wisdom about projects; machines, people, and why things go wrong. A project is a [temporary] sequence of unique, complex, and connected( )having one goal or purpose and that must be completed by a specific time, within budget, and according to ( ).Project management is the( )of scoping, planning, staffing, organizing, directing, and controlling the development of an acceptable information system at a minimum cost within a specified time frame. Project management is a cross life cycle activity because it overlaps all phases of any systems development methodology. For any systems development project, effective project management is necessary to ensure that the project meets the deadline, is developed within a (an) ( )budget, and fulfills customer expectations and specifications. Corporate rightsizing has changed the structure and culture of most organizations, and hence, project management. More flexible and temporary interdepartmental(不同部门间)teams that are given greater responsibility and authority for the success of organizations have replaced rigid hierarchical command structures and permanent teams. Contemporary system development methodologies depend on having teams that include both technical and nontechnical users, managers, and information technologists all directed to the project goal. These( )teams require leadership and project management.

A.activities B.tasks C.services D.softwareA.document B.order C.specification D.authorityA.process B.activity C.step D.taskA.predefined B.acceptable C.rigid D.StrictA.invariable B.fixed C.permanent D.dynamic



We can compete ( ) the best teams.







Most companies expect IT (Information Technology) managers to head an IT staff of computer technicians. But IT managers can also specialize in other areas. Some managers may also be responsible for keeping their company’s Internet safety. They protect both their company and their online customers from thieves.

Other managers focus more on the business rather than the technical part of computing. They become project managers, helping companies reach as many online customers as possible.

Some companies also look for IT managers who can act as trainers. These trainers help a company’s computer technicians keep up-to-date on computer skills.

Most companies require their IT managers to have both a bachelor’s degree and some experience in the computer field. Often, companies hire IT managers out of their existing staff of computer technicians.

Since IT managers are extremely important to companies’ success, it’s no surprise that they receive such high salaries – around US $56,000 a year to start with. And, in such a fast-changing field,

managers’ salaries usually increase after only a couple of years.

The world will be watching to see just how quickly e-commerce replaces the old ways of doing business. And as computers change the way the world does business, IT managers will be in the middle of it all. Few companies can survive without them.

Besides being the leader of computer technicians, IT managers are also expected to be ________.

(A) experienced product designers

(B) skilled online technicians

(C) doctorate holders

(D) online safety specialists



I'm Michael Bush, Managing Director of Hoogle Engineering. I am pleased to welcome you here to our website and I'd like to tell you a little about the company and its organization. Hoogle Engineering

I'm Michael Bush, Managing Director of Hoogle Engineering. I am pleased to welcome you here to our website and I'd like to tell you a little about the company and its organization. Hoogle Engineering was set up in 1960. It was divided into several departments at that time, such as the sales department, marketing department, and production department. Lots of managers were employed to manage it all.

Fortunately things are different now. Sixty people are employed by Hoogle and communication between departments is considered to be one of the most important aspects of the business. The market is global so we need to make contact with customers worldwide, not just locally.

But in the old days we were all in different departments and never spoke to each other. We had a tall structure. Traditionally we had people at the first level on the shop floor, manufacturing products according to the instructions which they were given. Then you had a supervisory level of people who supervised them every day. Then you moved up to the middle management, who were doing the tasks of getting new business, and then you had the senior management team, and then you had the board, who decided the business strategy. So there were a lot of levels in the company in the old days actually.

The structure today is that we form. teams within teams to place people who can manufacture a product. Each team has members that can manufacture different products. The actual teams now are self-managing, so we don't even have team leaders. You've got the teams, and then you've got two people, only two people, who are what you think of as management. This is generally called flat structure.

21. Hoogle Engineering was set up in().

A. the nineteenth century

B. the twentieth century

C. the twenty first century

22. There are many different()of management in a tall structure.

A. kinds

B. levels

C. functions

23. People in a flat structure usually work in().

A. departments

B. families

C. teams

24. All of the following statements are true according to the passage EXCEPT that().

A. communication in the company is becoming more and more important

B. the author thinks the two structures have the same functions

C. there are more individual responsibilities in the flat structure

25. The best title for the passage is().

A. Organization Structure in Hoogle Engineering

B. History of Hoogle Engineering

C. Success in Hoogle engineering

参考答案:21、B 22、B 23、C 24、B 25、A


History has shown that project managers can be trained in a combination of ways. Which method is usually preferred by most companies?

A . Experiential learning, on-the-job

B . Formal education and special course (degreed programs)

C . Professional activities, seminars

D . Individual readings

E . None of the above



Activity Based Costing (ABC) is an(36)technique that allows an organization to determine the actual(37)associated with each product and service produced by the organization without regard to the organizational structure. This chapter explains some of the uses and benefits of Activity Based Costing. We use IDEFO(38)modeling in conjunction with ABC to enable more effective business(39)design decisions.In order to achieve the major goals of business process improvement, process simplification and improvement, FAA managers need to fully understand the cost, time, and quality of activities performed by employees or machines throughout an entire organization. ABC methods enable(40)to cost out measurements to business simplification and process improvement.







Teams are required for most engineering projects. Although some small hardware or

software products can be developed by individuals. the scale and complexity of modern

systems is such. and the demand for short schedules so great that it is no longer(71 )for

one person to do most engineering jobs. Systems development is a team (72),and the

effectiveness of the team largely determines the (73) of the engineering

Development teams often behave much like baseball or basketball teams. Even though

they may have multiple specialties. all the members work toward (74) However. onsystems maintenance and enhancement teams. the engineers often work relatively independently. much like wrestling and track teams

A team is(75) just a group of people who happen to work together. Teamwork

takes practice and it involves special skilis. Teams require common processes; they need

agreed-upon goals; and they need effective guidance and leadership. The methods for guiding

and leading such teams are well known but they are not obvious





