
“braised sole with white wine sauce”的意思是()A、煮三文鱼白酒汁B、焖比目鱼白酒汁C、烩兔肉红酒汁D、蒸鱼木司白酒汁


“braised sole with white wine sauce”的意思是()

  • A、煮三文鱼白酒汁
  • B、焖比目鱼白酒汁
  • C、烩兔肉红酒汁
  • D、蒸鱼木司白酒汁
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What do you know about the bottle of wine?

A、The writer bought it especially for this dinner party.

B、It was given by others at the writer's dinner party.

C、The host loved the wine and opened it for dinner.

D、It was put aside because there was enough wine.



A ( ) is a business with one owner.


B、sole proprietorship




Brandy is a strong alcoholic spirit distilled from wine. Manufactured in many countries, brandy is most notable in the form. of cognac, made from white grapes in the Charente district of France. Most fine brandies are distilled in pot stills, blended and flavored, and stored in casks (preferably oak) to mellow. Brandies are also made from fruits other than the grape, such as plum or peach.Brandy is a soft drink spirit distilled from wine()




Riches and Romance From France's Wine Harvest

September is harvest time. And with bunches of grapes swinging(摇摆)in the wind,
the vineyards of southern France are getting ready to celebrate it.
The yearly wine festival is held in honour of Bacchus,the Roman god of wine.It's a
fun time with parties,music,dancing,big meals and,of course,lots of wine.
French wine-making began more than 2,500 years ago.The world's oldest type of vine
grows in France and always produces a good quality wine.Today France produces one-fifth
of the world's wine,and some of the most famous varieties.
The top wine-producing areas are Bordeaux,Burgundy and the Loire Valley.
Champagne,a drink used in celebrations,is named after the place where sparkling(有气
泡的)wine was first produced in 1700.
Wine is made from the juice of freshly picked grapes. It is the sugars that turn into
Traditionally,people used to take off their shoes and crush the grapes with their bare
feet to bring out the juice.Nowadays,this practice is usually carried out by machines.
Each wine producing region has its own character,based on its type of grapes and soil.
The taste of wine changes with time.Until 1850,all French champagne was sweet.
Now,both wine and champagne taste slightly bitter.
The drink has always been linked with riches,romance and nobleness.Yet the French
think of it in more ordinary terms.
They believe it makes daily living easier,less hurried and with fewer problems.
"All its links are with times when people are at their best;with relaxation,happiness,
long slow meals and the free flow of ideas,"wrote wine expert Hugh Johnson.

In the yearly wine festival,people always enjoy themselves.
C:Not mentioned



According to the text, the “Pek Wine Steward” is ______.

A.a metal cone

B.a thermoelectric cooler

C.a gas injector

D.a wine preserver

D事实细节题。Pek Wine Steward在文中多次提到,最开始是第二段开头“The Pek Wine Steward prevents wine from spoiling by injecting argon, an inert gas, into the bottle before sealing it airtight with silicon.”这可以说是对其功效及原理的一个解释——它通过在把酒用硅封盖之前注入惰性气体氩来防止酒变质,而究竟是什么东西还得看下面的论述。后面提到其发明者对市面上酒的保存工具不满意才自己研制出这种器具,第五段又讲到其具体的工作原理,也是为了使酒保鲜。那么大致可以判断是酒保鲜器具。A“金属圆锥体”,第四段提到“the Pek Wine Steward, a metal cone into which a wine bottle is inserted”,但这只是其外形而已;B“热电冷却器”是豪华版Pek Wine Steward包括的一个部分;C选项不符合文意;D是正确答案。


( )is a kind of very dry white wine produced in South-west France.

A. Bordeaux

B. Chablis

C. Chianti

D. Lambrusco



Which of the following is the correct pin out for T568B?()

A. Orange/white, orange, green/white, blue, blue/white, green, brown/white, brown

B. Blue, blue/white, orange/white, orange, brown/white, brown, green/white, green

C. Green/white, green, orange/white, blue, blue/white, orange, brown/white, brown

D. Orange/white, orange, brown/white, brown, green/white, green, blue, blue/white



You can give the host a bottle of wine as a gift only when you know that the host drinks wine.(英译汉)



If the goods are not taken delivery of by the receiver from alongside the vessel without delay,the carrier shall be at liberty to land such goods on shore or any other proper places ______.

A.at the sole risk and expense of the Carrier

B.at the sole risk and expense of the Merchant

C.at the sole risk of the Merchant but at the expense of the Carrier

D.at the sole risk of the Carrier but at the expense of the Merchant



Riches and Romance From France's Wine Harvest

September is harvest time. And with bunches of grapes swinging(摇摆)in the wind,
the vineyards of southern France are getting ready to celebrate it.
The yearly wine festival is held in honour of Bacchus,the Roman god of wine.It's a
fun time with parties,music,dancing,big meals and,of course,lots of wine.
French wine-making began more than 2,500 years ago.The world's oldest type of vine
grows in France and always produces a good quality wine.Today France produces one-fifth
of the world's wine,and some of the most famous varieties.
The top wine-producing areas are Bordeaux,Burgundy and the Loire Valley.
Champagne,a drink used in celebrations,is named after the place where sparkling(有气
泡的)wine was first produced in 1700.
Wine is made from the juice of freshly picked grapes. It is the sugars that turn into
Traditionally,people used to take off their shoes and crush the grapes with their bare
feet to bring out the juice.Nowadays,this practice is usually carried out by machines.
Each wine producing region has its own character,based on its type of grapes and soil.
The taste of wine changes with time.Until 1850,all French champagne was sweet.
Now,both wine and champagne taste slightly bitter.
The drink has always been linked with riches,romance and nobleness.Yet the French
think of it in more ordinary terms.
They believe it makes daily living easier,less hurried and with fewer problems.
"All its links are with times when people are at their best;with relaxation,happiness,
long slow meals and the free flow of ideas,"wrote wine expert Hugh Johnson.

All French people celebrate the grape harvest every September.
C:Not mentioned

