问答题1. 如今不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写2. 出现这种情况的原因3. 为了改变这种状况,我认为…

1. 如今不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写2. 出现这种情况的原因3. 为了改变这种状况,我认为…
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The Internet
In the era of information and technology, the Internet has played an improtant role in our society.With the Internet, it's easy to get the information we need, improving the efficiency of our study and work.We can't deny that it is impossible for lots of people to achieve great success in the modern society without the Internet.
However, some people think that the Internet has a bad effect on the growth of the teenagers.The teenagers are too young to resist some temptations from the Internet.Some of them indulge themselves in the Internet and at last are lured away from the study.
In my opinion, we should pay more attention to the advantages of the Internet and make the most of it.Meanwhile, we should teach the teenagers how to use the Internet positively, and make the Internet a tool for their healthy development.





参考答案:There are many reasons adult people go back to school, but probably the most common reasons are job-related.In a world of increasing economic variation, we need to be prepared for one thing above all: change.Jobs change, companies change, technology changes.Opportunities arise or disappear.The job you have today might not exist ten years ago, it may no longer exist five years from now! To equip yourself to handle changes, you need further education.
If you are busy with your work and have limited time, online programs may suit you.If you value people-to-people contact of a traditional class, night and weekend classes are set up for the people just like you.Whether your purpose is a certificate, or a higher degree, or some skills, there is always a program to meet your needs.


在英语学习中,学生在学习eye和ball后学习、eyeball就比较容易,这种现象属于( )。







(英语作文) 现在有不少学生希望能够出国留学:

1. 有人认为出国留学很有必要

2. 有人认为没有必要

3. 我的观点

Should Students Go Abroad to Study?
Nowadays, a growing number of students are planning to study abroad. However, people's opinions are sharply divided on this issue. For example, my friend James is studying in the USA and tells me about his overseas life and study. According to him, there are many advantages. Firstly, studying overseas forces him to cope with everything by himself, and broadens his horizons as well. Secondly, this experience is conducive to a better career path in that it has developed both his abilities and personality. Last but not least, many developed countries offer a relatively better education.
On the contrary, another friend of mine, Claire, never agrees with James. She claims that as we have never stepped on foreign lands, it is unwise to follow the trend blindly. Furthermore, the culture gap could not be ignored, which may create obstacles for cross-cultural communication. The more barriers one meets, the more discouraged one may become. In addition, the expenses are too high for most families.
As for me, I do not agree with either of them. With regard to James' opinion, I believe one's success lies in what one is striving for instead of where one is. I know some people who came back from abroad could not find a job while some others who received education at home have succeeded in their own fields. As for Claire's opinion, I don't think it is wise to reject everything before trying and gaining a whole picture of it. We should believe in ourselves in dealing with what we may encounter. Indecision about whether to study abroad makes no sense. What really counts is the determination at the time of decision and the willpower after that.





Renting an Apartment off Campus
Nowadays, an increasing number of college students would rather rent an apartment off campus than live in a dormitory.This phenomenon has raised considerable concern among parents and college faculties about living off campus, which is caused by the following reasons.
To begin with, living conditions of an apartment off campus may be better than those of a dormitory.A rented apartment is often equipped with an independent washroom and a shower equipment which may be of great advantage over the school dormitory.In general, a typical dormitory often accomodates four or six, or even eight students and it is too crowded and noisy for those who prefer private space as well as quiet circumstances.In addition, instead of being regulated by dormitory rules, students may enjoy more freedom in a rented apartment.
If college students intend to rent an apartment, I think they should give top priority to safety.It is important to make a survey of the surroundings first to ensure the security.Besides, when they tend to enjoy the freedom, they should have a better sense of self-control and make good use of their time


(作文)1.描述大学生忙于报考各种证书的现象; 2.陈述这种现象产生的原因; 3.阐述考证热的影响,并简述你的观点

参考答案:Certificate Mania In the face of fierce competition in the job market nowadays, many university students take various training courses and sit for certificate exams to gain a competitive edge.They usually spend weekends or vacations in training camps, polishing up on their acquired skills or trying to get a new one.Certain "certificate maniacs" even aim to obtain a bunch of certificates, believing that they may come in handy someday.Several reasons may lead to this certificate mania, and the most important is that there is an increasing number of university graduates while that of job vacancies does not grow in proportion to it.Therefore, employers prefer to recruit the ones with more related experience and skills.Since exams and certificates in some way are a testimony to one's certain skills, many students tend to spare no effort to get them.Apparently, it is a good thing to be motivated to learn new things.However, "certificate mania" goes to extremes.It is not only misleading but also places a great burden on students.Some people believe that the more the better and consequently, their major studies may be neglected due to the tight schedule.In my opinion, a certificate does not necessarily reflect one's ability that really counts, so we had better keep a skeptical eye on this mania and avoid vain and burdensome efforts.



2.为了让孩子独立, 父母应该……3.总结

参考答案:Recently, numerous reports related to children's dependence on their parents on various media have, once again, aroused wide concern among public about kids' lack the ability to face their lives by themselves.It is widely accepted that excessive reliance on one's parents is bound to be harmful to his prospect and thus it is necessary that some urgent actions be taken to alter current trend.
For one thing, more opportunities should be given to children to participate in different competitive and cooperative activities, for competition is one of effective ways to lead them to achieving outstanding accomplishments and cooperation can build trust between each other and help to bring long-term relationship among peers.For another, it is suggestive that children receive some outward-bounds, which are beneficial to kids' physical and emotional endurance, to inspire children's underlying potentials and shape their best character and consequently cultivate their awareness of independence.
In a nutshell, parents are supposed to be subject to the limitations of traditional concepts of raising a child; on the contrary, children ought to be offered more chances to explore as many as possible areas in their lives to find their optimal careers.Accordingly, the cultivation of the ability to be independent might be regarded as a basic education, which plays a crucial role in a child's all-round development.


现在有不少人认为解决环境问题的最好方法是提高油价 2.对这种做法有人表示支持,也有人并不赞成 3.我认为…… Should Environmental Problems Be Solved by Raising the Price of Fuel? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________





Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on Renting an Apartment off Campus. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 

1. 现在大学生在校外租房的现象很普遍 

2. 这种现象产生的原因 

3. 我的看法


Renting an Apartment off Campus Nowadays, an increasing number of college students would rather rent an apartment off campus than live in a dormitory. This phenomenon has raised considerable concern among parents and college faculties about living off campus, which is caused by the following reasons. To begin with, living conditions of an apartment off campus may be better than those of a dormitory. A rented apartment is often equipped with an independent washroom and a shower equipment which may be of great advantage over the school dormitory. In general, a typical dormitory often accomodates four or six, or even eight students and it is too crowded and noisy for those who prefer private space as well as quiet circumstances. In addition, instead of being regulated by dormitory rules, students may enjoy more freedom in a rented apartment. If college students intend to rent an apartment, I think they should give top priority to safety. It is important to make a survey of the surroundings first to ensure the security. Besides, when they tend to enjoy the freedom, they should have a better sense of self-control and make good use of their time.


(英语作文)1. 最近几年,很多省份的高中语文教材都删除了很多经典作品

2. 有人认为应该删除这些经典作品

3. 我的看法

Should Some Classics Be Removed from Chinese Textbooks?
In recent years, a lot of classics have been removed from high school Chinese textbooks in some provinces, which include some famous short stories and essays by the late, great writers like Lu Xun and Zhu Ziqing. These changes have brought a nationwide debate.
Some people side with the perspective that classic content should be removed and give way to contemporary literature. They think textbooks ought to update with the times. Some classics seem too complicated and difficult for teenagers to fully understand and appreciate. It makes sense for textbooks to contain some content that is related with contemporary society, politics, economics and arts, rather than Lu Xun's essays about the society in the 1930s.
As far as I am concerned, some classics should not be removed from textbooks. For one thing, the classics, including Lu Xun's, are still relevant for today's youth to learn. They not only depict the society in the past centuries, but teach us about honesty, integrity, courage and dignity, which are fundamental virtues for a human being at all times. For another, the classics selected into textbooks have been proved highly effective and successful in the Chinese language and literature education over the years. In addition, some contemporary literature will probably become outdated in a few years. All in all, any change to school textbooks should be carefully considered