
It’s hard to make talks successful between the British and Irish governments without the participation of()and()

It’s hard to make talks successful between the British and Irish governments without the participation of()and()
Sinn Fein;IRA
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What is TRUE about the Irish Republic's economy?

A.It was the most successful among the EU countries.

B.It has increased 8% in the last five years.

C.The unemployment rate has reached its lowest level for 5 years.

D.The commodity prices have decreased greatly in the country.



nowadays the british foreign policy is largely shaped by its participation in______.

A. the European Economic Community

B. the Commonwealth

C. the United Nations,the EU,NATO,etc.

D. a European federal government



In my opinion, we didn’t have to make such a ____________ to them.

(A) commitment

(B) requirement

(C) opportunity

(D) participation

解答参考:A make a commitment to sb.:向……承诺;make a commitment to do sth.:承诺做……事。【译文】在我看来,我们没有必要向他们作出那样的承诺。


______is reported in the newspapers, talks between the two countries are making progress.

A. Which

B. As

C. Why

D. Where



Briain's important fishing areas include all the ollowing EXCEPT()

A、the North Sea

B、the English Channel

C、the sea area around the Irish coust

D、the sea area between Britain and Ireland



Pocahontas talks about the conflict between African tribes and English colonists.()



the death blow to the irish language was__________.

A. the British colonial rule

B. Ireland’S accession to the EU

C. the Great Famine

D. the independence of Ireland



听力原文: Now European finance ministers are expected to reprimand the Irish government today after they meet in Brussels. They've been alarmed by December's budget in the Irish Republic which cut taxes and increased government spending. The other European countries fear this will stoke up inflation and undermine the stability of the Euro, the single currency.

Finance ministers from the European Unions 15 states are holding their regular monthly meeting in Brussels. They've been given the tricky task of handing out some public criticism to the government of the country with the most successful economy, the Irish Republic. In the last five years Ireland has boomed growing by an average eight percent a year, unemployment has reached its lowest level for 20 years and commodity prices in Dublin became more expensive than in London.

Why do other European countries criticize Ireland?

A.They worry that the Irish Republic's budget plan will undermine the stability of European Unions.

B.EU countries fear that Irish Republic's finance plan will cause inflation.

C.Other countries will have to cut taxes.

D.Other EU countries must increase government spending, too.



( ) gifted a person is, he can hardly expect to make progress without hard work.







Passage 1
"THE SERVANT"(1963) is one of those films that it is impossible to forget. The servant ex-ploits his master′s weaknesses until he turns the tables: the story ends with the a cringing masterministering to a lordly servant. It is hard to watch it today without thinking of another awkward rela-tionship-the one between business folk and their smartphones.
Smart devices are sometimes empowering. They put a world of information at our fingertips.
But for most people the servant has become the master. Not long ago only doctors were on call allthe time. Now everybody is. Bosses think nothing of invading their employees′ free time. Work in-vades the home far more than domestic chores invade the office.
Hyperconnectivity exaggerates the decline of certainty and the general cult of flexibility. Smart-phones make it easier for managers to change their minds at the last moment. Employees find it everharder to distinguish between "on-time" and "off-time"--and indeed between real work and make-work. None of this is good for businesspeople′ s marriages or mental health. It may be bad for busi-ness, too. When bosses change their minds at the last minute, it is hard to plan for the future.
How can we reap the benefits of connectivity without becoming its slaves One solution is digital dieting. Banning browsing before breakfast can reintroduce a small amount of civilization. Ban-ning texting at weekends or, say, on Thursdays, can really show the iPhone who is boss.
The problem with this approach is that it works only if you live on a desert island or at the bot-tom of a lake. Leslie Perlow of Harvard Business School argues that for most people the only way tobreak the 24/7 habit is to act collectively rather than individually. One of the world′s most hard-working organisations, the Boston Consulting Group, introduced rules about when people were ex-pected to be offiine, and encouraged them to work together to make this possible. Eventually itforced people to work more productively while reducing burnout.
Ms Perlow′ s advice should be taken seriously. The problem of hyperconnectivity will only getworse, as smartphones become smarter and young digital natives take over the workforce. But ulti-mately it is up to companies to outsmart the smartphones by insisting that everyone turn them offfrom time to time.
Smart devices have become the master mainly because __________.

A.everybody is on call all the time

B.bosses invade their employees' free time

C.managers easily change their minds at the last moment

D.employees find it harder to distinguish between real work and make-work

细节题。首先根据关键词become the master定位到第二段,然后发现选项里也有第三段的内容,并且四个选项都在原文中有所体现。仔细分析可发现,B、C、D三项都是A项“每个人都随叫随到”的具体表现,因此A项为正确答案。事实上,原文先指出everybody is on call all the time,然后才详细阐述,所以A项相当于是总括句.为正确答案。
