
单选题Where is the best place to insert the following sentence?Perhaps if students could work such little excursions into their busy study schedules, they would have similar “eureka” experiences.A after sentence 7B after sentence 8C after sentence 9D after s

Where is the best place to insert the following sentence?Perhaps if students could work such little excursions into their busy study schedules, they would have similar “eureka” experiences.

after sentence 7


after sentence 8


after sentence 9


after sentence 10


after sentence 11(as the last sentence of the second paragraph)

正确答案: B
第11句讨论了Isaac Asimov’s “eureka”的经历,插入的这句话对这个思想进一步阐释,将其与学生的生活联系起来。
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Ⅱ. Vocabulary and Structure (15 points)

Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

6. I ______ my work by this time yesterday evening.

A. did

B. would do

C. had done


    6.答案为C  指到过去某叫为止的事情。



Teaching aims:
Knowledge aim:
Students will know the usage of the frequency adverbs and the sentence structure “How often...?”.
Ability aim:
Students can use the sentence structure freely in their daily life.
Emotional aim:
Students will be more confident in learning English and not afraid of speaking English.
Key and difficult point:
Key Point: Students will know how to use the sentence structure in their daily life.
Difficult Point: Students can cultivate their confidence in learning English.
Teaching procedure:
Step 1: Warming-up
1. Greetings.
2. Ask students what they usually do in their spare time and why, and ask some of them to share with the whole class.
Step 2: Presentation
1. Listen to the tape for the first time and find out what the speaker does every day, and then invite students share their answers.
2. Ask students the following questions: how often does the speaker watch TV? How often does the speaker listen to music? And then write down the sentence on the blackboard.
3. Explain the sentence structure to students: the sentence structure is used to ask questions about how many times something has been done or how many times a state exists in a given period of time.
4. The teacher read the dialogue and ask students to read after it to get a deep understanding.
Step 3: Practice
1. Role-play. Ask students work in pairs and role play the dialogue. Then invite two groups to show in front of the class.
2. Play a game: word cards. Invite two couples of students. Ask one student to choose the card in the box and then ask the other students the question “ how often do you...?” using the activities showed in the card, and then change their role.
Step4: Production
Let students work in groups of 4 and discuss on the topic: how often do you...? according to their own hobbies. After that invite two groups to present in the whole class.
Step5: Summary and Homework
Summary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.
Homework: ask students to ask their friends “ how often do you...?” after class and write down on the exercise book.
Blackboard design:

1. Can you tell me the difference between “How often...?” and “How long...?”?
2. What do you usually do in your spare time?

The first sentence structure is used to ask questions about how many times something has been done or how many times a state exists in a given period of time. The second sentence structure includes two different usage: one is used to ask how long does it take. It's mainly used to ask questions for a period of time; the other is used to ask for the length of something.
I really have a great passion for sports, i like to do yoga, cycling and jogging. Take jogging for example. It stimulates me to learn more about body -building. Secondly, I am able to meet new friends through my hobby. Lastly, the hobby will teach me some self-discipline, because to do it regularly is so challenging.


I’m afraid our office is closed until nine o’clock tomorrow morning.This sentence means our office will be open after nine o’clock tomorrow morning. ()




The back-chaining technique means the students repeat a sentence after the teacher, starting from the end part of the sentence and moving towards the beginning.()




资料:Now you are preparing a report for the business negotiation which will be held next Friday.
There are 5 sentences excerpted from the report,each sentence has four words or phrases underlined.The four underlined ports of the sentence are marked(A),(B),(C),(D).You are to identify the one underlined word or phase that should be collected or rewritten.Then,find the number of the question and mark your answer.

“China’s residential housing market would hit the iceberg(A)very soon and after the collision,risks in the property market will result in(B)more serious risks in the financial sector”,said Pan Shiyi,a real estate tycoon,at the China Entrepreneurs Forum held in Beijing on May 23,it (C)may be a little exaggerating,but risks in the housing market are real as following a strong performance in 2013,China’s real estate market has shown signs of cooling down(D).


【主题句】said Pan Shiyi,a real estate tycoon,at the China Entrepreneurs Forum held in Beijing on May 23,it may be a little exaggerating,潘石屹,一位真正的地产界大亨在北京于5月23日举办的中国企业家论坛上谈到,这或许有点夸张。
【解析】 文中C所在句子缺乏连词,所以应该使用which,引导限制性定语从句。


What rhetorical device is used in the underlined part of the sentence There was an eloquent pause after the story was told?

D.Transferred epithet.

考查词语异常搭配的修辞效果。转移修饰(也称移就)是用表示甲性质或特征的形容词、过去分词或现在分词来修饰不同属性的乙,使词语搭配产生变异,造成突出。转移修饰能使人产生形象联想,收到情景交融、耐人寻味的表达效果。如题干中划线句子的eloquent pause一词意味深长:谁听罢那故事,都会心悦诚服,无言以对。只好默不作语了。



Teaching aims:
Knowledge aim:
Students will know the rule of logical stress in a complete sentence.
Ability aim:
Students will use the logical stress correctly and know how to make use of the sentence stress in different sentences correctly.
Emotional aim:
Students will be more confident in speaking English.
Key and difficult point:
Key Point: Students will master the rule of logical stress in sentences in English.
Difficult Point: Students can use the logical stress in sentences in daily life.
Teaching procedure:
Step 1: Warming-up
1. Greetings.
2. Listen to an English song and feel about the tune of the melody. Let students to know that not only songs but also the language has its stress in order to express different emotions.
Step 2: Presentation
1. Work in pairs to read the passage by themselves and ask them to pay more attention to the sentence stress. After practice, ask one pair to perform it and others should tell their opinion whether they agree or not.
2. Listen to the tape of the passage and find out whether the students themselves make any mistakes. Then let students find out the rule of the sentence stress (logical stress ) with the help of the teacher: in a sentence we can stress the important part according to the meaning of the passage. After the students find the rule, the teacher read the passage and let them repeat after it.
Step 3: Practice
1. Ask students to read the passage by themselves again and they should use the correct logical stress while reading.
2. Give students more sentences and ask them read the sentences by themselves using the logical stress.
Step4: Production
Let students work in groups of 4 and make a dialogue about the theme parks, such as the theme, the feature, the activities and so on, and they should use the rule of logical stress learned in the class. After that invite two groups to share their outcomes with the whole class.
Step5: Summary and Homework
Summary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.
Homework: ask students to read the work of Shakespeare’s and use the logical stress learned today after class.
Blackboard design:

1. Can you conclude the rule of sentence stress comprehensively?
2. Are you satisfied with this presentation? Which do you think is the most difficult part?

As far as I’m concerned, there are two sentence stress rules: logical stress and grammatical stress. Logical stress is what i have presented in the presentation. The grammatical stress refers to that we need to stress notional word, which usually contains noun, verb, adjective adverb and so on. At the same time, the functional word needn’t to be stressed, which usually includes conjunction, article and preposition.
The difficulty in my eyes is: first of all, without the participation of students, because of the teaching reasons, I can not interact effectively with students based on their feedback. In this case, it is difficult for me to organize classroom teaching activities and achieve the desired results. Second, what I need to improve is to introduce the key points to the students in a way that is easy to accept and adapt to the environment without an atmosphere of spoken English, because my spoken English is not very fluent, and I am very concerned about this interview. So I felt a little nervous. However, all these factors did not affect my overall performance. In view of the above problems, I will constantly reflect, and learn from experience in practice to improve my teaching ability. In short, I am basically satisfied with the presentation.


There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer sheet.

6. ----Bradford graduated from college with honors at a very young age.

----He _____ have been an outstanding student.

A must B could C should D might



I’m afraid our office is closed until nine o’clock tomorrow morning. This sentence means our office will be open after nine o’clock tomorrow morning.




I’m afraid our office is closed until nine o’clock tomorrow morning. This sentence means our office will be open after nine o’clock tomorrow morning.

